2.12.0 (2023-04-24)
- bufferline: use
to close a buffer (#670) (3e46dd6) - telescope: added keymap for recent files in the current directory. (#669) (6c334fe)
- spectre: use new url by default (7b9145c)
2.11.0 (2023-04-23)
- dap: Change DAP REPL binding from open to toggle (#663) (3a718c5)
- lsp: automatically resolve denols/tsserver conflicts if both are configured (d565684)
- plugins: automatically handle plugin repo renames (59f3b3e)
2.10.0 (2023-04-21)
- neo-tree: refresh neotree git status when closing a lazygit terminal (ad214af)
- copilot: re-enable copilot confirm with overwrite (40983a3)
2.9.0 (2023-04-21)
- tsserver: set some tsserver formatting settings to their Neovim equivalents. Also used for organize imports (eb92903)
2.8.0 (2023-04-21)
- copilot: better copilot status colors for lualine (1274310)
2.7.0 (2023-04-21)
- copilot: added lualine component for copilot. Simple icon colored by status. Will add status message when available (warnings) (d63c471)
2.6.0 (2023-04-20)
- project: load on VeryLazy otherwise projects wont be loaded when opening Telescope (5264909)
2.5.0 (2023-04-19)
- lsp: added support for setting global lsp client capabilities (ac10516)
2.4.3 (2023-04-19)
2.4.2 (2023-04-19)
2.4.1 (2023-04-19)
2.4.0 (2023-04-18)
- dap: add more keybindings and lualine component (#612) (38ad79d)
- diagnostics: added support for setting prefix = "icons". Check the docs on how to enable (01a1b8e)
- diagnostics: show diagnostics source when more than one source is reporting diagnostics (06c38c5)
2.3.0 (2023-04-17)
2.2.1 (2023-04-17)
- telescope: typo (a94f7af)
2.2.0 (2023-04-17)
- noice: added keymap to dismiss all noice messages (0155de0)
- lsp: gT => gy. keymap for goto type definition. Fixes #554 (0cb8974)
- telescope: consistent keymap description. Fixes #600 (df9547f)
2.1.0 (2023-04-16)
- added extra for dap (bc14e02)
- dap: added extra for dap nlua (f562d1d)
- which-key: easier integration for which-key group names (df94a04)
- dap: added DapInstall and DapUninstall to cmds (feaeab9)
2.0.0 (2023-04-16)
- treesitter: rename help to vimdoc (#521)
- autocmds: add checkhealth filetype to close_with_q list (#512) (1defd5f)
- keymaps: Get rename command from inc_rename configuration (#579) (a099b2d)
- telescope: add document/workspace diagnostics and todo/fixme telescope keymaps (#557) (98775f5)
- telescope: use the new dynamic workspace symbols (#577) (6e01e85)
- autocmds: don't auto create dirs for urls. Fixes #583 (7476da7)
- config: options cant be disabled with lazyvim config. Fixes #566 (02c5e8d)
- format: ignore vim.b.autoformat when formatting using key bindings. Fixes #575 (bef36bb)
- lazygit: dont use
for normal more for laygit to prevent delays on<esc>
. Fixes #567 (a9e9204) - lsp: gt -> gT. Fixes #554 (2d8116e)
1.24.0 (2023-03-31)
1.23.0 (2023-03-25)
1.22.0 (2023-03-23)
- autocmd: remove query from q-to-quit autocmd (#473) (b0cef1f)
- mason: removed flake8. You can add it back in your own configs if you need it or add ruff_lsp (381ee0a)
1.21.2 (2023-03-19)
1.21.1 (2023-03-17)
- config: compat with lazy.nvim (501474e)
1.21.0 (2023-03-17)
- lsp: added keymap to see source actions with
(useful for tsserver and others) (9f5a0f1)
1.20.0 (2023-03-17)
1.19.0 (2023-03-14)
- core: set
for LazyVim (df6ac59)
1.18.2 (2023-03-12)
1.18.1 (2023-03-10)
1.18.0 (2023-03-10)
- copilot: better sorting for cmp sources when using copilot (23ba877)
- eslint: added an extra for eslint lsp that runs EslintFixAll before saving a buffer (75299da)
- null-ls: added .neoconf.json to null-ls root_dir (5aad574)
- null-ls: added fish_indent and fish diag (8f3834b)
- prettierd: added an extra for prettierd with null-ls (aa8bae0)
- shfmt: added shfmt to null-ls and mason (c407ddf)
- typescript: added null-ls typescript code actions (5bb2314)
- eslint: only run EslintFixAll on buffers where eslint is attached (f1dbd09)
1.17.1 (2023-03-05)
- copilot: confirm with replace for copilot only (079d396)
1.17.0 (2023-03-05)
- add luap to nvim-treesitter ensure_installed (#383) (f441faa)
- autocmds: added 'query' to close_with_q autocmd (2e951e4)
- mason: removed installing of shellcheck and shfmt. Use bashls instead (e7a515e)
- rename more appropriately (also a typo) (#378) (9dd2487)
- typescript: enable function call completion snippets (6fec14e)
1.16.0 (2023-03-03)
- neo-tree: added expanders (57c2dcb)
1.15.0 (2023-03-03)
- cmp: added
to confirm completion with replace (3a52307) - copilot: added an extra to enable copilot.
