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Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[0.32.4] - 2024-08-16


  • Now buildable on ARM64.

[0.32.3] - 2024-07-03


  • Updated some dependencies to address potential security vulnerabilities.

[0.32.2] - 2023-05-31


  • Updated some dependencies to address potential security vulnerabilities.

[0.32.1] - 2023-01-06


  • The LSF scheduler can now cope with very long jobs names being present in LSF.

[0.32.0] - 2022-07-28


  • wr cloud servers has new --destroy option to kill servers that wr does not think are bad.


  • Jobs with expected time exactly matching an LSF queue runtime limit will no longer be scheduled to that queue, where they could never run before.
  • Updated some dependencies to address a potential security vulnerability.

[0.31.2] - 2022-03-28


  • wr status -o json --std now includes stdout/err in the JSON output.
  • Possible fix for rare cases of negative delay times.
  • Updated some dependencies to address a potential security vulnerability.

[0.31.1] - 2022-01-31


  • Updated some dependencies to address a potential security vulnerability.

[0.31.0] - 2021-12-18


  • If you set override 2 on a resource requirement and your job fails because it ran out of that resource, the manager no longer increases that resource automatically, obeying your override.


  • The most appropriate LSF queues are automatically picked more reliably, taking in to account the correct number of hosts in each queue.

[0.30.0] - 2021-11-30


[0.29.0] - 2021-10-29


  • New --sync mode for wr add, to do syncronous adds of single commands: wait for the command you add to finish running before wr add exits with the exit code of the command you added.
  • You can now add bash auto-completion for wr's sub-commands, using wr completion bash > ~/; source ~/
  • The status website now displays the internal id of commands when you click on them, which you can then use with the wr command line tools, eg. wr mod -y -i <id>.
  • You can now wr mod the --queue of a job.
  • New documentation website at This replaces most of the and the wiki.


  • Updated some dependencies to address a security vulnerability.

[0.28.0] - 2021-09-30


  • New --destroy_script option added to wr cloud deploy (and corresponding --cloud_destroy_script option added to wr manager start, along with a clouddestroyscript config option) that lets you define a bash script that will be run prior to destoying OpenStack worker instances during scaledown or teardown.


  • Avoided a case where the queue could get locked up while checking if servers were dead.

[0.27.0] - 2021-08-31


  • wr add has new --no_retry_over_walltime option which prevents retries if the job takes longer than the given walltime before failing. This lets you only retry jobs if they fail quickly, eg. during initialization.
  • New --mount_json option added to wr cloud deploy (and corresponding --cloud_mount_json added to wr manager start), which lets you mount an s3 bucket on all servers that get created when using the OpenStack scheduler. This is useful for eg. a pre-populated singularity cache that all jobs need access to.


  • Jobs with remaining retries used to enter the delay state for a fixed 30s after failing. Now the time they are delayed has a jittered backoff, increasing by a factor of 2 each attempt to a maximum delay of 1hr. wr status will tell you when a delayed job will become ready for scheduling again.
  • Logging and certifacte code refactored; no significant change in behaviour except for slightly different log output.


  • wr manager start previously resulted in the manager ignoring config options specified in .wr_config* files placed in the current working directory.
  • Web interface job removal and retrying is now as fast as the CLI.

[0.26.0] - 2021-07-30


  • Lost jobs are regularly rechecked to confirm if they are dead, if checks are initially not possible. For example, this helps in the situation where a) a worker node locks up, becoming non-responsive to ssh, such that we can't check if the job process is still running or not; then b) the worker node gets rebooted many hours later, such that we can ssh to it and now confirm the process no longer exists, and can therefore mark it buried.
  • If you configure your database backups to go to S3, S3 access is now direct (with temp files on the local filesystem), instead of via a fuse filesystem mount. This lets it work on systems where fuse is not enabled, and avoids problems if the fuse mount fails. It temporarily doubles local disk usage during backups though.


  • The REST API now returns JSON with null values for Started and Ended times that are not set, instead of large negative values.

[0.25.0] - 2021-06-30


  • New ConnectUsingConfig() client method to make it easier for external go packages to connect to a wr manager using the go API.
  • wr status now outputs dependency groups and dependencies of jobs.


  • When using the OpenStack scheduler, if you set the OS_PROJECT_NAME environment variable, you no longer also need to set OS_PROJECT_ID. This makes it easier to switch between projects by just exporting a different OS_PROJECT_NAME.
  • For scheduling purposes, the time jobs take are now rounded up to the nearest half hour, while for completion estimates during drain, the reported time to completion is to the nearest second.


  • Time to completion estimates during drain can no longer become negative (when jobs are running longer than expected).

[0.24.0] - 2021-05-31


  • A new "Remove" behaviour has been added that will result in jobs that get buried to be fully removed from the queue, as if they had never been added. This is useful when using wr as a Cromwell backend, where Cromwell may wish to retry a failed job by adding it back to the queue, but that wouldn't be possible if the job was buried. See updated guidance on the wiki for Cromwell usage:
  • wr kill has a new --age option to only kill jobs that have been running longer than the given age, or in --confirmdead mode, that have been lost at least that long.


