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AOCL-Sparse exposes a common interface that provides Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines for sparse computation implemented for AMD's CPUs. AOCL-Sparse is built with cmake, using the supported compilers GNU and AOCC on Linux and clang/MSVC on Windows. AOCL-Sparse is dependent on AOCL-BLAS and AOCL-LAPACK.


  • Git
  • CMake versions 3.22 through 3.29
  • Boost library versions 1.80 through 1.85

Build and Installation

Building on Windows

  1. Install Visual Studio 2022 (the free version) and cmake
  3. Define the environment variable AOCL_ROOT to point to AOCL libs installation
set "AOCL_ROOT=C:\Program Files\AMD\AOCL-Windows"
  1. Navigate to checkout aocl-sparse directory
cd aocl-sparse
  1. Configure the project along with the following options depending on the build that is required:
cmake -S . -B <build_directory> -T clangcl -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang-cl -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="<aoclsparse_install_path>"

# Configure AOCL-Sparse
# Build options:
#   BUILD_SHARED_LIBS        - build AOCL-Sparse as a shared library (Default: ON)
#   BUILD_ILP64              - ILP64 Support (Default: OFF)
#   SUPPORT_OMP              - OpenMP Support (Default: ON)
#   BUILD_CLIENTS_SAMPLES    - build examples (Default: ON)
#   BUILD_UNIT_TESTS      	 - build unit tests (Default: OFF)
#   BUILD_CLIENTS_BENCHMARKS - build benchmarks (Default: OFF)
#   BUILD_DOCS               - build the PDF documentation (Default: OFF)
#   USE_AVX512               - AVX512 Support (Default: OFF)
  1. Export the paths for AOCL-BLAS, AOCL-LAPACK and AOCL-UTILS libraries.
set PATH=C:\Users\Program Files\AMD\AOCL-Windows\amd-blis\lib\LP64;%PATH%
set PATH=C:\Users\Program Files\AMD\AOCL-Windows\amd-libflame\lib\LP64;%PATH%
set PATH=C:\Users\Program Files\AMD\AOCL-Windows\amd-utils\lib;%PATH%
  1. Build the project
cmake --build <build_directory> --config Release --target install --verbose
  1. To run the tests/examples, export the path for Sparse library
set PATH=<aoclsparse_install_path>\lib;%PATH%
  1. Run the examples after exporting the required library/headers paths

Building on Linux

  2. Define the environment variable AOCL_ROOT to point to AOCL libs installation
export AOCL_ROOT=/opt/aocl
  1. Change directory to aocl-sparse and create the build directory build/release
cd aocl-sparse
mkdir -p build/release
cd build/release
  1. Configure the project by typing cmake ../../ along with (or none) of the following options depending on the build that is required:
cmake ../.. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="<aoclsparse_install_path>"

# Configure AOCL-Sparse
# Build options:
#   BUILD_SHARED_LIBS        - build AOCL-Sparse as a shared library (Default: ON)
#   BUILD_ILP64              - ILP64 Support (Default: OFF)
#   SUPPORT_OMP              - OpenMP Support (Default: ON)
#   BUILD_CLIENTS_SAMPLES    - build examples (Default: ON)
#   BUILD_UNIT_TESTS      	 - build unit tests (Default: OFF)
#   BUILD_CLIENTS_BENCHMARKS - build benchmarks (Default: OFF)
#   BUILD_DOCS               - build the PDF documentation (Default: OFF)
#   USE_AVX512               - AVX512 Support (Default: OFF)

Note If CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is not provided then /opt/aoclsparse/ is chosen as the default installation location. Inside it will contain the lib, include, and examples directories and associated files. 5. Build the project by typing make. To install the binaries, do make install

[sudo] make install
  1. Refer the sections below to run examples/tests and to build documentation

Note By default USE_EXTERNAL_OMP_LIB is disabled, indicating that the OpenMP targets are fetched from find_package(OpenMP) when multi-threading is turned on. Note If external OpenMP library is to be configured, enable USE_EXTERNAL_OMP_LIB and set EXTERNAL_OMP_LIBRARY to the path of the external OpenMP library.

cmake -S . -B <build_dir> -DUSE_EXTERNAL_OMP_LIB=ON -DEXTERNAL_OMP_LIBRARY="C:\Path-to\default-external-openMP\library\libomp.lib"

Running basic examples

To get acquainted on how to use the library, a variety of small illustrative examples are provided (under the tests/samples folder). The purpose of these examples is to show the intended usage of the offered functionality.

During installation, these basic examples are copied to the destination under the examples folder. This folder also contains instructions on how to compile the examples, view the inside the examples folder for further details.

The examples can be found in the installation directory under "<aoclsparse_install_path>/examples folder along with a instructions on how to compile.

Testing the installation

The library is equipped with a set of stringent tests programs (STP) and unit tests that verify the correct functioning of the built library.

The STP and unit tests are located in the aocl-sparse/tests/unit_tests folder and are intended to be executed from the building directory and are not copied during installation. Tests can be run using ctest.

make test
ctest -V -R <string_to_find_particular_set_of_tests>


To run the provided benchmarks, AOCL-Sparse has to be built with option BUILD_CLIENTS_BENCHMARKS turned on,


The following example illustrates how to benchmark a Sparse Matrix-Vector Product (SPMV) routine using the scircuit MTX matrix.

cd aocl-sparse/build/release
# Download and uncompress the matrix data
tar zxf scircuit.tar.gz && rm -rf scircuit.tar.gz
# Benchmark `csrmv` API, using `double` precision, 1000 times.
# `csrmv` performs v = alpha * A * x + beta * v, where
# v is a `m`-sized vector, A is an `m` times `n` sparse matrix,
# x is a `n`-size vector, `alpha` and `beta` are scalars that can
# (optionally) be defined using `--alpha` and `--beta` parameters.
./tests/staging/aoclsparse-bench --function=csrmv --precision=d --alpha=1 --beta=0 --iters=1000 --mtx=./scircuit/scircuit.mtx

The expected output should be similar to

M       N       nnz     alpha  beta  GFlop/s  GB/s  msec   iter  verified
170998  170998  958936  1.00   0.00  0.56     4.40  3.40e  1000  no

Another example using the same routine over a randomly generated sparse matrix of size 1000 times 1000 with 4000 nonzero entries,

./tests/staging/aoclsparse-bench --function=csrmv --precision=d --sizem=1000 --sizen=1000 --sizennz=4000 --verify=1

The expected output should be similar to

M     N     nnz   alpha  beta  GFlop/s  GB/s  msec      iter  verified
1000  1000  4000  1.00   0.00  0.74     6.28  1.08e-02  10    yes

Building the documentation

To create Sphinx based AOCL-Sparse documentation, build with the option BUILD_DOCS turned on, and invoke the doc target,

cmake  ../../ -DBUILD_DOCS=ON
make doc

The updated documentation can be found under the aocl-sparse/docs/sphinx directory.

Note Sphinx based document generation is supported only on Linux Note The document generation process requires a recent copy of Doxygen, a LaTeX distribution with pdflatex,sed, python with rocm-docs-core, breathe, sphinx and sphinxcontrib.bibtex


The license file can be found in the main aocl-sparse directory.