{import = "lazyvim.plugins.extras.coding.copilot"}
- luasnip: added note that jsregexp is optional if it fails to build (04a60e2)
1.14.1 (2023-03-02)
- alpha: larger session icon. Fixes #365 (d00aade)
- leap: unpin leap (16e4a3f)
- luasnip: dont build jsregexp on Windows (f6f3ce4)
1.14.0 (2023-03-01)
1.13.1 (2023-03-01)
- leap: pin leap for now till flit issue is fixed (787ceab)
1.13.0 (2023-02-28)
- git-signs: larger icons for delete (4b37723)
- icons: replace obsolete Nerd icons (#331) (588dc5d)
- lsp: only map lsp goto definition when client has definitionProvider (#348) (5abb10b)
- luasnips: make install_jsregexp (bd62cbe)
- mini-indentscope: disable indentscope for filetypes during init. Fixes #318 (d97bf66)
- treesitter: always install all built-in treesitter parsers to prevent queriy issues (fc765e9)
1.12.1 (2023-02-20)
1.12.0 (2023-02-20)
- persist pinned tabs (#304) (6b9f0c0)
- telescope: add
for:Telescope lsp_workspace_symbols
(#309) (cccdc1c)
- illuminate: always set refernce keymaps on the buffer as well to properly overwrite ftplugin mappings. Fixes #292 (a0cf00c)
- mini.surround: don't create empty keymaps. Fixes #296 (8e84dcf)
- treesitter: disable indent only for python right now (de6a28b)
- treesitter: disable treesitter indent by default, since it has too many issues. See #297 (329a2da)
1.11.0 (2023-02-17)
1.10.0 (2023-02-16)
- leap: lazy-load leap/flit and added keymaps (eccd122)
- treesitter-textobjects: only disable the textobject plugins/* files when its not enabled in the treesitter opts (94ebe25)
1.9.4 (2023-02-15)
1.9.3 (2023-02-14)
- notify: install notify when noice is not enabled (5d6f0d5)
- which-key: only add noice group when noice is enabled (38eb3bf)
1.9.2 (2023-02-12)
1.9.1 (2023-02-12)
- cmp: added
to make it more consistent (31ad893) - lsp: temp mason fix for sumenko_lua -> lua_ls rename. See #248 (5431268)
- telescope: make key bindings more consistent for telescope (151bf12)
1.9.0 (2023-02-11)
1.8.0 (2023-02-10)
- mini.ai: added all mini.ai text-objects to which-key (b96ea66)
- telescope: improved Telescope mappings in normal and insert mode (#231) (fd0a0e8)
1.7.2 (2023-02-09)
- leap: don't use the x and X mappings in visual mode (42d2411)
1.7.1 (2023-02-09)
- lsp: remove debug (cb384ad)
1.7.0 (2023-02-09)
1.6.0 (2023-02-07)
- lsp: allow disabling autoformat for certain buffers (52b34ce)
1.5.0 (2023-02-07)
- autocmds: add groups to autocmds (#151) (f57031d)
- trouble: keymaps for trouble quicklist / loclist (#171) (088914e)
- plugins: lazy-loading on BufReadPre or BufReadPost, should also use BufNewFile. Fixes #169 (5f5a564)
1.4.0 (2023-02-07)
- keymaps: move lines with silent and without triggering cmdline. Fixes #184 (2ff2131)
- keymaps: silent by default (e5626e9)
- lsp: properly merge lsp client capabilities (826655b)
- mini.indent: no need to disable indent in alpha dashboard config. Fixes #199 (320f5c6)
- mini.surround: use merged plugin spec to build keys. Fixes #172. Fixes #177 (1823236)
- typescript: typescript extras Keymaps (#175) (3a28ce7)
1.3.4 (2023-02-02)
- mini.ai: load ai on VeryLazy. Keymaps interfer with which-key. #155 (3b5f363)
- noice: scroll doc window in normal, insert and select mode (c5b22c0)
- nvim-navic: use kinds icons for navic. Fixes #164 (b81ecf9)
1.3.3 (2023-01-29)
- lualine: fixed nei-tree extension (#132) (835f77f)
- neo-tree: disable the
mapping (you can use<cr>
instead), to make sure<leader>
