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693 lines (519 loc) · 31.5 KB

File metadata and controls

693 lines (519 loc) · 31.5 KB




  • Upgrade to Cumulus v18.5.0
  • NOTE This version of Cumulus requires changes to the RDS database
  • For Serverless v2 RDS migration please see the cumulus instructions


  • Upgrade to Cumulus v18.4.0
  • Add 'Docker in Docker' functionality by giving the container access to the host's docker engine. This requires running make docker-in-docker-permissions


  • Upgrade to Cumulus v18.3.3
  • add .gitconfig file to Docker image to mark /CIRRUS-core and /CIRRUS-DAAC as safe
  • Tag resources using the aws provider level default_tags configuration


  • Update the Makefile so that make image can be run without having set any environment variables.
  • update core image to build from aws/lambda/python:3.9 as the python3 target


  • Upgrade to Cumulus v18.3.1
  • Added separate urs_tea_client_id and urs_tea_client_password that can be specified if these are different from the non-tea versions of the variables.
  • Added optional ecs_include_docker_cleanup_cronjob variable, defaulting to False.
  • Fixed the value of the output report_granules_sns_topic_arn to point to module.cumulus.report_granules_sns_topic_arn instead of report_executions_sns_topic_arn.
  • Updated aws_s3_object.bucket_map_yaml so we only deploy this TEA bucket map when we don't provide a bucket_map_key from the daac module.
  • add a Makefile target to import tea lambda cloudwatch group if getting an "The specified log group already exists" error: make import-thin-egress-log
  • Update cumulus module to v18.3.1
  • Fix typo thottled_queue_execution_limit to throttled_queue_execution_limit in cumulus/
  • Update data-persistence module to v18.3.1
  • Update Dockerfile:
    • FromAsCasing: 'as' and 'FROM' keywords' casing do not match (line 1)
    • LegacyKeyValueFormat: "ENV key=value" should be used instead of legacy "ENV key value" format
    • NODE_VERSION="20.x"
    • AWS_CLI_VERSION="2.17.13"
    • Upgrade to amazonlinux:2023 from amazonlinux:2
    • Use dnf instead of yum
    • Upgrade to Python 3.9.x from Python 3.8
  • Update TEA module from 1.3.5 -> 2.0.1
  • TEA - Breaking Changes (For full list of changes visit the TEA release page)
    • The /locate endpoint now requires the full bucket name to be provided in the bucket_name query parameter. Previously it expected only the trailing part of the bucket name with the BUCKET_NAME_PREFIX stripped off
  • NOTE - POST UPGRADE this version of Cumulus requires changes to the dead-letter archive per the instructions found under CUMULUS-3617
  • Update DOCKER_TAG := v18.3.1.0 in Makefile


  • Upgrade to Cumulus v18.2.0
  • NOTE this version of Cumulus requires changes to the RDS database per these instructions
  • upgrade TEA to v1.3.5
  • update required terraform version to >= 1.5 in all CIRRUS modules matching the requirements from the Cumulus application.
  • Add DAR=YES tag to terraform state bucket created by make tf
  • replace deprecated use of terraform s3_bucket_object with s3_object
  • expose the TEA lambda timeout value to allow for DAAC customization
  • add --platform linux/amd64 to all Docker commands in Makefile so make image and make container-shell work on Apple Silicon machines


  • Remove terraform lockfiles to ensure easy upgrade to v18 and ratchet provider versions
  • Capture and pass through CIRRUS-core and CIRRUS-DAAC versions


  • Upgrade to Cumulus v18.0.0
  • NOTE If you are upgrading from a version of CIRRUS earlier than v17.0.0.3 you may observe a CloudFormation error. Use the information in the v17.0.0.3 entry below to resolve it
  • This version of Cumulus uses Terraform v1.5.3, it's possible that DAAC terraform code may need to be updated.