  • Lost jobs are now automatically checked to see if the process is still running on the host; if not, the jobs are "killed" (to enter the buried state). If it's not possible to access the host to check, jobs remain lost as before. To enable this to work with the LSF scheduler, there is a new PrivateKeyPath config option where you can specify a key that the manager can use to ssh to hosts where jobs are lost.
  • For the OpenStack scheduler, the default CIDR and Gateway have been changed from & to & This is to make it more likely that there will not be issues using images on which docker is installed.


  • Critical performance and accuracy fix when using S3 mounts mounted in nested subdirs (eg. when using Nextflow). Now jobs will no longer stat every file in the S3 bucket for vastly increased speed and corrected peak disk usage reporting.
  • Picking the "best" queue automatically when using the LSF scheduler has been fixed to properly parse bqueues output to understand queue configuration correctly.

[0.23.4] - 2021-04-30


  • wr limit with no argurments now lists all currently set limit groups and their current limits.


  • If your user id is high, wr used to not be able to give you default ports to use. Now it suggets ports you can use and writes them to your config files if desired.


  • Timestamps of files copied to cloud servers now match regardless of local and remote timezones and across daylight savings transitions.

[0.23.3] - 2021-02-26


  • wr status now has a --hosts option to filter for jobs that ran on the given host.
  • wr status now has a --running` option to only show jobs that are currently running.
  • wr remove now has a --buried flag, to only remove buried jobs.


  • Container interaction code refactored. No change in behaviour, but will allow for possible future features such as native container support and singularity support.

[0.23.2] - 2020-10-29


  • OpenStack worker instances that are spawned now attach all the networks that were attached to the manager's instance, not just the one that matches the configured CIDR (but that is still the only one with wr's security groups applied).


  • Major performance reversion when using LSF fixed.
  • Increased TCP timeout for ssh to newly spawned OpenStack instances, to allow slower systems to work.

[0.23.1] - 2020-10-05


  • If a cloud deploy fails, you are asked to hit return after investigating, before it tears down. An extraneous warning message is no longer displayed when you do this.
  • When checking for reminaing disk space, if the filesystem returns 0, it is now re-checked a few times before killing the job.

[0.23.0] - 2020-07-14


  • When using the OpenStack scheduler, wr manager start --max_cores 0 (or wr cloud deploy --max_local_cores 0) now allows 0-cpu jobs to run on the manager's instance. To fully disable all jobs from running on the manager's instance, use --max_ram 0.
  • When using the OpenStack scheduler, if servers fail to spawn, the error backoff now results in a maximum wait time of 1min between spawn attempts, intead of 20mins. These waits are now also logged.
  • Improved logging when an OpenStack server fails to spawn, to include the flavor attempted.


  • It was possible in some rare cases where jobs wrote to a distributed filesystem in OpenStack, that writes of the last job before the server was scaled down would not persist to disk. Now wr will attempt to sync all filysystems and remount them read-only before destroying servers.

[0.22.0] - 2020-06-02


  • New wr conf command that shows current configuration.


  • Additional and improved logging or normal operation and errors.
  • API change: jobqueue.Scheduler has new method Scheduled().


  • Critical fix for database lockups resulting in state not being saved or backed up.
  • Critical fix for jobs getting stuck pending.
  • LSF queue picking heuristics fixed for systems with nested and duplicated host definitions.
  • OpenStack resources file getting corrupt.
  • No longer crashes when trying to terminate many OpenStack servers at once, and OpenStack is non-responsive.
  • Fixed various edge-case concurrency bugs.
  • Jobs were failing when they detect / has run out disk space; now they check the correct volume the working directory is mounted to instead.

[0.21.0] - 2020-03-20


  • The OpenStack scheduler can now spawn multiple servers at once, increasing the rate of scale up. New cloudspawns config option (defaults to 10).
  • wr add now has an -s option which will make it output the internal id of the added job(s).
  • wr status now has a "plain" output mode (-o p) that reports just the current state of each job, listed by internal id.


  • When OpenStack flavors are picked for you, they are now picked from your --flavor_sets in the order you specify them, meaning you can prefer certain hardware is used and filled up before other hardware.
  • To avoid overloading machines in local or OpenStack mode, there is now a limit of how many zero core jobs will run at once: 2 x physical cores. This is in addition to whatever non-zero core jobs are using. (As before, zero core jobs are also limited by the other requirements such as RAM, so zero core jobs were never unlimited.)
  • Improved logging for certain kinds of errors that result in jobs getting stuck pending
  • Improved logging for OpenStack servers that fail to become ACTIVE.


  • A number of cases of the OpenStack scheduler failing to schedule jobs correctly.

