For this exercise you can use or your code editor.
Using the below file pass-functions.js
finish the tasks as specified in the comments in the script.
// Task 1. Create 3 functions:
// function sayHello that logs "Hello" on the console.
// function sayHola that logs "Hola" on the console.
// function sayPrivjet that "Privjet" on the console.
function sayHola() {
function sayHello() {
function sayPrivjet() {
// Task 2. Create an array named "globalGreetings" and push all 3 functions
// into that array.
let globalGreetings = [];
globalGreetings.push(sayHello, sayHola, sayPrivjet);
console.log("globalGreetings", globalGreetings);
// Task 3. Create an object and name it 'greeting'.
// Copy the functions from the array "globalGreetings" to the object 'greeting' and make them into methods with new names:
// `inEnglish`, `inSpanish`, `inRussian`.
// After you are done uncomment the below line to see if it is working:
greeting.inEnglish() // should log "Hello"
greeting.inSpanish() // should log "Hola"
greeting.inRussian() // should log "Privjet"
let greeting = {};
greeting.inEnglish = globalGreetings[0];
greeting.inSpanish = globalGreetings[1];
greeting.inRussian = globalGreetings[2];
console.log("greeting", greeting);
greeting.inEnglish(); // "Hello"
greeting.inSpanish(); // "Hola"
greeting.inRussian(); // "Privjet"
// Task 4. Create a higher order function "greetInAllLanguages" that
// takes the 3 functions as arguments and invokes each of those function arguments.
// When finished invoke "greetInAllLanguages()" and pass it 3 functions from the
// "greeting" object using the dot notation.
function greetInAllLanguages(lang1, lang2, lang3) {
greetInAllLanguages(greeting.inEnglish, greeting.inSpanish, greeting.inRussian);