diff --git a/solution.py b/solution.py index f5d5dc0..04b1a56 100644 --- a/solution.py +++ b/solution.py @@ -49,12 +49,10 @@ 2. Register the environment as a Kernel using the below line of code. 3. Reload VS Code via Ctrl+Shift+P, then select Reload Window. """ -# %% #%% !python -m ipykernel install --user --name 06_image_translation --display-name "Python 06_image_translation" - - +# %% [markdown] """ # Part 1: Define dataloaders & walk through steps to train a Pix2PixHD GAN. --------- @@ -272,7 +270,6 @@ If you are having issues loading the tensorboard session click "Launch TensorBoard session". You should then be able to add the log_dir path below and a tensorboard session shouls then load. """ - # %% log_dir = f"{top_dir}/model_tensorboard/{opt.name}/" %reload_ext tensorboard