[0.20.0] - 2019-11-07


  • New --misc option for wr add to pass options to LSF scheduler.
  • New --queue option for wr add to specify a queue to submit to when using the LSF scheduler (it used to be picked for you, and still will if not specified).


  • Always try scheduling again in the case that something went wrong with scheduling.
  • Runners wait not just for new jobs to be added to the queue before exiting, but also for limited jobs to become available.
  • Runners under the local and cloud schedulers now exit after running for at least 15mins, after a job ends, allowing better scheduling.
  • The resource-requirments based bin packing used by the local and cloud scheduler now considers user-specified job priority, which combined with the prior change should mean high priority jobs run as soon as possible, even if they are small and all hardware is in use. Small higher priority jobs will run before the next larger lower priority job. However large high priority jobs still have to wait for all smaller jobs to complete and free up enough space.
  • Requires go >v1.13 to build.


  • wr mod no longer resumes a paused manager.
  • wr mod no longer allows you to change the command line of 1 job to match that of another, which would violate job uniqueness.
  • Critical fix for OpenStack scheduler to avoid edge-case where servers could endlessly be spawned but then deleted before use.
  • If S3 mounting takes a long time, this no longer causes a problem with jobs getting stuck in an endless cycle of retrying without ever starting.
  • Retrieval of complete jobs with wr status that completed very quickly and had hundreds running in parallel.
  • No more limit exhaustion if jobs get reserved but don't start, or if they get buried without exiting.
  • No more delay when handling jobs with different resource requirements but the same limit group.
  • Fixed various data races.

[0.19.0] - 2019-08-01


  • New --cloud_auto_confirm_dead option to wr manager start (and similar option for wr cloud deploy, and new config option) that allows dead OpenStack servers to be automatically confirmed dead (destroying them, and confirming the jobs running on them as dead as well) after, by default, 30mins. NB: for the old behaviour where dead servers were left alone until you manually investigated, set this option to 0.


  • OpenStack scheduler reimplemented for new fixes and behaviour:
    1. Avoids a lock-up issue where jobs would stop getting scheduled under certain circumstances.
    2. Quota warnings no longer appear until quota is physically used up.
    3. The flavor of server to spawn and the jobs to run on them are reassessed after every spawn, job completion and schedule, allowing bin-packing to do the expected thing as new jobs are scheduled over time.
    4. Spawned servers that are no longer needed are abandoned right away, allowing any other still-desired server to come up straight away.
    5. Servers for different kinds of job (according to having different resource requirements) are now spawned fully simultaneously, while servers for the same kind of job are now spawned fully sequentially. (The old behaviour was servers for all kinds of jobs were spawned sequentially, but with some overlap.)
  • Cloud scripts (being the scripts that run after an OpenStack server boots up) now have a time limit of 15 mins, so that scripts that fail to exit do not cause servers to be created that are never used and never destroyed.
  • For developers of wr, the linting method has changed to golangci-lint. See comment in Makefile for installation instructions.


  • Theoretical edge-case bugs fixed, alongside potential general stability improvements.
  • Memory leak associated with running jobs that write empty files to uncached S3 mounts.
  • Runners now wait the appropriate time for new jobs to run, and start running them the moment they're added.
  • Edge-case where an OpenStack server could scale down while running a command.

[0.18.1] - 2019-05-23


  • New --manager_flavor option to wr cloud deploy (defaulting to new cloudflavormanager config option), to be able to set a different flavor for the deployed manager compared to workers created by the manager.


  • At least go v1.12 is needed to compile wr.
  • cloudos config option (and --os option to wr cloud deploy or --cloud_os option to wr manager start) has always picked a random image that had a matching prefix; now an image with an exactly matching name will be picked in preference.
  • Default cloudos changed from "Ubuntu Xenial" to "bionic-server".


  • Fixed a situation where OpenStack servers failed to scale down and became unused when adding lots of quickly completing jobs.

[0.18.0] - 2019-04-08


  • New limit group property on Jobs, to allow you to limit the number of jobs that run at once in a group.
  • New wr limit command to set and change limits on limit groups.
  • New wr mod command to modify most aspects of incomplete jobs added to the queue.
  • REST API now supports DELETE of jobs to cancel them.


  • REST API GET on jobs can now also filter on "deletable" state.
  • Backwards-incompatible internal API changes.


  • Can now build on latest versions of go, and requires at least 1.11.5. You may have to go clean -modcache if you encounter problems.
  • managerumask config opion now applies to jobs run on remote OpenStack servers when using the OpenStack scheduler.
  • Fixed a case where it was possible for a job with dependencies to start running immediately if its dependencies were re-added to the queue, before they finished running.
  • The managerdir (~/.wr_production by default) is no longer created until you try to start the manager; other commands like wr version do not create it.

