YANG Tools is to develop necessary tooling and libraries to provide Java runtime and support for YANG modeling language, data structures modeled by YANG and their serialization and deserialization as defined in IETF drafts and standards.
- parsing of YANG sources and semantic inference of relationship across YANG models as defined in RFC6020
- representation of YANG-modeled data in Java
- DOM-like APIs - DOM-like tree model, which uses conceptual meta-model
- Java Bindings - Concrete data model generated from YANG models
- serialization / deserialization of YANG-modeled data driven by YANG models
- XML - as defined in RFC6020 and revised in RFC7950
- JSON - as defined in draft-lhotka-netmod-yang-json-01 and standardized in RFC7951
- Integration of YANG model parsing into Maven build lifecycle and support for third-party generators processing YANG models.