Configuración de Emacs usando Org-Babel
; ;; init.el --- Emacs Configuration -*- lexical-binding: t -*
; ;; Commentary:
; ; This config start here
(defvar cfg--file-name-handler-alist file-name-handler-alist)
(setq gc-cons-threshold 402653184
gc-cons-percentage 0.6
file-name-handler-alist nil )
(defvar conf:cache-dir (concat user-emacs-directory " cache/" ))
(unless (file-exists-p conf:cache-dir)
(make-directory conf:cache-dir))
(setq nsm-settings-file (concat conf:cache-dir "" ))
(setq network-security-level 'high )
(setq straight-repository-branch " develop"
straight-base-dir conf:cache-dir
straight-check-for-modifications '(check-on-save-find-when-checking))
; ;straight-vc-git-default-clone-depth 100)
(defvar bootstrap-version )
(let ((bootstrap-file
(expand-file-name " straight/repos/straight.el/bootstrap.el" conf:cache-dir))
(bootstrap-version 5 ))
(unless (file-exists-p bootstrap-file)
'silent 'inhibit-cookies )
(goto-char (point-max ))
(eval-print-last-sexp )))
(load bootstrap-file nil 'nomessage ))
(require 'straight-x )
; ; Removes in-build version from the `load-path'
(when-let (orglib (locate-library " org" nil load-path))
(setq-default load-path (delete (substring (file-name-directory orglib) 0 -1 )
:repo ""
:local-repo " org"
:files (:defaults " contrib/lisp/*.el" )
:includes (org )))
(straight-use-package 'leaf )
(straight-use-package 'leaf-keywords )
(leaf leaf
:require t
(leaf leaf-keywords
:emacs> 24.4
:require t
; ; :setq (leaf-defaults . '(:straight t))
(leaf diminish
:straight t
:require t )
(leaf async
:straight t
:leaf-defer nil
:setq (async-bytecomp-package-mode . t ))
(setq inhibit-startup-screen t
use-dialog-box nil
use-file-dialog nil
initial-scratch-message nil
large-file-warning-threshold (* 15 1024 1024 ))
(menu-bar-mode -1 )
(tool-bar-mode -1 )
(scroll-bar-mode -1 )
(fset 'yes-or-no-p 'y-or-n-p )
(toggle-indicate-empty-lines )
(delete-selection-mode )
(blink-cursor-mode -1 )
(add-hook 'before-save-hook 'delete-trailing-whitespace )
(set-default 'truncate-lines t )
(prefer-coding-system 'utf-8 )
(set-default-coding-systems 'utf-8 )
(set-terminal-coding-system 'utf-8 )
(set-keyboard-coding-system 'utf-8 )
(setq-default buffer-file-coding-system 'utf-8-auto-unix
x-select-request-type '(UTF8_STRING COMPOUND_TEXT TEXT STRING))
(setq auto-save-default nil
auto-save-list-file-prefix nil
make-backup-files nil
create-lockfiles nil
ring-bell-function 'ignore
major-mode 'text-mode )
; current-language-environment "Spanish")
(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil
frame-resize-pixelwise t
tab-width 4
frame-title-format (list (user-login-name ) " @" (system-name ) " %b [%m]" ))
(global-set-key (kbd " RET" ) 'newline-and-indent )
(global-set-key (kbd " <f5>" ) 'revert-buffer )
(global-set-key (kbd " C-+" ) 'text-scale-increase )
(global-set-key (kbd " C--" ) 'text-scale-decrease )
(global-set-key " \M -p" 'backward-paragraph )
(global-set-key " \M -n" 'forward-paragraph )
(global-set-key (kbd " C-x k" ) 'kill-buffer-and-window )
(set-frame-parameter nil 'fullscreen 'maximized )
(leaf better-defaults
:straight t
:pre-setq `((custom-file . ,(concat conf:cache-dir " custom.el" ))
(url-configuration-directory . ,(concat conf:cache-dir " url/" ))
(eshell-directory-name . ,(concat conf:cache-dir " eshell/" ))
(savehist-file . ,(concat conf:cache-dir " history" ))
(history-length . 1000 )
(history-delete-duplicates . t )
(savehist-save-minibuffer-history . 1 )
(savehist-additional-variables . '(kill-ring
(unless (file-exists-p custom-file)
(write-file custom-file)))
(load custom-file)
(savehist-mode t )
(ido-mode -1 ))
(leaf abbrev
; ; :straight nil
:pre-setq `((abbrev-file-name . ,(concat conf:cache-dir " abbrev.el" ))
(save-abbrevs . 'silently )
(default-abbrev-mode . t )
(save-abbrevs . t ))
(unless (file-exists-p abbrev-file-name)
(write-file abbrev-file-name)))
(when (file-exists-p abbrev-file-name)
(quietly-read-abbrev-file ))
(abbrev-mode t ))
(leaf bookmark
; ; :straight nil
:pre-setq `(bookmark-default-file . ,(concat conf:cache-dir " bookmarks" ))
:setq (bookmark-save-flag . 1 )
(when (file-exists-p bookmark-default-file)
(bookmark-load bookmark-default-file t )))
(leaf recentf
; ; :straight nil
:pre-setq `((recentf-save-file . ,(concat conf:cache-dir " recentf" ))
(recentf-exclude . '(" /tmp/" " /ssh:" " /sudo:" " /su:"
" /scp:" " /root" " /scpx:" " /sshx:"
" /media/data/org/" " /home/arkhan/.emacs.d/cache/"
" /media/data/Mail/Maildir/"
" /home/arkhan/mail/" ))
(recentf-max-saved-items . 10 )
(recentf-max-menu-items . 10 )
(recentf-keep . '(file-remote-p file-readable-p))
(recentf-auto-cleanup . 'never ))
:config (recentf-mode +1 ))
(leaf saveplace
; ; :straight nil
:pre-setq `(save-place-file . ,(concat conf:cache-dir " saveplace.el" ))
:setq-default (save-place . t )
:init (save-place-mode ))
(leaf semantic
; ; :straight nil
:leaf-defer nil
:require t
:setq `(semanticdb-default-save-directory . ,(concat conf:cache-dir " semanticdb/" ))
(add-to-list 'semantic-default-submodes
'global-semantic-idle-summary-mode )
(semantic-mode 1 ))
(eval-after-load 'tramp '(setenv " SHELL" " /bin/bash" ))
(leaf exec-path-from-shell
:straight t
:require t
:pre-setq (shell-file-name . " /bin/bash" )
:config (exec-path-from-shell-initialize))
(leaf tramp
:setq `((tramp-persistency-file-name . ,(concat conf:cache-dir " tramp" ))
(tramp-auto-save-directory . ,(concat conf:cache-dir " tramp-autosave" ))
(tramp-default-method . " scp" )
(tramp-debug-buffer . t )
(tramp-verbose . 10 )
(tramp-chunksize . 2000 )
(tramp-shell-prompt-pattern . " \\ (?:^\\ |\r \\ )[^]#$%>\n ]*#?[]#$%>] *\\ (^[\\ [[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z] *\\ )*" )))
; ;(tramp-use-ssh-controlmaster-options . nil)))
(defun load-user-file (file )
(interactive " f" )
" Load a file in current user's configuration directory"
(load-file (expand-file-name (concat file " .el" ) " ~/.emacs.d/private" )))
(leaf all-the-icons
:straight t )
(leaf avy
:straight t
:setq (avy-all-windows . t ))
(leaf bufler
:straight t
:require t
:bind (" C-x C-b" . bufler-switch-buffer)
:setq (bufler-columns . '(" Name" " Path" ))
; ; Subgroup collecting all named workspaces.
; ; Subgroup collecting all `help-mode' and `info-mode' buffers.
(group-or " *Help/Info*"
(mode-match " *Help*" (rx bos " help-" ))
(mode-match " *Info*" (rx bos " info-" ))))
; ; Subgroup collecting all special buffers (i.e. ones that are not
; ; file-backed), except `magit-status-mode' buffers (which are allowed to fall
; ; through to other groups, so they end up grouped with their project buffers).
(group-and " *Special*"
(lambda (buffer )
(unless (or (funcall (mode-match " Magit" (rx bos " magit-status" ))
(funcall (mode-match " Dired" (rx bos " dired" ))
(funcall (auto-file) buffer))
" *Special*" )))
; ; Subgroup collecting these "special special" buffers
; ; separately for convenience.
(name-match " **Special**"
(rx bos " *" (or " Messages" " Warnings" " scratch" " Backtrace" ) " *" )))
; ; Subgroup collecting all other Magit buffers, grouped by directory.
(mode-match " *Magit* (non-status)" (rx bos (or " magit" " forge" ) " -" ))
; ; Subgroup for Helm buffers.
(mode-match " *Helm*" (rx bos " helm-" ))
; ; Remaining special buffers are grouped automatically by mode.
; ; All buffers under "~/.emacs.d" (or wherever it is).
(dir user-emacs-directory)
; ; Subgroup collecting buffers in `org-directory' (or "~/org" if
; ; `org-directory' is not yet defined).
(dir (if (bound-and-true-p org-directory)
" ~/org" ))
; ; Subgroup collecting indirect Org buffers, grouping them by file.
; ; This is very useful when used with `org-tree-to-indirect-buffer' .
; ; Group remaining buffers by whether they're file backed, then by mode.
(group-not " *special*" (auto-file))
; ; Subgroup collecting buffers in a version-control project,
; ; grouping them by directory.
; ; Group remaining buffers by directory, then major mode.
(leaf frame
; ; :straight nil
:setq-default (cursor-type . '(hbar . 2 ))
:setq (x-stretch-cursor . t )
(defun set-cursor-hook (frame )
frame (list (cons 'cursor-color " white" ))))
:hook (after-make-frame-functions . set-cursor-hook))
(leaf page-break-lines
:straight t
:diminish page-break-lines-mode
:config (page-break-lines-mode))
(leaf dashboard
:straight t
:pre-setq `((dashboard-banner-logo-title . ,(concat " GNU Emacs " emacs-version
" kernel " (car (split-string (shell-command-to-string " uname -r" ) " -" ))
" x86_64 " (car (split-string (shell-command-to-string " /bin/sh -c '. /etc/os-release && echo $PRETTY_NAME'" ) " \n " ))))
(dashboard-startup-banner . 'logo )
(dashboard-center-content . t )
(dashboard-set-heading-icons . t )
(dashboard-set-file-icons . t )
(dashboard-items . '((recents . 10 )
(bookmarks . 5 )
(projects . 5 )))
(initial-buffer-choice . '(lambda () (switch-to-buffer " *dashboard*" ))))
:config (dashboard-setup-startup-hook))
(leaf pcache
:straight t
:setq `(pcache-directory . ,(let ((dir (concat conf:cache-dir " pcache/" )))
(make-directory dir t )
(leaf unicode-fonts
:straight t
; ; :init
; ; (setq unicode-fonts-block-font-mapping
; ; '(("Emoticons"
; ; ("DejaVu Sans Mono")))
; ; unicode-fonts-fontset-names '("fontset-default"))
:hook (emacs-startup-hook . unicode-fonts-setup))
(leaf emacs
; ; :straight nil
; ; (setq conf:font-family "PragmataPro Mono Liga"
; ; conf:font-name "PragmataPro Mono Liga"
; ; conf:font-size 13.5
; ; inhibit-compacting-font-caches t)
(setq conf:font-family " Fantasque Sans Mono"
conf:font-name " Fantasque Sans Mono"
conf:font-size 13.5
inhibit-compacting-font-caches t )
(defun fc-list ()
" Genera una lista de tipografías disponibles usando fc-list"
(if (executable-find " fc-list" )
(split-string (shell-command-to-string " fc-list --format='%{family[0]}\n ' | sort | uniq" ) " \n " )
(warn " fc-list no disponible en $PATH" )
nil )))
(defun font-exists-p (font )
" Comprueba si una tipografía FONT existe.
Código parcialmente sacado de"
(let ((font-list (or (font-family-list ) (fc-list))))
(if (member font font-list)
nil )))
(defun font-pt-to-height (pt )
" Transforma una altura en puntos PT a altura de `face-attribute' ."
; ; el valor es de 1/10pt, por tanto 100 seria equivalente a 10pt, etc.
(truncate (* pt 10 )))
(defun font-setup (&optional frame )
(cond ((font-exists-p conf:font-family)
(set-face-attribute 'default frame :height (font-pt-to-height conf:font-size) :font conf:font-name))))
(defun font-setup-frame (frame )
" configura la tipografía por cada nuevo marco FRAME creado."
