diff --git a/setup.sh b/setup.sh index 42352d8..fd31eb1 100644 --- a/setup.sh +++ b/setup.sh @@ -15,12 +15,12 @@ echo "Repository cloned. Current directory: $(pwd)" cd ~/data/06_image_translation/part2/GAN_code/GANs_MI2I echo "Current directory after navigating to GANs_MI2I: $(pwd)" # # Find path to the mamba environment. -# ENV_PATH=$(conda info --envs | grep 06_image_translation | awk '{print $NF}') -ENV_PATH="/home/smt29021/.conda/envs/06_image_translation" +ENV_PATH=$(conda info --envs | grep 06_image_translation | awk '{print $NF}') $ENV_PATH/bin/pip install "dominate" $ENV_PATH/bin/pip install "cellpose" $ENV_PATH/bin/pip uninstall -y "opencv-python" $ENV_PATH/bin/pip install "opencv-python==" +$ENV_PATH/bin/pip install "ipykernel" # Add conda environment to jupyter notebook $ENV_PATH/bin/python -m ipykernel install --user --name 06_image_translation --display-name "06_image_translation" # Download the weights and pretrained tensorboards