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Releases: Tencent/Hippy

2022-12-05, Version 2.15.4(Deprecated)

05 Dec 08:01
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⚠️ This verison is deprecated, and it's recommended to upgrade to version 2.15.7

Bug Fixes

  • android: fix JSI cause JNI local reference table overflow (53fe87d)
  • android: nested scroll conflict (537c5a1)
  • android: nested scroll conflicts with pull refresh (fdd9667)
  • core: fix the problem of multi-threading at startup time (b6b6fef)


  • vue: add beforeRenderToNative hook to support computed style (294e55e)

2022-11-25, Version 2.15.3(Deprecated)

25 Nov 10:05
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⚠️This verison is deprecated, and it's recommended to upgrade to version

Notable Changes 重要更新

  • Android/iOS add getBoundingClientRect method. React DEMO | Vue DEMO

    增加 getBoundingClientRect 方法,取代原有 measureInWindow 和 measureInAppWindow。React DEMO | Vue DEMO

  • Android/iOS add load result param for webView's onLoadEnd api.

    Android/iOS 增加 WebView onLoadEnd API 参数

  • Android add performance api for new x5 v8.

    Android 增加 X5 V8 performance api。

  • Android waterfall banner not affected by parent horizontal padding.

    Android 消除瀑布流 banner 受父组件 padding 的影响。

  • Android fix V8 OOM crash when inspector enable the js debugger.

    Android 修复 V8 调试断点时 OOM 问题。

  • Android fix horizontal scroll view smoothScrollToPage crash.

    Android 修复水平滚动的 ScrollView smoothScrollToPage 崩溃问题。

  • iOS correct hittest when view has animation

    iOS 修正带有动画的 View hittest 时的问题。

  • iOS fix subviews of animated view cannot be clicked.

    iOS 修正带有动画 View 的子 View 不能点击问题

  • hippy-vue add whitespace handler config.

    hippy-vue 增加文本空格处理配置

  • hippy-vue ignore to append existed node to improve router performance.

    hippy-vue 忽略添加已有节点来提升 router 切换性能。

Bug Fixes

  • android: edit getBoundingClientRect callback format (080afd4)
  • android: horizontal scroll view smoothScrollToPage crash (e965de7)
  • android: waterfall banner not affected by parent honrizon padding; (f6d6f30)
  • ios: correct hittest when view has animation (779d813)
  • iOS: delete tmp log (9174cad)
  • ios: edit getBoundingClientRect callback format (60e5d98)
  • ios: need to extern as C if cpp is defined (3c8b4dc)
  • iOS: refresh header not rebound automatically (9815a23)
  • ios: subviews of animated view cannot be clicked (99379c3)
  • react,vue: change measureInAppWindow error return value (2a96aaf)
  • react,vue: fix getBoundingClientRect errMsg syntax (8348fef)
  • v8: fix V8 OOM crash when inspector enable the js debugger (f052977)
  • vue-css-loader: update loader-utils to safe version (aca8175)
  • workflow: fix CodeQL exception when default run (615600b)
  • workflows: fix backtrace parsing incorrect problem in crash report (af4b1cc)
  • workflows: fix CodeQL languages detection bug on PR request (fe2446d)


  • android,ios,js: add getBoundingClientRect method (#2651) (92ab25b), closes #4
  • ci: implement iOS project artifact compare (bb2c868)
  • core: adapt to different v8 versions (5a9723f)
  • core: add performance api for new x5 v8 (991f4fe)
  • ios,android,vue: add load result param for webView's onLoadEnd api (#2667) (bbdd9ae)
  • v8: heap limit increases considering the old generation capacity (6ddecf8)
  • vue: add whitespace handler config (8a65d23)
  • workflows: XCode project adaptation (219b532)
  • workflows: add project code line exclude files support (d104760)
  • workflows: change XCode project scheme name (1100b8d)
  • workflows: iOS build tests add different configurations (36f624b)
  • workflows: remove unnecessary Cocoapods installation step (4682c3c)

Performance Improvements

  • vue: ignore to append existed node to improve router performance (cc24c27)

2022-11-07, Version 2.15.2(LTS)

07 Nov 04:08
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Notable Changes 重要更新

  • hippy-vue support to merge styles on root element of child component.

    hippy-vue 支持子组件根节点样式合并。

  • Android fix pull header not showing for horizontal list.