(select-frame frame)
(when (display-graphic-p )
(font-setup frame)))
(if (daemonp )
(add-hook 'after-make-frame-functions #'font-setup-frame )
(leaf composite
; ; :straight nil
:leaf-defer nil
:emacs>= " 27.0"
(dolist (hook `(ediff-mode-hook
(add-hook hook (lambda () (setq-local auto-composition-mode nil ))))
; ; support ligatures, some toned down to prevent hang
(let ((alist
'((33 . " .\\ (?:\\ (==\\ |[!=]\\ )[!=]?\\ )" )
(35 . " .\\ (?:\\ (###?\\ |_(\\ |[(:=?[_{]\\ )[#(:=?[_{]?\\ )" )
(36 . " .\\ (?:\\ (>\\ )>?\\ )" )
(37 . " .\\ (?:\\ (%\\ )%?\\ )" )
(38 . " .\\ (?:\\ (&\\ )&?\\ )" )
(42 . " .\\ (?:\\ (\\ *\\ *\\ |[*>]\\ )[*>]?\\ )" )
; ; (42 . ".\\ (?:\\ (\\ *\\ *\\ |[*/>]\\ ).?\\ )")
(43 . " .\\ (?:\\ ([>]\\ )>?\\ )" )
; ; (43 . ".\\ (?:\\ (\\ +\\ +\\ |[+>]\\ ).?\\ )")
(45 . " .\\ (?:\\ (-[->]\\ |<<\\ |>>\\ |[-<>|~]\\ )[-<>|~]?\\ )" )
(46 . " .\\ (?:\\ (\\ .[.<]\\ |[-.=]\\ )[-.<=]?\\ )" )
(47 . " .\\ (?:\\ (//\\ |==\\ |[=>]\\ )[/=>]?\\ )" )
; ; (47 . ".\\ (?:\\ (//\\ |==\\ |[*/=>]\\ ).?\\ )")
(48 . " .\\ (?:\\ (x[a-fA-F0-9]\\ ).?\\ )" )
(58 . " .\\ (?:\\ (::\\ |[:<=>]\\ )[:<=>]?\\ )" )
(59 . " .\\ (?:\\ (;\\ );?\\ )" )
(60 . " .\\ (?:\\ (!--\\ |\\ $>\\ |\\ *>\\ |\\ +>\\ |-[-<>|]\\ |/>\\ |<[-<=]\\ |=[<>|]\\ |==>?\\ ||>\\ ||||?\\ |~[>~]\\ |[$*+/:<=>|~-]\\ )[$*+/:<=>|~-]?\\ )" )
(61 . " .\\ (?:\\ (!=\\ |/=\\ |:=\\ |<<\\ |=[=>]\\ |>>\\ |[=>]\\ )[=<>]?\\ )" )
(62 . " .\\ (?:\\ (->\\ |=>\\ |>[-=>]\\ |[-:=>]\\ )[-:=>]?\\ )" )
(63 . " .\\ (?:\\ ([.:=?]\\ )[.:=?]?\\ )" )
(91 . " .\\ (?:\\ (|\\ )|?\\ )" )
; ; (92 . ".\\ (?:\\ ([\\ n]\\ )[\\ ]?\\ )")
(94 . " .\\ (?:\\ (=\\ )=?\\ )" )
(95 . " .\\ (?:\\ (|_\\ |[_]\\ )_?\\ )" )
(119 . " .\\ (?:\\ (ww\\ )w?\\ )" )
(123 . " .\\ (?:\\ (|\\ ).?\\ )" )
(124 . " .\\ (?:\\ (->\\ |=>\\ ||[-=>]\\ ||||*>\\ |[]=>|}-]\\ ).?\\ )" )
(126 . " .\\ (?:\\ (~>\\ |[-=>@~]\\ ).?\\ )" ))))
(dolist (char-regexp alist)
(set-char-table-range composition-function-table (car char-regexp)
`([,(cdr char-regexp) 0 font-shape-gstring])))))
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook '(lambda ()
(mapc (lambda (pair ) (push pair prettify-symbols-alist))
'((" #+BEGIN_SRC" . ?» )
(" #+END_SRC" . ?« )
(" #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE" . ?» )
(" #+END_EXAMPLE" . ?« )
(" #+BEGIN_QUOTE" . ?» )
(" #+END_QUOTE" . ?« )
(" #+begin_quote" . ?» )
(" #+end_quote" . ?« )
(" #+begin_example" . ?» )
(" #+end_example" . ?« )
(" #+begin_src" . ?» )
(" #+end_src" . ?« )))))
(add-hook 'prog-mode-hook '(lambda ()
(mapc (lambda (pair ) (push pair prettify-symbols-alist))
'((" in" . ?\u2208 )
(" IN" . ?\u2208 )
(" not in" . ?\u2209 )
(" NOT IN" . ?\u2209 )
(" not" . ?\u00AC )
(" NOT" . ?\u00AC )))))
(add-hook 'prog-common-hook '(lambda ()
'((" \\ <\\ (FIX\\ |FIXME\\ |TODO\\ |BUG\\ |HACK\\ ):" 1 font-lock-warning-face t )))))
(add-hook 'after-init-hook #'global-prettify-symbols-mode )
(leaf ivy
:straight t
:diminish ivy-mode
:bind (ivy-mode-map
(" C-'" . ivy-avy))
:setq ((ivy-wrap . t )
(ivy-virtual-abbreviate . 'full )
(ivy-use-virtual-buffers . t )
(ivy-use-selectable-prompt . t )
(ivy-count-format . " (%d/%d) " )
(ivy-re-builders-alist . '((read-file-name-internal . ivy--regex-fuzzy)
(t . ivy--regex-plus)))
(ivy-on-del-error-function . nil )
(ivy-initial-inputs-alist . nil )
(enable-recursive-minibuffers . t ))
(add-to-list 'ivy-ignore-buffers " \\ *Async Shell Command\\ *" )
(add-to-list 'ivy-ignore-buffers " \\ *Messages\\ *" )
(add-to-list 'ivy-ignore-buffers " \\ *elfeed-log\\ *" )
(add-to-list 'ivy-ignore-buffers " \\ *Help\\ *" )
(add-to-list 'ivy-ignore-buffers " \\ *Compile-Log\\ *" )
(add-to-list 'ivy-ignore-buffers " \\ *magit-.*" )
(add-to-list 'ivy-ignore-buffers " \\ magit-.*" )
(add-to-list 'ivy-ignore-buffers " \\ *tide" )
(add-to-list 'ivy-ignore-buffers " \\ *Flycheck.*" )
(add-to-list 'ivy-ignore-buffers " \\ *lsp-.*" )
(add-to-list 'ivy-ignore-buffers " \\ *git-gutter:.*" )
(with-eval-after-load " projectile"
(setf projectile-globally-ignored-buffers ivy-ignore-buffers))
(leaf prescient
:straight t
:require t
:pre-setq `(prescient-save-file . ,(concat conf:cache-dir " prescient.el" ))
:config (prescient-persist-mode))
(leaf ivy-prescient
:straight t
:require t
:after ivy
:init (ivy-prescient-mode))
(leaf ivy-xref
:straight t
:require t
:init (if (< emacs-major-version 27 )
(setq xref-show-xrefs-function #'ivy-xref-show-xrefs )
(setq xref-show-definitions-function #'ivy-xref-show-defs )))
; ;(setq confirm-nonexistent-file-or-buffer t)
(leaf swiper
:straight t
:bind* ((" C-s" . swiper)
(" C-r" . swiper)
(" C-M-s" . swiper-all))
:bind (read-expression-map
(" C-r" . counsel-minibuffer-history)))
(leaf counsel
:straight t
:bind ((" M-x" . counsel-M-x)
(" C-c b" . counsel-imenu)
(" C-x C-r" . counsel-rg)
(" C-x C-f" . counsel-find-file)
(" C-h f" . counsel-describe-function)
(" C-h v" . counsel-describe-variable)
(" C-h b" . counsel-descbinds)
(" M-y" . counsel-yank-pop)
(" M-SPC" . counsel-shell-history))
:setq (counsel-rg-base-command . " sh -c \" rg -uuu -S --ignore-file-case-insensitive -g '!/volumes' -g '!/backups' -g '!/.git' --no-heading --line-number --color never %s\" " ))
(leaf ivy-rich
:straight t
:require t
:setq (ivy-format-function . 'ivy-format-function-line )
:config (ivy-rich-mode))
(leaf maple-imenu
:straight (maple-imenu
:type git
:host github
:repo " honmaple/emacs-maple-imenu" )
:bind (" M-2" . maple-imenu)
:require t
:commands (maple-imenu)
:setq ((maple-imenu-display-alist . '((side . left) (slot . -1 )))
(maple-imenu-autoresize . nil )
(maple-imenu-width . 36 ))
:hook (mode-hook . (lambda ()
(setq imenu-create-index-function 'semantic-create-imenu-index ))))
; ; (leaf maple-preview
; ; :straight (maple-preview
; ; :type git
; ; :host github
; ; :repo "honmaple/emacs-maple-preview"
; ; :files ("*.el" "index.html" "static"))
; ; :commands (maple-preview-mode))
; ; (leaf maple-minibuffer
; ; :straight (maple-minibuffer
; ; :type git
; ; :host github
; ; :repo "honmaple/emacs-maple-minibuffer")
; ; :require t
; ; :setq ((maple-minibuffer:height . nil)
; ; (maple-minibuffer:position-type . 'frame-bottom-left)
; ; (maple-minibuffer:border-color . "gray50")
; ; (maple-minibuffer:width . 0.7)
; ; (maple-minibuffer:cache . nil)
; ; (maple-minibuffer:action . '(read-from-minibuffer read-string))
; ; (maple-minibuffer:ignore-action . '(org-schedule org-time-stamp eval-expression))
; ; (maple-minibuffer:ignore-regexp . '("^anzu-" "^mu4e-" "^yes-" "^save-")))
; ; :config
; ; ;; more custom parameters for frame
; ; (defun maple-minibuffer:parameters ()
; ; "Maple minibuffer parameters."
; ; `((height . ,(or maple-minibuffer:height 10))
; ; (width . ,(or (round (* (frame-width) 0.80)) maple-minibuffer:width))
; ; (left-fringe . 5)
; ; (right-fringe . 5)))
; ; :hook (after-init-hook))
(leaf doom-modeline
:straight t
:setq ((doom-modeline-height . 15 )
(doom-modeline-bar-width . 7 )
(doom-modeline-icon . nil )
(doom-modeline-checker-simple-format . nil )
(doom-modeline-modal-icon . nil )
(doom-modeline-mu4e . t )
(doom-modeline-window-width-limit . 'window-width )
(doom-modeline-project-detection . 'projectile )
(doom-modeline-buffer-file-name-style . 'truncate-from-project ))
:hook (emacs-startup-hook . doom-modeline-mode))
(leaf smart-mode-line
:straight t
:setq ((line-number-mode . t )
(column-number-mode . t )
(sml/mode-width . 10 )
(sml/no-confirm-load-theme . t )
(sml/theme . 'respectful ))
:hook (emacs-startup-hook . sml/setup))
(leaf mini-modeline
:straight t
:custom-face ((mini-modeline-mode-line . '((t (:background " dim gray" :box nil :height 0.1 ))))
(mini-modeline-mode-line-inactive . '((t (:background " #333333" :box nil :height 0.1 )))))
:setq ((mini-modeline-truncate-p . t )
(mini-modeline-r-format . '(" %e"
(vc-mode vc-mode)
" "
" "
:hook (emacs-startup-hook . mini-modeline-mode))
(leaf rich-minority
:straight t
:setq ((rm-blacklist . nil )
(rm-whitelist . " FlyC\\ |Flymake\\ |lsp" ))
:hook (emacs-startup-hook . rich-minority-mode))
(leaf move-dup
:straight t
:leaf-defer nil
:diminish t
:bind ((" M-<up>" . md-move-lines-up)
(" M-<down>" . md-move-lines-down)
(" C-M-<up>" . md-duplicate-up)
(" C-M-<down>" . md-duplicate-down))
:config (global-move-dup-mode))
(leaf dired-toggle
:straight t
:require dired
:leaf-defer nil
:bind ((" M-1" . dired-toggle)
(" q" . dired-toggle-quit)
([remap dired-find-file] . dired-toggle-find-file)
([remap dired-up-directory] . dired-toggle-up-directory)
(" C-c C-u" . dired-toggle-up-directory)))
:setq ((dired-toggle-window-size . 32 )
(dired-toggle-window-side . 'left ))
:hook (dired-toggle-mode-hook . (lambda () (interactive )
(visual-line-mode 1 )
(setq-local visual-line-fringe-indicators '(nil right-curly-arrow))
(setq-local word-wrap nil ))))
(leaf dired-subtree
:straight t
:after dired
:setq (dired-subtree-use-backgrounds . nil )
:bind (dired-mode-map
(" <tab>" . dired-subtree-toggle)
(" <C-tab>" . dired-subtree-cycle)
(" <S-iso-lefttab>" . dired-subtree-remove)))
(leaf shrink-path
:straight t
:require t )
(leaf neotree
:straight t
:bind ((" M-1" . neotree-project-dir-toggle)
(" <C-return>" . neotree-change-root)
(" C" . neotree-change-root)
(" c" . neotree-create-node)
(" +" . neotree-create-node)
(" d" . neotree-delete-node)
(" r" . neotree-rename-node)))
:setq-default (neo-persist-show . t )
:setq ((neo-theme . 'ascii )
(neo-vc-integration . nil )
(neo-window-width . 36 )
(neo-create-file-auto-open . t )
(neo-smart-open . t )
(neo-show-auto-change-root . t )
(neo-autorefresh . nil )
(neo-banner-message . nil )
(neo-mode-line-type . 'none )
(neo-dont-be-alone . t )
(neo-show-updir-line . nil )
(neo-show-hidden-files . nil )
(neo-auto-indent-point . t )
(neo-hidden-regexp-list . '(" .DS_Store" " .idea/" " .pyc" " .tern-port"
" .git/*" " node_modules/*" " .meteor" " deps" )))
(defun shrink-root-entry (node )
" shrink-print pwd in neotree"
(insert (propertize (concat (shrink-path-dirs node) " \n " ) 'face `(:inherit (, neo-root-dir-face )))))
(advice-add #'neo-buffer--insert-root-entry :override #'shrink-root-entry )
(defun neotree-project-dir-toggle ()
" Open NeoTree using the project root, using find-file-in-project,
or the current buffer directory."
