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Angular Cheatsheet

Table of Contents




  1. You can use the official Angular Seed Project for quick startup.
  2. Create a new module named myApp
// ja > App.js
var app = angular.module("myApp", []);
  1. add a directive: it tells AngularJS that the myApp module will live within the <body> scope (or the whole page, <head>)
<!-- index.html -->
<head ng-app="myApp"> <!-- or -->
<body ng-app="myApp">

See: more info on ng-app
This is called “Bootstrapping”. Sometimes you want to do it manually (if you have multiple Angular apps for instance).

  1. Create a new controller: manages the app's data.
// js > controllers > MainController.js
app.controller("MainController", [
  function($scope) {
    $scope.title = "Top Sellers in Books";
  1. ng-controller is a directive that defines the controller scope
<div class="main" ng-controller="MainController">
  <h1>{{ title }}</h1>

We access $scope.title using {{ title }}. That’s an expression: used to display values on the page.


Binding –– {{ ... }}
Expressions –– something + '!'
Directives ––
Template –– (the part of the view containing the bindings and presentation logic) acts as a blueprint for how our data should be organized and presented to the user.
Controller –– provides the context in which the bindings are evaluated and applies behavior and logic to our template.
Model –– What the user sees after the page is fully rendered
Module –– Child on Angular (usually it is the App in an Angular point of view)
Components –– A combination of template + controller with an isolated scope (= no prototypal inheritance and no risk of our component affecting other parts of the application or vice versa) (Docs) DI / dependency injection ––



<p class="price">{{ product.price | currency }}</p>

AngularJS gets the value of product.price. It sends this number into the currency filter. The pipe symbol (|) takes the output on the left and "pipes" it to the right. The filter outputs a formatted currency with the dollar sign and the correct decimal places.


pubdate: new Date("2014", "03", "08");
<p class="date">{{ product.pubdate | date | uppercase }}</p>


$scope.products = [
    name: "The Book of Trees",
    price: 19,
    pubdate: new Date("2014", "03", "08"),
    cover: "img/the-book-of-trees.jpg"
    name: "Program or be Programmed",
    price: 8,
    pubdate: new Date("2013", "08", "01"),
    cover: "img/program-or-be-programmed.jpg"
<div ng-repeat="product in products">
  <img ng-src="{{ product.cover }}">
  <p class="title">{{ }}</p>
  <p class="price">{{ product.price | currency }}</p>
  <p class="date">{{ product.pubdate | date }}</p>
  <p class="likes" ng-click="plusOne($index)">{{ product.likes }}</p>


<!-- loops trough every product in products -->
<div ng-repeat="product in products">

<!-- include the source -->
<img ng-src="{{ product.cover }}">

<!-- ng-click is a directive that adds an onclick event. plusOne is the name of the function. $index passes the product number (in a loop). {{ product.likes }} displays the value -->
<p ng-click="plusOne($index)">{{ product.likes }}</p>


in js/directives/appInfo.js

app.directive("appInfo", function() {
  return {
    restrict: "E", // specifies how directive will be used in view. 'E' means it will be used as a new HTML element.
    scope: {
      info: "=" // specifies that we will pass information into this directive through an attribute named info. The = tells the directive to look for an attribute named info in the <app-info> element, like this: <app-info info="shutterbugg"></app-info>
    }, // The data in info becomes available to use in the template given by templateURL
    templateUrl: "js/directives/appInfo.html", // specifies the HTML to use in order to display the data in Here we use the HTML in js/directives/appInfo.html.
    link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
      // scope refers to the directive's scope. Any new properties attached to $scope will become available to use in the directive's template. element refers to the directive's HTML element. attrs contains the element's attributes.
      (scope.buttonText = "Install"), // property buttonText
        (scope.installed = false), // property installed
        ( = function() {
          // function download()
          if (scope.installed) {
            scope.buttonText = "Install";
            scope.installed = false;
          } else {
            scope.buttonText = "Uninstall";
            scope.installed = true;

in js/directives/appInfo.html

<!-- define HTML to display details about app. Use expressions and filters to display data. -->
<img ng-src="{{ info.icon }}">
<h2>{{ info.title }}</h2>
<p>{{ info.developer }}</p>
<p>{{ info.price | currency }}</p>
<!-- part of link: function -->
<button ng-click="download()">
  {{ buttonText }}

