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Paul Rogers edited this page Jan 11, 2018 · 6 revisions

The column readers implement the patterns described in the Column Accessors section. Here we look at the specific details of the readers.


At present, the implementation provides only a per-batch reader (the RowSetReader). To construct a reader, we start with an existing batch (in the form of a row set.) We then do a recursive walk of the vectors, starting with the vector container. We examine each column, determine its category (map, scalar, union, etc.) and then build each column accordingly. Maps, unions, lists and repeated lists are containers: they contain other columns. So, we continue the recursive descent though these containers into their columns. The recursion stops when we hit a leaf (a possibly repeated scalar.)

Then, on the way back up the call stack, we assemble container readers using the child readers. We continue up until we build the tuple reader for the whole row.

As if this process were not complex enough, we have to do the work twice: once for a single batch, and a second way for a hyper batch. In a single batch, we can just inspect each vector directly to find the children. In a hyper batch, we have to make one pass over the batches to build up a combined schema (especially needed for unions), then a second pass to use the metadata to build the readers.

Scalar readers are generated (see below). The template also generates a class to create a scalar reader given a type. The leaf reader builder methods call these generated methods. Then, to build up higher-level methods, we use composition to, say, build up a scalar array from an array (which handles the offset vector) and a scalar reader (to read each value.) A considerable amount of code goes into glueing the bits together.

Reader Index

The reader must handle three distinct forms of indexing:

  • Direct (position x in the reader corresponds to row x in each vector)
  • Indirect (using an SV2: position x in the reader maps to sv2[x] in the vector)
  • Hyper: (using an SV4: position x in the reader corresponds to sv4[x].offset in batch sv4[x].batch of the hyper vector)

The ColumnReaderIndex interface defines the common protocol; implementations exist to handle each case. The result is that reader code is ignorant of indirection: it simply asks the index which batch and offset to read.

HyperVectors and the Vector Accessor

Readers would be quite simple if they worked only with a single batch. But, hyper vectors (hyper batches) add a large amount of complexity. A hyper batch is an abstraction that makes a collection of batches look like a single batch. That is, we start with a stack of batches:

| Batch 1 |
| Batch 2 |
|   ...   |
| Batch N |

That is pretty simple. But, we want to work with these not as an array of batches, each with its list of columns, but rather as a list of columns, each associated with multiple batches.

      Hyper Batch
|    a      b      c    |
|  +---+  +---+  +---+  |
|  | 1 |  | a |  | x |  | Batch 1
|  | . |  | . |  | . |  |
|  - - -  - - -  - - -  |
|  | 8 |  | c |  | z |  | Batch 2
|  | . |  | . |  | . |  |
|  - - -  - - -  - - -  |
|  | 3 |  | e |  | w |  | Batch 3
|  | . |  | . |  | . |  |
|  +---+  +---+  +---+  |

The diagram (attempts to) show that the hyper batch has three vectors: a, b, and c. All rows from all batches logically appear in each column, though each column is physically defined by a separate vector for each batch. (Yes, very complex. Plus, it is not entirely clear that this complexity will still be needed once operators migrate to the new mechanism. Something to keep in mind.)

From the application's perspective, it just iterates over rows and asks for values. The reader must jump from one batch to another; find the right column, get the offset within that batch, and return the value.

Hyper vectors make use of something called the VectorWrapper which is of two kinds: simple or hyper. (If you've ever wondered why getting a vector from a VectorContainer gives you a VectorWrapper, now you know.)

The vector wrapper is the "glue" that splices together a hyper vector from a set of normal vectors: it glues them end-to-end.

So, to access a top-level vector, we first get the column (column "c" above, say), then we go down to the 3rd entry (say) and get that vector.

The SV4 provides two fields: the batch (index within the VectorWrapper and) offset (position within the vector.) (In practice, these "fields" are packed into a single int, hence all the strange shifting in generated code.) In the reader, the reader index takes care of splitting the two fields.

Nested Vectors and the Access Path

The story told thus far, while it has some complexity, is not too bad:

  • Look up column c
  • Look up vector for batch b
  • Get the value from offset x

What happens when we have complex types? Say we have a map, a union, a map of unions, a map of maps, and so on. The vector wrapper concept exists only at the top level of a row; it would be far too complex to push the representation down into maps. (In fact, it is too complex to even do this at the top level; that's why we can drop this complexity after moving to readers.)

For a nested vector, the pattern is extended to:

  • Look up column c
  • Look up vector for batch b
  • Get the vector for map member m1
  • If the map is nested, get the vector for map member m2
  • At the leaf, get the value from offset x

In a single batch, we can work out the navigation paths at build time: each reader can directly hold onto the vector that it reads.

For top-level readers, each reader can hold onto the vector wrapper, and use the batch index to access the right vector.

But, for nested vectors, we have to walk the access path for every value. Obviously this is quite slow. (It will lead to a vast slowdown as the depth gets greater in operators that use hyper vectors, such as sort.)

Vector Accessors

The reader implements the access path concept using a vector accessor. Vector accessors nest.

  • At the top level, the vector accessor handles the vector wrapper indexing.
  • At nested levels, the vector accessor takes a parent, specifies the child to access, and looks up that child.