(interactive )
(let ((project-dir
; ;; Pick one: projectile or find-file-in-project
(file-name (buffer-file-name ))
(neo-smart-open t ))
(if (and (fboundp 'neo-global--window-exists-p )
(if project-dir
(neotree-dir project-dir))
(if file-name
(neotree-find file-name)))))))
(leaf selectrum
:straight t
:require t
:hook (emacs-startup-hook ))
(leaf selectrum-prescient
:straight t
:require t
:after (selectrum)
:hook ((emacs-startup-hook . selectrum-prescient-mode)
(emacs-startup-hook . prescient-persist-mode)))
(leaf ctrlf
:straight t
:hook (after-init-hook ))
(leaf shackle
:straight t
:setq ((shackle-default-size . 0.4 )
(shackle-rules . '(
; ;("*Bufler*" :select t :size 0.3 :align left :popup t)
(" *Calendar*" :select t :size 0.3 :align below)
(" *Compile-Log*" :ignore t )
(" *Completions*" :size 0.3 :align t )
(" *format-all-errors*" :select t :size 0.1 :align below)
(" *Help*" :select t :inhibit-window-quit t :other t )
(" *Messages*" :ignore t )
(" *Process List*" :select t :size 0.3 :align below)
(" *Proced*" :select t :size 0.3 :align below)
(" *Python*" :select t :size 0.3 :align bellow)
(" *Shell Command Output*" :select nil )
(" \\ *TeX.*\\ *" :regexp t :autoclose t :align below :size 10 )
(" *Warnings*" :ignore t )
(" *el-get bootstrap*" :ignore t )
(" *undo-tree*" :size 0.25 :align left)
(" \\ *Async Shell.*\\ *" :regexp t :ignore t )
(" \\ *[Wo]*Man.*\\ *" :regexp t :select t :inhibit-window-quit t :other t )
(" \\ *poporg.*\\ *" :regexp t :select t :other t )
(" \\ *shell*\\ *" :select t :other t )
(" \\ `\\*ivy.*?\\*\\' " :regexp t :size 0.3 :align t )
(" edbi-dbviewer" :regexp t :select t :same t )
(" *edbi:query-result" :regexp t :size 0.8 :align bellow)
(occur-mode :select nil :align t )
(pdf-view-mode :other t )
(compilation-mode :select nil ))))
:hook (emacs-startup-hook ))
(leaf sublimity-scroll
:straight sublimity
:require t
:setq ((hscroll-margin . 2 )
(hscroll-step . 1 )
(scroll-conservatively . 1001 )
(scroll-margin . 0 )
(scroll-preserve-screen-position . t ))
:init (sublimity-mode 1 ))
(leaf switch-window
:straight t
:bind ((" C-x o" . switch-window)
(" C-x 1" . switch-window-then-maximize)
(" C-x 2" . switch-window-then-split-below)
(" C-x 3" . switch-window-then-split-right)
(" C-x 0" . switch-window-then-delete)))
(leaf vibrant-ink-theme
:straight (vibrant-ink-theme
:type git
:host github
:repo " arkhan/vibrant-ink-theme" )
:init (load-theme 'vibrant-ink t ))
(leaf zoom-frm
:straight t
:bind ((" C-+" . zoom-in/out)
(" C--" . zoom-in/out)
(" C-=" . zoom-in/out)
(" C-0" . zoom-in/out)
(" <C-mouse-4>" . zoom-in)
(" <C-mouse-5>" . zoom-out))
:setq (zoom-frame/buffer . 'frame ))
(leaf company
:straight t
:diminish company-mode
:commands (company-complete-common company-manual-begin company-grab-line)
:setq ((company-idle-delay . 0 )
(company-show-numbers . t )
(company-minimum-prefix-length . 2 )
(company-tooltip-limit . 5 )
(company-dabbrev-downcase . nil )
(company-dabbrev-ignore-case . nil )
(company-dabbrev-code-other-buffers . t )
(company-tooltip-align-annotations . t )
(company-require-match . 'never )
(company-global-modes . '(not erc-mode message-mode help-mode gud-mode eshell-mode))
(company-backends . '((company-capf
(company-abbrev company-dabbrev)))
(company-frontends . '(company-pseudo-tooltip-frontend
:config (global-company-mode +1 ))
(leaf company-dict
:straight t
:require t
:setq `(company-dict-dir . ,(concat conf:cache-dir " dict/" ))
:config (add-to-list 'company-backends 'company-dict ))
(leaf company-prescient
:straight t
:require t
:after company
:init (company-prescient-mode))
(leaf company-posframe
:straight t
:diminish company-posframe-mode
:config (company-posframe-mode))
(leaf company-box
:straight t
:diminish company-box-mode
:commands (company-box--get-color
:hook (company-mode-hook . company-box-mode)
:setq ((company-box-backends-colors . nil )
(company-box-show-single-candidate . t )
(company-box-max-candidates . 50 )
(company-box-doc-delay . 0.3 ))
; ; Support `company-common'
(defun my-company-box--make-line (candidate )
(-let* (((candidate annotation len-c len-a backend) candidate)
(color (company-box--get-color backend))
((c-color a-color i-color s-color) (company-box--resolve-colors color))
(icon-string (and company-box--with-icons-p (company-box--add-icon candidate)))
(candidate-string (concat (propertize (or company-common " " ) 'face 'company-tooltip-common )
(substring (propertize candidate 'face 'company-box-candidate ) (length company-common) nil )))
(align-string (when annotation
(concat " " (and company-tooltip-align-annotations
(propertize " " 'display `(space :align-to (- right-fringe ,(or len-a 0 ) 1 )))))))
(space company-box--space)
(icon-p company-box-enable-icon)
(annotation-string (and annotation (propertize annotation 'face 'company-box-annotation )))
(line (concat (unless (or (and (= space 2 ) icon-p) (= space 0 ))
(propertize " " 'display `(space :width ,(if (or (= space 1 ) (not icon-p)) 1 0.75 ))))
(company-box--apply-color icon-string i-color)
(company-box--apply-color candidate-string c-color)
(company-box--apply-color annotation-string a-color)))
(len (length line)))
(add-text-properties 0 len (list 'company-box--len (+ len-c len-a)
'company-box--color s-color)
(advice-add #'company-box--make-line :override #'my-company-box--make-line )
; ; Prettify icons
(defun my-company-box-icons--elisp (candidate )
(when (derived-mode-p 'emacs-lisp-mode )
(let ((sym (intern candidate)))
(cond ((fboundp sym) 'Function )
((featurep sym) 'Module )
((facep sym) 'Color )
((boundp sym) 'Variable )
((symbolp sym) 'Text )
(t . nil )))))
(advice-add #'company-box-icons--elisp :override #'my-company-box-icons--elisp )
(when (and (display-graphic-p )
(require 'all-the-icons nil t ))
(declare-function all-the-icons-faicon 'all-the-icons )
(declare-function all-the-icons-material 'all-the-icons )
(declare-function all-the-icons-octicon 'all-the-icons )
(setq company-box-icons-all-the-icons
`((Unknown . ,(all-the-icons-material " find_in_page" :height 0.85 :v-adjust -0.2 ))
(Text . ,(all-the-icons-faicon " text-width" :height 0.8 :v-adjust -0.05 ))
(Method . ,(all-the-icons-faicon " cube" :height 0.8 :v-adjust -0.05 :face 'all-the-icons-purple ))
(Function . ,(all-the-icons-faicon " cube" :height 0.8 :v-adjust -0.05 :face 'all-the-icons-purple ))
(Constructor . ,(all-the-icons-faicon " cube" :height 0.8 :v-adjust -0.05 :face 'all-the-icons-purple ))
(Field . ,(all-the-icons-octicon " tag" :height 0.8 :v-adjust 0 :face 'all-the-icons-lblue ))
(Variable . ,(all-the-icons-octicon " tag" :height 0.8 :v-adjust 0 :face 'all-the-icons-lblue ))
(Class . ,(all-the-icons-material " settings_input_component" :height 0.85 :v-adjust -0.2 :face 'all-the-icons-orange ))
(Interface . ,(all-the-icons-material " share" :height 0.85 :v-adjust -0.2 :face 'all-the-icons-lblue ))
(Module . ,(all-the-icons-material " view_module" :height 0.85 :v-adjust -0.2 :face 'all-the-icons-lblue ))
(Property . ,(all-the-icons-faicon " wrench" :height 0.8 :v-adjust -0.05 ))
(Unit . ,(all-the-icons-material " settings_system_daydream" :height 0.85 :v-adjust -0.2 ))
(Value . ,(all-the-icons-material " format_align_right" :height 0.85 :v-adjust -0.2 :face 'all-the-icons-lblue ))
(Enum . ,(all-the-icons-material " storage" :height 0.85 :v-adjust -0.2 :face 'all-the-icons-orange ))
(Keyword . ,(all-the-icons-material " filter_center_focus" :height 0.85 :v-adjust -0.2 ))
(Snippet . ,(all-the-icons-material " format_align_center" :height 0.85 :v-adjust -0.2 ))
(Color . ,(all-the-icons-material " palette" :height 0.85 :v-adjust -0.2 ))
(File . ,(all-the-icons-faicon " file-o" :height 0.85 :v-adjust -0.05 ))
(Reference . ,(all-the-icons-material " collections_bookmark" :height 0.85 :v-adjust -0.2 ))
(Folder . ,(all-the-icons-faicon " folder-open" :height 0.85 :v-adjust -0.05 ))
(EnumMember . ,(all-the-icons-material " format_align_right" :height 0.85 :v-adjust -0.2 :face 'all-the-icons-lblue ))
(Constant . ,(all-the-icons-faicon " square-o" :height 0.85 :v-adjust -0.05 ))
(Struct . ,(all-the-icons-material " settings_input_component" :height 0.85 :v-adjust -0.2 :face 'all-the-icons-orange ))
(Event . ,(all-the-icons-faicon " bolt" :height 0.8 :v-adjust -0.05 :face 'all-the-icons-orange ))
(Operator . ,(all-the-icons-material " control_point" :height 0.85 :v-adjust -0.2 ))
(TypeParameter . ,(all-the-icons-faicon " arrows" :height 0.8 :v-adjust -0.05 ))
(Template . ,(all-the-icons-material " format_align_center" :height 0.85 :v-adjust -0.2 )))
company-box-icons-alist 'company-box-icons-all-the-icons )))
(leaf csv-mode
:straight t
:leaf-defer nil
:mode (" \\ .[Cc][Ss][Vv]\\ '" . csv-mode)
:setq (csv-separators . '(" ," " ;" " |" " " )))
(leaf editorconfig
:straight t
:leaf-defer nil
:diminish editorconfig-mode
:config (editorconfig-mode))
(defun empty-buffer? ()
(= (buffer-end 1 ) (buffer-end -1 )))
(leaf flycheck
:straight t
:leaf-defer nil
:bind ((" C-c e n" . flycheck-next-error)
(" C-c e p" . flycheck-previous-error))
:setq (flycheck-indication-mode . 'right-fringe )
(define-fringe-bitmap 'flycheck-fringe-bitmap-arrow
(vector #b00000000
#b00000000 ))
(flycheck-define-error-level 'error
:severity 2
:overlay-category 'flycheck-error-overlay
:fringe-bitmap 'flycheck-fringe-bitmap-arrow
:fringe-face 'flycheck-fringe-error )
(flycheck-define-error-level 'warning
:severity 1
:overlay-category 'flycheck-warning-overlay
:fringe-bitmap 'flycheck-fringe-bitmap-arrow
:fringe-face 'flycheck-fringe-warning )
(flycheck-define-error-level 'info
:severity 0
:overlay-category 'flycheck-info-overlay
:fringe-bitmap 'flycheck-fringe-bitmap-arrow
:fringe-face 'flycheck-fringe-info )
:hook (after-init-hook . global-flycheck-mode))
(leaf flymake-proc
:setq-default (flymake-diagnostic-functions . nil ))
(leaf flymake
:straight (flymake :type built-in)
:setq (flymake-fringe-indicator-position . 'right-fringe ))
(leaf flymake-diagnostic-at-point
:straight (flymake-diagnostic-at-point
:type git
:host github
:repo " waymondo/flymake-diagnostic-at-point" )
:after (flymake)
:setq (flymake-diagnostic-at-point-display-diagnostic-function . 'flymake-diagnostic-at-point-display-posframe )
:hook (flymake-mode-hook . flymake-diagnostic-at-point-mode))
(leaf format-all
:straight t
:bind (prog-mode-map
(" <M-f8>" . format-all-buffer)))
(leaf reformatter
:straight t
:require t )
(leaf highlight-indent-guides
:straight t
:diminish highlight-indent-guides-mode
:setq (highlight-indent-guides-method . 'character )
:hook (prog-mode-hook . highlight-indent-guides-mode))
(leaf jinja2-mode
:straight t )
(leaf lsp-mode
:straight t
