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11. Attributes {#sec-attributes}

Dafny allows many of its entities to be annotated with Attributes. Attributes are declared between {: and } like this:

{:attributeName "argument", "second" + "argument", 57}

(White-space may follow but not precede the : in {:.)

In general an attribute may have any name the user chooses. It may be followed by a comma-separated list of expressions. These expressions will be resolved and type-checked in the context where the attribute appears.

Any Dafny entity may have a list of attributes. Dafny does not check that the attributes listed for an entity are appropriate for it (which means that misspellings may go silently unnoticed).

The grammar shows where the attribute annotations may appear:

Attribute = "{:" AttributeName [ Expressions ] "}"

Dafny has special processing for some attributes1. Of those, some apply only to the entity bearing the attribute, while others (inherited attributes) apply to the entity and its descendants (such as nested modules, types, or declarations). The attribute declaration closest to the entity overrides those further away.

For attributes with a single boolean expression argument, the attribute with no argument is interpreted as if it were true.

11.1. Attributes on top-level declarations

11.1.1. {:autocontracts} {#sec-attributes-autocontracts}

Dynamic frames [@Kassios:FM2006;@SmansEtAl:VeriCool;@SmansEtAl:ImplicitDynamicFrames; @LEINO:Dafny:DynamicFrames] are frame expressions that can vary dynamically during program execution. AutoContracts is an experimental feature that will fill much of the dynamic-frames boilerplate into a class.

From the user's perspective, what needs to be done is simply:

  • mark the class with {:autocontracts}
  • declare a function (or predicate) called Valid()

AutoContracts will then:

  • Declare:
   ghost var Repr: set<object>
  • For function/predicate Valid(), insert:
   reads this, Repr
  • Into body of Valid(), insert (at the beginning of the body):
   this in Repr && null !in Repr
  • and also insert, for every array-valued field A declared in the class:
   && (A != null ==> A in Repr)
  • and for every field F of a class type T where T has a field called Repr, also insert:
   (F != null ==> F in Repr && F.Repr <= Repr && this !in F.Repr)

Except, if A or F is declared with {:autocontracts false}, then the implication will not be added.

  • For every constructor, add:
   modifies this
   ensures Valid() && fresh(Repr - {this})
  • At the end of the body of the constructor, add:
   Repr := {this};
   if (A != null) { Repr := Repr + {A}; }
   if (F != null) { Repr := Repr + {F} + F.Repr; }
  • For every method, add:
   requires Valid()
   modifies Repr
   ensures Valid() && fresh(Repr - old(Repr))
  • At the end of the body of the method, add:
   if (A != null) { Repr := Repr + {A}; }
   if (F != null) { Repr := Repr + {F} + F.Repr; }

11.1.2. {:nativeType} {#sec-nativetype}

The {:nativeType} attribute is only recognized by a newtype declaration where the base type is an integral type or a real type. For example:

newtype {:nativeType "byte"} ubyte = x : int | 0 <= x < 256
newtype {:nativeType "byte"} bad_ubyte = x : int | 0 <= x < 257 // Fails

It can take one of the following forms:

  • {:nativeType} - With no parameters it has no effect and the declaration will have its default behavior, which is to choose a native type that can hold any value satisfying the constraints, if possible, and otherwise to use BigInteger.

  • {:nativeType true} - Also gives default behavior, but gives an error if the base type is not integral.

  • {:nativeType false} - Inhibits using a native type. BigInteger is used.

  • {:nativeType "typename"} - This form has an native integral type name as a string literal. Acceptable values are:

    • "byte" 8 bits, unsigned
    • "sbyte" 8 bits, signed
    • "ushort" 16 bits, unsigned
    • "short" 16 bits, signed
    • "uint" 32 bits, unsigned
    • "int" 32 bits, signed
    • "number" 53 bits, signed
    • "ulong" 64 bits, unsigned
    • "long" 64 bits, signed

    If the target compiler does not support a named native type X, then an error is generated. Also, if, after scrutinizing the constraint predicate, the compiler cannot confirm that the type's values will fit in X, an error is generated. The names given above do not have to match the names in the target compilation language, just the characteristics of that type.

11.1.3. {:ignore} (deprecated)

Ignore the declaration (after checking for duplicate names).

11.1.4. {:extern} {#sec-extern}

{:extern} is a target-language dependent modifier used

  • to alter the CompileName of entities such as modules, classes, methods, etc.,
  • to alter the ReferenceName of the entities,
  • to decide how to define external abstract types,
  • to decide whether to emit target code or not, and
  • to decide whether a declaration is allowed not to have a body.

The CompileName is the name for the entity when translating to one of the target languages. The ReferenceName is the name used to refer to the entity in the target language. A common use case of {:extern} is to avoid name clashes with existing library functions.

