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Gian Michele Innocenti edited this page Jul 6, 2019 · 6 revisions


In this tutorial you will learn the meaning of the most important parameters of the MLHEP package.

  mass: 2.2864
  sel_reco_unp: "pt_cand>4 and pt_cand<8"
  sel_reco_singletrac_unp : null
  sel_gen_unp: "pt_cand>4 and pt_cand<8 and abs(z_vtx_gen)<10"
  sel_cen_unp: null
  #sel_good_evt_unp: "is_ev_rej == 0"
  sel_good_evt_unp: null
  sel_reco_skim: [null,null]
  sel_gen_skim: [null,null]
  sel_skim_binmin: [ 0,20] #list of nbins
  sel_skim_binmax: [20,100] #list of nbins
  var_binning: n_tracklets

The first part of the database includes the parameters needed to perform the conversion and skimming step. In particular:

  • sel_reco_unp: is the selection applied at the conversion stage on the reco candidates