:commands (lsp lsp-deferred)
:require (lsp-mode lsp-clients)
:pre-setq `((lsp-session-file . ,(concat conf:cache-dir " lsp-session" ))
(lsp-auto-guess-root . t )
(lsp-enable-folding . nil )
(lsp-enable-snippet . nil )
(lsp-enable-symbol-highlighting . nil )
(lsp-idle-delay . 0.500 )
(lsp-inhibit-message . t )
(lsp-message-project-root-warning . t )
(lsp-prefer-capf . t )
(lsp-prefer-flymake . nil )
(lsp-print-io . nil )
(lsp-restart . 'interactive )
(lsp-signature-auto-activate . nil )
(lsp-eldoc-render-all . nil ))
:hook (lsp-after-open-hook . lsp-enable-imenu))
; ; ref:
(defvar-local conf:lsp-on-change-exist nil
" indica si la función `lsp-on-change' estaba insertada en `after-change-functions' " )
(defun conf:lsp-on-change-modify-hook ()
" Remueve o agrega `lsp-on-change' de `after-change-functions' "
(if (not conf:lsp-on-change-exist)
; ; quita la función, solamente si estaba insertada desde un principio
(when (memq 'lsp-on-change after-change-functions)
(setq conf:lsp-on-change-exist t )
(remove-hook 'after-change-functions 'lsp-on-change t ))
; ; agrega la función
(add-hook 'after-change-functions #'lsp-on-change nil t )
(setq conf:lsp-on-change-exist nil )))
(leaf lsp-ui
:straight t
:after lsp-mode
:commands lsp-ui-mode
:bind (lsp-ui-mode-map
([remap xref-find-definitions] . lsp-ui-peek-find-definitions)
([remap xref-find-references] . lsp-ui-peek-find-references))
:setq ((lsp-ui-sideline-enable . t )
(lsp-ui-sideline-ignore-duplicate . t )
(lsp-ui-sideline-show-hover . nil )
(lsp-ui-doc-enable . nil ))
:config (lsp-ui-mode))
(leaf makefile-runner
:straight (makefile-runner
:type git
:host github
:repo " danamlund/emacs-makefile-runner" )
:bind (" <C-f11>" . makefile-runner))
(leaf multiple-cursors
:straight t
:leaf-defer nil )
(electric-pair-mode 1 )
(leaf paren
:straight t
:init (show-paren-mode )
(set-face-background 'show-paren-match (face-background 'default ))
(set-face-foreground 'show-paren-match " #def" )
(set-face-attribute 'show-paren-match nil :weight 'extra-bold ))
(leaf smartparens-config
:straight smartparens
:commands (smartparens-mode smartparens-strict-mode)
:bind (smartparens-strict-mode-map
(" C-}" . sp-forward-slurp-sexp)
(" M-s" . sp-backward-unwrap-sexp)
(" C-c [" . sp-select-next-thing)
(" C-c ]" . sp-select-next-thing-exchange)))
(leaf rainbow-delimiters
:straight t
:hook (prog-mode-hook ))
(leaf plantuml-mode
:straight t
:setq (plantuml-jar-path . " /usr/share/java/plantuml/plantuml.jar" ))
(leaf projectile
:straight t
:bind* (" C-x b" . conf:switch-to-project-buffer-if-in-project)
:pre-setq `((projectile-known-projects-file . ,(concat conf:cache-dir " projectile-bookmarks.eld" ))
(projectile-cache-file . ,(concat conf:cache-dir " projectile.cache" ))
(projectile-file-exists-remote-cache-expire . '(* 10 60 ))
(projectile-indexing-method . 'alien )
(projectile-enable-caching . t )
(projectile-completion-system . 'default ))
(defun conf:switch-to-project-buffer-if-in-project (arg )
" Custom switch to buffer.
With universal argument ARG or when not in project, rely on
`switch-to-buffer' .
Otherwise, use `projectile-switch-to-buffer' ."
(interactive " P" )
(if (or arg
(not (projectile-project-p)))
(let ((completion-regexp-list '(" \\ `[^*]"
" \\ `\\ ([^T]\\ |T\\ ($\\ |[^A]\\ |A\\ ($\\ |[^G]\\ |G\\ ($\\ |[^S]\\ |S.\\ )\\ )\\ )\\ ).*" )))
(call-interactively 'switch-to-buffer ))
; ; (leaf deadgrep
; ; :straight t
; ; :commands (deadgrep--read-search-term)
; ; :bind (("C-x C-r" . deadgrep)
; ; ("C-x r R" . projectile-deadgrep))
; ; :config
; ; (defun projectile-selection-at-point ()
; ; (when (use-region-p)
; ; (buffer-substring-no-properties (region-beginning) (region-end))))
; ; (defun projectile-deadgrep (search-term)
; ; (interactive (list (deadgrep--read-search-term)))
; ; (let ((deadgrep-project-root-function #'projectile-project-root))
; ; (deadgrep search-term))))
(leaf counsel-projectile
:straight t
:bind ((" C-x r R" . counsel-projectile-rg)
(" <C-tab>" . counsel-projectile-switch-project))
(defun conf:switch-to-project-buffer-if-in-project (arg )
" Custom switch to buffer.
With universal argument ARG or when not in project, rely on
`ivy-switch-buffer' .
Otherwise, use `counsel-projectile-switch-to-buffer' ."
(interactive " P" )
(if (or arg
(not (projectile-project-p)))
:hook ((text-mode-hook prog-mode-hook) . counsel-projectile-mode))
(leaf polymode
:straight t
:setq (polymode-prefix-key . '(kbd " C-c n" ))
(define-hostmode poly-python-hostmode :mode 'python-mode )
(define-innermode poly-sql-expr-python-innermode
:mode 'sql-mode
:head-matcher (rx " r" (= 3 (char " \" '" )) (* (any space)))
:tail-matcher (rx (= 3 (char " \" '" )))
:head-mode 'host
:tail-mode 'host )
(defun poly-python-sql-eval-chunk (beg end msg )
" Calls out to `sql-send-region' with the polymode chunk region"
(sql-send-region beg end))
(define-polymode poly-python-sql-mode
:hostmode 'poly-python-hostmode
:innermodes '(poly-sql-expr-python-innermode)
(setq polymode-eval-region-function #'poly-python-sql-eval-chunk )
(define-key poly-python-sql-mode-map (kbd " C-c C-c" ) 'polymode-eval-chunk ))
; ; Bug? Fix polymode kill chunk so it works.
(defun polymode-kill-chunk ()
" Kill current chunk."
(interactive )
(pcase (pm-innermost-span)
(`(,(or `nil `host) , beg , end , _ ) (delete-region beg end))
(`(body , beg , _ , _ )
(goto-char beg)
(pm--kill-span '(body))
; ; (pm--kill-span '(head tail))
; ; (pm--kill-span '(head tail))
(`(tail , beg , end , _ )
(if (eq beg (point-min ))
(delete-region beg end)
(goto-char (1- beg))
(`(head , _ , end , _ )
(goto-char end)
(_ (error " Canoot find chunk to kill " ))))
:hook (python-mode-hook . poly-python-sql-mode))
(defun python-template ()
(interactive )
(insert " #!/usr/bin/env python\n # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n\n " ))
(add-hook 'python-mode-hook '(lambda ()
(when (empty-buffer?) (python-template))))
(leaf python
:require (smartparens-python electric)
:setq ((python-indent . 4 )
(python-indent-offset . 4 )
(py-switch-buffers-on-execute-p . t )
(py-split-window-on-execute . nil )
(lsp-pyls-plugins-pycodestyle-enabled . nil )
(lsp-pyls-plugins-pyflakes-enabled . nil )
(lsp-pyls-plugins-flake8-enabled . t ))
(projectile-register-project-type 'python '(" pyproject.toml" )
:compile " "
:test " " )
:hook (python-mode-hook . lsp))
; ; (leaf auto-virtualenvwrapper
; ; :straight t
; ; :require t
; ; :after python
; ; :config
; ; (add-to-list 'mode-line-misc-info
; ; '(:eval (when (boundp 'venv-current-name)
; ; (if venv-current-name
; ; (format "Pyenv:%s" venv-current-name)
; ; nil))))
; ; :hook ((python-mode-hook projectile-after-switch-project-hook) . auto-virtualenvwrapper-activate))
(leaf direnv
:straight t
:require t
:hook (after-init-hook . direnv-mode))
(leaf blacken
:straight t
:diminish blacken-mode
:setq (blacken-fast-unsafe . t )
:hook (python-mode-hook . blacken-mode))
(leaf py-isort
:straight t
:setq (py-isort-options . '(" --lines=100" ))
:hook (before-save-hook . py-isort-before-save))
(leaf pyimport
:straight t
:require t )
(leaf pip-requirements
:straight t )
(leaf rainbow-mode
:straight t
:diminish rainbow-mode
:hook ((prog-mode-hook
xrdb-mode-hook) . rainbow-mode))
(leaf restclient :straight t )
(leaf company-restclient
:straight t
:after restclient
:config (add-to-list 'company-backends 'company-restclient ))
(leaf ob-restclient
:straight t
:commands (org-babel-execute:restclient))
(leaf verb
:straight t
:require (verb ob-verb)
:mode (" \\ .verb\\ '" . verb-mode))
(leaf sqlup-mode
:straight t
:bind (" C-c u" . sqlup-capitalize-keywords-in-region)
:hook ((sql-mode-hook . sqlup-mode)
(sql-interactive-mode-hook . sqlup-mode)))
(leaf sql-indent
:straight t
:after sql
:bind (sql-mode-map
(" C-c \\ " . sql-indent-buffer))
:hook (sql-mode-hook . sqlind-minor-mode))
(leaf tex
:straight auctex
:leaf-defer nil
:bind (" C-c c" . TeX-clean)
(require 'smartparens-latex )
(add-hook 'TeX-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(outline-minor-mode t )
(flyspell-mode t )
(TeX-PDF-mode t )
(TeX-fold-mode t )
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(LaTeX-math-mode t )
(reftex-mode t )))
(setq TeX-auto-save t
TeX-parse-self t
LaTeX-syntactic-comment t
TeX-save-query nil
TeX-PDF-mode t
TeX-auto-untabify t )
(setq-default TeX-engine 'xetex ))
(add-hook 'TeX-mode-hook 'turn-on-auto-fill )
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook 'turn-on-auto-fill )
; ; Use pdf-tools to open PDF files
(setq TeX-view-program-selection '((output-pdf " PDF Tools" ))
TeX-source-correlate-start-server t )
; ; Update PDF buffers after successful LaTeX runs
(add-hook 'TeX-after-compilation-finished-functions #'TeX-revert-document-buffer )
; (setq TeX-view-program-list '(("zathura" "zathura %o"))
; TeX-view-program-selection '((output-pdf "zathura")))
; ; set XeTeX mode in TeX/LaTeX
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook
(lambda () (push
'(" cTeX" " %(ctex_bin) %t " TeX-run-TeX nil t
:help " Compilation with custom script" ) TeX-command-list)
(add-to-list 'TeX-expand-list
'(" %(ctex_bin)" (lambda ()
(concat " ~/.bin/" " ctex" ))))
(setq TeX-command-default " cTeX"
TeX-save-query nil
TeX-show-compilation t ))))
(leaf cdlatex
:straight t
:hook (LaTeX-mode-hook . turn-on-cdlatex))
(leaf reftex
:straight t
:commands turn-on-reftex
(setq reftex-plug-into-AUCTeX t )))
(leaf bibtex
:straight t
(setq bibtex-align-at-equal-sign t )
(add-hook 'bibtex-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(set-fill-column 120 )))))
(leaf company-auctex
:straight t
(defun conf:TeX-mode-hook ()
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook 'conf:TeX-mode-hook )
(add-hook 'TeX-mode-hook 'conf:TeX-mode-hook ))
(leaf nxml-mode
; ; :straight nil
:mode ((" \\ .plist\\ '" . nxml-mode)
(" \\ .rss\\ '" . nxml-mode)
(" \\ .svg\\ '" . nxml-mode)
(" \\ .xml\\ '" . nxml-mode)
(" \\ .xsd\\ '" . nxml-mode)
(" \\ .xslt\\ '" . nxml-mode)
(" \\ .pom$" . nxml-mode))
:magic (" <\\ ?xml" . nxml-mode)
:bind (nxml-mode-map
(" C-x f" . pretty-print-xml-buffer))
:setq ((nxml-slash-auto-complete-flag . t )
(nxml-auto-insert-xml-declaration-flag . t ))
(lambda (pair )
(if (or (eq (cdr pair) 'xml-mode )
(eq (cdr pair) 'sgml-mode ))
(setcdr pair 'nxml-mode )))
(defun nxml-template ()
(interactive )
(insert " <?xml version=\" 1.0\" encoding=\" utf-8\" ?>\n\n " ))
; ;
(defun pretty-print-xml-region (begin end )
" Pretty format XML markup in region. You need to have nxml-mode installed to do
this. The function inserts linebreaks to separate tags that have
nothing but whitespace between them. It then indents the markup
by using nxml's indentation rules."
