function MONTE-CARLO-LOCALIZATION(a, z, N, P(X'|X, v, w), P(z|z*), m) returns a set of samples for the next time step
inputs: a, robot velocities v and w
z, range scan z1,..., zM
P(X'|X,v,w), motion model
P(z|z*), range sensor noise model
m, 2D map of the environment
persistent: S, a vector of samples of size N
local variables: W, a vector of weights of size N
S', a temporary vector of particles of size N
W', a vector of weights of size N
if S is empty then /* initialization phase */
for i = 1 to N do
S[i] ← sample from P(X0)
for i = 1 to N do /* update cycle */
S'[i] ← sample from P(X'|X = S[i], v, w)
W'[i] ← 1
for j = 1 to M do
z* ← RAYCAST(j, X = S'[i], m)
W'[i] ← W'[i] . P(zj|z*)
return S
FIGURE ?? A Monte Carlo localization algorithm using a range-scan sensor model with independent noise.