Anaconda is a free and open source distribution of the Python programming language. Make sure you select python3.
conda create -n bsoid_env
conda activate bsoid_env
You should now see (bsoid_env) $yourusername@yourmachine ~ %
conda install ipython
pip install pandas tqdm matplotlib opencv-python seaborn scikit-learn bhtsne
Step 4: Clone B-SOID and change your current directory to B-SOID/bsoid_py/config to edit your configuration path
git clone
cd B-SOID/bsoid_py/config/
Use the vim commands as follows:
- vim commands are:
- "i" for going into edit mode, user keyboards to navigate.
- "esc" for escaping editor mode.
- ":w" write changes.
- ":wq" for writing your changes and quit vim.
- ":q!" disregarding any changes and quit.
- BASE_PATH = '/Users/ahsu/B-SOID/datasets'
- Change this to your directory to the project folder that all experimental folders nests within.
- TRAIN_FOLDERS = ['/Train1', '/Train2']
- Within BASE_PATH, you now list the immediate parent folder that houses .csv files.
- PREDICT_FOLDERS = ['/041919', '/042219']
- Folder paths containing new dataset (.csv files) to predict using built classifier.
'Snout/Head': 0,
'Neck': None,
'Forepaw/Shoulder1': 1,
'Forepaw/Shoulder2': 2,
'Bodycenter': None,
'Hindpaw/Hip1': 3,
'Hindpaw/Hip2': 4,
'Tailbase': 5,
'Tailroot': None
- Change the order if its different.
- Please make sure you have the 6 that I highlighted here.
- You can have more, but not less.
- FPS = 60
- Change this to your camera frame-rate.
- Determine that by getting info from your videos.
- Be as precise as possible.
- OUTPUT_PATH = '/Users/ahsu/Desktop/'
- Change to desired output path that the program will be saving results to.
- MODEL_NAME = 'c57bl6_n2_120min'
- Name the machine learning model.
- VID_NAME = '/Users/ahsu/B-SOID/datasets/041919/2019-04-19_09-34-36cut0_30min.mp4'
- If you want to visualize the output to understand what each group means, pick a video.
- ID = 0
- Which csv ID number would this video be corresponding to?
- For example, if this is the first video in the first PREDICT_FOLDERS list: /041919, it will be 0. (0 index; 1-1)
- If there are only 2 videos per folder, and it's the second video in the second PREDICT_FOLDERS list: /042219, it will be 3 (0 index; 4-1)
- Which csv ID number would this video be corresponding to?
- FRAME_DIR = '/Users/ahsu/B-SOID/datasets/041919/0_30min_10fpsPNGs'
- Where would you want the extracted frames to be stored?
- Make sure you've created this folder and it exists!
- SHORTVID_DIR = '/Users/ahsu/B-SOID/datasets/041919/examples'
- Where would these short example videos be saved to?
- Make sure you've created this folder and it exists!
Within the same B-SOID/bsoid_py/config/ directory
- Change to False if you don't want plots. It'll still save the output .csvs.
- Change to False if you don't want video outputs during the prediction process.
- Generally, I would only keep this True to validate the model as video takes time to process.
You can also tweak other parameters in the file, but it's not necessary.
Go back to main B-SOID folder, if you're in bsoid_py, cd ..
First, call iPython
Then import configuration files, and the main function
from bsoid_py.config import *
import bsoid_py.main
Build your behavioral model using your training csv files within your train folders (
f_10fps, trained_tsne, scaler, gmm_assignments, classifier, scores =
Note that this process takes some time depending on how big your dataset is. Generally, I would consider training with at least 3 animals, with sufficient behavioral data.
Once this process is done
Still inside iPython, see above.
data_new, feats_new, labels_fslow, labels_fshigh =
The output results will be stored automatically in the OUTPUT_PATH ( Video results will be stored as well (