(interactive " r" )
(nxml-mode )
; ; split <foo><bar> or </foo><bar>, but not <foo></foo>
(goto-char begin)
(while (search-forward-regexp " >[ \t ]*<[^/]" end t )
(backward-char 2 ) (insert " \n " ) (incf end))
; ; split <foo/></foo> and </foo></foo>
(goto-char begin)
(while (search-forward-regexp " <.*?/.*?>[ \t ]*<" end t )
(backward-char ) (insert " \n " ) (incf end))
; ; put xml namespace decls on newline
(goto-char begin)
(while (search-forward-regexp " \\ (<\\ ([a-zA-Z][-:A-Za-z0-9]*\\ )\\ |['\" ]\\ ) \\ (xmlns[=:]\\ )" end t )
(goto-char (match-end 0 ))
(backward-char 6 ) (insert " \n " ) (incf end))
(indent-region begin end nil )
(normal-mode ))
(message " All indented! " ))
(defun pretty-print-xml-buffer ()
" pretty print the XML in a buffer."
(interactive )
(pretty-print-xml-region (point-min ) (point-max ))))
(leaf yaml-mode
:straight t )
(leaf yasnippet
:straight t
:diminish yas-minor-mode
:setq (yas-snippet-dirs . '(" ~/.emacs.d/snippets" ))
:hook (emacs-startup-hook . yas-global-mode))
(leaf yasnippet-snippets
:straight t
:after yasnippet)
(defun company-mode/backend-with-yas (backend )
" Add yasnippet support for all company backends"
(if (or (and (listp backend) (member 'company-yasnippet backend)))
(append (if (consp backend) backend (list backend))
'(:with company-yasnippet))))
(add-hook 'after-init-hook (lambda () (setf company-backends (mapcar #'company-mode/backend-with-yas company-backends))) t )
(leaf org-sync-snippets
:straight t
:require t
:after yasnippet
:setq (org-sync-snippets-org-snippets-file . " ~/.emacs.d/snippets/" )
:hook (yas-after-reload-hook . org-sync-snippets-org-to-snippets))
(leaf doom-snippets
:straight (doom-snippets
:type git
:host github
:repo " hlissner/doom-snippets"
:files (" *.el" " *" ))
:after yasnippet)
(leaf geiser
:straight t
:require t
(with-eval-after-load 'geiser-guile
(add-to-list 'geiser-guile-load-path " ~/guix" ))
(with-eval-after-load 'yasnippet
(add-to-list 'yas-snippet-dirs " ~/guix/etc/snippets" )))
(leaf alert
:straight t
:require t
(if (eq system-type 'windows-nt )
(setq alert-default-style 'message )
(setq alert-default-style 'libnotify )))
(leaf anzu
:straight t
:bind ((" M-%" . anzu-query-replace)
(" C-M-%" . anzu-query-replace-regexp))
:setq ((anzu-cons-mode-line-p . nil )
(anzu-mode-lighter . " " )
(anzu-deactivate-region . t )
(anzu-search-threshold . 1000 )
(anzu-replace-threshold . 50 )
(anzu-replace-to-string-separator . " => " )
(anzu-mode-line-update-function . 'cfg:anzu-update-func ))
(set-face-attribute 'anzu-mode-line nil :foreground " yellow" :weight 'bold )
(defun cfg:anzu-update-func (here total )
(when anzu--state
(let ((status (cl-case anzu--state
(search (format " [%d /%d Seek] " here total))
(replace-query (format " (%d Replaces) " total))
(replace (format " [%d /%d Replaces] " here total)))))
(propertize status 'face 'anzu-mode-line ))))
(add-to-list 'minor-mode-alist
'(:eval (when anzu--state
(concat " " (anzu--update-mode-line)))))
(global-anzu-mode +1 ))
(leaf bug-hunter
:straight t
:commands (bug-hunter-file bug-hunter-init-file))
(leaf benchmark-init
:straight t
:require t
:hook (after-init-hook . benchmark-init/deactivate))
(leaf autorever
; ; :straight nil
:diminish auto-revert-mode
:setq ((auto-revert-remote-files . t )
(auto-revert-interval . 1 )))
(leaf org-caldav
:straight t
:bind (" <f6>" . org-caldav-sync)
:setq `((org-icalendar-alarm-time . 30 )
(org-icalendar-categories . '(all-tags category todo-state))
(org-icalendar-include-todo . t )
(org-icalendar-use-deadline . '(event-if-todo event-if-not-todo todo-due))
(org-icalendar-use-scheduled . '(event-if-todo event-if-not-todo todo-start))
(org-icalendar-with-timestamps . t )
(org-icalender-sync-todo . t )
(org-icalendar-timezone . " America/Guayaquil" )
(org-caldav-calendars . '((:calendar-id " arkhan/work"
:files (" ~/org/" )
:inbox " ~/org/" )
(:calendar-id " arkhan/stuff"
:files (" ~/org/" )
:inbox " ~/org/" )))
(org-caldav-files . org-agenda-files)
(org-caldav-show-sync-results . nil )
(org-caldav-url . "" )
(org-caldav-backup-file . ,(concat conf:cache-dir "" ))))
(leaf calfw
:straight t
:setq ((cfw:display-calendar-holidays . nil )
(calendar-week-start-day . 1 )
(cfw:fchar-junction . ?╬ )
(cfw:fchar-vertical-line . ?║ )
(cfw:fchar-horizontal-line . ?═ )
(cfw:fchar-left-junction . ?╠ )
(cfw:fchar-right-junction . ?╣ )
(cfw:fchar-top-junction . ?╦ )
(cfw:fchar-top-left-corner . ?╔ )
(cfw:fchar-top-right-corner . ?╗ )))
(leaf calfw-org
:straight t
:require t
:bind (" C-c f" . cfw:open-org-calendar)
:setq (cfw:org-overwrite-default-keybinding . t ))
(leaf comment-dwim-2
:straight t
:leaf-defer nil
:bind* (" M-;" . comment-dwim-2))
(leaf dockerfile-mode
:straight t
:mode " Dockerfile\\ '" )
(leaf docker-compose-mode
:straight t
:mode (" docker-compose.*\. yml\\ '" . docker-compose-mode))
(leaf dumb-jump
:straight t
:bind ((" M-g o" . dumb-jump-go-other-window)
(" M-g j" . dumb-jump-go)
(" M-g i" . dumb-jump-go-prompt)
(" M-g x" . dumb-jump-go-prefer-external)
(" M-g z" . dumb-jump-go-prefer-external-other-window))
:setq (dumb-jump-selector 'completing-read ))
(leaf visual-fill-column
:straight t )
(defun extract-email (str )
; ; return last sub-string looking like an email address
(let ((tokens (reverse (split-string-and-unquote str)))
(match ))
(dolist (token tokens)
(string-match " <?\\ ([^ ]+@[^ ]+\. [^ >]+\\ )>?" token)
(setq match (or match (match-string 1 token))))
match ))
(defun visual-clean ()
" Clean up messy buffers (i.e. web wikis or elfeed-show)"
(interactive )
(visual-line-mode )
(leaf message
; ; :straight nil
:setq ((message-citation-line-format . " \n El %A %d de %B del %Y a las %H%M horas, %N escribió:\n " )
(message-citation-line-function . 'message-insert-formatted-citation-line )
(message-cite-reply-position . 'below )
(message-kill-buffer-on-exit . t )
(message-send-mail-function . 'message-send-mail-with-sendmail )
(sendmail-program . " msmtp" ))
(defun choose-msmtp-account ()
(if (message-mail-p )
((from (save-restriction
(message-narrow-to-headers )
(message-fetch-field " from" )))
(account (extract-email from)))
(setq message-sendmail-extra-arguments (list '" -a" account))))))
:hook (message-send-mail-hook . choose-msmtp-account))
(leaf mu4e
:if (executable-find " mu" )
; ; :straight nil
:require mu4e-contrib
:bind ((" <f1>" . mu4e)
(" j" . conf:mu4e~headers-jump-to-maildir))
(" j" . conf:mu4e~headers-jump-to-maildir)))
(defadvice mu4e (before mu4e-start activate)
" Antes de ejecutar `mu4e' borramos todas las ventanas"
(when (> 1 (count-windows ))
(window-configuration-to-register :mu4e-fullscreen )
(delete-other-windows )))
:pre-setq ((mail-user-agent . 'mu4e-user-agent )
(mu4e-attachment-dir . " ~/Descargas" )
(mu4e-auto-retrieve-keys . t )
(mu4e-compose-context-policy . 'ask )
(mu4e-compose-dont-reply-to-self . t )
(mu4e-change-filenames-when-moving . t )
(mu4e-compose-keep-self-cc . nil )
(mu4e-context-policy . 'pick-first )
(mu4e-headers-date-format . " %Y-%m-%d %H:%M" )
(mu4e-headers-include-related . t )
(mu4e-headers-auto-update . t )
(mu4e-headers-leave-behavior . 'ignore )
(mu4e-headers-from-or-to-prefix . '(" " . " ➜ " ))
(mu4e-headers-visible-lines . 8 )
(mu4e-headers-fields . '((:human-date . 10 )
(:from . 30 )
(:to . 30 )
(:flags . 10 )
(:maildir . 30 )
(:subject . nil )))
(mu4e-view-fields . '(:from
:signature ))
(mu4e-html2text-command . " w3m -dump -T text/html -cols 72 -o display_link_number=true -o display_image=true" )
(mu4e-view-html-plaintext-ratio-heuristic . most-positive-fixnum)
(mu4e-compose-format-flowed . t )
(mu4e-org-contacts-file . " ~/org/" )
(mu4e-maildir . " ~/.mail" )
(mu4e-view-show-images . t )
(mu4e-view-show-addresses . t )
(mu4e-view-prefer-html . t )
(mu4e-index-update-in-background . t )
(mu4e-get-mail-command . " offlineimap" )
(mu4e-update-interval . 300 ))
(add-to-list 'mu4e-headers-actions
'(" org-contact-add" . mu4e-action-add-org-contact) t )
(add-to-list 'mu4e-view-actions
'(" org-contact-add" . mu4e-action-add-org-contact) t )
(defun conf:mu4e~headers-jump-to-maildir ()
(interactive )
(let ((maildir (completing-read " Maildir: " (mu4e-get-maildirs))))
(mu4e-headers-search (format " maildir:\" %s \" " maildir))))
(when (fboundp 'imagemagick-register-types )
(imagemagick-register-types ))
(run-at-time nil (* 60 5 ) '(lambda ()
(interactive )
(mu4e-update-mail-and-index t )))
:hook ((mu4e-compose-mode-hook . visual-clean)
(mu4e-compose-mode-hook . flyspell-mode)))
(leaf mu4e-alert
:if (executable-find " mu" )
:straight t
:setq ((mu4e-compose-forward-as-attachment . t )
(mu4e-compose-crypto-reply-encrypted-policy . 'sign-and-encrypt )
(mu4e-compose-crypto-reply-plain-policy . 'sign )
