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File metadata and controls

113 lines (86 loc) · 4.36 KB


Imports jobs data to a bigquery table in an idempotent fashion.

Make commands:

$ make help

add_job                        Adds a message to the pubsub topic, using the content in deploy/pubsub_payload.json
add_schedule                   Adds a Cloud Scheduler job to periodically run the job data collection
coverage                       Output coverage stats
dev                            Install project and dev dependencies
export_conf                    Export the poetry lockfile to requirements.txt
help                           Show help
install                        Install project without dev dependencies
lint                           Lint files for common errors and styling fixes
publish                        Publish project to google cloud functions
test                           Run unit tests
update_schedule                Updates an existing Cloud Scheduler job

Setting up a bigquery table

I did this through the UI and used the schema in deploy/bigquery_example_schema.json. There's probably a much neater way with the gcloud CLI but a once-off isn't so bad.

Deploying the cloud function

The makefile has a publish command to create a pubsub topic and deploy the code to a cloud function.

Specify the project ID by prepending the variable before running the command.

$ PROJECT_ID=<redacted> make publish
poetry export -f requirements.txt --output requirements.txt --without-hashes
gcloud functions deploy Jobs2bigquery --region europe-west1 --project <redacted> --runtime python38 --memory 256MB --entry-point execute_Jobs2bigquery --trigger-topic "trigger-Jobs2bigquery" --timeout 540s --max-instances 1
Deploying function (may take a while - up to 2 minutes)...⠼                                                                                           
For Cloud Build Stackdriver Logs, visit:<redacted>
Deploying function (may take a while - up to 2 minutes)...done.                                                                                       
availableMemoryMb: 256
buildId: <redacted>
entryPoint: execute_Jobs2bigquery
  eventType: google.pubsub.topic.publish
  failurePolicy: {}
  resource: projects/<redacted>/topics/trigger-Jobs2bigquery
ingressSettings: ALLOW_ALL
  deployment-tool: cli-gcloud
maxInstances: 1
name: projects/<redacted>/locations/europe-west1/functions/Jobs2bigquery
runtime: python38
serviceAccountEmail: <redacted>
status: ACTIVE
timeout: 540s
updateTime: '<redacted>'
versionId: '<redacted>'

Sending your first payload

After deployment, you can visit the function in the console and go to the Testing tab. There's an example of a payload in deploy/pubsub_payload.json.

Publish pubub messages

There's a makefile command add_job that will add the contents of deploy/pubsub_payload.json to the pubsub queue which will trigger the cloud function.

$ PROJECT_ID=<redacted> make add_job
gcloud pubsub topics publish "projects/<redacted>/topics/trigger-Jobs2bigquery" --message='{     "bq_table_id": "daft_housing_data.sales_data",     "locations": ["ireland"],     "search_type": "property-for-sale",     "max_pages": 25,     "page_offset": 26 }'
- '2027916082568790'

Setting up a scheduled run

Cloud Scheduler is a neat way to automate time-based cloud functions. Use the payload example from above.

Data Studio

The main downside to my approach is that it produces a large number of duplicated entries, which have to be deduplicated if you want to graph it.

I've used the following connection SQL to take the most recent entry for a listing:

  * EXCEPT(row_num)
    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY url ORDER BY logged_at DESC) AS row_num