Goal: to investigate the differences and similarities between sub-groups of patients with frontotemporal dementia (FTD), and their differences with the control group. Such differences were investigated across brain regions that are most affected by FTD.
Method: the data was processed in BASH using the in-house pipeline. The analysis was performed using the R and Bioconductor software tools.
- Model genome-wide count data (CAGEseq) as a function of case or control status
- Identified modules containing highly correlated genes using the weighted gene coexpression network analysis
- Functional annotation of the hits (differentially expressed genes or modules containing highly correlated genes) was performed using the hypergeometric test.
The first three steps of the analysis generate the count table using the in-house pipeline. The relevant scripts are in the folder, "S1to3_Run_Pipeline_CAGEseq".
Then the annotation of the count table is performed using the scripts in the folder, "S4to5_Annotate_CounTable_CAGEseq".
The scripts relevant to the differential gene expression (DGE) analysis and the pre-DGE data preparation/crosscheck is here: " S6to7_preDE_DGEanaly_CAGEseq".
The functional annotation (of the significant DEG) using hypergeometric test was carried using the script at "S8_DEG_HypGeomtest_CAGEseq".
Finally, Weighted Gene Coexpression Network Analysis (WGCNA) was performed to find out coexpression modules and intramodular hub genes. Breifly, the stepwise scripts were organized into the following steps: S1-Data preparation and cleaning; S2-Network construction; S3-Correlation(ME, trait) and GS vs MM; S4: GS vs Intramodular-connectivity; S5-more network exploration; and, S6-Functional annotation of the interesting modules. The relevant scripts are at "WGCNA_StepwiseScripts_CAGEseq".
Used the following R packages:
- base
- stringr; stringi; gdata
- openxlsx; xlsx; readxl
- GenomicFeatures; org.Hs.eg.db; BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38; TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene; AnnotationDbi; GO.db; Biobase; KEGG.db;
- ChIPseeker
- S4Vectors; Hmisc; reshape2; muStat
- edgeR; sva; statmod; HTSanalyzeR; snow; preprocessCore; GSEABase; WGCNA; impute; psych; gdata;
- RColorBrewer; pheatmap; plot3D; plotrix