Build a multi-user todo API that uses AspNetCore Identity and Entity Framework Core. Along with that I want to see a separate front-end you can use ReactJS/AngularJS/Blazor/ASP.NET MVC whichever is easier for you to use to interact with the API and show authentication (login & register). The app should have a way to create a new todo item and complete it. This is very simple the twist will be that once a task is created, modified or completed I'd like an audit trail to be created using a Worker Service Console application. That will require some sort of messaging queue. You can use Hangfire, RabbitMQ, AWS Queue Service or Azure. What ever you prefer. Please use Docker and Docker Compose to allow for an easier spin up. Below is a list of properties for the classes that I would like you to use. TodoItem Class properties - Id - Title - Description - AccountId - CreatedAt - ModifedOn - CreatedBy - ModifiedBy Built-in Identity classes AuditLog Class properties - Id - AccountId - Action - TodoItemId - OldValues - NewValues