This module allows creating an instance of Distributed Asynchronous Object Storage (DAOS) on Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
NOTE: DAOS on GCP does not require an Cluster Toolkit wrapper. Terraform modules are sourced directly from GitHub. It will not work as a local or embedded module.
Terraform modules for DAOS servers and clients are located in the Google Cloud DAOS repo on GitHub.
DAOS Terraform module parameters can be found in the files in each module directory.
For more information on this and other network storage options in the Cluster Toolkit, see the extended Network Storage documentation.
The community examples folder contains two example blueprints for deploying DAOS.
community/examples/intel/pfs-daos.yml Blueprint for deploying a DAOS cluster consisting of servers and clients. After deploying this example the DAOS storage system will be formatted but no pools or containers will exist. The instructions in the community/examples/intel/ describe how to
community/examples/intel/hpc-slurm-daos.yaml Blueprint for deploying a Slurm cluster and DAOS storage with 4 servers. The Slurm compute nodes are configured as DAOS clients and have the ability to use the DAOS filesystem. The instructions in the community/examples/intel/ describe how to deploy the Slurm cluster and run a job which uses the DAOS file system.
Content in the google-cloud-daos repository is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0 open-source license.
DAOS is distributed under the BSD-2-Clause-Patent open-source license.
Intel Corporation provides two options for technical support:
Community Support
Community support is available to anyone through Jira and via the DAOS channel for Google Cloud users on Slack.
- An Atlassian account is not needed for read only access to Jira.
- An Atlassian account is required to create and update tickets. To create an account follow the steps at
Community support is provided on a best-effort basis.
Commercial L3 Support
Commercial L3 support is available on an on-demand basis.
Contact Intel Corporation to obtain more information about Commercial L3 support.
You may inquire about L3 support via the Slack channel.