  • Pass tags to Thin Egress App module in cumulus cirrus module
  • Add html_template_dir variable to cumulus module
  • NOTE ORNL observed a TEA CloudFormation error on the the first run of make cumulus with this release. DO NOT rerun make cumulus until you resolve the problem per this document


  • Adds the following outputs to the cumulus cirrus module that were added to the cumulus core module output added in cumulus v17:

    • "orca_recovery_adapter_task"
    • "orca_copy_to_archive_adapter_task"
  • Update core cumulus module to allow for an Orca module that provides configuration values via remote state for the following Cumulus module variables:

    • orca_lambda_copy_to_archive_arn
    • orca_sfn_recovery_workflow_arn
    • orca_api_uri
  • Adds the following configuration variable:

variable "use_orca" {
  description = "If set to true, pull in remote state values from 'orca' module to configure cumulus core module for ORCA"
  type = bool
  default = false
  • Updates cumulus module behavior such that when use_orca is set to true, the module reads a cirrus-daac module orca's remote state via convention and uses the following remote state values to to pass configuration values to the cumulus module:
    • outputs.orca.orca_lambda_copy_to_archive_arn
    • outputs.orca.orca_sfn_recovery_workflow_arn
    • outputs.orca.orca_api_uri


  • Add deploy_cumulus_distribution variable to cumulus module
  • Update build Dockerfile to create an entry in /etc/passwd for the user building the image. It allows the script to be run inside the container.
  • update Node version to 16.x in Docker file to support v12.0.1 of the Cumulus Dashboard


  • Upgrade to Cumulus v17.0.0
  • Upgrade terraform modules to use AWS provider version 5.0
  • Remove data-migration1 from repo


  • Upgrade to Cumulus v16.0.0

  • BUG: This version of Cumulus has a bug for async operations. Issue CUMULUS-3382 has been opened to track this issue and it should be resolved in a future version of Cumulus.

  • Note: When upgrading to cumulus 16.0.0 make cumulus tries to delete 3 lambda functions and their associated cloudwatch log groups. For some deployments it gets stuck in a cycle. The scripts/cumulus-v16.0.0/ script deletes the log groups which then allows make cumulus to complete

Error: Cycle: module.cumulus.module.archive.aws_lambda_function.granule_files_cache_updater (destroy), module.cumulus.module.archive.aws_cloudwatch_log_group.granule_files_cache_updater_logs (destroy)

Error: Cycle: module.cumulus.module.archive.aws_lambda_function.publish_pdrs (destroy), module.cumulus.module.archive.aws_cloudwatch_log_group.publish_pdrs_logs (destroy)

Error: Cycle: module.cumulus.module.archive.aws_lambda_function.publish_granules (destroy), module.cumulus.module.archive.aws_cloudwatch_log_group.publish_granules_logs (destroy)


  • Add html_template_dir variable to cumulus module


  • Add deploy_cumulus_distribution variable to cumulus module


  • Update outputs to match cumulus module
  • Add support for EMS Reporting SNS policy


  • Add 'lzards' support to cumulus module
  • Upgrade to TEA Release 1.3.3 which now handles URLs with non-standard characters like colons
  • one additional change to the tf module to handle bucket versioning as required by the terraform aws version >= 3.75.2


  • Add lambda_memory_sizes to cumulus module variables


  • Upgrade to Cumulus v15.0.3
  • Per Cumulus v15.0.2 release notes, the new default_log_retention_days variable has been exposed in the Cumulus module to allow daac customization, default is 30 days (the release notes name it incorrectly)
  • Per Cumulus v15.0.0 release notes, all ECS tasks should be upgraded to use the 1.9.0 image
  • Upgraded the terraform aws version to >= 3.75.2 to support nodejs16.x Lambdas


  • Upgrade to TEA Release 1.3.2 which upgrades dependencies and offers a new optional s3credentials end-point. To make use of this feature set the s3credentials_endpoint variable to True. Feature is documented here. If using this feature you should disable the Cumulus equivalent deploy_distribution_s3_credentials_endpoint variable, testing would be required.
  • Add name and tags to the background_job_queue_watcher event rule - PR #145