    Android 修复 PullHeader 在水平 ListView不显示问题。

  • Android fix setTextColor not working.

    Android 修复 setTextColor 不生效问题。

  • iOS need to callback when url loading error.

    iOS 修复在url 加载错误时 callback 没调用问题。

Bug Fixes

  • android: add copyright header for ClipboardModule (d82ba9b)
  • android: fix setTextColor not working (a533c22)
  • android: pull header not showing for horizontal list (3496fe4)
  • android: remove redundant getPrimaryClip (4b3ff38)
  • iOS: jsi convert Chinese string error (321f738)
  • ios: need to callback when url loading error (d140593)
  • iOS: retain cycle with vc and bridge (#2591) (ecafb62)


  • vue: support to merge styles on root element of child component (efea081)

2022-11-07, Version 2.14.9(LTS)

07 Nov 07:35
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Bug Fixes

  • android: empty text node height compatibility (f9bf570)

2022-11-07, Version 2.14.8(LTS)

07 Nov 03:06
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Bug Fixes

  • android: fix setTextColor not working (6c72a7c)
  • core: revert hippy1.x compatible code (1ec5d85)

2022-10-26, Version 2.15.1(LTS)

26 Oct 07:30
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Notable Changes 重要更新

  • hippy-vue support deep selector & fix attribute selector issue.

    hippy-vue 支持 deep 深度选择器 并修复属性选择器问题。

  • Android fix sticky item incorrect height after refresh.

    Android 修复 ListView Sticky 元素刷新后高度异常问题。

  • iOS avoid CTTelephony's occasional crash

    iOS 修复 CTTelephony 偶然 crash 问题。

  • iOS avoid a thread race for image component

    iOS 修复图片组件线程竞争问题。

  • DevTools add report parameters.

    DevTools 增加上报字段。

  • android: sticky item has incorrect height after refresh (76694c5)
  • homepage: fix Bad HTML filtering regexp (2575799)
  • ios: avoid a thread race for image component (8541e28)
  • ios: avoid CTTelephony's occasional crash (c2536f3)
  • ios: fix image view dangling pointer (60b17db)
  • ios: no animation for frame reset (ba43d47)
  • ios: virtual nodes need to be flushed (be96c20)


  • devtools: devtools report (#2556) (37eb1c2)
  • vue: fix attribute selector & support deep selector (87ce13e)

Performance Improvements

  • react: assign initialListSize if not undefined (8634501)
  • vue: refer native script source code to reduce number of loops (#2571) (21900d0)

2022-10-14, Version 2.15.0(LTS)

14 Oct 11:49
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Notable Changes 重要更新

  • hippy-vue support Vue3.x

    hippy-vue 支持 Vue3.x

  • hippy-vue support scoped style.

    hippy-vue 支持 scoped 样式

  • hippy-vue perf first screen attributes node update

    hippy-vue 优化首屏节点属性更新频次。

  • hippy-react add EventBus to listen global events.

    hippy-react 增加全新 EventBus 来监听全局事件

  • Android support v8 version to 10.6.194

    Android 升级 v8 引擎版本到 10.6.194。

  • Export v8 related methods to java

    暴露 v8 相关方法给 Java 侧调用。

  • Support JS call v8 performance memory API.

    支持 JS 调用 v8 performance memory API。

  • Android provide sdk version information

    Android 增加获取 SDK 版本 API。

  • Android add expandPullHeader method for ListView

    Android 增加 ListView expandPullHeader 方法。

  • Android support Waterfall banner

    Android 支持瀑布流 Banner 设置。

Bug Fixes

  • android: onPageScroll event gives wrong value (8850523)
  • android: empty text node height compatibility (700697f)
  • android: implement preloadItemNumber for ListView (c978c85)
  • android: prevent LIBRARY_VERSION inlining (472404c)
  • android: WebView backgroundColor not working (07e4dd2)
  • core: compatible with lower version v8 for memory feature (7d3b773)
  • core: fix inspector crash (806f240)
  • core: revert hippy1.x compatible code (4722e88)
  • debug-server: fix wepback & node md4 hash not campatible (e4753e5)
  • docs, android: expandPullHeader method for ListView (#2494) (08d38dc)
  • hippy-react: support to emit multi parameters for HippyEvent (0b84e88)
  • ios: add assert for url creation failure (26ef050)
  • ios: fix memory leaks in network module (0c172a9)
  • ios: fix touch gesture no touch.view (9378959)
  • ios: needs to reset showing state when cell prepares for reusing (a5e9e00)
  • ios: scrollview: scrollToWithDuration not trigger OnScroll (7a8b9e7)
  • script: fix build script error (d219a12)
  • vue-next: add missing modules & perf docs (6046d2c)
  • vue-next: fix syntax errors (93faab4)
  • vue: fix web-renderer script (34cc959)
  • vue: set id for root view to fix style missed (2dc9db5)
  • workflows: fix workflow file syntax exception (1ed405e)


