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296 lines (249 loc) · 10.8 KB

Exam generator


This project generates examinations along with their solutions from a YAML input file. The resulting files are rendered according to a specific template; so far, only Latex and Moodle's XML format are supported.


  • Quizzes and midterms can be managed through version control, improving them every term/semester.
  • From one single source file, the generator can target several output formats, including paper exams (e.g., Latex) and online exams (e.g., moodle).
  • The generator allows randomizing and scrambling questions and choices. Each class section gets a different set of questions, in different order.



If you are planning to use the Eclipse IDE, please install the Lombok project and the Xtend language.

Build the application from the sources

First, clone or download this repository and then package the application artefacts using Maven:

git clone ; cd examgen
mvn package

Then, run the application:

# this command only shows the application menu
java -jar target/examgen.jar --help

Specify an examination using the YAML DSL

Every exam has a set of parameters and a set of questions. Currently, there are three templates supported: LATEX_QUIZ, LATEX_MIDTERM and MOODLE_QUIZ. The parameters required by each template are:

  • LATEX_QUIZ: course, course reference number, term, time limit, exam title, and class sections. The following listing exemplifies how to specify these parameters:
  - COURSE: Fundamentals of Programming with Engineering Applications
  - TERM: Fall 2017
  - TIME_LIMIT: 20 Minutes
  - TITLE: Quiz 1
    - name: B01
      TA: John Doe
      students: 30
    - name: B02
      TA: Jane Doe
      students: 30
  • LATEX_MIDTERM: course, course reference number, course id, term, date, time limit, exam title, instructor, and class (or exam) sections. In addition, an optional list of instructions can be specified. The following listing exemplifies how to specify these parameters:
  - COURSE: Fundaments of Programming with Engineering Applications
  - COURSE_ID: 10691
  - DATE: August 26, 2017
    - This examination contains <custom>\numquestions{}</custom> questions on <custom>\numpages{}</custom> pages, including this cover page. Please verify that your copy has all pages and notify the invigilator immediately if any pages are missing.
    - You have <custom>\timelimit{}</custom> to complete this exam.
    - Write all of your the answers on this examination paper.
    - This examination is worth a total of <custom>\numpoints{}</custom> marks. The mark value of each question is given in brackets at the beginning of each question.
    - No books, notes, calculators, phones, computers, smart devices or other electronic devices are permitted.
    - In multiple choice questions, clearly mark exactly one choice with an <bold>X</bold>.
    - Be sure to complete the information on the declaration attached to this examination including your signature. Do not detach the declaration.
    - Place your student ID card face up on your desk.
    - Turn in your completed exam at the front of the room as you leave.
  - TERM: Fall 2017
  - TIME_LIMIT: 60 Minutes
  - TITLE: Midterm 1
    - name: A
    - name: B
    - name: C
  • MOODLE_QUIZ: title, and class sections. The following listing exemplifies how to specify these parameters:
  - TITLE: Quiz 1
    - name: Q1
  - type: closed-ended
    statement: Who created the C programming language?
    points: 10
      - {correct: true, statement: Dennis Ritchie}
      - {correct: false, statement: Lionel Ritchie}
      - {correct: true, statement: Steve Jobs}
      - {correct: false, statement: Michael Bublé}

The list of questions contains questions of type open-ended, closed-ended, true-false, and compound questions (i.e., a question composed of other questions). The following listings show how to describe each type of questions supported:

- type: closed-ended
  statement: Who created the C programming language?
  points: 10
    - {correct: true, statement: Dennis Ritchie}
    - {correct: false, statement: Lionel Ritchie}
    - {correct: false, statement: Steve Jobs}
    - {correct: false, statement: Michael Bublé}

In the case of an open-ended question, the length represents the length of the answer box.

