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Releases: apache/skywalking

v3.2.5 (Not Apache release)

22 Nov 01:47
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In this version, PMC changes the whole code structure of apm-collector.


  • Refactor collector for new modulization core. Now, you can switch or extend the module implementations.(PMC)
  • Provide a stream analysis(aggregation) core in collector, based on graph define. This makes contributors and secondary development team easier to extend features.(PMC)
  • Provide a protection mechanism in agent. User can set the limit of span amount per segment, default 300. The config key in agent.confg is agent.span_limit_per_segment. (PMC)
# The max amount of spans in a single segment.
# Through this config item, skywalking keep your application memory cost estimated.
# agent.span_limit_per_segment=300
  • Support Java8 JVM metrics. (@neeuq)
  • Move documents to /docs. WIKI is not updated since this version, and will be closed in some month later.(PMC)


  • SpringMVC Plugin can't work with Spring AOP.(PMC)

v3.2.4 (Not Apache release)

06 Nov 15:06
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Welcome new partners: 文尔科技 Nutzam, 天源迪科


  • Support SpringMVC 3 annotation plugins.(PMC)
  • Make MySQL Connection plugin supporting auto-increasement id.(PMC)
  • Support MDC of logback application toolkit.(@zhangkewei)


  • MySQL driver isn't compatible enough.(PMC)
  • Collector with H2 storage layer doesn't work right.(PMC)
  • Distruptor queue exits unexpectedly, collector hangs up.(PMC)
  • Collector cluster mode fail.(@zhangkewei)
  • Duplicate jar file in collector tar.(@chidaodezhongsheng)
  • Spring 3 Annotation plugin contains wrong interceptor names, and with a wrong pom.(@lytscu)
  • Some UI js issues.(@zhangkewei @zuohl)


Welcome new Contributors (in alphabetical order): @chidaodezhongsheng @lytscu @zuohl

v3.2.3 (Not Apache release)

25 Oct 00:58
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Welcome new partners: Huawei DevCloud,


  • COOL FEATURE. Provide new agent package, instead of the uber jar file. This is a complex feature, which is provided in many commercial APM product. Now skywalking has it.(PMC)
  • Support multi plugin definitions targeting the same class. (PMC)
  • Support framework version identification.(PMC)
  • Provide a new JDBC plugins mechanism, and refactor all JDBC plugins, for supporting more JDBC usages.(PMC)
  • Provide PostgreSQL plugin.(PMC)
  • Remove the literal strings in collector metric tables, reduce the disk/network/memory cost.(PMC)
  • Provide standalone mode for collector. Only requirement is JDK 1.8. Of course, this mode prepared for quick-start, preview, demonstration or the lowest hardware requirements.(PMC)
  • Support H2 storage in collector.(PMC & @clevertension)
  • Provide Spymemcached(Memcached Client) Plugin. (@IluckySi)
  • Support more annotations since Spring 4.3. (@clevertension)
  • Upgrade byte-buddy to 1.7.6 (@IluckySi)
  • Name threads created by agent. All thread names started with SkywalkingAgent-. (@zhangkewei)
  • Provide sharding-jdbc 1.5 plugin by Dangdang official team. (@hanahmily)
  • Provide XMemcached(Memcached Client) 2.x plugin. (@IluckySi)


  • Jetty 9 plugin doesn't work. (PMC)
  • Lost the segments in UI which have no entry span.(PMC)
  • GRPCChannelManager exits unexpectedly caused by IndexOutOfBoundsException. (@zhangkewei)


Welcome new Contributors (in alphabetical order): @hanahmily @IluckySi @neeuq

v3.2.2 (Not Apache release)

29 Sep 09:05
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  • This is a hotfix version.


  • Make sure the agent upstream logs output.(PMC)
  • Fix agent log error. #482 (@clevertension)


28 Sep 01:35
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v3.2.1 Pre-release


  • New API of ContextCarrier. Refactor all plugins for that. (PMC)
  • Remove the Base64 encoding mechanism for ID(segment and trace). (PMC)
  • Add Struts2 plugin. (PMC)
  • Add Jetty plugin. (PMC)
  • Support query application topological graph, application health and service metrics/dependency relationship more than one hour before. (PMC)
  • Support query error traces. (PMC)
  • Support query traces by application code/name. (PMC)
  • Support collector start in Standalone-Mode, don't need ZooKeeper for running locally. This is a good mode for demonstration. (PMC)
  • Make compiling source codes easier. (@clevertension)
  • Add Nutz plugin. (@wendal)
  • Replace -DconfigPath with -Dconfig. You can set both path and absolute path of agent config file. (@zhangkewei)



  • Welcome new Contributors (in alphabetical order): @clevertension, @wendal and @zhangkewei
  • Welcome 数人云( to become a Commercial Support Partner.

v3.2 (Not Apache release)

16 Sep 15:03
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  • Provide the sw3 new agent core, for much better performance and adaptation. #236
  • Support trace ignore and sample. Ignore html static pages and resources by default. #218
  • Use new collector modularization architecture.
  • Support collector cluster with zookeeper, replaced akka component.
  • New features about collecting JVM info, service metrics, and service dependency tree.
  • Use gRPC as default uplinking protocol, Support trace compression. #236
  • Collector keeps supporting HTTP services for collecting data from other language agents (Someone did in PHP and Golang) with some adjustments.
  • Support Application instance discovery. #267

see more

v3.1.1 (Not Apache release)

12 Sep 11:07
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  • Fix a topological graph bug of application clusters

v3.1 (Not Apache release)

17 Jun 14:05
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  • Renamed package
  • Provided new official website.
  • Supported Spring cloud eco-system.
  • Used new segment receive protocol.
  • Fixed all known bugs.

see more

v3.0.3 (Not Apache release)

10 Jun 01:47
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  • This is the last release version of 3.0.x.
  • Fix serialization and deserialization bugs in collector side.

v3.0.2-2017 (Not Apache release)

05 Jun 14:16
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