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Bidding Service

File metadata and controls

183 lines (152 loc) · 8.06 KB

Bidding Service Changes

Bidding service will support new routing feature and new hook - fetchAdditionalSignals that allows to provide additional signals and do realtime selection.

Routing Utils

To make a call to the Key-Value Service from the generateBids JavaScript function there is a newly added external function in the Roma Service.

Routing logic

Routing Utils will be initiated during the Bidding Service run process, and a new external function fetchAdditionalSignals will be registered within the Roma Service. Routing Utils will include a connection pool to various Key-Value Services (KVS), enabling the creator of the UDF function to make batch requests to different KVS. Routing Utils will validate the requests, determine the appropriate KVS to send them to, encrypt the requests, and then dispatch them. Once the responses are received, they will be aggregated and sent back to the JavaScript code.

The communication interface between the Roma Service and Routing Utils will be based on KVS protocol messages, with added support for bulk requests and information about the KVS destination.

Routing request and response schemas

message KVServerInfo {
  string server_name = 1;

message KVGetValuesRequest {
  KVServerInfo server_info = 1;
  kv_server.v2.GetValuesRequest get_values_request = 2;
message BatchKVGetValuesRequest {
  repeated KVGetValuesRequest requests = 1;

message KVGetValuesResponse {
  string server_name = 1;
  string error_message = 2;
  kv_server.v2.GetValuesResponse get_values_response = 3;
message BatchKVGetValuesResponse {
  repeated KVGetValuesResponse responses = 1;
  string error_message = 2;
  • GetValuesRequest and GetValuesResponse are the structure from the KVS proto schema.
  • KVServerInfo has the information to which KVS we need to send request (either KVS with Selection or normal KVS).
  • BatchKVGetValuesRequest and BatchKVGetValuesResponsestructures that needed to support batch requests/responses.

Key-Value-Service destinations

In the UDF bidding function generateBids, the Ad Tech does not have direct information about the exact URLs or DNS names of the Key-Value Services destinations. Instead, the Ad Tech will use predefined KVS names within the UDF, and Routing Utils will resolve these names to the correct URLs (ensuring the appropriate gRPC channel is used). To support this, the Bidding Service runtime configuration will be extended with a new parameter: tee_selection_kv_server_addr in addition to the existing parameters tee_ad_retrieval_kv_server_addr and tee_kv_server_addr.

When UDF sends a request to KVS in the RoutingRequest, you need to specify the name server_name of the Key-Value Service. Currently, there are three predefined names: KV_SERVER, AD_RETRIEVAL_KV_SERVER and SELECTION_KV_SERVER. These names are directly mapped to the corresponding *_kv_server_addr parameters.

Routing communication shema

Request Example in bidding UDF

function generateBids(interest_group, auction_signals, buyer_signals, trusted_bidding_signals, device_signals) {

const batchKVGetValuesRequest = {
    requests: [
        server_info: { server_name: 'KV_SERVER' },
        get_values_request: {
          client_version: 'v2',
          metadata: {
            hostname: '',
          partitions: [
              id: 0,
              compressionGroupId: 0,
              arguments: [
                  tags: ['structured', 'groupNames'],
                  data: ['hello'],
                  tags: ['custom', 'keys'],
                  data: ['key1'],

  const jsonRequest = JSON.stringify(batchKVGetValuesRequest);
  const fetchAdditionalSignalsResult = fetchAdditionalSignals(jsonRequest);

  return {
    'response': [{
          'ad': adObject,
          'bid': bidValue,
          'render': renderUrl,
          'adComponents': ["adComponentRenderUrlOne", "adComponentRenderUrlTwo"],
          'allowComponentAuction': false,
          'interestGroupName': dynamic_ig_name
    'logs': ps_logs,
    'errors': ps_errors,
    'warnings': ps_warns

Multiple IGs and Bids

Ad Selection API by default will combine all the IGs into one Invocation Request, and send them to the Bidding UDF generateBids (there is a possibility to isolate IG in one Invocation Request). Inside generateBids JavaScript there is access to all IGs and it will be possible to make bidding process more accurate.

Now generateBids function as importing parameter accepts one IG, but it will be modified and it will be array of IGs. As returning type for bid AdWithBid also will be changed to array of AdWithBid.

Input parameters of generateBids

Parameter Name Parameter value
interest_groups Array of IGs
auction_signals Map of signals where key is IG name and value is array of signals
buyer_signals Map of signals where key is IG name and value is array of signals
trusted_bidding_signals Array of signals
device_signals Array of signals

Returning parameter

Parameter Name Parameter value
response Array of structure AdWithBid

In the Ad Selection API, multiple bids can be returned for evaluation by the seller’s auction code. Besides new IGs names or/and render URLs can be returned. Each bid has the same shape as the bid returned in the Protected Audience auction, and we support compatibility.

The render element can take two forms:

  • A single string representing the renderURL.
  • An object with renderURL and width and height, which the frame will use to help size the frame that the ad appears in. Note that in the case of using the size option, k-anon will include the size in its tuple.
  • The response returned is a json string array containing a single or multiple Interest Groups.

In the Ad Selection API, multiple bids can be returned for evaluation by the seller's auction code. The render element can take two forms:

  • A single string representing the renderURL.
  • An object with renderURL and width and height, which the frame will use to help size the frame that the ad appears in. Note that in the case of using the size option, k-anon will include the size in its tuple.

Code example for generateBids usage:

generateBids(interest_groups, auction_signals, buyer_signals, trusted_bidding_signals, device_signals) {
  return {
    'response': [{
          'ad': adObject,
          'bid': bidValue,
          'render': renderUrl,
          'adComponents': ["adComponentRenderUrlOne", "adComponentRenderUrlTwo"],
          'allowComponentAuction': false,
          'interestGroupName': dynamic_ig_name
    'logs': ps_logs,
    'errors': ps_errors,
    'warnings': ps_warns

Response example with single Bid

    "response": [{
      "render": "",
      "bid": 1,
      "interestGroupName": "ig_name"
    "logs": ["test log"],
    "errors": ["test.error"],

Response example with multiple Bids

    "response": [
        {"render": "","bid": 1,"interestGroupName": "ig_name_Foo"},
        {"render": "","bid": 2,"interestGroupName": "ig_name_Bar"}
    "logs": ["test log"],
    "errors": ["test.error"],