The full process for cutting a release is as follows:
Checkout a new branch:
git checkout -b v1.0.2
# 1.0.2-release -
Change the version in the package.json file:
"version": "1.0.2",
Add, and commit the changes, push up the branch, and open a PR:
git add .
git commit -m 'RELEASE v1.0.2'
git push --set-upstream origin HEAD
Open PR request
Once the PR is merged, checkout the
branch:git checkout main
branch (Optional):git branch -d v1.0.2
Make a new Git tag that matches the new version (make sure it is associated with the right commit SHA): FIXUP
git tag -a v1.0.2 -m "cut v1.0.2"
Push up the tag from
:git push origin v1.0.2
Update yarn build
yarn run build
npm publish --access public