  • Upgrade to Cumulus v14.1.0
  • Exposes the new cloudwatch_log_retention_periods as mentioned in the release notes in case a DAAC wants to modify the retention of any CloudWatch log groups.
  • updated the terraform aws provider in the cumulus and data-persistence modules to match those in the underlying Cumulus modules.
  • Reminder - this version requires Cumulus Dashboard v12.0.0
  • Also, any ECS tasks are required to use the cumuluss/cumulus-ecs-task:1.8.0 docker image. This requirement is listed in the Cumulus v11.1.8 breaking changes section.


  • Upgrade to Cumulus v13.3.2
  • Upgrade to TEA Release 1.1.1
  • Allow CIRRUS Docker image to use Python 3.8
    • By default make image Docker image with Python 3.7. Now make image target looks for an environment variable named PYTHON_VER. If this variable is set to python38 it will build an image with python 3.8. Here's an example:

      export PYTHON_VER=python38
      make image
  • bug fixed - The background_job_queue built by make cumulus did not get tagged correctly, this version corrects that problem.



  • Upgrade to Cumulus v11.1.4
  • Note instructions for creating the files_granule_cumulus_id_index in the release notes if you are continually ingesting data



  • Upgrade container packages
    • Upgrade node to 14.x
    • Add C++ compiler
    • upgrade AWS CLI to V2
    • add PREFIX env variable as output from
  • Add a catchall target to the Makefile for forwarding unknown commands. For instance running make foo from CIRRUS-core will attempt to call make foo on CIRRUS-DAAC instead of erroring out immediately.
  • Upgrade TEA to build 1.1.0, Note that if you're upgarding from a version of TEA older than 115 you must run these commands scripts/tea-115/


  • Add scripts/cumulus-v11.0.0/ for the "After the cumulus deployment" section of the Cumulus v11.0.0 release notes; see the release notes for full details and usage


  • Upgrade to Cumulus v11.1.0
    • see Cumulus v11.0.0 release notes for required migration steps for workflows and collection configurations, as well as lambda executions. If upgrading from CIRRUS v9.9.0.0 or an earlier version, see the v10.1.2.0 notes as well.


  • Upgrade to Cumulus v10.1.2
    • see Cumulus v10.0.0 release notes for required migration steps for workflows and collection configurations
      • note that some lambdas and other workflow components may need to be updated for compatibility with the message format changes made in Cumulus v10.0.0, e.g., the dmrpp-generator must be upgraded to v3.3.0.beta
    • add scripts/cumulus-v10.1.1/ to execute the data-migration1 lambda, per the migration step note for Cumulus v10.1.1. It must be run after data_migration1 and data-persistence are deployed, but before cumulus is deployed.
    • upgrade TEA to v1.0.2


  • Upgrade to Cumulus v9.9.0
  • Upgrade TEA to build 121
  • Upgrade hashicorp/aws terraform to ~> v3.70.0
  • Pin hashicorp/archive terraform to ~> v2.2.0
  • Pin hashicrop/null terraform to ~> v2.1 consistently


  • Upgrade TEA to build 118


  • Upgrade to Cumulus v9.7.0
  • remove rds_connection_heartbeat variable due to change in Cumulus v9.3.0
  • add timeout variables introduced in Cumulus v9.5.0 to allow CIRRUS users to customize Lambda timeouts. Usage is documented here
  • Upgrade TEA to build 115 to add Smarter In-Region control and Dynamic CORS Support plus CVE Remediation. As described in the release notes, it requires two migration steps to rebuild an IAM role and flush the IAM cache. These commands are in scripts/tea-115/
  • add use_cors variable to allow CIRRUS users to use this new feature of TEA
  • REMINDER: This release requires v7.0.0 of the Cumulus Dashboard


