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Score Matching for RL

Code for "Exponential Family Model-Based Reinforcement Learning via Score Matching" at NeurIPS 2022 (Oral presentation).


Tested on Python 3.9. Create a virtual or a conda environment, and install the requirements.

pip install -r requirements.txt
# If functorch not installed
pip install torch==1.11.0 functorch==0.1.1


Learning handcrafted transition model

We test a synthetic MDP with transitions evolving as $s' \sim \mathbb{P}( \cdot | s, a)$ where

$$\mathbb{P}(s' | s, a) = q(s') \cdot \exp (\langle \psi(s'), W_0 \phi(s, a) \rangle - Z_{s, a}(W)).$$

We work with 1d real-valued state and binary actions, i.e. $d_s \in \mathbb{R}$ and $d_a \in {-1, 1}$.

We call the density "CustomSinDensity" when the functions $q, \psi, \phi$ are:

$$q(s') = -(s')^{\alpha} / \alpha, \quad \psi(s') = \sin (P \cdot s'), \quad \text{and} \quad \phi(s, a) = [s, a].$$

Given a specific setting for $\alpha, P$, and a real-valued reward function $r(s, a)$, the goal is to play actions that maximize rewards when states evolve according to the transition model. Refer to the paper for more details on the specific setting for $\alpha, P$ and the reward function.

Running experiments with CustomSinDensity

scripts/ uses a simple random shooting planner: it (i) simulates lookaheads of playing [+1, . . . , +1] and [−1, . . . , −1], and (ii) chooses action depending on which yields higher reward. The length of each lookahead is tau and the planner simulates num_trials lookaheads.

# To use Gaussian as the estimated transition model
SAMPLING_DENSITY="normal" bash scripts/

# To use CustomSin as the estimated transition model (functions q, psi, phi 
# known; parameter W is learned)
SAMPLING_DENSITY="custom_sin" bash scripts/

# To use actual transition model as the estimate (baseline CustomSin), i.e. 
# parameter W is known and NOT learned
bash scripts/


Finally, generate plots for the three experiments with the following two scripts. The first plots the action the planner chooses for the transition model, and the second plots the cumulative rewards over the training episodes.

# Save plots in this directory
mkdir -p notebooks/plots

python scripts/

python scripts/

Example transitions and Score Matching fit on 1d densities

We also provide code that checks the fit of Score Matching estimate on handcrafted densities and MDPs. We used these for testing purposes.

  • notebooks/fit_1d_densities_w_sm.ipynb has examples of different densities that we could fit with Score Matching. Several densities do not follow the required theoretical assumptions for Score Matching to work, but Score Matching empirically finds a good fit anyway. This could enable research on potentially relaxing assumptions for Score Matching.
  • notebooks/synthetic_mdp.ipynb has examples of how the CustomSinDensity behaves on a selection of states and actions.

Learning noisy control tasks

Learning noisy cartpole (inverted pendulum) environment remains a challenge. We have tried several noise models and guesses for an exponential family density to fit the noisy cartpole transitions.

Cartpole environment uses OpenAI gym in gym_env/ and can be simulated using the relevant flags in scripts/

Under development/known issues

  • ".*hmc.*" sampling methods are not maintained. Initialization influences convergence for these sampling methods.
  • "inv_cdf" sampling method requires computing the log-partition function $Z_{s, a}(W) = \log \int q(x) \exp (\langle \psi(x), W \phi(s, a) \rangle) dx$. The integral is computed using either scipy.integrate.quad or as a Riemann integral. If the integral overflows np.float32 maximum (np.finfo(np.float32).max), the computed density is degenerate and the sampling process fails. A simple fix would be to use np.float64.


  title={Exponential Family Model-Based Reinforcement Learning via Score Matching},
  author={Li, Gene and Li, Junbo and Kabra, Anmol and Srebro, Nathan and Wang, Zhaoran and Yang, Zhuoran},
  journal={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},