Let us make one thing very clear: your contributions are very welcome and crucial to the long term success of this project 🙏🙏🙏
Now before you start please make sure you understand our contribution guidelines below.
Please raise all bugs as GitHub Issues and include the following infos:
- A short description
- A detailed explanation as to what caused the problem
- The version of the code on which the bug occured
- The dev environment (JDK version, operating system, etc) on which the bug occured
- Any additional materials (stack trace, sample code that triggers the bug, input data that triggers the bug, etc)
The process for submitting a bug fixe or a new feature is as follows:
- Fork the project on Github.
- Implement your fix/feature in your fork of the reposiory
- From your fork create a pull request in GitHub against actusfrf/[repository]:master (i.e. the master branch of the main repository).
- We will check your patch passes our quality standards (see below on how to get a patch accepted).
- If your code passes our quality standards check it will be accepted and merged.
Follow the rules below in order to make sure your contribution can be accepted and merged:
- Keep intact existing tests
- Keep intact backwards compatibility
- Include javadoc documentation
- Include appropriae tests for new features
- DO NOT introduce proprietary classes new deüendencies
By publishing your contributions to an ACTUS GitHub repository you:
- certify that you have the right to assign copyright from your contributions to the ACTUS Financial Research Foundation.
- irrevocably assign all copyright from your contributions to the ACTUS Financial Research Foundation, under the same licensing terms as the rest of the code.