[0.17.0] - 2019-01-14


  • New wr manager pause and wr manager resume commands, allowing you to temporarily pause the running of further commands, while letting existing commands continue to run and queuing newly added commands.
  • New cloudflavorsets config option and related manager and cloud arguments. This allows you to define which cloud flavors are backed by different hardware, which results in the cloud scheduler retrying a flavor in a different set when the hardware backing one set is full.
  • When you start the manager, it now logs its version to the log file.
  • New --runner_debug option to wr manager start that makes runners log warnings and errors to syslog on the machine they find themselves on. wr cloud deploy --debug turns this on.


  • Cloud resources have been renamed from having a wr-[production|development] prefix, to having a wr-[prod|dev] prefix, increasing wr cloud deploy --resource_name length limit from 11 to 18. wr manager start --local_username now also shares this length restriction, to avoid hostname truncation issues as intended. Be sure to teardown existing clouds before updating to this version.
  • wr cloud servers --confirmdead, in addition to deleting dead servers, now also confirms dead any jobs that were running on those servers.
  • wr add --monitor_docker now takes wildcards, to specify variable filenames.


  • Adding jobs with an override of 2 now works with the disk resource when you specify 0 GB, using both the CLI and the REST API. (Not specifying it continues to use learned values, since override only applies to specified resources.)
  • If a cloud server has a hostname that is a truncation of its name in the cloud, wr status is still able to look up and report its ID.
  • If a manager crashes or is killed, and then is restarted, it now ignores old client messages still cached in the socket.
  • If authentication with OpenStack fails, re-authentication no longer gets disabled.
  • Fix for 1 case of jobs pending for a long time when using the OpenStack scheduler in certain circumstances.

[0.16.0] - 2018-11-15


  • New wr k8s commands to self-deploy to kubernetes clusters. See:
  • Complete recovery of state is now possible following the loss of the manager, even when jobs are still running. See the wiki for details:
  • New /info/ and /rest/version endpoints for the REST API, to get manager status and REST API version respectively.
  • New --max_local_cores option to wr cloud deploy, and --max_cores option to wr manager start (and likewise for ram), lets you control how much of the machine that the manager is running on is also used for running jobs.
  • The --cloud_cidr option to wr manager start now not only determines which network to get an IP address from, but also which network to spawn new servers in.
  • New --cloud_disable_security_groups option to wr manager start allows new cloud servers to be spawned in networks that do not allow security groups.
  • For the dismissible scheduler warnings that can appear on the web interface, there is now a "Dismiss all" button.
  • New --confirmdead option to wr kill to provide a way of confirming jobs in "lost contact" state are dead, using the CLI.
  • New wr cloud servers command to view and confirm dead cloud servers that have become unresponsive, using the CLI.


  • Switched to using go modules for dependency management, so requiring go v1.11+. See the for new build instructions. If not working on any other go projects, recommend deleting all existing go-related files, unsetting go environment variables, and starting from scratch.
  • Manager's token file is now only automatically deleted on graceful stop. If the token file is present on manager start, it will be reused, allowing existing runners to reconnect to the new manager. See the wiki for notes on this:
  • If a keypair was created by a manager instance in the cloud, then it will be deleted on manager stop. (Previously keys would remain on the assumption they might be necessary to access the manager's cloud instance.)
  • Various breaking API changes in most sub-packages.


  • Buried jobs stay buried after a manager restart.
  • Deleting jobs properly clears out the scheduler in all cases, so that schedulers don't endlessly try and schedule runners when there are no jobs to run.
  • Fixed a case of the local scheduler overcommiting on resources, running too many jobs at once.
  • Adding very long commands used to silently fail. Now commands longer than typical shells can cope with can be added, and incredibly long commands result in a failure to add.
  • Starting many jobs at once on cloud servers should no longer result in that server being considered "dead".
  • OpenStack scheduler no longer fails to start up if there are existing servers in OpenStack with flavors that no longer exist.

[0.15.0] - 2018-09-03


  • New rerun option when adding jobs using the REST API.


  • You can now add jobs with fractional and 0 CPU requirements. NB: this makes the default CPU requirement when using the REST API 0!
  • When adding jobs using the REST API, rep_grp now defaults to 'manually_added'.
  • The manager now fails to start if your db backup location is in S3 and your credentials are incorrect.


  • Critical fix for potential read errors when using the built-in S3 mounting on overloaded Ceph.
  • wr status crash when given non-existant internal IDs.
  • You can no longer add jobs with less than 0 CPU requirements.
  • PATH environment variable is no longer ignored when adding new jobs.

[0.14.0] - 2018-08-07


  • Added commands will now be killed if the disk fills up.
  • Certain kinds of jobs (non --cwd_matters, no or uniquely-cached mounts) now have their disk usage tracked and reported.
  • The local scheduler can now be limited in its CPU and memory usage.


  • wr add --report_grp renamed --rep_grp for consistency with the JSON arg.
  • wr add -o 1|2 now only override the supplied resource types, using learned values for other types.
  • wr status -o summary now adds a line summarising all displayed rep groups along with an overall start and end time. It also now shows disk usage.
  • wr manager help text related to start moved to the start sub-command.


