Terminal tool to take screenshots of your screen
You need use the slurp format for the area
Usage: sss [OPTIONS]
--current When you take from a screen or window, capture the one on which the mouse is located.
--show-cursor Capture cursor (Only Wayland)
--screen Capture a full screen
--screen-id <SCREEN_ID> ID or Name of screen to capture
--area <AREA> Captures an area of the screen
--fonts <FONTS> [default: Hack=12.0;] The font used to render, format: Font Name=size;Other Font Name=12.0 [default: Hack=12.0;]
-b, --background <BACKGROUND> Support: '#RRGGBBAA' 'h;#RRGGBBAA;#RRGGBBAA' 'v;#RRGGBBAA;#RRGGBBAA' or file path [default: #323232]
-r, --radius <RADIUS> [default: 15]
--author <AUTHOR> Author Name of screenshot
--author-color <AUTHOR_COLOR> Title bar text color [default: #FFFFFF]
--author-font <AUTHOR_FONT> Font to render Author [default: Hack]
--window-controls Whether show the window controls
--window-title <WINDOW_TITLE> Window title
--window-background <WINDOW_BACKGROUND> Window bar background [default: #4287f5]
--window-title-color <WINDOW_TITLE_COLOR> Title bar text color [default: #FFFFFF]
--window-controls-width <WINDOW_CONTROLS_WIDTH> Width of window controls [default: 120]
--window-controls-height <WINDOW_CONTROLS_HEIGHT> Height of window title/controls bar [default: 40]
--titlebar-padding <TITLEBAR_PADDING> Padding of title on window bar [default: 10]
--padding-x <PADDING_X> [default: 80]
--padding-y <PADDING_Y> [default: 100]
--notify Show Displays a notification when the screenshot has been created
--shadow Enable shadow
--shadow-image Generate shadow from inner image
--shadow-color <SHADOW_COLOR> Support: '#RRGGBBAA' 'h;#RRGGBBAA;#RRGGBBAA' 'v;#RRGGBBAA;#RRGGBBAA' or file path [default: #707070]
--shadow-blur <SHADOW_BLUR> [default: 50]
-c, --just-copy Send the result to your clipboard
-o, --output <OUTPUT> [values: raw or file path] If it is set then the result will be saved here
-f, --save-format <SAVE_FORMAT> The format in which the image will be saved [default: png]
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
sss --area "$(slurp)" --window-controls --windows-background "#ffffff" --author "SergioRibera" -o out.png
sss --area "$(slurp)" --author "SergioRibera" -o raw | wl-copy