mappings still work. Fixes #146 (ac1f188) - neo-tree: dont change cwd when opening neo-tree. Fixes #130 (5ac9938)
1.3.2 (2023-01-25)
- bufferline: plugin was renamed from nvim-bufferline.lua -> bufferline.nvim. Fixes #128 (2ae2a63)
- config: don't set options to their defaults (#120) (8650f2c)
- config: return defaults when setup was not run yet. Fixes #126 (bd4f350)
- illuminate: delete
keymaps set by ftplugins. Fixes #124 (5a4cb1b)
1.3.1 (2023-01-24)
1.3.0 (2023-01-24)
- added deactivate for neo-tree and noice (10f8097)
- health: added some simple health checks (adee052)
- keymaps: do not create keymaps when a lazy keys handler exists (012dbab)
- lsp:
now work as expected. Fixes #109 (7595bfa) - lsp: only load cmp-nvim-lsp when cmp is enabled (b81dc71)
- options: don't set GUI font. Fixes #113 (1b3b18d)
- telescope: bind hidden/ignore to
instead of<c-i
> since thats the same as<tab>
. Fixes #117 (5aa85e4)
1.2.0 (2023-01-22)
- extras: added extra for mini.animate. Highly recommended! (1a55a16)
1.1.0 (2023-01-22)
- install latest stable release of lazy.nvim and LazyVim (8bc321b)
- lsp: make it easier to customize LSP keymaps. Fixes #93 (47ba46f)
- lsp: setup lsp servers not supported by mason-lspconfig and added mason=false to skip server setup by mason. Fixes #95 (cc0171e)
- core: use lazy.nvim version configured by the user (254d0ca)
- indent-blankline: load on BufReadPost to prevent neo-tree errors (1ea6534)
- keymaps: switch
to be consistent with the other keymaps (7be8efa) - treesitter: dont add to ensure_installed when "all". Fixes #98 (280f4cf)
1.0.0 (2023-01-20)
- 1.0.0 release (75e30fc)
0.4.0-alpha (2023-01-20)
- buffer: remove
in favor of]b
- treesitter: use
in visual mode to shrink delection. Fixes #71
- buffer: remove
in favor of]b
(3362f0a) - keymaps: added
to switch buffers (c2693e2) - lsp: ignore lsp servers where setting is set to
0.3.0-alpha (2023-01-17)
- todo:
- todo: moved search todo to
- telescope: moved search diagnostics to
- keymaps: added Inspect to
- telescope: moved search diagnostics to
(254d3a0) - todo:
(88c112f) - todo: moved search todo to
0.2.2-alpha (2023-01-16)
- windows: set version=false for treesitter. Last release is too old and broken on Windows. Fixes #2 (876d52f)
0.2.1-alpha (2023-01-16)
- keymaps: added shortcuts for split and vsplit
(5a99809) - mini.surround: added lazy keys with descriptions to mini.surround (bf31ecc)
- treesitter: added incremental selection (3af1922)
- version: don't use version for schemastore and nvim-cmp. Last version is too old (3d498ee)
0.2.0-alpha (2023-01-16)
- telescope: moved most
keymaps under<leader>s
(search) - neotree: keymaps are now under
- noice: noice keymaps are now under
- keymaps: terminal keymaps are now under
- keymaps: redraw is now mapped to
(UI redraw) - keymaps: toggle keymaps can now be found under UI
- colorscheme: LazyVim now loads the colorscheme configured with config.colorscheme. See the docs for more info
- config: LazyVim can now be configured like any other plugin with {"LazyVim/LazyVim", opts = ... }.
is deprecated - keymaps: remove keymaps for [p and ]p
- added vim-repeat. Fixes #56 (688436c)
- autocmds: rebalance windows on resize (6674a3a)
- colorscheme: LazyVim now loads the colorscheme configured with config.colorscheme. See the docs for more info (08f6375)
- config: LazyVim can now be configured like any other plugin with {"LazyVim/LazyVim", opts = ... }.