  • OpenStack servers are no longer failed as bad if more than MaxSessions SSH sessions are opened on them.
  • wr cloud deploy --resource_name limited to 11 characters, since hostnames have a maximum length.
  • Fix a case of a manager panic leading to unexpected death.

[0.13.1] - 2018-05-30


  • wr cloud deploy has new --resource_name option, allowing for a single user to have multiple named deployments. See the wiki for details.

[0.13.0] - 2018-05-21


  • Minimual LSF client (bsub, bjobs, bkill) emulation, for using wr as the backend scheduler and runner for legacy or alternate workflow systems, such as Nextflow or Martian.
  • wr add has new --monitor_docker option to get accurate memory and cpu usage stats for jobs that run docker, and to kill those dockers when you kill the job.
  • wr add has new --cloud_shared option, for turning on a simple NFS shared disk when using the OpenStack scheduler with Ubuntu.
  • wr status, retry, kill and remove take new -z and -y modifiers to treat -i as a repgroup substr (show status of jobs in multiple repgroups) or as an internal job identifier (which are now displayed by status).
  • wr status has new -o option to define the output format, including new json and summary formats (shows mean resource usage across a repgroup).


  • Jobs are now only killed if they both use more than expected memory and more than 90% of total physical memory.
  • Local scheduler (and by extension some behaviour of the OpenStack scheduler) now does bin packing, trying to run as many jobs as possible in parallel by filling in "gaps" in resource usage. Commands that use more resources will be scheduled to run before other commands. Job priority only decides the order that jobs of equal resource usage run in.
  • Trying to start the manager in OpenStack mode outside of OpenStack now immediately returns an error.
  • wr manager start now shows error/crit lines from the log, on failure to start.
  • Backwards incompatible changes to cloud API.


  • wr manager start no longer logs its authentication token.
  • Race condition where an OpenStack server could be destroyed yet be considered usable.
  • wr client commands now obey managerhost config option when not running on the same host as the manager.
  • OpenStack scheduler no longer ignores requested job memory when non-default OS disk set.
  • Reported peak memory usage of jobs fixed to consider usage of all child processes of the initial command (even if they change their process group and fork).
  • Reported CPU time of jobs fixed to include user time, not just system time.

[0.12.0] - 2018-04-27


  • All communications to the manager are now via TLS, and authentication is required using a token. See notes on the wiki.
  • You can now add jobs with a chosen cloud flavor, instead of having wr pick a a flavor for you.
  • New wr sub-commands retry, kill and remove, so that you can do everything you can do with the web interface on the command line. wr remove can also remove whole dependency trees in one go.
  • wr cloud teardown now has a --debug option to see teardown details.
  • wr cloud deploy can now run an arbitrary script --on_success, and --set_domain_ip, when using your own TLS certificate and infoblox.
  • wr add can now take a --cloud_config_files option, for per-job config files.
  • New upload endpoint for REST API, allowing you to add jobs with job-specific cloud_scripts or cloud_config_files.


  • The -f option of wr status and the new retry, kill and remove commands now takes the same format file as does wr add, so you easily get the status of, kill, retry or remove jobs you just added.
  • wr cloud teardown now attempts subnet removal from a router multiple times on failure, before giving up.
  • Web interface and REST API now tell you about the "other" resource reqs of jobs.
  • Web interface and REST API can once again show environment variables of jobs.
  • Backwards incompatible changes to jobqueue and cloud APIs.


  • wr add --cwd now has an effect.
  • Scheduler no longer tries to run jobs that were deleted using the web interface, or that can never start.
  • Openstack scheduler now correctly estimates how many jobs can be run, when you are running jobs with particular script, config file and flavor requirements.
  • Deleted jobs no longer reappear when restoring from a backed up database.
  • Backups include the latest transactions.
  • S3 mounts can cope with large (>1000 files) directories.
  • S3 mounts work correctly when multiplexing in non-existent directories.
  • Runners no longer hang when their job is killed.

[0.11.0] - 2018-03-19


  • OpenStack scheduler now supports recent versions of OpenStack ("Pike").
  • Significant performance increases when working on 1000s of ~instant complete jobs. See new "Performance considerations" section of
  • Both cloud and LSF jobs can successfully call wr add to add more jobs to the queue in dynamic workflows.
  • wr status shows the status of jobs in dependent state.
  • wr manager start now takes a --timeout option (also passed through from wr cloud deploy) so that you can start when eg. your OpenStack system is being very slow to authenticate.