(mu4e-index-update-in-background . t )
(mu4e-alert-email-notification-types . '(subjects)))
(defun conf:refresh-mu4e-alert-mode-line ()
(interactive )
(run-with-timer 0 60 'conf:refresh-mu4e-alert-mode-line )
(mu4e-alert-set-default-style 'libnotify )
:hook ((emacs-startup-hook . mu4e-alert-enable-notifications)
(emacs-startup-hook . mu4e-alert-enable-mode-line-display)))
(leaf mu4e-maildirs-extension
:if (executable-find " mu" )
:straight t
:after mu4e
:setq ((mu4e-maildirs-extension-hide-empty-maildirs . t )
(mu4e-maildirs-extension-action-text . nil )
(mu4e-maildirs-extension-title . nil )
(mu4e-maildirs-extension-maildir-collapsed-prefix . " *" )
(mu4e-maildirs-extension-maildir-default-prefix . " ✉" ))
:config (mu4e-maildirs-extension))
(leaf htmlize
:straight t )
(leaf notmuch
:if (executable-find " notmuch" )
:straight t
:bind ((" <f1>" . notmuch)
; ; bind 'r' to reply-all, and 'R' to reply
(" r" . notmuch-search-reply-to-thread)
(" R" . notmuch-search-reply-to-thread-sender)
(" K" . conf:notmuch-mark-read-and-delete)))
:setq ((mail-user-agent . 'notmuch-user-agent )
(mm-text-html-renderer . 'w3m-standalone )
; ;(notmuch-multipart/alternative-discouraged . ("text/html" "text"))
(notmuch-multipart/alternative-discouraged . '(" text/plain" " text/html" ))
(notmuch-show-logo . nil )
; ;(notmuch-always-prompt-for-sender . t)
(notmuch-archive-tags . '(" -inbox" " -unread" ))
(notmuch-crypto-process-mime . t )
; ;(notmuch-labeler-hide-known-labels . nil)
(notmuch-search-oldest-first . nil )
(notmuch-draft-save-plaintext . t ))
(defun conf:notmuch-mark-read-and-delete ()
(interactive )
(notmuch-search-tag '(" -unread" " +delete" ))
(defun conf:notmuch-update ()
(interactive )
; ; create output buffer and jump to beginning
(let ((buf (get-buffer-create " *notmuch update*" )))
(with-current-buffer buf
(erase-buffer ))
(start-process-shell-command " notmuch update" buf " offlineimap -u basic && notmuch new && afew -a -t" )
; ; refresh notmuch buffers if sync was successful
(lambda (_process event )
(if (string= event " finished\n " )
(run-with-timer 0 60 'conf:notmuch-update ))
(leaf notmuch-show
:bind ((notmuch-show-mode-map
; ; bind 'r' to reply-all, and 'R' to reply
(" r" . notmuch-show-reply)
(" R" . notmuch-show-reply-sender)))
:setq ((notmuch-show-imenu-indent . t )
(notmuch-message-headers . '(" To" " Cc" " Subject" " Date" ))
(mm-decrypt-option . 'known ))
(defun conf:notmuch-show-decrypt-message ()
(interactive )
; ; make sure the content is not indented, as this confuses epa
(when notmuch-show-indent-content
(cl-letf ((extent (notmuch-show-message-extent))
((symbol-function 'y-or-n-p ) #' (lambda (msg ) t )))
(epa-decrypt-armor-in-region (car extent) (cdr extent))))
(defun turn-on-notmuch-show-decrypt-region ()
(epa-mail-mode 1 )
(make-local-variable 'epa-mail-mode-map )
(define-key epa-mail-mode-map (kbd " C-c C-e d" ) nil )
(define-key epa-mail-mode-map (kbd " C-c C-e C-d" ) nil )
(local-set-key (kbd " C-c C-e d" ) 'conf:notmuch-show-decrypt-message )
(local-set-key (kbd " C-c C-e C-d" ) 'conf:notmuch-show-decrypt-message ))
:hook (notmuch-show-hook . turn-on-notmuch-show-decrypt-region))
(leaf org-notmuch
:require t
:after (:any org notmuch))
(leaf org-msg
:straight (org-msg
:type git
:host github
:repo " obar/org-msg" )
:require t
:after notmuch
(load-user-file " org-msg" )
(leaf notmuch-unread
:straight (notmuch-unread
:type git
:host github
:repo " arkhan/notmuch-unread" )
:require t
:config (notmuch-unread-mode t ))
(leaf profile
:straight (profile
:type git
:host github
:repo " DamienCassou/profile" )
:bind (" C-c F" . profile-force-profile-in-compose)
:after notmuch
(load-user-file " profile" )
(defun my:notmuch-build-identity (&optional email )
" Return a string of the form \" name <EMAIL>\" ."
(let ((email (or email user-mail-address)))
(format " %s <%s >" (notmuch-user-name) email)))
(setq notmuch-identities
(mapcar #'my:notmuch-build-identity
(defun my:notmuch-prompt-for-sender ()
" Prompt for a sender using `profile-binding-alist' ."
; ; (profile-set-profile)
((from (save-restriction
(message-narrow-to-headers )
(message-fetch-field " from" )))
(account (extract-email from)))
(profile-set-profile-from-name account))
(advice-add #'notmuch-mua-prompt-for-sender
#'my:notmuch-prompt-for-sender )
; ;
(defun my:notmuch-mua-new-reply (arguments )
" Always set PROMPT-FOR-SENDER to t when using `notmuch-mua-new-reply' ."
(list (cl-first arguments) t (cl-third arguments)))
(advice-add #'notmuch-mua-new-reply :filter-args #'my:notmuch-mua-new-reply )
(add-to-list 'notmuch-hello-sections #'profile-queue-insert-section t ))
; ; First, install notmuch-bookmarks:
(leaf notmuch-bookmarks
:straight t
:after notmuch
:config (notmuch-bookmarks-mode))
; ; Second, install the alert package:
(leaf notmuch-alert
:straight (notmuch-alert
:type git
:host github
:repo " publicimageltd/notmuch-alerts" )
:after notmuch-bookmarks
:require t
:bind* (" <f3>" . notmuch-alert-visit)
:config (notmuch-alert-mode))
(leaf org-msg
:straight t
:require t
(load-user-file " org-msg" )
(leaf link-hint
:straight t
:bind ((" C-c l o" . link-hint-open-link)
(" C-c l c" . link-hint-copy-link)))
(leaf org-bullets
:straight t )
(leaf pcre2el
:straight t )
(leaf shrface
:straight (shrface
:type git
:host github
:repo " chenyanming/shrface" )
:after shr
:require t
(with-eval-after-load 'mu4e
(add-hook 'mu4e-view-mode-hook 'shrface-mode )))
(leaf profile
:straight (profile
:type git
:host github
:repo " DamienCassou/profile" )
:bind (" C-c F" . profile-force-profile-in-compose)
:after mu4e
:init (load-user-file " profile" )
:hook (mu4e-compose-pre-hook . profile-set-profile-in-compose))
(leaf spell-fu
:straight t
:require t
:hook (after-init-hook . global-spell-fu-mode))
(setq-default ispell-program-name " hunspell"
ispell-really-hunspell t
ispell-check-comments t
ispell-local-dictionary " en_US"
'((" en_US" " [[:alpha:]]" " [^[:alpha:]]" " [']" nil (" -d" " en_US" ) nil utf-8)
(" es_EC" " [[:alpha:]]" " [^[:alpha:]]" " [ñ]" nil (" -d" " es_EC" ) nil utf-8)))
(defun switch-dictionary ()
(interactive )
(let* ((dic ispell-current-dictionary)
(change (if (string= dic " en_US" ) " es_EC" " en_US" )))
(ispell-change-dictionary change)
(setq ispell-alternate-dictionary change)
(message " Dictionary switched from %s to %s " dic change)))
(leaf flyspell
:require t
:diminish flyspell-mode
:bind ((" C-c t s" . flyspell-mode)
(" C-c l b" . flyspell-buffer)
(" M-i" . switch-dictionary)
(" C-\" " . flyspell-add-word-to-dict)
(" \M -\t " . nil )
([down-mouse-2] . nil )
([mouse-2] . nil )))
:setq-default ((ispell-program-name . " hunspell" )
(ispell-really-hunspell . t )
(ispell-check-comments . t )
(ispell-local-dictionary . " en_US" )
(ispell-local-dictionary-alist . '((" en_US" " [[:alpha:]]" " [^[:alpha:]]" " [']" nil (" -d" " en_US" ) nil utf-8)
(" es_EC" " [[:alpha:]]" " [^[:alpha:]]" " [ñ]" nil (" -d" " es_EC" ) nil utf-8))))
:setq ((flyspell-use-meta-tab . nil )
(flyspell-issue-welcome-flag . nil )
(flyspell-issue-message-flag . nil ))
(defun switch-dictionary ()
(interactive )
(let* ((dic ispell-current-dictionary)
(change (if (string= dic " en_US" ) " es_EC" " en_US" )))
(ispell-change-dictionary change)
(setq ispell-alternate-dictionary change)
(message " Dictionary switched from %s to %s " dic change)))
(defun turn-on-spell-check ()
(flyspell-mode 1 ))
(defun flyspell-add-word-to-dict ()
" Add the word at the current location to the private dictionary
without question."
(interactive )
; ; use the correct dictionary
(flyspell-accept-buffer-local-defs )
(setq opoint (point-marker ))
(let ((cursor-location (point ))
(word (flyspell-get-word nil )))
(if (consp word)
(let ((start (car (cdr word)))
(end (car (cdr (cdr word))))
(word (car word)))
; ; The word is incorrect, we have to propose a replacement.
(flyspell-do-correct 'save nil word cursor-location start end opoint)))
(ispell-pdict-save t )))
(dolist (hook '(TeX-mode-hook LaTeX-mode-hook text-mode-hook message-mode-hook markdown-mode-hook org-mode-hook))
(add-hook hook 'turn-on-flyspell ))
:hook (prog-mode-hook . flyspell-prog-mode))
(leaf frog-menu
:straight t
:require t )
(leaf flyspell-correct
:straight t
:bind (" C-M-'" . flyspell-correct-at-point)
:setq ((flyspell-correct-interface . #'frog-menu-flyspell-correct )
(flyspell-correct-auto-mode-interface . #'frog-menu-flyspell-correct ))
(defun frog-menu-flyspell-correct (candidates word )
" Run `frog-menu-read' for the given CANDIDATES.
List of CANDIDATES is given by flyspell for the WORD.
Return selected word to use as a replacement or a tuple
of (command . word) to be used by `flyspell-do-correct' ."
