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File metadata and controls

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Table of Contents

Command Syntax

The provisioner tool accepts the following commands:

Command Description
config Set the provisioner environment configuration
users User actions against the tenant, including list, create, and delete
spaces Create, delete and list spaces. This includes bulk loading and member assignment
shares Create, delete and list objects shared to other space(s)
connections Create, delete and list connections in one, or more spaces
script Run a list of commands from a script file.
Parameter Values
--config Configuration file name (optional)
--logging Generate logging message, options: 'none', 'info', 'debug', 'warn', 'error'

Command: config

This command saves connection information for both an SAP Data Warehouse Cloud tenant and optionally an SAP HANA Cloud (or on-premise) database. After running this command, a new configuration file named config.ini is created in the current working directory.

Note: the config command does not validate the tenant or SAP HANA configuration values.

Parameter Values
--dwc-url Target SAP Data Warehouse Cloud tenant
--dwc-user User name with administrative privileges on the tenant
--dwc-password Password for the user specified in the --dwc-user parameter
--hana-host HANA host name
--hana-port HANA port
--hana-user HANA username
--hana-password HANA password
--hana-encrypt Include the option to encrypt SAP HANA communications (default=False)
--hana-sslverify Validate the HANA certificate (default=False)


  1. Set the configuration for the SAP Data Warehouse Cloud tenant:
(.venv) c:\tools\dwc-provisioner> provisioner config 
    --dwc-user [email protected]
    --dwc-password NotARealPassword!

After running this command, the config.ini file has the following content:

(.venv) c:\tools\dwc-provisioner> type config.ini

dwc_url =
dwc_user = [email protected]
dwc_password = eJwLz8vxDDT0M04xMDFKzPE0BQAqfgTD

Note: password values never appear in plain text.

  1. Set both the SAP Data Warehouse Cloud and HANA Data Access user credentials. This example connects to the SAP Data Warehouse Cloud tenant and a Data Access User named PROVISIONER defined in the space ADMINSPACE, i.e., ADMINSPACE#PROVISIONER.
    --dwc-user [email protected]
    --dwc-password NotARealPassword!
    --hana-port 443
    --hana-password notMyPassword 

Command: users

The users command lists, creates, and deletes users from an SAP Data Warehouse Cloud tenant.

Command: users list

The users list command retrieves user information from the SAP Data Warehouse Cloud tenant.

Parameter Description
-f, --format output style: 'hana', 'csv', 'json', 'text' - default=text
-p, --prefix prefix for output, default="DWC_USERS"
-s, --search seach user names or emails on substring (default = false)
-d, --directory directory for output
-q, --query query users as substring searches
userName user name(s) to list, separated by spaces


  1. List all the users in the tenant to the console.
provisioner users list
  1. List all the user and output the information in CSV format to the specified output directory. The output file names will be DWC_USERS.csv and DWC_USERS_role_members.csv.
provisioner users list -f csv -d c:\temp
  1. Search the users in the tenant for users with "" appearing anywhere in their definition (including email), as well as any user with the word "greynolds" in their definition.
provisioner users list -S greynolds

Command: users create

Work in progress

Command: users delete

Work in progress

Command: spaces

The spaces command can create, delete and list spaces in the tenant.

Command: spaces list

The spaces list command queries the SAP Data Warehouse Cloud tenant for details for all spaces, specific spaces, or substring searches of available spaces. If no space ids are provided, all spaces in the tenant will be included. For instance, adding the --query flag with a space id of "TRAINING" finds spaces with names such as "TRAINING_LOB", "FINANCE_TRAINING", and "HRTRAINING".

Parameter Description
-f, --format output style: 'hana', 'csv', 'json', 'text'
-p, --prefix prefix for output, default="DWC_SPACES"
-q, --query seach space names on substring (default = false)
-d, --directory filename for output
spaceID space id(s) to list


  1. List all spaces in the tenant to the console.
provisioner spaces list
  1. List all spaces containing the word "TRAINING" and the space containing "FINANCE_DATA."
provisioner spaces list TRAINING FINANCE_DATA
  1. List all the spaces to HANA tables.
provisioner spaces list --format hana

Command: spaces create

The spaces create command creates a new space in the SAP Data Warehouse Cloud tenant. If the --template option is specified, the provided space ID is used to lookup an existing Space to use as a template.

Parameter Description
-b, --businesss optional business name to assign - defaults to spaceID
-t, --template space id to use as a template
-d, --disk disk allocated to space
-m, --memory memory allocated to space
-f, --force force the re-creation if space exists
spaceID space id to create
users users to add to the space


  1. Create a new space using only command line options having 1 GB of disk storage and .5 GB of in-memory storage.
provisioner spaces create --disk 1 --memory .5 MYNEWSPACE
  1. Create a new space from an existing template. If the new space already exists, delete it before re-creating (--force).
provisioner spaces create --template FINANCE_DATA --force MYNEWSPACE

Command: spaces delete

Delete one, or more spaces by listing their space IDs on the command line.