  • wr cloud deploy and teardown now display errors that occur with the manager. Manager problems during deploy now wait for you to debug before tearing everything down.
  • wr commands now output INFO etc. lines in a new format to STDERR instead of STDOUT.
  • Improved logging of all kinds of errors and potential issues.
  • wr manager --cloud_debug renamed --debug, which now also shows non-cloud debug messages.
  • Cloud post creation scripts can now rely on config files having been copied over before they are run.
  • wr cloud deploy --os prefix can be of the image's id as well as name.
  • There is now a 30s gap between sequential automated database backups.
  • Improved efficiency of interactions between runner and manager: fewer smaller calls to increase performance and scaling.
  • JobQueue Server now has a single hard-coded queue for jobs, for performance increase.
  • Default timeouts for interactions with the manager have been increased.
  • Cloud deployments now delete the transferred environment file after the manager starts, for improved security.
  • Backwards incompatible changes to many API methods to support the new logging.


  • Wrong quota remaining after failed OpenStack server spawns.
  • Makefile now works with GOPATH unset, and correctly builds a static executable if CGO_ENABLED is unset.
  • File read errors when using uncached S3 mounts.
  • wr add --cwd_matters no longer ignored when running remotely with a defaulted --cwd.
  • Data races in various places.
  • wr manager can now be started with the OpenStack scheduler on an OpenStack server with any character in its name.
  • Performance reversion when dealing with many ~instant complete jobs.
  • Schedulers no longer request unnecessary jobs be run when jobs are completing too quickly. OpenStack scheduler does a better job of keeping track of how many servers it can and should create.
  • wr cloud deploy -h help text now correctly specifies what OpenStack environment variables are required.
  • wr cloud deploy now reconnects to an existing remote manager properly.
  • New servers that a created by the cloud scheduler now actually wait for the new servers to be fully ready before trying to run commands on them.
  • Outstanding database operations are allowed to complete, and everything else cleans up more completely before manager shutdown.
  • OpenStack scheduler and wr cloud deploy no longer get stuck indefinitely waiting for SSH to a server to work, timing out instead.

[0.10.0] - 2017-10-27


  • New REST API. See
  • Automatic database backups now occur. Manual ones can be taken. The backup location can be in S3. This allows for state to be retained across cloud deployments.
  • OpenStack scheduler now continuously monitors the servers it creates, and sends a warning to the user via the web interface or REST API to let them know when a server might have died. The user can confirm death to have wr destroy the server and spawn a new one (if still needed).
  • OpenStack scheduler now reports other issues it encounters to the web interface or REST API, so users know why they have jobs stuck pending (eg. they've run out of quota).
  • If wr cloud deploy was used, and the remote wr manager is still running but your ssh connectivity to it got broken, another wr cloud deploy will reconnect.
  • Running jobs can now be killed (via the web interface).


  • When the manager loses contact with a job and thinks it must be dead, the job is no longer automatically killed. Instead it enters "lost" state and the user can confirm it is dead (in order to subsequently retry it). Otherwise it will come back to life automatically once the (eg. connectivity) issue is resolved.
  • Cloud deployments create security groups with "ALL ICMP" enabled.
  • OpenStack scheduler regularly checks for changes to available flavors, instead of only getting a list at start-up.
  • wr mount --mounts and similar for add can now take a profile name.
  • Status of jobs now includes the IP address of the server the job ran on, and for cloud deployments, the server ID.
  • OpenStack scheduler now has a minimum spawn timeout, instead of being based purely on the running average spawn time.
  • On the status web page, if you choose to kill, retry or remove just 1 of many jobs in a report group, instead of acting on a random job in the report group, it now acts on the specific job you were looking at.


  • LSF scheduler now works correctly when a job needs more than 1 core.
  • LSF scheduler now works with LSF queues that have been configured in TB.
  • wr manager start -m value was off by 1.
  • OpenStack scheduler could sometimes think the wrong number of things were running.
  • wr cloud teardown no longer hangs when the resources have already been destroyed (by a third party).
  • OpenStack scheduler was miscalculating remaining instance quota when wr cloud deploy --max_servers was used.
  • Cloud deployments and subsequent creation of servers to run jobs are now more likely to succeed.

[0.9.1] - 2017-08-15


  • Data races, for general reliability and stability improvements.
  • wr add now defaults the cloud options to blank so they don't override non-default wr cloud deploy settings.
  • Various read and write issues with the built-in S3 mounting.


  • wr cloud deploy now creates servers that are also in the default security group, increasing the chances that it work on all OpenStack systems and with servers that have network storage.

[0.9.0] - 2017-07-19


  • Jobs can now have mounts that are writeable and uncached.
  • Web interface shows a "live" walltime for running jobs.