(let* ((corrects (if flyspell-sort-corrections
(sort candidates 'string< )
(actions `((" C-s" " Save word" (save . , word ))
(" C-a" " Accept (session)" (session . , word ))
(" C-b" " Accept (buffer)" (buffer . , word ))
(" C-c" " Skip" (skip . , word ))))
(prompt (format " Dictionary: [%s ] " (or ispell-local-dictionary
" default" )))
(res (frog-menu-read prompt corrects actions)))
(unless res
(error " Quit " ))
(leaf gif-screencast
:straight t
:bind ((" <f8>" . gif-screencast)
(" <f8>" . gif-screencast-toggle-pause)
(" <f9>" . gif-screencast-stop))))
(setq vc-follows-symlinks t
auto-revert-check-vc-info t
find-file-visit-truename t )
(leaf transient
:straight t
:config (setq transient-history-file (concat conf:cache-dir " transient.el" )))
(leaf magit
:straight t
:bind* ((" C-x g c" . magit-commit-create)
(" C-x g e" . magit-ediff-resolve)
(" C-x g g" . magit-grep)
(" C-x g l" . magit-file-log)
(" C-x g p" . magit-push-other)
(" C-x g r" . magit-rebase-interactive)
(" C-x g s" . magit-status)
(" C-x g u" . magit-pull-other)
(" C-x g x" . magit-checkout))
(defadvice magit-status (around magit-fullscreen activate)
(window-configuration-to-register :magit-fullscreen )
(delete-other-windows ))
(defadvice git-commit-commit (after delete-window activate)
(delete-window ))
(defadvice git-commit-abort (after delete-window activate)
(delete-window ))
(defun magit-commit-mode-init ()
(when (looking-at " \n " )
(open-line 1 ))))
(defadvice magit-quit-window (around magit-restore-screen activate)
(let ((current-mode major-mode))
(when (eq 'magit-status-mode current-mode)
(jump-to-register :magit-fullscreen ))))
(defun magit-maybe-commit (&optional show-options )
" Runs magit-commit unless prefix is passed"
(interactive " P" )
(if show-options
(define-key magit-mode-map " c" 'magit-maybe-commit )
(setq magit-git-executable " git"
magit-completing-read-function 'completing-read
magit-default-tracking-name-function 'magit-default-tracking-name-branch-only
magit-status-buffer-switch-function 'switch-to-buffer
magit-diff-refine-hunk t
magit-rewrite-inclusive 'ask
magit-process-find-password-functions '(magit-process-password-auth-source)
magit-save-some-buffers t
magit-process-popup-time 10
magit-set-upstream-on-push 'askifnotset
magit-refs-show-commit-count 'all
magit-log-buffer-file-locket t )))
(leaf magit-todos
:straight t
:require t
:hook (magit-mode-hook))
(leaf magit-gitflow
:straight t
:require t
:hook (magit-mode-hook . turn-on-magit-gitflow))
(leaf magit-lfs
:straight t
:require t )
(leaf git-gutter
:straight t
:diminish git-gutter-mode
:leaf-defer nil
:bind ((" C-x C-g" . git-gutter)
(" C-x v =" . git-gutter:popup-hunk)
(" C-x p" . git-gutter:previous-hunk)
(" C-x n" . git-gutter:next-hunk)
(" C-x v s" . git-gutter:stage-hunk)
(" C-x v r" . git-gutter:revert-hunk)
(" C-x v SPC" . git-gutter:mark-hunk))
:setq ((indicate-empty-lines . nil )
(git-gutter:handled-backends . '(git hg bzr svn)))
(if (display-graphic-p )
(leaf git-gutter-fringe
:straight t
:require t
(define-fringe-bitmap 'git-gutter-fr:added [224]
nil nil '(center repeated))
(define-fringe-bitmap 'git-gutter-fr:modified [224]
nil nil '(center repeated))
(define-fringe-bitmap 'git-gutter-fr:deleted [128 192 224 240]
nil nil 'bottom )))
:hook (after-init-hook . global-git-gutter-mode))
(leaf gitconfig-mode
:straight t
:leaf-defer nil
:mode (" /\\ .?git/?config$"
" /\\ .gitmodules$" )
:hook (gitconfig-mode-hook . flyspell-mode))
(leaf gitignore-mode
:straight t
:leaf-defer nil
:mode (" /\\ .gitignore$"
" /\\ .git/info/exclude$"
" /git/ignore$" ))
(leaf gitattributes-mode
:straight t
:leaf-defer nil )
(leaf git-timemachine
:straight t
:leaf-defer nil
:commands git-timemachine
:bind (git-timemachine-mode
(" c" . git-timemachine-show-current-revision)
(" b" . git-timemachine-switch-branch)))
(leaf mingus
:straight t
:bind (" M-3" . mingus)
:require t
:setq (mingus-mpd-config-file . " ~/.config/mpd/mpd.conf" )
(require 'mingus-stays-home ))
(leaf nginx-mode
:straight t
:mode (" /nginx/sites-\\ (?:available\\ |enabled\\ )/" . nginx-mode))
(leaf org
:straight org-plus-contrib
:setq `((org-modules . '(ol-bbdb
ol-bibtex ol-docview ol-info
org-crypt org-protocol org-id
org-habit org-annotate-file
org-eval org-expiry org-tempo
org-panel org-toc ox-md))
(org-id-locations-file . ,(concat conf:cache-dir " org-id.el" ))
(org-directory . " ~/org" )
(org-default-notes-file . ,(concat org-directory " /" ))
(org-startup-indented . t ))
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(turn-on-auto-fill )
; ; (org-indent-mode)
; ; ;; set default directories
; ; (setq org-id-locations-file (concat conf:cache-dir "org-id.el")
; ; org-directory "~/org"
; ; org-default-notes-file (concat org-directory "/"))
; ; set the archive
(setq org-archive-location (concat org-directory " /** Archived" ))
; ; highlight code blocks syntax
(setq org-src-fontify-natively t
org-src-window-setup 'current-window
org-src-strip-leading-and-trailing-blank-lines t
org-src-preserve-indentation t
org-src-tab-acts-natively t )
; ; more sane emphasis regex to export to HTML as substitute of Markdown
; ;(org-set-emph-re 'org-emphasis-regexp-components
; ; '(" \t({"
; ; "- \t.,:!?;)}[:multibyte:]"
; ; " \t\r\n,"
; ; "."
; ; 1))
; ; highlight code blocks syntax in PDF export
; ; Include the latex-exporter
(leaf ox-latex :require t )
(setq org-latex-packages-alist nil
org-latex-default-packages-alist nil
org-latex-hyperref-template nil
org-latex-create-formula-image-program 'dvipng )
; ; Tell the latex export to use the minted package for source
; ; code coloration.
(setq org-latex-listings 'minted )
; ; Let the exporter use the -shell-escape option to let latex
; ; execute external programs.
(setq org-latex-pdf-process '(" ~/.bin/ctex %f" ))
; ; tasks management
(setq org-refile-targets '((org-agenda-files :maxlevel . 1 )))
(setq org-log-done t
org-clock-idle-time nil
org-duration-format (quote h:mm)
org-todo-keywords (quote
((sequence " TODO(t)" " NEXT(n)" " |" " DONE(d)" )
(sequence " WAITING(w)" " HOLD(h)" " |" " CANCELLED(c)" " PHONE" " MEETING" ))))
; ; date insertion configuration
(setq org-expiry-created-property-name " CREATED"
org-expiry-inactive-timestamps t
org-todo-state-tags-triggers (quote
(" WAITING" (" WAITING" . t ))
(" HOLD" (" WAITING" ) (" HOLD" . t ))
(done (" WAITING" ) (" HOLD" ))
(" TODO" (" WAITING" ) (" CANCELLED" ) (" HOLD" ))
(" NEXT" (" WAITING" ) (" CANCELLED" ) (" HOLD" ))
(" DONE" (" WAITING" ) (" CANCELLED" ) (" HOLD" )))))
; ; capture
(setq org-capture-templates
'((" w" " Work TODO" entry (file+olp " ~/org/" " Tasks" ) " * TODO %? \n SCHEDULED: %(org-insert-time-stamp (org-read-date nil t \" +0d\" ))\n :PROPERTIES:\n :CATEGORY: TASKS\n :CREATED: %U\n :END:" )
(" o" " Work Overtime" entry (file+olp " ~/org/" " COMMENT Overtime" ) " * %? \n SCHEDULED: %(org-insert-time-stamp (org-read-date nil t \" +0d\" ))\n :PROPERTIES:\n :CREATED: %U\n :END:" )
(" m" " Work Meetings" entry (file+olp " ~/org/" " Meetings" ) " * %? \n SCHEDULED: %(org-insert-time-stamp (org-read-date nil t \" +0d\" ))\n :PROPERTIES:\n :CATEGORY: MEETINGS\n :CREATED: %U\n :END:" )
(" t" " Work Training's" entry (file+olp " ~/org/" " Training's" ) " * %?\n SCHEDULED: %(org-insert-time-stamp (org-read-date nil t \" +0d\" ))\n :PROPERTIES:\n :CATEGORY: TRAINING'S\n :CREATED: %U\n :END:" )
(" S" " Stuff TODO" entry (file+olp " ~/org/" " Tasks" ) " * TODO %? \n :PROPERTIES:\n :CATEGORY: TASKS\n :CREATED: %U\n :END:" )
(" M" " Stuff Meetings" entry (file+olp " ~/org/" " Meetings" ) " * %?\n SCHEDULED: %(org-insert-time-stamp (org-read-date nil t \" +0d\" ))\n :PROPERTIES:\n :CATEGORY: MEETINGS\n :CREATED: %U\n :END:" )
(" T" " Stuff Training's" entry (file+olp " ~/org/" " Training's" ) " * %?\n SCHEDULED: %(org-insert-time-stamp (org-read-date nil t \" +0d\" ))\n :PROPERTIES:\n :CATEGORY: TRAINING'S\n :CREATED: %U\n :END:" )))
; ; protect hidden trees for being inadvertily edited (do not work with evil)
(setq-default org-catch-invisible-edits 'error
org-ctrl-k-protect-subtree 'error )
; ; limit images width
(setq org-image-actual-width nil )
; ; :::::: Org-Babel ::::::
; ; languages supported
(quote org-babel-load-languages)
(quote ((org . t ))))
(setq org-babel-python-command " python" )
(defun conf:org-confirm-babel-evaluate (lang body )
(not (member lang '(" python" " sh" ))))
(setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate 'conf:org-confirm-babel-evaluate )
; ; (defalias 'org-babel-execute:emacs-lisp 'org-babel-execute:emacs-lisp)
; ; refresh images after execution
(add-hook 'org-babel-after-execute-hook 'org-redisplay-inline-images )))
(leaf org-superstar
:straight t
:require t
:setq ((org-superstar-leading-bullet . " " )
(org-superstar-headline-bullets-list . '(" ●" )))
:hook (org-mode-hook . (lambda () (org-superstar-mode 1 ))))
(leaf org-agenda
:straight org-plus-contrib
:bind ((" C-x a" . org-agenda-list)
(" C-x c" . org-capture))
:require t
:setq ((org-columns-default-format . " %50ITEM(Task) %10CLOCKSUM %16TIMESTAMP_IA" )
(org-agenda-include-diary . nil )
(org-agenda-tags-todo-honor-ignore-options . t )
(org-agenda-start-on-weekday . nil )
(org-agenda-start-day . " -1d" )
(org-agenda-span . 7 )
(show-week-agenda-p . t )
(org-agenda-timegrid-use-ampm . 1 )
(org-agenda-inhibit-startup . t )
(org-agenda-files . (quote
(" ~/org/"
" ~/org/" )))
(org-agenda-custom-commands . '((" Q" . " Custom queries" ) ; ; gives label to "Q"
(" Qa" " Archive search" search " " ((org-agenda-files (file-expand-wildcards " ~/org/" ))))
(" n" todo " NEXT" )
(" w" todo " WAITING" )
(" d" " Agenda + Next Actions" ((agenda) (todo " NEXT" )))))))
(leaf doct
:straight t
:require t
:commands (doct)
(setq org-capture-templates
(doct '((" Work" :keys " w"
:file " ~/org/"
:prepend t
:template (" * %{todo-state} %^{Description}"
" SCHEDULED: %(org-insert-time-stamp (org-read-date nil t \" +0d\" ))"
" :CATEGORY: %{headline}"
" :END:"
" %?" )
:children ((" Task"
:keys " t"
:headline " Task"
:todo-state " TODO" )
(" COMMENT Overtime" :keys " o"
:headline " Two"
:todo-state " NEXT" )
(" Third Child" :keys " 3"
:headline " Three"
:todo-state " MAYBE" )))))))
(leaf org-super-agenda
:straight t
:after (org-agenda )
(setq org-super-agenda-groups '((:name " Today"
:time-grid t
:scheduled today)
(:name " Due today"
:deadline today)
(:name " Important"
:priority " A" )
(:name " Overdue"
:deadline past)
(:name " Due soon"
:deadline future)
(:name " Big Outcomes"
:tag " bo" )))
(leaf org-sidebar
:straight t
:after (org-agenda )
:setq (org-sidebar-side . 'left )
(defun conf:org-today-sidebar ()
" Show my Org Today Sidebar."
