- Switch UUID to "uuid": "^8.3.2"
- Svelte kit: experiment with server routes equivalent
- Work on validation: grab form help text, form help text error etc from other projects and correctly pass it into the way forms are built
- Email validation with regex https://html5-tutorial.net/form-validation/validating-email/
Examples: create a contact form
Examples: create a pricing page
Examples: create a blog post
Examples: create a blog comments list
Examples: create a mobile tabbed view (Arkiplan mobile vue)
Examples: create a mobile list view (Arkiplan mobile vue)
Todo list: add a "created by" column where the cells have avatars
Todo list: actually delete the item from the list when delete is called
Menu with icon component
Nav menu (top): support icons
Stats page: try to integrate layercake.graphics (again)
Add a favicon
- Add an overal “brand” (leaf icon @rinxols?) or draw one myself
Screen: Implement forgot password success page, with success alert
Document utility classes
Style tab
Implement link buttons
Implement proper tabs (pill style) component with active state
Implement more pleasing link styles (text decoration on hover utility)
Implement charts with layercake.graphics
Go through overall CSS - make it use color variables
Implement dark mode
Test SSR
- Needs a title system, that can derive titles from pages to page
- Aria announcer is undocumented, needs documentation
- Needs a way to add meta tags properly per page (like in Routify metatags package)
- How do I access the object with all routes? (So I can maybe build a page tree automatically?)