  • Cloud post creation scripts that alter PATH now work as expected.
  • Run behaviours with pipes now work as expected.
  • wr cloud deploy with a default -m of 0 now gets passed through to the remote manager correctly.
  • In cloud deployments, /etc/fuse.conf is made world readable so mounting can work.
  • Jobs with lots of data to upload to a mount no longer time out and fail.
  • Jobs with long-running behaviours no longer time out and fail.
  • Immediately buried jobs are now recognised as not needing resources.
  • Retried buried jobs no longer pend forever.
  • Jobs with multiple mounts now correctly un-mount them all if killed.
  • Long lines of STDOUT/ERR no longer hang job execution.
  • Web interface now correctly displays job behaviour JSON.
  • Jobs that fail due to loss of connectivity between runner and manager (eg. network issues, or a dead or manually terminated OpenStack instance) now obey the --retries option and don't retry indefinitely.
  • Job unique cwd creation no longer fails if many other quick jobs are cleaning up after themselves in the same disk location.
  • Web interface now displays correct start and end times of jobs in a list.
  • OpenStack scheduler now copes with the user manually terminating wr-created instances, avoiding an edge case where a job could pend forever.
  • For a cloud deployment, a job's --cloud_script option is now always obeyed.
  • If glide is not installed and the user has a brand new Go installation, the makefile now ensures $GOPATH/bin exists.


  • Jobs with --mounts are now uniqued appropriately based on the mount options.
  • When a cached writeable mount is used and the upload fails, jobs now get an exit code of -2.
  • wr cloud deploy --config_files option now keeps the mtime of copied over files.
  • wr cloud deploy --config_files option can now take a from:to form if the local config file is in a completely different place to where it should go on the cloud instance.
  • OpenStack cloud scheduler now periodically checks for freed resources, in case you have have pending jobs because you have reached your quota and then terminate a non-wr instance.
  • wr add --deps now just takes a comma separated list of dependency group names (ie. without the "\tgroups" suffix), and cmd-based dependencies are defined with new --cmd_deps option.
  • As a stop-gap for security, the web interface no longer displays the environment variables used by a job.
  • As a stop-gap for security, the command line clients only allow the owner of a manager to access it.
  • OpenStack environment variables no longer get printed to screen on failure to start a manager in the cloud.
  • wr [add|mount] --mounts now takes a simpler format; the old JSON format can be supplied to new --mount_json option.
  • wr add now takes command-line options for the cloud_* and env options that could previously be provided in JSON only. cloud_user renamed to cloud_username and cloud_os_ram renamed to cloud_ram, for consistency with other wr commands.
  • wr add now has a --rerun option to rerun added jobs if they had previously been added and completed. This is how it used to behave before this change. Now the default behaviour is to ignore added jobs that have already completed, making it easier to work with ongoing projects where you come up with commands for all your data whenever new data might have arrived, without having to worry about which old data you already ran the commands for.
  • Backwards incompatible change to jobqueue.Client API: Add() now takes an ignoreComplete argument.

[0.8.1] - 2017-06-07


  • make dist fixed to work and compile to darwin once again.

[0.8.0] - 2017-06-07


  • New --debug option for wr cloud deploy.
  • New --cwd_matters option for wr add: the default for new jobs is that they run in a unique directory, and --cwd_matters restores the old behaviour of running directly in --cwd. Running in a unique directory enables automatic cleanup (see behaviour system below) and sets $TMPDIR to a unique directory that will always get deleted.
  • New --ChangeHome option for wr add: sets the $HOME environment variable to the unique working directory.
  • Jobs now store (and display in status) their start and end time if they ran.
  • wr add gains a new behaviour system for specifying what happens after a cmd exits (--on_failure, --on_success and --on_exit options).
  • S3-like object stores can now be mounted just-in-time for a cmd to run using the new --mounts option to wr add, and these mounts can be tested with the new wr mount command.
  • wr add can now be called by a command added to wr add when using a cloud deployment.


  • Status web page 'remove' button for buried jobs was broken.
  • OpenStack scheduler no longer stops spawning after a number of hours.
  • OpenStack scheduler no longer miscounts how many resources have been used, which stopped it spawning new servers when close to your quota.
  • Adding jobs with alternating resource requirements no longer results in unnecessarily pending jobs.
  • Orders of magnitude speed improvement for runners reserving new jobs to work on when there are many thousands of jobs.


  • wr cloud deploy now waits longer for remote manager to start up.
  • wr cloud deploy --script option now runs as a user, but lets you prefix commands with sudo.
  • Building wr now requires Go v1.8+.
  • Dependencies are now managed by glide, and include a private bug fix for OpenStack.
  • Backwards incompatible changes to queue package API (ReserveFiltered() removed and replaced with Reserve("group")).

[0.7.0] - 2017-03-09


  • Status web page now lets you delete pending commands from the queue.
  • Package comments (godoc documentation) are now improved with better overviews and examples.
  • wr cloud deploy, on failure to start the remote manager, and wr cloud teardown now copy the remote manager's log file locally to eg. ~/.wr_produciton/log.openstack


  • wr cloud teardown will no longer stop the remote manager if you you can't authenticate with the cloud provider.
  • wr status --std --limit 0 now works, getting all STDOUT/ERR for all your commands.
  • Changed a dependency to use a fixed older version.
  • Fixed a situation in which the OpenStack scheduler could fail to spawn servers.
  • Fixed a situation in which the OpenStack scheduler could fail to terminate idle servers.
  • wr cloud deploy --script xyz now ensures the script completes before wr runs anything on the new server.


