At Gatsby we recently reorganized our open-source documentation, and the Diátaxis framework was our go-to resource throughout the project. The four quadrants helped us prioritize the user’s goal for each type of documentation. By restructuring our documentation around the Diátaxis framework, we made it easier for users to discover the resources that they need when they need them.
—Megan Sullivan (@meganesulli)
Not listed here?
If you're using the system, or are in the process of adopting it, please let me know if you'd like to be listed here. The best way is to submit a pull request via GitHub.
This is an incomplete list of projects, products and organisations that have adopted the system in their own bodies of documentation. In some cases the adoption remains partial or is still a work in progress.
- Aiven Developer, developer documentation for managed open source data platforms
- BBC News Labs, e.g. for mosromgr, a Python library for managing TV and radio running orders
- BrachioGraph, the cheapest, simplest pen-plotter
- BeeWare, the write-once-deploy-anywhere project, for Toga, Briefcase, Rubicon and Rubicon Java.
- Bosch (internal)
- Canonical - all of Canonical's product documentation is adopting (or will adopt) Diátaxis
- Ciw, the discrete event simulation library
- clj-otel, Clojure API for OpenTelemetry
- Cloudflare Workers docs (related article, New and improved Workers Docs)
- corrux (internal)
- Divio
- Django
- django CMS
- edo, a library for Evolutionary Dataset Optimisation
- Encore, a framework for rapid backend development
- Ericsson (internal)
- fpm, the Fortran Package Manager
- Google's Fuchsia operating system
- Funding Circle (internal)
- Gatsby
- Gensim, How to Author Gensim Documentation
- Gorgonia, a deep learning library for Go
- gtk-fortran, the Fortran bindings for GTK
- ING Bank, for open-source (e.g. doing-cli, Probatus, skorecard) and internal tooling projects
- Lisk
- Livepeer
- LootLocker, a backend for independent games development
- Matching, a games theory resource allocation library
- NashPy, a Python mathematical library for computing Nash equilibria
- nbchkr, a system for assessing students' assignments in Jupyter Notebooks
- NumPy, the scientific Python library (related article, Documentation as a way to build Community)
- PDFminer.six
- PostgREST
- PowerTuning (internal)
- PIconnect
- Snowpack, a frontend build tool, designed for the modern web
- Sourcegraph, Universal code search
- Splink, a Python library for probabilistic data linkage
- stdlib, the Fortran Standard library
- StrongLoop/LoopBack by IBM
- TerminusDB
- Tesla Motors (internal)
- WebAccess/DMP
- websockets
- Wechaty: A Conversational RPA SDK for Chatbot Makers
- Zalando (internal)