MinimServer is a new UPnP AV music server with a number of innovative features that make it easier to organize and explore your music collection. If you have a network music player that supports the UPnP AV standards (see this page), you'll get much more from your music collection if you're using MinimServer as your music server software.
Pull the image from the docker registry e.g.
docker pull tromatik/docker-minimserver
or build it:
git clone
cd docker-minimserver
docker build --tag="$USER/docker-minimserver" .
run your build:
docker run -d --name=<your_container_name> --net=host -v <path_to_your_music>:/media/:ro $USER/docker-minimserver:latest
Run the downloaded image (as a daemon):
docker run -d --name=<your_container_name> --net=host -v <path_to_your_music>:/media/:ro tromatik/docker-minimserver:latest
Configuration is available through minimwatch program
For debugging and maintenance purposes you may want access the containers shell. Either add after the run command or tun e.g.
docker exec -it "$USER/docker-minimserver" bash
docker ps
docker exec -it <container-id> bash
add the parameter --restart=always to your docker run command.