function DECISION-TREE-LEARNING(examples, attributes, parent_examples) returns a tree
if examples is empty then return PLURALITY-VALUE(parent_examples)
else if all examples have the same classification then return the classification
else if attributes is empty then return PLURALITY-VALUE(examples)
A ← argmaxa ∈ attributes IMPORTANCE(a, examples)
tree ← a new decision tree with root test A
for each value vk of A do
exs ← { e : e ∈ examples and e.A = vk }
subtree ← DECISION-TREE-LEARNING(exs, attributes − A, examples)
add a branch to tree with label (A = vk) and subtree subtree
return tree
Figure ?? The decision-tree learning algorithm. The function IMPORTANCE is described in Section ??. The function PLURALITY-VALUE selects the most common output value among a set of examples, breaking ties randomly.