Quick and easy setup of linux base services(such as apt update、install panel、set swap)
简体中文 | English
Facilitate quick and easy configuration of new system setups, suitable for one-click configuration when installing a fresh system.
Current features include:
- apt update
- Install curl, wget, vim, etc.
- Install zsh
- Install basic useful plugins for zsh (zsh-autosuggestions, zsh-syntax-highlighting, zsh-autocomplete)
- Install nvm (Node Version Manager)
- Install Powerlevel10k (Highly customizable theme)
- Configure oh-my-zsh (theme default set to bira)
- Install open-source management panel 1panel (includes installation of docker, docker-compose)
- Set up SWAP
Tips: It is recommended to execute under the root user.
Usage: bash better_linux.sh [options]
-o optional install
-f force install without root
-c clear the generated folders
-h help(usage) and exit
bash better_linux.sh -o
Download the better_linux.sh
script and use bash better_linux.sh
to install, which can be selected through a GUI.
curl -sSL -o better_linux.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Star-tears/better-linux-script/master/better_linux.sh && bash better_linux.sh -c
This project was created because I often tinker with new system images, and it takes too much time to configure zsh, nvm, p10k or omz, swap, server panels, etc., from scratch every time. Therefore, I wrote a script to automate the process of personalizing the system. Since it's for my own convenience, the installation process may have personal preference settings.