To make the single and hyper cases consistent, a single-batch vector accessor simply holds onto the target vector, no per-access navigation needed.

Generated Scalar Readers

A key goal of the scalar reader is to maximize speed: put as few instructions as possible in the code path of each get method. This means minimizing bounds checks. In most Drill code, the application decides the vector index, calls the vector accessor, which calls into the DrillBuf which checks bounds and calls into the UDLE, which checks bounds and calls into PlatformDependent to access direct memory. All the checks are needed because Drill has many, many ways to call the vector accessor, and some of them may have bugs.

The readers avoid bounds checks by doing bounds checks only when a position advances (in a row or array.) Since the only way to access data is via the index that the reader keeps private, we need not do bounds checks on each value access. Instead, we need only get the correct vector (as described above), then call an "unsafe" method in DrillBuf to get data from direct memory.

Performance tests have shown that this design produces significant performance improvements. Depending on the cardinality (AKA "data mode") the performance boost has ranged from 50% to 200%. (Use the PerformanceTool class to run the tests yourself to check current performance.)

As with the value vectors, the readers are generated from a Freemarker template defined in (The name "vector accessor" was already used, so this project chose the name "column accessor" instead. In a way, the name is more accurate: their job is to access columns regardless of the number of vectors involved.)

Each generated class is as simple as possible: just some simple setup, then a type-specific get method. Everything else resides in an abstract base class.

Aside from the get method, the three key pieces of information provided by the generated code are:

  • The value type (which get method is implemented)
  • The width of each field (for fixed-width readers)
  • A method to bind the reader to an index and a vector accessor

The bind method is needed to simplify object construction. We create the readers dynamically. It is much easier to call the no-argument constructor this way, then pass in the required bindings as a separate step.

The careful reader may notice that we generate code only for the "required" (non-nullable) cardinality. What about "optional" (nullable) and "repeated" (array)? Those are built up via composition as described below.

Nullable Scalar Reader

A nullable reader is simply a wrapper around a non-nullable reader which mimics the internal structure of a nullable vector. The nullable reader holds two readers: one for the "bits" vector, another for the values vector. Here we see the value of the generic interfaces: we do not need type-specific nullable readers: a single reader handles all scalar types.

Array Reader

An array reader is also composed of two parts: an offset reader and an element reader. The array reader introduces a new index level. The child level provides the index into the data vector. Because of this, the element reader is just a generated scalar reader. To make it an element reader, we pass in the child index for the array.

Again, because of the generic structure of the readers, the same array implementation works for repeated scalars, lists, repeated maps and repeated lists.

The application reads from an array by treating the array as an iterator. This ensures that the same mechanism works whether the array has a single value (a scalar array) or multiple values (such as a repeated map, or a repeated map that contains other repeated maps.) Methods exist to reset the index, or move the index to a specific location.

Tuple Reader

The tuple reader holds onto a collection of object readers indexed by both position and name. Applications can use either, or switch back and forth. (Test code often does this.) The tuple reader represents both the row and any maps within the row. (The row reader often has few extra methods, such as those to advance the read position to the next row.)

Null State

Detecting null values turns out to be complex in the general case. For a simple nullable column, we need only check the associated "bits" (is-set) vector. But, unions introduce another layer of complexity. A union can hold vectors of multiple types, each of which must be nullable. The union itself can be null. So, if we have a union of an INT and a VARCHAR, the INT is null in any of the following three cases:

  • The union itself is null
  • The union value is a type other than INT
  • The type is INT but the nullable INT is null

The LIST vector adds yet another complexity. A list can be a repeated union, but has a null flag for each array. Thus, now a scalar can be null for any of the three reasons above, plus:

  • The list entry is null

Clearly, writing if-statements to handle all this complexity would be a nightmare. Instead, the reader uses a "null state" object. Implementations exist for all three cases: simple nullable, union and list. The nullable reader simply asks the null state object if the value is null; the implementation of the null state object worries about the messy details.

Example Usage

The reader mechanism is meant to be used directly by the application, so let's look at an example. The example uses this schema:

a: Varchar
b: Repeated Int
c: map
  c1: Varchar
  c2: Int

We'll use the reader to print the value of each row. Let's assume we have a print() method available to us.

The key steps:

  • Get a reader somehow.
  • Iterate over the rows.
  • For each, call a method to print the row
  • Print a
  • Iterate over the values in b and print them
  • Recursively call this method to visit the columns in map c.

Here is the code:

((Fill in code.))

## Futures

The reader code is complete and tested for all types of Drill vectors (including the obscure `List` and `Union` vectors.) Extensive unit tests show that the code works for direct, indirect (SV2) and hyper (SV4) cases.

The two key future extensions are possible.

First, as described earlier, provide a more efficient way to retrieve values for interval and decimal types. (The current implementation uses objects, which is fine for testing, but slow in production.)

Second, provide a multi-batch (not hyper-batch) reader. That is, a reader that accepts a sequence of batches, such as would be needed in, say, the filter or project operators. The batches are sequential over time. If the schema is identical, then the only task is to reset the indexes to 0 and set the new row count. If the schema changes (which we probably should not support), rebuild the readers to match the new schema.

The multi-batch reader (call it a "result set reader") is the read dual of the "result set loader" for writing. This parallels the single-batch reader and writer in the row set package.
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