{:extern} takes 0, 1, or 2 (possibly empty) string arguments:

  • {:extern}: Dafny will use the Dafny-determined name as the CompileName and not affect the ReferenceName
  • {:extern s1}: Dafny will use s1 as the CompileName, and replaces the last portion of the ReferenceName by s1. When used on an abstract type, s1 is used as a hint as to how to declare that type when compiling.
  • {:extern s1, s2} Dafny will use s2 as the CompileName. Dafny will use a combination of s1 and s2 such as for example s1.s2 as the ReferenceName It may also be the case that one of the arguments is simply ignored.

Dafny does not perform sanity checks on the arguments---it is the user's responsibility not to generate malformed target code.

For more detail on the use of {:extern}, see the corresponding section in the user's guide.

11.1.5. {:disable-nonlinear-arithmetic} {#sec-disable-nonlinear-arithmetic}

This attribute only applies to module declarations. It overrides the global option --disable-nonlinear-arithmetic for that specific module. The attribute can be given true or false to disable or enable nonlinear arithmetic. When no value is given, the default value is true.

11.2. Attributes on functions and methods

11.2.1. {:abstemious}

The {:abstemious} attribute is appropriate for functions on codatatypes. If appropriate to a function, the attribute can aid in proofs that the function is productive. See the section on abstemious functions for more description.

11.2.2. {:autoReq}

For a function declaration, if this attribute is set true at the nearest level, then its requires clause is strengthened sufficiently so that it may call the functions that it calls.

For following example

function f(x:int) : bool
  requires x > 3
  x > 7

// Should succeed thanks to auto_reqs
function {:autoReq} g(y:int, b:bool) : bool
  if b then f(y + 2) else f(2*y)

the {:autoReq} attribute causes Dafny to deduce a requires clause for g as if it had been declared

function f(x:int) : bool
  requires x > 3
  x > 7
function g(y:int, b:bool) : bool
  requires if b then y + 2 > 3 else 2 * y > 3
  if b then f(y + 2) else f(2*y)

11.2.3. {:autoRevealDependencies k} {#sec-autorevealdependencies}

When setting --default-function-opacity to autoRevealDependencies, the {:autoRevealDependencies k} attribute can be set on methods and functions to make sure that only function dependencies of depth k in the call-graph or less are revealed automatically. As special cases, one can also use {:autoRevealDependencies false} (or {:autoRevealDependencies 0}) to make sure that no dependencies are revealed, and {:autoRevealDependencies true} to make sure that all dependencies are revealed automatically.

For example, when the following code is run with --default-function-opacity set to autoRevealDependencies, the function p() should verify and q() should not.

   function t1() : bool { true }
   function t2() : bool { t1() }

   function {:autoRevealDependencies 1} p() : (r: bool) 
     ensures r
   { t1() }
   function {:autoRevealDependencies 1} q() : (r: bool) 
     ensures r
   { t2() }

11.2.4. {:axiom} {#sec-axiom}

The {:axiom} attribute may be placed on a function or method. It means that the post-condition may be assumed to be true without proof. In that case also the body of the function or method may be omitted.

The {:axiom} attribute only prevents Dafny from verifying that the body matches the post-condition. Dafny still verifies the well-formedness of pre-conditions, of post-conditions, and of the body if provided. To prevent Dafny from running all these checks, one would use {:verify false}, which is not recommended.

The compiler will still emit code for an {:axiom}, if it is a function, a method or a function by method with a body.

11.2.5. {:compile}

The {:compile} attribute takes a boolean argument. It may be applied to any top-level declaration. If that argument is false, then that declaration will not be compiled at all. The difference with {:extern} is that {:extern} will still emit declaration code if necessary, whereas {:compile false} will just ignore the declaration for compilation purposes.

11.2.6. {:concurrent} {#sec-concurrent-attribute}

The {:concurrent} attribute indicates that the compiled code for a function or method may be executed concurrently. While Dafny is a sequential language and does not support any native concepts for spawning or controlling concurrent execution, it does support restricting the specification of declarations such that it is safe to execute them concurrently using integration with the target language environment.

Currently, the only way to satisfy this requirement is to ensure that the specification of the function or method includes the equivalent of reads {} and modifies {}. This ensures that the code does not read or write any shared mutable state, although it is free to write and write newly allocated objects.

11.2.7. {:extern <name>} {#sec-extern-method}

See {:extern <name>}.

11.2.8. {:fuel X} {#sec-fuel}

The fuel attribute is used to specify how much "fuel" a function should have, i.e., how many times the verifier is permitted to unfold its definition. The {:fuel} annotation can be added to the function itself, in which case it will apply to all uses of that function, or it can be overridden within the scope of a module, function, method, iterator, calc, forall, while, assert, or assume. The general format is:

{:fuel functionName,lowFuel,highFuel}

When applied as an annotation to the function itself, omit functionName. If highFuel is omitted, it defaults to lowFuel + 1.

The default fuel setting for recursive functions is 1,2. Setting the fuel higher, say, to 3,4, will give more unfoldings, which may make some proofs go through with less programmer assistance (e.g., with fewer assert statements), but it may also increase verification time, so use it with care. Setting the fuel to 0,0 is similar to making the definition opaque, except when used with all literal arguments.