is deprecated (36c84f4) - config: show an error when the needed version of
is too old (7b94382) - keymaps: added
to redraw and clear hlsearch (1d6ce4f) - keymaps: redraw is now mapped to
(UI redraw) (1e4b958) - keymaps: remove keymaps for [p and ]p (73b38e6)
- keymaps: toggle keymaps can now be found under UI
(ed06282) - lsp: added
for signature help in insert mode (b17ede1) - lsp: added
to be able to disable autoformat by default. Fixes #65 (b278b06) - lsp: allow overriding options for vim.lsp.buf.format. Fixes #51 (40d363c)
- lsp: make diagnostics configurable with
{"neovim/nvim-lspconfig", opts = {diagnostics = {}}}
. Fixes #55 (1efc925) - neo-tree: added
to toggle neo-tree (542920f) - neo-tree: load neo-tree when specifying a direcory on the cmdline (81d798f)
- notify: delay notifs till replaced or at most 500ms to prevent more prompts (701337f)
- notify: lazy-load nvim-notify to show proper notifs before Noice loads (7406313)
- util: use lazy's notify instead of
- add tsx treesitter to typescript lang module (#48) (a33d906)
- autocmds: load autocmds during startup when argc > 0. Fixes #34 (318b56c)
- bufferline: load bufferline on VeryLazy event (#35) (#36) (207beaf)
- format: typo timeout -> timeout_ms (f9de5d0)
- json: correct case for SchemaStore.nvim (04a898a)
- keymaps:
now does the same as Neovim's better<c-l>
(30dc8c5) - keymaps: add missing wk entries for buffer switching; lowercase UI in menu (#45) (46dba8f)
- keymaps: Add unique keymap to toggle relative number (#60) (e03471d)
- keymaps: Resolve comment after PR got merged (#61) (30b7215)
- lsp: ']d' & '[d' was reversed (#58) (cbd5342)
- luasnip: don't set remap=true for
. Fixes #44 (87c37f2) - neodev: use opts instead of config (7a68907)
- options: set options with
(d568098) - options: use
and trigger Lazy ui reload when needed. Fixes #38 (e405023) - plugins: fix the laziness of all plugins to still work as intended with
config.defaults.lazy = false
. Fixes #67 (6a3f3d3) - telescope: highlights are now under
. #50 (c6b83a8) - typescipt: properly check client.name in on_attach (cce3129)
- typescript: only set ts keymaps for tsserver (2128bf3)
- util: prevent loop for now. Still need to figure out what's causing it (bbb59d3)
- util: proper fix for lazy notify (83d18db)
- neodev: enable experimental pathStrict setting for better sumneko performance (6cf6959)
- keymaps: terminal keymaps are now under
(0cfc15e) - neotree: keymaps are now under
(24923ed) - noice: noice keymaps are now under
(f8b77db) - telescope: moved most
keymaps under<leader>s
(search) (f32ebb9)
- plugins: plugins now use lazy.nvim's new
property to make it far easier to override options - init: disable init.lua and show a message on how to use LazyVim
- lsp: move servers to lspconfig plugin spec
- keymaps: switching buffers now uses shift + hl keys
- keymaps: resizing windows now uses ctrl + arrow keys
- keymaps: move to window now uses ctrl hjkl
- lps: move signature help from
- added leap and flit (e98381a)
- added mini.ai for better text objects (9907695)
- added mini.indentscope (04b772e)
- added mini.surround (2fe5053)
- added persistence (ece9533)
- added todo-comments (aa74156)
- added trouble (7280d59)
- alpha: added lazy shortcut (1467c90)
- alpha: added shortcut to restore session (62dc892)
- alpha: improved colors (0266bb8)
- alpha: load on VimEnter so we can track its performance (93c5f84)
- autocmds: checktime on TermLeave and TermClose (ff777b5)
- autocmds: set spell and wrap for markdown (8174821)
- bufferline: added siagnostic icons (7b9d409)
- cmp: added cmp-emoji (0624811)
- cmp: added kind icons (79a6992)
- cmp: better tab behavior for cmp and luasnip (7753a46)
- cmp: ghost text (2abd569)
- diagnostics: added icons (8834510)
- editor: added mini.bufremove (3429ad8)
- git: added lazygit (8d43dde)
- gitsigns: added gitsigns keymaps (31ddf90)
- illuminate: added illuminate (b267e33)
- indent-blankline: better defaults (2d442fc)
- init: disable init.lua and show a message on how to use LazyVim (aa6ba29)
- initial commit (58e5dae)
- keymaps: added floating terminal (18756a6)