(interactive )
:sidebars (make-org-sidebar
:name " Today"
:description " Today items"
:items (org-ql (org-agenda-files )
(and (not (done))
(or (deadline auto)
(scheduled :to today)))
:action element-with-markers)
:super-groups '((:time-grid t )
(:name " Overdue" :scheduled past :deadline past)
(:name " Due today" :scheduled today :deadline today)
(:tag " bills" )
(:priority " A" )
(:name " Non-tasks"
:todo nil ))))))
(leaf org-contacts
:straight org-plus-contrib
:require t
:setq (org-contacts-files . (quote
(" ~/org/" ))))
(leaf org-vcard
:straight t
:require t
:setq ((org-vcard-default-style . " tree" )
(org-vcard-append-to-existing-import-buffer . nil )
(org-vcard-default-export-file . " ~/.contacts/contacts.vcf" )
(org-vcard-default-import-file . " " )))
(leaf secretaria
:straight t
:require t
:hook (after-init-hook . secretaria-unknown-time-always-remind-me))
(leaf ob-ditaa
:leaf-defer nil
:straight org-plus-contrib
:commands (org-babel-execute:ditaa)
:setq (org-ditaa-jar-path . " /usr/share/java/ditaa/ditaa-0.11.jar" ))
(leaf ob-sql
:leaf-defer nil
:straight org-plus-contrib
:commands (org-babel-execute:sql))
(leaf ob-python
:leaf-defer nil
:straight org-plus-contrib
:commands (org-babel-execute:python))
(leaf ob-shell
:leaf-defer nil
:straight org-plus-contrib
:commands (org-babel-execute:shell
(leaf ob-plantuml
:leaf-defer nil
:straight org-plus-contrib
:commands (org-babel-execute:plantuml)
:setq (org-plantuml-jar-path . " /usr/share/java/plantuml/plantuml.jar" ))
(leaf ob-async
:straight t )
(leaf ob-translate
:straight t )
(leaf org-re-reveal
:straight t
:require t )
(leaf htmlize
:straight t )
; ;
(leaf org-tree-slide
:straight t
:bind (org-tree-slide-mode-map
(" q" . org-tree-slide-mode)
(" C-b" . org-tree-slide-move-previous-tree)
(" C-f" . org-tree-slide-move-next-tree)
(" C-0" . conf:org-tree-slide-text-scale-reset)
(" C-+" . conf:org-tree-slide-text-scale-inc1)
(" C--" . conf:org-tree-slide-text-scale-dec1)
(" C-1" . org-tree-slide-content)
(" C-2" . conf:org-tree-slide-set-profile)
(" C-3" . org-tree-slide-simple-profile)
(" C-4" . org-tree-slide-presentation-profile))
(setq org-tree-slide--lighter " Slide" )
(defvar conf:org-tree-slide-text-scale 100
" Text scale ratio to default when `org-tree-slide-mode' is enabled." )
(defun conf:org-tree-slide-set-profile ()
" Customize org-tree-slide variables."
(interactive )
(setq org-tree-slide-header t )
(setq org-tree-slide-slide-in-effect nil )
(setq org-tree-slide-heading-emphasis t )
(setq org-tree-slide-cursor-init t ) ; Move cursor to the head of buffer
(setq org-tree-slide-modeline-display 'lighter )
(setq org-tree-slide-skip-done nil )
(setq org-tree-slide-skip-comments t )
(setq org-tree-slide-activate-message
(concat " Starting Org presentation. "
" Use arrow keys to navigate the slides." ))
(setq org-tree-slide-deactivate-message " Ended presentation." )
(message " Custom `org-tree-slide' profile: ON " ))
(defvar conf:writegood-mode-state nil
" Variable to store the state of `writegood-mode' ." )
(defun conf:org-tree-slide-start ()
" Set up the frame for the slideshow."
(interactive )
(when (fboundp 'writegood-mode )
(setq conf:writegood-mode-state writegood-mode)
(writegood-mode -1 ))
; ; (flyspell-mode -1)
(org-toggle-inline-images ))
(defun conf:org-tree-slide-stop ()
" Undo the frame setup for the slideshow."
(interactive )
(when (and (fboundp 'writegood-mode )
(writegood-mode 1 )
(setq conf:writegood-mode-state nil ))
; ; (flyspell-mode 1)
; ; (hide-mode-line-mode -1)
(org-remove-inline-images ))
(defun conf:org-tree-slide-text-scale-reset ()
" Reset time scale to `modi/org-tree-slide-text-scale' ."
(interactive )
(text-scale-set conf:org-tree-slide-text-scale))
(defun conf:org-tree-slide-text-scale-inc1 ()
" Increase text scale by 1."
(interactive )
(text-scale-increase 1 ))
(defun conf:org-tree-slide-text-scale-dec1 ()
" Decrease text scale by 1."
(interactive )
(text-scale-decrease 1 )))
:hook ((org-tree-slide-play-hook . conf:org-tree-slide-start)
(org-tree-slide-stop-hook . conf:org-tree-slide-stop)))
(leaf org-tanglesync
:straight t
:bind ((" C-c M-i" . org-tanglesync-process-buffer-interactive)
(" C-c M-a" . org-tanglesync-process-buffer-automatic))
:setq (org-tanglesync-default-diff-action . :external )
:custom (org-tanglesync-watch-files . '(" ~/.dots/" ))
:hook ((org-mode . org-tanglesync-mode)
((prog-mode text-mode) . org-tanglesync-watch-mode)))
(leaf password-store
:straight t
:setq (password-store-password-length . 30 ))
(leaf pass
:straight t
:require t
:commands pass
(defun my/pass-insert-generated (entry )
" Same as pass-insert-generated but with my own template."
(interactive (list (read-string " Password entry: " )))
(when (or (not (seq-contains (password-store-list) entry))
(yes-or-no-p " Erase existing entry with same name? " ))
(let ((password (shell-command-to-string
(format " pwgen --secure --symbols %s "
(format " %s --\n username: %s \n url: https://%s \n "
(password-store-edit entry)
:config (advice-add #'pass-insert-generated :override #'my/pass-insert-generated ))
(leaf auth-source
; ; :straight nil
:setq ((auth-source-debug . t )
(auth-source-do-cache . nil )))
(leaf auth-source-pass
:straight t
:require t
:after auth-source
:setq (auth-sources . '(password-store)))
(leaf pdf-tools
:straight t
:leaf-defer nil
:mode (" \\ .[pP][dD][fF]\\ '" . pdf-view-mode)
:magic (" %PDF" . pdf-view-mode)
:bind (pdf-view-mode-map
(" <s-spc>" . pdf-view-scroll-down-or-next-page)
(" g" . pdf-view-first-page)
(" G" . pdf-view-last-page)
(" l" . image-forward-hscroll)
(" h" . image-backward-hscroll)
(" j" . pdf-view-next-line-or-next-page)
(" k" . pdf-view-previous-line-or-previous-page)
(" e" . pdf-view-goto-page)
(" t" . pdf-view-goto-label)
(" u" . pdf-view-revert-buffer)
(" al" . pdf-annot-list-annotations)
(" ad" . pdf-annot-delete)
(" aa" . pdf-annot-attachment-dired)
(" am" . pdf-annot-add-markup-annotation)
(" at" . pdf-annot-add-text-annotation)
(" y" . pdf-view-kill-ring-save)
(" i" . pdf-misc-display-metadata)
(" s" . pdf-occur)
(" b" . pdf-view-set-slice-from-bounding-box)
(" r" . pdf-view-reset-slice))
:setq ((pdf-misc-print-programm . " /usr/bin/gtklp" )
(pdf-misc-print-programm-args . (quote (" -o media=A4" " -o fitplot" )))
(pdf-view-display-size . 'fit-page )
(pdf-view-use-imagemagick . t )
(pdf-view-midnight-colors . '(" white smoke" . " gray5" )))
:init (pdf-tools-install t t ))
(leaf org-pdftools
:straight t
:after (org )
:commands org-pdfview-open
:setq (org-pdftools-search-string-separator . " ??" )
(org-link-set-parameters " pdftools"
:follow #'org-pdftools-open
:complete #'org-pdftools-complete-link
:store #'org-pdftools-store-link
:export #'org-pdftools-export )
(delete '(" \\ .pdf\\ '" . default ) org-file-apps)
; ; org links to pdf files are opened in pdf-view-mode
(add-to-list 'org-file-apps '(" \\ .pdf\\ '" . (lambda (_file link ) (org-pdftools-open link ))))
; ; support for links to specific pages
(add-to-list 'org-file-apps '(" \\ .pdf::\\ ([[:digit:]]+\\ )\\ '" . (lambda (_file link ) (org-pdftools-open link ))))
:hook (org-store-link-functions . org-pdftools-store-link))
(leaf org-noter-pdftools
:straight org-pdftools
:after (org-noter))
(leaf pkgbuild-mode
:straight t
:mode " PKGBUILD\\ '" )
(leaf ebuild-mode
:straight t )
(leaf po-mode
:straight t
:commands po-mode
; ; Fuente:
(defun po-wrap ()
" Filter current po-mode buffer through `msgcat' tool to wrap all lines."
(interactive )
(if (eq major-mode 'po-mode )
(let ((tmp-file (make-temp-file " po-wrap." ))
(tmp-buf (generate-new-buffer " *temp*" )))
(write-region (point-min ) (point-max ) tmp-file nil 1 )
(if (zerop
" msgcat" nil tmp-buf t (shell-quote-argument tmp-file)))
(let ((saved (point ))
(inhibit-read-only t ))
(delete-region (point-min ) (point-max ))
(insert-buffer-substring tmp-buf)
(goto-char (min saved (point-max ))))
(with-current-buffer tmp-buf
(error (buffer-string )))))
(kill-buffer tmp-buf)
(delete-file tmp-file)))))
(defun po-guess-language ()
" Return the language related to this PO file."
(goto-char (point-min ))
(re-search-forward po-any-msgstr-block-regexp)
(goto-char (match-beginning 0 ))
(if (re-search-forward
" \n\" Language: +\\ (.+\\ )\\\\ n\" $"
(match-end 0 ) t )
(po-match-string 1 ))))
(defadvice po-edit-string (around setup-spell-checking (string type expand-tabs) activate)
" Set up spell checking in subedit buffer."
(let ((po-language (po-guess-language)))
(if po-language
(ispell-change-dictionary po-language)
(turn-on-flyspell )
(flyspell-buffer ))))))
(add-hook 'po-subedit-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(make-local-variable 'split-height-threshold )
(make-local-variable 'split-width-threshold )
(setq split-height-threshold 1
split-width-threshold nil )))
(leaf presentation
:straight t
:config (global-set-key (kbd " <M-f5>" ) (lambda ()
(interactive )
(if presentation-mode
(presentation-mode 0 )
(presentation-mode 1 ))
(toggle-frame-fullscreen ))))
(leaf proced
:straight t
:bind (" C-x p" . proced)
:if (or (string-equal system-type " gnu/linux" )
(string-equal system-type " gnu/kfreebsd" ))
:pre-setq ((proced-tree-flag . t )
(proced-auto-update-flag . t )))
(leaf terminal-here
:straight t
:bind ((" C-<f5>" . terminal-here-launch)
(" C-<f6>" . terminal-here-project-launch))
:config (setq terminal-here-terminal-command (list " urxvt" " -name" " ETmux" " -e" (concat conf:bin-dir " tmx" ))))
(leaf ssh
:hook (ssh-mode-hook . (lambda ()
(setq ssh-directory-tracking-mode t )
(shell-dirtrack-mode t )
(setq dirtrackp nil ))))
(leaf ssh-config-mode
:straight t
:mode ((" /\\ .ssh/config\\ '" . ssh-config-mode)
(" /sshd?_config\\ '" . ssh-config-mode)
(" /known_hosts\\ '" . ssh-known-hosts-mode)
(" /authorized_keys2?\\ '" . ssh-authorized-keys-mode))
:hook (ssh-config-mode-hook . turn-on-font-lock))
(leaf su
:straight (su
:type git
:host github
:repo " PythonNut/su.el" )
:hook (emacs-startup-hook ))
(leaf undo-fu-session
:straight t
:pre-setq `((undo-fu-session-incompatible-files . '(" /COMMIT_EDITMSG\\ '" " /git-rebase-todo\\ '" ))
(undo-fu-session-directory . ,(concat conf:cache-dir " undo-fu" ))
(undo-fu-session-compression . t ))
:hook (after-init-hook . global-undo-fu-session-mode))
(leaf vlf-setup
:straight vlf
:setq (vlf-application . 'dont-ask ))
(leaf ovpn-mode
:straight t
:setq (ovpn-mode-base-directory . " /media/data/Project/vpn" ))
(leaf which-key
:straight t
:diminish which-key-mode
:setq (which-key-sort-order . 'which-key-key-order-alpha )
:hook (emacs-startup-hook . which-key-mode))
(leaf xrdb-mode
:straight (xrdb-mode
:type git
:host github
:repo " arkhan/xrdb-mode" )
:mode ((" \\ .Xdefaults$" . xrdb-mode)
(" \\ .Xenvironment$" . xrdb-mode)
(" \\ $Xresources$" . xrdb-mode)
(" .*\\ .ad$" . xrdb-mode)
(" .*\\ .x?rdb$" . xrdb-mode))
:hook (xrdb-mode-hook . (lambda ()
(setq comment-start " ! " ))))