usage: wsidicomizer [-h] -i INPUT [-o OUTPUT] [-t TILE_SIZE] [-m METADATA]
[--no-label] [--no-overview] [--no-confidential] [-w WORKERS]
[--chunk-size CHUNK_SIZE] [--format FORMAT] [--quality QUALITY]
[--subsampling SUBSAMPLING] [--offset-table OFFSET_TABLE]
Convert compatible wsi file to DICOM
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT, --input INPUT
Path to input wsi file.
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Path to output folder. Folder will be created and must not
exist. If not specified a folder named after the input file is
created in the same path.
-t TILE_SIZE, --tile-size TILE_SIZE
Tile size (same for width and height). Required for ndpi and
openslide formats E.g. 512
-m METADATA, --metadata METADATA
Path to json metadata that will override metadata from source
image file.
Path to json metadata that will be used as default values.
-l LEVELS [LEVELS ...], --levels LEVELS [LEVELS ...]
Pyramid levels to include, if not all. E.g. 0 1 for base and
first pyramid layer.
--label LABEL Optional label image to use instead of label found in file.
--no-label If not to include label
--no-overview If not to include overview
--no-confidential If not to include confidential metadata
-w WORKERS, --workers WORKERS
Number of worker threads to use
--chunk-size CHUNK_SIZE
Number of tiles to give each worker at a time
--format FORMAT Encoding format to use if re-encoding. 'jpeg' or 'jpeg2000'.
--quality QUALITY Quality to use if re-encoding. It is recommended to not use >
95 for jpeg. Use < 1 or > 1000 for lossless jpeg2000.
--subsampling SUBSAMPLING
Subsampling option if using jpeg for re-encoding. Use '444'
for no subsampling, '422' for 2x1 subsampling, and '420' for
2x2 subsampling.
--offset-table OFFSET_TABLE
Offset table to use, 'bot' basic offset table, 'eot' extended
offset table, 'None' - no offset table.
wsidicomizer: Copyright 2021 Sectra AB, licensed under Apache 2.0.
This project is part of a project that has received funding from the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No 945358. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and EFPIA. IMI website: <>