- keymaps: added keymaps for lazygit, new file and vim.show_pos (fd47b5d)
- keymaps: added missing descriptions (838bff1)
- keymaps: added missing descriptions (38be716)
- keymaps: added more keymaps (47fa58c)
- keymaps: added toggle for diagnostics and conceal (77672ba)
- keymaps: better jk (6824254)
- keymaps: more keymaps (df6f2fc)
- keymaps: move to window now uses ctrl hjkl (00ec5a9)
- keymaps: resizing windows now uses ctrl + arrow keys (ffe606e)
- keymaps: switching buffers now uses shift + hl keys (8f78270)
- keymaps: use regular jk when specifying a count (6bfba2d)
- lang: added json support (011356e)
- lazy: use lazy.nvim HEAD for now till this repo is more stable (305328f)
- lps: move signature help from
(92c22d7) - lsp: allow for custom lsp server setup (9fd2130)
- lspconfig: better setup with mason-lspconfig.setup_handlers (12dacc4)
- lualine: better lualine with git status, diagnostics and navic lsp information (#15) (d74759d)
- lualine: better lualine with lazy.nvim updates and some noice components (7306952)
- lualine: enabled globalstatus (f4f2107)
- mason: added keymap (0e6b710)
- mason: you can now supply a list of tools you want to have installed (5daf0cb)
- neo-tree: use util.get_root when opening neo-tree (c525020)
- notify: added keymap to dismiss all notifications (79bb9e1)
- notify: better defaults (bbd0a8a)
- options: winminwidth (4c2ac6b)
- settings: better default icons (e42337f)
- spectre: search and replace in multiple files (377a1e7)
- startuptime: better defaults (d4a4822)
- telescope: added a gazillian mappings for Telescope (9b5dd50)
- telescope: added more mappings (bce0744)
- telescope: better defaults (e7c5d8a)
- telescope: use git_files or find_files for
(531f8ba) - terminal: double escape to enter normal mode (454df99)
- treesitter: don't use auto_install. Use
instead (2309580) - typescript: added extras for typescript (6c73e77)
- ui: added noice (17c0eb4)
- util: added vim-startuptime (cde9070)
- util: float_term using lazy's API (08e6a88)
- util: telescope helper (b62655f)
- util: util.get_root (7750887)
- util: util.on_attach (e6dfed5)
- which-key: added more group names (91a2a25)
- which-key: added more group names (725bf0d)
- which-key: defined some groups (772fa5a)
- alpha: make alpha and lazy ui behave with each other (aae683f)
- alpha: make sure alpha renders when Lazy is open after installing missing plugins (670daaa)
- autocmds: better way of opening file at last location (63bea54)
- autoformat: make buf part of the autocmd group name (1bc0299)
- cmp: preselect entries (276c461)
- dont disable any builtins (016bda6)
- editor: gitsigns prev/next hunk keymap (#26) (a0fadd6)
- editor: typo and consistency (#12) (5bf59a6)
- fixed highlight on yank (d736cf4)
- indentscope: added extra filetypes to exclude (a893251)
- indentscope: Turn off indentscope in Mason (#16) (694c109)
- keymaps: only add vim.show_pos on nightly. Fixes #10 (3d998cb)
- keymaps: use update instead of write when saving. Fixes #9 (825e7cd)
- lazxy bootstrap code checked lazypath twice (7261a79)
- leap: force setting keymaps for leap to make gs work (ad83302)
- load mini.pairs (63609e6)
- luasnip: fixed luasnip keymaps (05ec629)
- luasnips: better defaults for <tab> behavior (41645fd)
- mini: dont use version for indentscope and starter for now till 0.7.0 is released (4f02877)
- options: only set splitkeep on Neovim 0.9.0 (3b700fc)
- persistence: fixed stop session keymap description (9026668)
- provide LSP server name in setup function (#21) (037d0e8)
- save: change to write again to trigger auto-formatting (259c3a6)
- telescope: always create a new opts object to prevent caching (d224aea)
- util: added space in msg when toggling (5363152)
- which-key: set group names for
- disable some builtin plugins that are replaced by another plugin (0d02dec)
- dressing: lazy-load on vim.ui function call (4d2327d)
- lazy-load nvim-notify (108c471)
- load keymaps and autocmds on VeryLazy (6dd32b5)
- setup which-key inside
and load autocmds and keymaps as normal (478f75c) - tokyonight: use tokyonight api to load colorscheme on startup (75d8aff)