Send a boostagram to a podcasts using the Podcast Index (
To use you need a key. Please go to
Example on Raspiblitz v1.8: (as admin user) python3 VALUE /path/to/ 920666 90 1 python3 BOOST /path/to/ 920666 90 1 'Sender name' 1000 'Boostmessage'
Options: /path/to/ VALUE|BOOST <episode_nr> [ <sats_total> ] Use 0 as episode_nr to boost the podcast instead of a specific episode (i.e a live podcast)
VALUE - Show valueblock of podcast episode BOOST - Send boostagram
message - 'fromfile' - Read text from default file message - - If file exists read from file, else use default message
podcastindex: use your key and secret
log: Log directory
mode: TEST or BOOT
timestamp: default spot in episode (in seconds)
message: default text message to send
sender: default name for sender (you)
sats_total: default total amount of sats to send
podcastlist: file containing your podcastlist
sendboostagram: path to
INSTALLATION on Raspiblitz v1.8:
Install extra package:
- sudo apt install python3-dateutil
Get files:
- cd /tmp
- sudo git clone
- copy *.sh, *.py and *.json to a directory of choice
- copy LICENCE and to the same directory of choice
- sudo rm -rf /tmp/podcastindex-boost
- sudo chown -Rv helipad:helipad <directory of choice>
- sudo mkdir <log-directory> (see config.json)
- sudo chown -Rv admin:admin <log-directory>
- edit paths in and config.json
- edit settings in config.json
- edit podcastlist.json