  • Add a throttled queue to the cumulus deployment per the data cookbook instructions. The number of concurrent executions defaults to 5 and can be overriden via a thottled_queue_execution_limit variable in the appropriate CIRRUS-DAAC/cumulus/env.tfvars file
  • Added a destroy-data-persistence target to the Makefile borrowing heavily from NSIDC's instructions for destroying the dynamo_db tables Since the script exits as soon as the tables are marked for destruction (and not actually destroyed), it's possible make destroy-data-persistence might need to be executed multiple times to fully destroy the environment. Also need to run make image to add jq to it.
  • Add GitHub Action configuration for TFLint


  • Upgrade to TEA to build 1.1.1 to resolve several CVE's


  • Upgrade to Cumulus v9.2.0
    • Version v9.0.1 has a number of migration instructions detailed here
    • Per the migration instructions, this version of CIRRUS assumes that the DAACs RDS creation is contained the rds directory of that DAACs CIRRUS-DAAC code. The datbase is created by running make rds with the appropriate parameters. make plan-rds can be run to check parameters.
    • A new make data-migration1 target has been created and can be used for that step of the migration. make plan-data-migration1 can be run to check parameters
    • Scripts for the migration1 and 2 lambda invokecations can be found in the scripts/cumulus-v9.2.0 directory
    • While there are no specific migration instructions, the release notes for Version v9.1.0 should also be reviewed
    • a serverless RDS requires at least 2 subnets to be defined, CIRRUS had only been using one via commands like this:
    • Added MAKE_COMMAND to jenkins/Jenkinsfile to allow specific cumulus modules to be deployed from Jenkins.
data "aws_subnet_ids" "subnet_ids" {
  vpc_id =

  tags = {
    Name = "Private application ${}a subnet"
  • subnets are now defined like this throughout CIRRUS:
data "aws_subnet_ids" "subnet_ids" {
  vpc_id =

  filter {
    name   = "tag:Name"
    values = ["Private application ${}a subnet",
              "Private application ${}b subnet"]
  • ElasticSearch stacks with mulitiple subnets require at least 2 nodes so the default number was raised to 2
  • If using a serverless RDS make sure to set rds_connection_heartbeat to true in the cumulus module



  • Upgrade to Cumulus v8.1.0
    • While there are no specific migration instructions, please review the changes in all releases since v6.0.0
  • Cumulus v7.0.0 removed the log2elasticsearch_lambda_function_arn output from the cumulus module. Any workflows which expected it will need to be updated.
  • Any workflows using DMRPP should upgrade to v2.1.0
  • This version requires v6.0.0 of the Cumulus Dashboard


  • The Cumulus team recommends updgrading your CIRRUS-core release to v6.0.0.0 across all your environments prior to upgrading to Cumulus 8.1.0.


  • Upgrade to Cumulus v6.0.0
    • review the upgrade instructions
  • Upgrade to TEA to build 103


  • Upgrade your CIRRUS-core release to v5.0.1.3 across all your environments to ensure Terraform is upgraded to v13.6.


The purpose of this update is to upgrade Terraform to v0.13.6 on existing deployments of Cumulus v5.0.1. Cumulus notes for upgrading Terraform are available here.

This CIRRUS update takes care of the running of the 0.13upgrade command across all modules. It resulted in the creation of a file in each module and a syntax change to the required_providers section in the file in each module.


  • Upgrade your CIRRUS-core release to v5.0.1.2 across all your environments.
  • Per the Cumulus notes, apply any configuration across all environments.

