- Restore Keys from secret-key
- Restore Keys from mnemonic and derivationPath.
- Operation Gas fee calculator optimisation
- Michelson grammar improvements
- Minor bug fixes
- Support for florence mainnet and testnet
- Operation Gas fee calculator
- Deploy contract
- Call contract
- Operation confirmation
- Activating a fundraiser account
- Reveal an account
- Activating a fundraiser account
- Reveal an account
- Fix for revelation of an account Ref #12
- Deploy contract
- Call contract
- Operation confirmation
- Fix for revelation of an account Ref #12
- Dependencies update.
- Added Get Balance.
- Added Transfer Balance.
- Added Delegate an Account.
- Dependencies update.
Initial version of library.
- Functions added:
- Generate mnemonics.
- Generate keys from mnemonic.
- Generate keys from mnemonics and passphrase.
- Sign Operation Group.
- Unlock fundraiser identity.