1.0.4 (2023-07-28)
1.0.3 (2023-05-04)
- i18n files lost after building (ccd9f04)
1.0.2 (2023-05-01)
- fixing typos and labels (6f0e060)
- only one default role exists (#216) (028f1f9)
- word-break on the Latin script (4e0f904)
- add i18n locale support (bb7adcf)
- add latex support for markdown (#215) (f7264b0)
- add spanish language icon (#203) (298cb4f)
- extract all variables (a1d921e)
- extract variables for history (30c5c8c)
- extract variables for setting (125f705)
- get system language (0fff8d6)
- include support for Spanish language (8706b23)
- language use radio selection (540d9da)
- support for resizing windows (9cc2228)
- tweak the English translation a bit (360e498)
- uniform change of unsupported languages to English (65c6716)
- i18n: update english translations (2b97d1f)
1.0.1 (2023-04-04)
- show folder error in linux (d34dbc7)
- adaptive window height, close #147 (#188) (4d9f234)
- add display tray menu item (330898e)
- add image mode usage tip,and done (#161) (c0cdfa3)
- add vue code highlight (2f7d200)
- conversation time support hide, close #184 (#185) (b513f0b)
- support session markdown export, close #115 (#187) (ce07ffd)
- support token unit switch (#165) (10751c8)
- uniform modal style (#150) (6ef4682)
- change the code highlight (87a967b)
- optimize the software loading experience (#153) (44857ff)
- support for modify role info during session, close #140 (#157) (fefbca7)
- the copied content is markdown (#156) (3604806)
- unify unrendered languages into html (#182) (e8bb992)
1.0.0 (2023-03-30)
- file name too long (87fbe1f)
- fix the bug that mac hide cannot be opened from the launch pad (#137) (bf7059d)
- add ai generate image (7cd91dc)
- add custom update notification (#112) (dcd826a)
- add show folder also select specify file (#124) (30cca03)
- allow delete single session data, close #133 (#135) (86fc1d6)
- image generate and download (a212a74)
- optimize image layout (7995a9f)
- optimize image layout (#134) (0984df9)
- optimize the auto update (#127) (c73ec6b)
- optimize the display of images (ba29a41)
- optimize the style of image params (#129) (fefa556)
- optimized error display (#131) (b717e67)
- optimized some styles (#136) (85aeda9)
- update the style of the list (4402a14)
0.0.8 (2023-03-26)
- add auto updater (#105) (58ca3df)
- add token limit notification, close #95 (#103) (77a261b)
- add token show switch (#102) (76d585f)
- copy app & system info (#101) (000994a)
0.0.7 (2023-03-25)
- add css autoprefixer (#93) (16d28d5)
- add GPT3Tokenizer #90 (#94) (49b7ff1)
- add proxy (#97) (fd0e493)
- confirm before delete (#91) (4ad1341)
0.0.6 (2023-03-23)
- app initialization and new conversation errors (#82) (fd3a3f1)
- scrollbar caton pause, close #52 #42 (#71) (e4361d3)
- wake up app on window when minimized #58 (#62) (3c1ba49)
- add abort answer controller #67 (#68) (b9371d3)
- add session edit/search/sort (#76) (bb88573)
- add window shadows to windows system, close #14 (#59) (254f301)
- disable default shortcuts for Web pages (#85) (e29502e)
- export markdown, close #72 (#73) (4c718fa)
- session action add prompts, close #78 (#80) (d118471)
- sessions support copy, copy markdown, export images, close #18 (#63) (7a4758c)
- single instance supported on windows, close #53 (#65) (14673a8)
- support session export image (#69) (6d01959)
- adjust display scale, close #61 (#74) (f7c4a84)
- custom variables and methods are introduced automatically (#79) (14d83c3)
- optimize fixed windows (#86) (92c0c41)
- optimize the history list, close #75 (#84) (0a23af7)
- shadows are only available for windows (3b30525)
0.0.5 (2023-03-21)
- Improve compatibility of line breaks on Windows and Mac (#56) (21efbd9)
- scrollbar caton pause, close #35 (#51) (391839d)
- add account balance request, close #37 (10c3be8)
- add font (#54) (3a9f75b)
- add local time display (3380725)
- code copy plugin (8062b7c)
- disable right click in production environment (#44) (9f8c9eb)
- link open to browser (#47) (9a47bc7)
- change code font-family (7052764)
- optimized some styles (#43) (3b21e6c)
- role select interaction (cd3934d)
0.0.4 (2023-03-20)
0.0.3 (2023-03-20)
0.0.2 (2023-03-20)
- fix the problem that add role in search mode is invalid, close #19 (#29) (dc25a44)
- global shortcut on windows, close #13 (#21) (43c01e8)
- optimize scrollbars resolve #9 (#10) (3806a6e)
- remove the double tap shortcut function, close #17 (#25) (052dddf)
- set the modal to add a click mask to close, close #12 (8cc608c)
- validation of the key before send message (#27) (bb3f8fb)
- fix the problem of non-hotkey continuous appending (c02b0d0)
- add chatgpt role selection (#2) (477da5e)
- add default shortcut alt + x to open window (7ed8f0e)
- add delete before judgment confirm dialog (4839914)
- add history component (d52ac8e)
- add input search role (#4) (f6232f5)
- add multiple judgments for input box carriage return (a157351)
- add new database table (619a0e9)
- add session chat (17f7375)
- add stream output and memory mode (06969ec)
- add tray (1b5a3f7)
- added a store of records (404d391)
- added component for modifying global shortcut key bindings (00138bd)
- added markdown rendering and code highlighting (#5) (710c0d2)
- added sql configuration (87961ae)
- added sql, startup items now create folders (c7a785a)
- added the ability to remember the last shortcut key (6749213)
- added the ability to turn on self-start (46fa5dc)
- added the function of fixed window (54acb77)
- change part of the code and modify the ui of the input box (c08f687)
- change the settings to modal (3cabfa5)
- code to implement some of the functions (6dc881f)
- connecting api requests (b28a255)
- encapsulated functional components (57520dd)
- hide the dock bar icon (f2bec39)
- initialize the project (c558af9)
- modify some class names (466e012)
- modify tray icon (f100efe)
- new generation of random avatar components (9da34e0)
- new theme switching function (72e663b)
- obtain the list again after deleting the history (1dc7aa7)
- response to last quesition (12133e4)
- role search/new function (a587ae0)
- session add code copy and export image function (c73407d)
- some new function blocks have been added (7093452)
- switch session and lock session role (a61500b)
- the frosting effect is implemented in css (71088a3)
- update docs (535a620)
- wrote something to the settings pop-up box (f2153c7)
- change arrow key symbols (9a4a455)
- get focus to add border, lose focus to remove (1a6dd47)
- optimize part of the code (18d21b8)
- optimize the display of session content (#8) (532245f)
- optimized key icons to font symbols (f69235e)
- optimized some codes (fdcb490)
- optimized some styles (3d872dc)
- optimized sql update method (ec6c1e8)
- optimized store and sql (1ca99f2)
- optimized the style of the history list (9b5351d)
- optimized the style of the role list (3dc7447)
- optimized the ui style of the role component (#3) (6ea9426)