Upgrade Steps

  • Review the changes in CIRRUS-DAAC. Add the file and update the required_providers section of the file in your daac and workflows modules
  • In CIRRUS-core run make image to create a new Docker cirrus-core image with Terraform 0.13.6.
  • Run make container-shell - all the following commands are run from inside the container.
  • use the source ... command to set up your environment variables for the deployment you will be upgrading.
  • For each module run make plan-modulename (make plan-tf, make plan-daac, etc). Only make plan-tf will succeed the first time. Even though unsuccessul, this step is necessary as it runs the terraform init --reconfigure mentioned in the Cumulus upgrade instructions.
  • cd to the module directory and run the necessary terraform state replace-provider commands to resolve the issues noted in the plan failure.
  • Run make plan-module again to confirm the issues are resolved

The scripts/cumulus-v5.0.1-tf-upgrade/ script has all the commands necessary to iterate over each module. BE WARNED You may want to use this as more of a copy-paste guide rather than actually running it. It does work running end-to-end on my deployments but your mileage may vary. In particular, you may want to remove the -auto-approve switch from the terraform state replace-provider command so you have a chance to review the changes before accepting them.

  • Once all plans run successfully you can then run make modulename for each module to complete the upgrade.

The process will need to be repeated for each deployment.


  • Expose elasticsearch configuration parameters in both data-persistence and cumulus modules.
  • Breaking change: the Makefile updated to handle per maturity data-persistence variables. To be consistent with how other make targets behave, the CIRRUS-DAAC data-persistence/terraform.tfvars file needs to exist for make data-persistence to work. The file can be empty, but must exist.


  • Upgrade to TEA to build 102



  • Upgrade to Cumulus V5.0.0
  • Update includes the addition of the egress_lambda_log_group and egress_lambda_log_subscription_filter plus the removal of the tea_stack_name mentioned in the migration steps
  • Cumulus 5.0.0 requires a one time reindex and changeindex
  • Update adds a egress_lambda_log_retention_days variable with a default of 30 to allow a DAAC to control the number of days to keep logs.


  • Upgrade aws terraform provider to 3.19.x and ignore gsfc-ngap tags when deciding what components need to be rebuilt


  • Upgrade to Cumulus V4.0.0
  • change cumulus_message_adapter_lambda_layer_arn -> cumulus_message_adapter_lambda_layer_arn under the cumulus module in cumulus/
  • change thin_egress_app module's source to thin-egress-app/ in cumulus/thin_egress_app
  • add cumulus module output for new update_granules_cmr_metadata_file_links workflow lambda
  • add egress_api_gateway_log_subscription_filter subscription filter in cumulus/ per Cumulus upgrade instructions
  • expose several ecs_cluster variables in cumulus/ and cumulus/ for modification by CIRRUS users



  • Upgrade to Cumulus V3.0.0

  • NOTE: Make sure to follow the upgrade instructions to prevent the deletion and recreation of your TEA API Gateway.

  • change Makefile to add new plan-* targets for each step to allow running of terraform plan for each step (ex. make plan-cumulus)

  • change cumulus/ changes to support separation of TEA from Cumulus

  • change cumulus/ update the TEA outputs needed by workflows

  • change cumulus/ add new variables and formatting

  • change data-persistence/ update for cumulus 3.0.0

  • add cumulus/ items which are needed by both cumulus and tea

  • add cumulus/ TEA tf module definition

  • add cumulus/thin-egress-app/bucket_map.yaml.tmpl the default TEA bucket map template

  • add scripts/cumulus-v3.0.0/ contains the commands mentioned in the TEA migration instructions (

Notes about v3.0.0 migration as relates to CIRRUS

  • The make daac step of this version of CIRRUS generates a new output (bucket_map_key). Look at the corresponding CIRRUS-DAAC to add that value to your daac/ file and then run make daac
  • Where the TEA migration instructions mention terraform plan use the new make plan-cumulus target get the output mentioned
  • Run make daac and make data-persistence prior to make plan-cumulus
  • Normally you run all CIRRUS make commands from the root CIRRUS-core directory. All the terraform state mv * commands require being in the CIRRUS-core/cumulus directory. A script has been added to scripts/cumulus-v3.0.0 with all the commands in one file. You may wish to run them from the script, or you may want to run them one at a time. Make sure you have a backup of your state per the Cumulus instructions.




