Arkahna's workspace plugin to help configure NX repositories meeting our dev practices
pnpm add @arkahna/nx-workspace
The run-command executor in NX supports running multiple commands in parallel etc, but it doesn't support interactive CLI tools.
This executor can be used to execute a single command which required interactivity
"serve": {
"executor": "@arkahna/nx-workspace:run-command",
"options": {
"command": "dotnet watch msbuild /t:RunFunctions",
"cwd": "apps/my-app"
Configures the PNPM package manager for this NX repo
npx nx generate @arkahna/nx-workspace:setup-pnpm
Changesets is a NPM CLI tool which enables you to create and manage your changelogs.
npx nx generate @arkahna/nx-workspace:setup-changesets
Configures TypeScript for use in this mono repo, WARNING this will setup recommended defaults, potentially overriding some custom setup if this isn't a new repository
- prettier
- vscode settings
- vscode recommended extensions
- vscode tasks / launch settings
- vitest for testing
- eslint
- recommended tsconfig settings