Sumatra can be run with multiple instances (using different versions of the AI) in docker compose.
Simply run: ./scripts/
By default, one game half (5min) will be simulated with both AIs having the same local development version. You can
switch to pre-build docker images for individual AIs in the script. Make sure to login into the TIGERs GitLab docker
registry: docker login
before trying to pull pre-build images.
If you want to run multiple simulations in parallel, run
with an additional identifier,
./scripts/ sumatra1
Note that Grafana and InfluxDB are started in the background by default (only once) and need to be stopped manually afterwards:
docker compose -p "sumatra_stats" -f docker-compose.statistics.yml down
The docker compose setup also runs a local InfluxDB which stores time-series match statistics. They can be viewed with Grafana.
If Grafana is not yet running, start it with:
docker compose -p "sumatra_stats" -f docker-compose.statistics.yml up -d grafana
Then open http://localhost:3000. Username is admin
, password fCQW904U3mtzui8MAAxXXE7i1DN2gphY
You can run the ssl-vision-client and ssl-status-board to get a live view of the simulation:
# If you passed an identifier above, pass it here as well:
./scripts/ sumatra1
They are available at:
- ssl-vision-client: http://localhost:8082
- ssl-game-controller: http://localhost:8083
- ssl-status-board: http://localhost:8084
Ignore the addresses of the log output, that's only the docker-internal port.
The same setup can be run in a GitLab Pipeline. Open the latest pipeline in GitLab and you will find a job "
run-simulation". It will execute the ./scripts/
script. You can overwrite parameters by adding
variables to the job before starting it.
You may want to build a new Sumatra image before. This is not done automatically. Go to the latest pipeline of the master branch and run the job "build-image". A list of all images can be found here. Currently, you need sufficient permission to run the pipeline, so you may ask someone to trigger it for you.