- type: open-ended
  statement: What is the difference between a multi-line and a single-line comment?
  answer: A single line comment allows to comment out only one line of text, whereas the multiline comment encloses multiple lines of text.
  length: 2cm
  points: 10
- type: true-false
  statement: Dennis Ritchie created the C programming language.
  answer: true
  points: 10
- type: compound
  statement: Consider a function countArguments, which counts the number of arguments of a program.
    - type: closed-ended
      statement: The return value of the countArguments is
      points: 5
        - {correct: false, statement: double}
        - {correct: true, statement: int}
        - {correct: false, statement: char}
        - {correct: false, statement: float}
    - type: open-ended
      statement: Provide one use case for this function.
      answer: To validate the number of expected arguments.
      length: 1.5cm
      points: 10

Every question statement can be either a simple text (e.g., this is an statement, or 'this is an statement') or it can contain style tags. Style tags give text segments a specific formatting; the following are the supported style tags:

  • bold: Bold text
  • code: The text is formatted as code according to the target language
  • custom: Custom styling based on the target language (e.g., latex). The text will be formatted as it is
  • inherit: No additional style is applied (this is the default style)
  • inline_code: The text is formatted as inline code according to the target language
  • italic: Italic text
  • new_line: A new line is added before the text

The following question exemplifies the use of text styles:

- type: closed-ended
  statement: |
    <bold>Read the code below</bold>. How many function names there are?
    <code>#include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>

    int main(void) {
      const double maxfahr = 100.0;
      const double minfahr = 0.0;
      double fahr = minfahr;
      double cels;
      while (fahr <= maxfahr) {
        cels = (fahr - 32.0) * 5.0 / 9.0;
        printf("%6.1f degs F = %6.1f degs C\n", fahr, cels);
        fahr = fahr + 10;
      } /*while*/
      return EXIT_SUCCESS;
    } /*main*/
  points: 2
      - {correct: false, statement: <inline_code>null</inline_code>}
      - {correct: false, statement: 1}
      - {correct: true, statement: 2}
      - {correct: false, statement: 3}

Notice that only sequential tags are currently supported, recursive tags will end up in a bad text formatting.

In the last example, the question statement is formatted as a YAML multiple-line string using the pipe character. You can learn more about YAML types here.

Beware of character escaping when creating an examination. The following characters are considered special in YAML, and you will have to escape them in order to use them: [ ] { } : > |. You may quote text to avoid escaping characters.

A complete quiz specification looks like the following listing. Note: a midterm specification only differs in the parameters section, and the target template (cf. Generate the examinations and solutions).

  - COURSE: Fundaments of Programming with Engineering Applications
  - TERM: Fall 2017
  - TIME_LIMIT: 20 Minutes
  - TITLE: Quiz 1
    - name: B01
      TA: John Doe
      students: 30
    - name: B02
      TA: Jane Doe
      students: 30
  - type: open-ended
    statement: What is the difference between a multi-line and a single-line comment?
    answer: A single line comment allows to comment out only one line of text, whereas the multiline comment encloses multiple lines of text.
    length: 2cm
    points: 10
  - type: closed-ended
    statement: |
      <bold>Read the code below</bold>. How many function names there are?
      <code>#include <stdio.h>
      #include <stdlib.h>

      int main(void) {
        const double maxfahr = 100.0;
        const double minfahr = 0.0;
        double fahr = minfahr;
        double cels;
        while (fahr <= maxfahr) {
          cels = (fahr - 32.0) * 5.0 / 9.0;
          printf("%6.1f degs F = %6.1f degs C\n", fahr, cels);
          fahr = fahr + 10;
        } /*while*/
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;
      } /*main*/
    points: 2
        - {correct: false, statement: <inline_code>null</inline_code>}
        - {correct: false, statement: 1}
        - {correct: true, statement: 2}
        - {correct: false, statement: 3}

Generate the examinations and solutions

The following is the help menu from the application:

The following options are required: [--output | -o], [--input | -i]
Usage: <main class> [options]
  * --input, -i
      The YAML file
  * --output, -o
      The output directory
    --template, -t
      The target template
      Default: LATEX_QUIZ
    --seed, -s
      The seed to scramble questions and options
      Default: 0
    --limit, -l
      The number of questions to include in an examination
      Default: 0
    --process, -p
      Invoke latex after generation (requires pdflatex in the environment. 
      Won't work on Windows!)
      Default: false
    --help, -h
      Shows this message
      Default: false

An example of usage would be:

java -jar target/examgen.jar -o ./output-directory -i exam.yaml -l 10 -s 1234

Or, specifying the template:

java -jar target/examgen.jar -o ./output-directory -i exam.yaml -t LATEX_QUIZ -l 10 -s 1234

The current implementation of the YAML parser is optimistic and will fail miserably if something is not right. A suggested troubleshooting procedure would be:

  1. Be sure that all special characters are escaped or placed within quotes
  2. Be sure that all expected attributes are specified
  3. Panic


If you have any questions about this project, or something doesn't work as expected, please submit an issue here.