  • android: add v8 memory(heap) to performance (7b03a60)
  • android: provide sdk version information (8f0cfe6)
  • android: provide sdk version information (a9a9f40)
  • android: serialization support version 15 data (270775c)
  • android: support v8 version to 10.6.194 (e345701)
  • android: update docs and demo for android waterfall banner render; (#2412) (5fe65e9)
  • android: update to use C++17 standard (250a4aa)
  • core: export v8 method to java (9a577ab)
  • hippy-react: add HippyEvent to listen global events (93a291a)
  • hippy-vue-next: support vue3.x (#2357) (0445c4e)
  • ios: listview stick cell wrong offset while refreshing (#2523) (e246165)
  • vue-css-loader: change dist file name to be parsed by vue-loader (b5d94e4)
  • vue-next: add web-renderer script (1be39dc)
  • vue-next: refactor type definition files place (#2542) (202dccb)
  • vue: add getElemCss scoped judgement (e9ea3f8)
  • vue: perf first screen attributes node update (dcd7459)
  • vue: support scoped & attribute selector (772a698)

Performance Improvements

  • ios: use respondsToSelector instead of conformsToProtocol (cb2b2b8)

2022-09-08, Version 2.14.7(LTS)

09 Sep 03:53
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Bug Fixes

  • android: listview not update when delete invisible items (e893f50)
  • hippy-react: remove NetInfo duplicated EventEmitter creating (8591c9f)
  • ios: ViewPager onPageScrollStateChange missing (adb0121)

2022-08-26, Version 2.14.6(LTS)

26 Aug 08:25
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Bug Fixes

  • hippy-react: add overflow scroll to fix listview unable to scroll (96c670a)


  • vue: support ScrollView & ListView scroll related event params (9d77ec6)

2022-08-23, Version 2.14.5(LTS)

09 Sep 03:57
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Notable Changes 重要更新

  • Android add visibility style support.

    Android 增加 visibility 样式支持。

  • Android set init complete after bridge ready to fix jsbundle loading sequence error.

    Android 在 bridge 初始化完成增加 complete 标记,修复加载执行 jsbundle 潜在的时序问题。

  • Android fix borderRadius not working and radius scale issue in gif image.

    Android 修复 borderRadiusradius scale 在 gif 图不生效问题。

  • iOS fix textInput isFocused not working issue.

    iOS 修复 textInput isFocused 特定场景不生效问题。

  • iOS fix turbo runtime not released in js thread.

    iOS 修复 turbo runtime 在 js 线程不释放问题。

  • iOS fix padding not working on text's subview.

    iOS 修复 Text 嵌套 subview 时 padding 不生效问题。

Bug Fixes

  • android, ios: the final onScroll may be dropped (#2377) (963992b)
  • android: add try-catch for NetInfoModule (258f9ac)
  • android: gif borderRadius not working and radius scale issue (bb84fcd)
  • android: handleRequestCookie error (2ff9388)
  • android: set init complete after bridge ready (04c8bdc)
  • core: fix code lint warnings (7f60759)
  • devtools: remove v8 inspector flag for ios (f431ab5)
  • homepage: fix secure problem for homepage redirect (a7b552f)
  • ios: fix refresh component bug (36559b1)
  • ios: fix scroll rtl for content view (2c7da42)
  • ios: hippy-vue textInput isFocused not working (623b117)
  • ios: padding not working on text's subview (65676f0)
  • ios: turbo runtime must release in js thread (5f96fae)
  • vue: fix regular expressions catastrophic backtracking (510a587)
  • vue: revert a catastrophic backtracking fix (2fbb0d9)


  • android: add visibility style (8b7a81e)
  • android: update AGP version to 7.2.2 (d9b6ccd)
  • android: update NDK and CMake versions (2b7282f)
  • hippy-vue: perf attribute update (e5c181f)