  • Upgrade to Cumulus V2.0.4 to upgrade TEA to build 88


  • Upgrade to Cumulus V2.0.3 to fix syncgranule checksum and dashboard stats issues


  • Upgrade to Cumulus V2.0.2 to fix delete granule bug
  • add optional bucket_map_key variable to allow override of default TEA bucket_map
  • output cmr environment and hyrax-metadata-update task for use in workflows



  • Upgrade to Cumulus v2.0.1.
  • review Cumulus deployment instructions for version 2.0.0 there is a manual step. 2.0.1 only contains a bug fix
  • Expose EC2 instance type for the default Cumulus ECS cluster. Still deafaults to t3.medium. Can be changed via any of the cumulus .tfvars files in CIRRUS-DAAC



  • Upgrade to Cumulus v1.24.0.
  • review Cumulus deployment instructions
  • added two extra cumulus outputs which are needed for ECS based tasks









  • Upgrade to Cumulus v1.20.0. There are several breaking changes in this release.
  • cumulus/ added deploy_to_ngap = true per Cumulus deployment instructions



  • Upgrade to Cumulus v1.19.0. There are several breaking changes in this release. Make sure to follow the deployment instructions.
  • script added to create and deploy a TEA secret with the name of ${DEPLOY_NAME}-cumulus-${MATURITY}-jwt_secret_for_tea
  • cumulus/ updated to make use of secret created by
  • cumuluse/ updated to output sf_sqs_report_task rather than sf_sns_report_task



  • Remove the deprecated TF state resources that are no longer needed.



  • Upgrade to Cumulus v1.18.0. There should be no breaking changes from CIRRUS v1.17.0.0.


Upgrade Notes

  1. CIRRUS' Makefile will now delegate to the DAAC repo for the following make targets:

    • migrate-tf-state: NEW--see note below
    • daac
    • workflows

Add these three targets to your DAAC Makefile. See the CIRRUS-DAAC repo for examples of each of these three targets.

  1. If you're currently using a previous version of CIRRUS, you'll need to migrate the Terraform state from the old backend AWS resources to new ones. You can do this by running this for each deployment / maturity combination that you've deployed:

     source ...        # See README
     make migrate-tf-state

You'll be prompted to migrate state from the old resources to the new. Simply respond with 'yes' to each of the four prompts and you'll be ready to go.

  1. For local development, CIRRUS no longer looks for secrets in the CIRRUS-core repo's .secrets directory. Instead, it relies on the secrets being configured as described in the CIRRUS-DAAC repo. Remove any local .secrets files and directory and see the CIRRUS-DAAC README for instructions on how to setup local development secrets.


  • First official full release of CIRRUS
  • Uses Cumulus v1.17.0
  • Fix TF state resource names and add a Makefile target to migrate state from the old resources to the new one.
  • Get the bucket config from the DAAC module (which needs to create it) and pass it to Cumulus.
  • Set and export the AWS_PROFILE envvar in the script.
  • Fix a stringification bug in the Jenkinsfile.
  • Fix the extra 'retry' command if deploying Cumulus fails randomly the first time.
  • Pass the ECS cluster instance AMI id to Cumulus.
  • The Makefile now defers to the DAAC repo to run the daac and workflows targets. It does this by cding into the DAAC repo directory and simply executing make daac and make workflows. This means that the DAAC repo should have a Makefile with those two targets defined.
  • Use the MATURITY as the value for Cumulus' api_gateway_stage and distribution_api_gateway_stage. This means the API gateway stage in each NGAP account corresponds with the MATURITY.
  • Fix various Jenkinsfile parameter declarations, defaults, and descriptions.


  • Include an example secrets TF variable file.
  • Add output variables for all Cumulus tasks (lambdas) so they can be used in downstream TF modules.
  • Add output variables for Cumulus' lambda_processing_role_arn and no_ingress_all_egress AWS security group.
  • Turn off TF color output.
  • The default Makefile target is now all. So running make and make all are equivalent.


  • Lookup the correct NGAP VPC using the Name property.


  • Initial CIRRUS release