Parameter Description
spaceID space id(s) to create

Note: the --query option for space IDs is not supported for space delete operations.


  1. Delete a single space.
provisioner spaces delete MYSPACEID
  1. Delete multiple spaces in a single operation.

Command: spaces bulk

The spaces bulk command creates or deletes multiple spaces using a CSV file to provides the list of spaces. For bulk create operations, the CSV file must have the following columns:

Space Id, Business Name, Disk, Memory, Template, Force, User 1, User 2, User 3, etc

Note: Any number of users for a space may be included as comma separated values.

For bulk delete operations, only the space ID column is required - all other values are ignored.

Command: spaces bulk create

Create spaces defined in a CSV file.

Parameter Description
-s, --skip header lines to skip in the CSV file, default="1"
-f, --force force the re-creation if space exists
-t, --template Space ID to use as a template if not specified per space
filename CSV file containing spaces to create


provisioner spaces bulk create c:\tools\new-spaces.csv

Command: spaces bulk delete

This command is similar to the spaces delete command and is intended to quickly delete the spaces created with the spaces bulk create command. The CSV file requires only 1 column containing the space IDs to be deleted.

Parameter Description
-s, --skip header lines to skip in the CSV file, default="1"
filename CSV file containing space names to delete


provisioner spaces bulk create c:\tools\new-spaces.csv

Command: spaces members

The space members can command list existing space members, add members to a space, or remove members from a space.

Command: spaces member list

List the members in one or more spaces.

Parameter Description
-q, --query seach space names on substring (default = false)
-f, --format output style: 'hana', 'csv', 'json', 'text'
-p, --prefix prefix for output, default="DWC_SPACES"
-d, --directory filename for output
spaceID space id(s) to list


  1. List the members in all spaces in the tenant.
provisioner spaces members list
  1. List the members for two spaces: MYSPACE and FINANCE_DATA.
provisioner spaces members list MYSPACE FINANCE_DATA
  1. List the member of all spaces having the word TRAINING in the space ID and FINANCE_DATA.
provisioner spaces members list --query FINANCE_DATA TRAINING

Command: spaces member add

Add a tenant one, or more users to an existing space. By default, this command expects "USER ID" values; the "USER ID" values are not email addresses. To include users by either "USER ID" or email address, use the --query option to search for users based on the provided string.

Parameter Description
-q, --query seach space names on substring (default = false)
spaceID space id(s) to list
user one or more user names to add to the space


  1. Add a user to a space.
provisioner spaces member add MYSPACE MGREYNOLDS
  1. Add multiple users to a space.
provisioner spaces member add MYSPACE MGREYNOLDS BSMITH
  1. Add multiple users have email addresses containing "" to a space.
provisioner spaces member add --query MYSPACE

Command: spaces member remove

Remove one, or more tenant users from an existing space. By default, this command expects "USER ID" values; the "USER ID" values are not email addresses. To users users by either "USER ID" or email address, use the --query option to search for users based on the provided string.

Parameter Description
-q, --query seach space names on substring (default = false)
spaceID space id(s) to list
user one or more user names to remove to the space


  1. Remove a user from a space.
provisioner spaces member remove MYSPACE MGREYNOLDS
  1. Remove multiple users from a space.
provisioner spaces member remove MYSPACE MGREYNOLDS BSMITH
  1. Remove multiple users have email addresses containing "" to a space.
provisioner spaces member remove --query MYSPACE

Command: shares

9.4.1 - Command: shares list

9.4.2 - Command: shares create

9.4.3 - Command: shares delete

Command: connections

The connections command can list, create, and delete connections from spaces. Spaces may be explicitly identified by ID or searched for based on a search strings.

Command: connections list

List the connections from one, or more spaces.

Parameter Description
-q, --query seach space names on substring (default = false)
-c, --connection connection name to list
-f, --format output style: 'hana', 'csv', 'json', 'text' - default=text
-p, --prefix output prefix, default=DWC_CONNECTIONS
-d, --directory directory for output files
spaceID space id(s) to list connections


  1. List the connections from a single space.
provisioner connections list MYSPACE
  1. List the connections from spaces having "TRAINING" in the space ID.
provisioner connections list --query TRAINING
  1. List the specific connection "HANA on-premise" in all spaces.
provisioner connections list --connection "HANA on-premise"

Command: connection create

Command: connection delete