  • Backwards incompatible changes to the cloud package API.

[0.6.0] - 2017-02-22


  • MacOS compatibility.
  • Status web page now shows requested disk.
  • All cloud options to wr cloud deploy and wr manager start are now config options, so they can be set once in your ~/.wr_config.yml file for simpler deployments.
  • wr status can now take a --limit option that lets you see details of all commands, instead of a random one from each group.
  • Cloud usage is now user-specific, allowing multiple users to have their own wr deployment in the same OpenStack tenant.
  • There's now a wiki (see for the link) that covers some gotchas.


  • Various cases of commands getting stuck pending.
  • Various cases of the OpenStack scheduler failing to spawn servers.
  • OpenStack scheduler creating too many servers.
  • OpenStack scheduler starting too many runners on servers.
  • wr cloud teardown now more reliably cleans everything up if you have many servers that need to be terminated.
  • go get was broken by a dependency.


  • wr manager start -m now allows you to specify 0 additional servers get spawned.
  • OpenStack servers failing to spawn now results in a back-off on further requests.
  • OpenStack servers are now created with a dynamic timeout that should avoid unnecessary cancellations when the system is busy.
  • Status web page now shows stdout/err as pre-formatted text with progress bars filtered out.

[0.5.0] - 2017-01-26


  • wr cloud deploy now has options for setting your network CIDR, gateway IP, DNS name servers and minimum disk size.
  • wr add command-specific options now allow specifying environment variable overrides.


  • Manager's IP is now calculated correctly on hosts with multiple network interfaces.
  • wr cloud deploy applies appropriate private permissions to the ssh key file it copies over to the "head" node.
  • Numerous fixes made to OpenStack scheduler, allowing it to work as expected with multi-core flavors and not overload the system by spawning new servers sequentially.


  • Using wr add with a remote manager now no longer associates local environment variables with the command; commands run with the remote variables instead.
  • Memory requirements are no longer increased by 100MB unless the resulting figure would be less than 1GB.
  • Backwards incompatible internal API changes for the jobqueue package.

[0.4.0] - 2017-01-19


  • wr add --disk causes the creation of suitable sized temporary volumes when using the OpenStack scheduler, if necessary.
  • New wr add command-specific options now allow specifying which cloud OS image to use to run that command.


  • Improved error message if an invalid OS image name prefix is supplied.


  • Format of file taken by wr add -f has changed completely; read the help.
  • Backwards incompatible internal API changes for the cloud package.

[0.3.1] - 2016-12-16


  • wr cloud deploy now creates working ssh tunnels for typical ssh configs.

[0.3.0] - 2016-12-12


  • Added commands can now be dependent on previously added commands, using arbitrary and multiple dependency groups for "live" dependencies.
  • Status web page now shows dependency information.


  • Updated help text to note what is not implemented yet.


  • Format of file taken by wr add -f now has an additional column for specifying dependency group-based dependencies, which changes the column order. Old files that had dependencies specified are no longer compatible!

[0.2.0] - 2016-12-06


  • Added commands can now be dependent on previously added commands.
  • Status web page now has a favicon.
  • wr cloud deploy (and wr manager start) now take options to limit what cloud flavors can be used, and to specify a post-creation script.
  • Manager now has improved logging of a variety of errors.


  • Status web page now correctly sorts the RepGroups.
  • Status web page progress bars no longer get stuck in 'ready' state, even when complete.
  • Status web page progress bars no longer flicker.
  • Manager works with latest versions of OpenStack (which do not generate DER format SSH private keys).
  • Manager running on OpenStack no longer stops spawning new servers when it should.


  • Format of file taken by wr add -f now had additional columns for specifying dependencies.
  • Status web page no longer shows the unimplemented search box.
  • Status web page now show deleted commands as deleted instead of complete.

[0.1.1] - 2016-10-21


  • wr cloud deploy -h now includes additional help text to explain OpenStack usage.
  • wr add now has a --retries option, letting you choose how many automatic retries failed commands undergo before user action is required.
  • Makefile now specifies a 'report' action to do most of goreportcard.


  • wr cloud deploy now uses the --os_ram value for the initial "head" node.
  • wr status now shows the status of currently running commands.
  • Mistakes in typing a wr command no longer duplicate the error message.
  • Test timings relaxed to hopefully pass in Travis more reliably.


  • The release zip uploaded to github has a better architecture name (x86-64 instead of amd64).
  • Removed the unused deploypidfile config option.
  • Removed the unused ssh package.

[0.1.0] - 2016-10-14


  • First release of wr
  • No workflow implementation
  • Adding and automated running of commands
  • Run commands on local machine, via LSF, or via OpenStack