in index.html

<!-- pass in objects from the controller's scope ($scope.shutterbugg) into the <app-info> element's info attribute so that it displays. -->
<app-info info="shutterbugg"></app-info>


js > services > forecast.js

app.factory("forecast", [
  function($http) {
    // app.factory to create a new service named forecast + AngularJS's built-in $http to fetch JSON from the server
    return $http
      ) // $http construct an HTTP GET request for the weather data (a json list from codecademy).
      .success(function(data) {
        // If the request succeeds, the weather data is returned;
        return data;
      .error(function(err) {
        // otherwise the error info is returned.
        return err;

js > controllers > MainController.js

app.controller("MainController", [
  function($scope, forecast) {
    // add forecast into MainController as dependency so that it's available to use.
    forecast.success(function(data) {
      // to asynchronously fetch the weather data from server
      $scope.fiveDay = data; // store it into $scope.fiveDay
// any properties attached to $scope become available to use in the view


<div class="main" ng-controller="MainController">
  <h1>{{ fiveDay.city_name }}</h1>



// new
  "$routeProvider", // the services we use
  function config($locationProvider, $routeProvider) {

    $routeProvider // to define the application routes
      .when("/phones", {
        // to map the URL /phones to
        template: "<phone-list></phone-list>"
      .when("/phones/:phoneId", {
        // mapp URL to phones + variable part named id to the URL
        template: "<phone-detail></phone-detail>"


// new
angular.module("phoneDetail", ["ngRoute"]);


// new
angular.module("phoneDetail").component("phoneDetail", {
  template: "TBD: Detail view for <span>{{$ctrl.phoneId}}</span>",
  controller: [
    function PhoneDetailController($routeParams) {
      this.phoneId = $routeParams.phoneId;

js > app.js

// old
app.config(function($routeProvider) {
    .when("/", {
      controller: "HomeController", // to the controller HomeController
      templateUrl: "views/home.html" // and the template home.html
    .when("/photos/:id", {
      controller: "PhotoController",
      templateUrl: "views/photo.html"
      // Otherwise if a user accidentally visits a URL other than /
      redirectTo: "/" // we just redirect to /

js > controllers > HomeController

// old
app.controller("HomeController", [
  function($scope, photos) {
    // use photos service
    photos.success(function(data) {
      $ = data;

js > controllers > PhotoController

// old
// $routeParams to retrieve id from the URL by using $
// Notice injected both $routeParams and the photos service into the dependency array to make them available to use inside the controller.
app.controller("PhotoController", [
  function($scope, photos, $routeParams) {
    photos.success(function(data) {
      // photos service to fetch the array of photos from the server
      $scope.detail = data[$]; // $ to access the specific photo by its index

js > services > photos

// old
// fetch the array of all photos and stores it into $
app.factory("photos", [
  function($http) {
    return $http
      .success(function(data) {
        return data;
      .error(function(data) {
        return data;

views > home.html

<div class="item col-md-4" ng-repeat="photo in photos">
  <a href="#/photos/{{$index}}">
    <img class="img-responsive" ng-src="{{ photo.url }}">
    <p class="author">by {{ }}</p>

views > photo.html

<img ng-src="{{ detail.url }}">


<!-- ow when a user visits /, a view will be constructed by injecting home.html into the <div ng-view></div> -->
<div ng-view></div>


detail.upvotes | number; // 1,266
detail.pubdate | date; // Oct 18, 2014

Filter an Array

Search: <input type="text" data-ng-model="$ctrl.query">
Search by Name: <input type="text" data-ng-model="$"> <!-- save input in $ctrl.query -->
<p>Total number of phones: {{$ctrl.phones.length}}</p>
<ul class="phones">
  <li data-ng-repeat="phone in $ctrl.phones | filter:$ctrl.query"> <!-- use $ctrl.query as filter to only show matching elements -->
  Sort by:
  <select ng-model="$ctrl.orderProp"> <!-- save selection in $ctrl.orderProp -->
    <option value="name">Alphabetical</option> <!-- save selection in $ -->
    <option value="age">Newest</option> <!-- save selection in $ctrl.orderProp.age -->
    <option value="-age">Oldest</option> <!-- place - in front to reverse -->
<ul class="phones">
  <li data-ng-repeat="phone in $ctrl.phones | orderBy:$ctrl.orderProp"> <!-- use $ctrl.orderProp as filter to order the list -->
    <!-- if a value is not available it will return to the default -->