This is a react native project built using expo CLI and it uses all the best practises and industry standards of writing code. It a food delivery app that has firebase, google maps and stripe integration. It was started as a code along project from an online course but ultimately ended up being a good learning project of fixing old depreciated code.
The key things achieved by me through this project were -
- React fundamentals like - react hooks, context API, react native navigation
- Firebase authentication, functions and deployment
- Stripe integration
- Google maps
- Some Animations library
- Async storages
- Camera module integration
Step 1 - Goto your desired file location and open terminal.
Step 2 - Clone the project here by using the following command
git clone
Step 3 - Now change directory from the terminal using the following command
cd FoodMood/
Step 4 - Open this folder inside a code editor of your choice by using the following command (you can use vs code for it’s extensive features) and make sure to be inside the FoodMood folder
code .
Step 5 - Change the firebase configuration and stripe keys
Step 6 - Now open the terminal and install all the dependencies by using
npm install
Step 7 - After installing all the dependencies, simply run the following command
npx expo start