11.2.9. {:id <string>}

Assign a custom unique ID to a function or a method to be used for verification result caching.

11.2.10. {:induction} {#sec-induction}

The {:induction} attribute controls the application of proof by induction to two contexts. Given a list of variables on which induction might be applied, the {:induction} attribute selects a sub-list of those variables (in the same order) to which to apply induction.

Dafny issue 34 proposes to remove the restriction that the sub-list be in the same order, and would apply induction in the order given in the {:induction} attribute.

The two contexts are:

  • A method, in which case the bound variables are all the in-parameters of the method.
  • A quantifier expression, in which case the bound variables are the bound variables of the quantifier expression.

The form of the {:induction} attribute is one of the following:

  • {:induction} -- apply induction to all bound variables
  • {:induction false} -- suppress induction, that is, don't apply it to any bound variable
  • {:induction L} where L is a list consisting entirely of bound variables -- apply induction to the specified bound variables
  • {:induction X} where X is anything else -- treat the same as {:induction}, that is, apply induction to all bound variables. For this usage conventionally X is true.

Here is an example of using it on a quantifier expression:

datatype Unary = Zero | Succ(Unary)

function UnaryToNat(n: Unary): nat {
  match n
  case Zero => 0
  case Succ(p) => 1 + UnaryToNat(p)

function NatToUnary(n: nat): Unary {
  if n == 0 then Zero else Succ(NatToUnary(n - 1))

lemma Correspondence()
  ensures forall n: nat {:induction n} :: UnaryToNat(NatToUnary(n)) == n

11.2.11. {:only} {#sec-only-functions-methods}

method {:only} X() {} or function {:only} X() {} temporarily disables the verification of all other non-{:only} members, e.g. other functions and methods, in the same file, even if they contain assertions with {:only}.

method {:only} TestVerified() {
  assert true;                  // Unchecked
  assert {:only} true by {      // Checked
    assert true;                // Checked
  assert true;                  // Unchecked

method TestUnverified() {
  assert true;                  // Unchecked
  assert {:only} true by {      // Unchecked because of {:only} Test()
    assert true;                // Unchecked
  assert true;                  // Unchecked

{:only} can help focusing on a particular member, for example a lemma or a function, as it simply disables the verification of all other lemmas, methods and functions in the same file. It's equivalent to adding {:verify false} to all other declarations simulatenously on the same file. Since it's meant to be a temporary construct, it always emits a warning.

More information about the Boogie implementation of {:opaque} is here.

11.2.12. {:print} {#sec-print}

This attribute declares that a method may have print effects, that is, it may use print statements and may call other methods that have print effects. The attribute can be applied to compiled methods, constructors, and iterators, and it gives an error if applied to functions or ghost methods. An overriding method is allowed to use a {:print} attribute only if the overridden method does. Print effects are enforced only with --track-print-effects.

11.2.13. {:priority}

{:priority N} assigns a positive priority 'N' to a method or function to control the order in which methods or functions are verified (default: N = 1).

11.2.14. {:resource_limit} and {:rlimit} {#sec-rlimit}

{:resource_limit N} limits the verifier resource usage to verify the method or function to N.

This is the per-method equivalent of the command-line flag /rlimit:N or --resource-limit N. If using {:isolate_assertions} as well, the limit will be set for each assertion.

The attribute {:rlimit N} is also available, and limits the verifier resource usage to verify the method or function to N * 1000. This version is deprecated, however.

To give orders of magnitude about resource usage, here is a list of examples indicating how many resources are used to verify each method:

  • 8K resource usage
method f() {
  assert true;
  • 10K resource usage using assertions that do not add assumptions:
method f(a: bool, b: bool) {
  assert a: (a ==> b) <==> (!b ==> !a);
  assert b: (a ==> b) <==> (!b ==> !a);
  assert c: (a ==> b) <==> (!b ==> !a);
  assert d: (a ==> b) <==> (!b ==> !a);
method {:isolate_assertions} f(a: bool, b: bool) {
  assert a: (a ==> b) <==> (!b ==> !a);
  assert b: (a ==> b) <==> (!b ==> !a);
  assert c: (a ==> b) <==> (!b ==> !a);
  assert d: (a ==> b) <==> (!b ==> !a);
  • 37K total resource usage and thus fails with out of resource.
method {:rlimit 30} f(a: int, b: int, c: int) {
  assert ((1 + a*a)*c) / (1 + a*a) == c;

Note that, the default solver Z3 tends to overshoot by 7K to 8K, so if you put {:rlimit 20} in the last example, the total resource usage would be 27K.

11.2.15. {:selective_checking}

Turn all assertions into assumptions except for the ones reachable from after the assertions marked with the attribute {:start_checking_here}. Thus, assume {:start_checking_here} something; becomes an inverse of assume false;: the first one disables all verification before it, and the second one disables all verification after.

11.2.16. {:tailrecursion}

This attribute is used on method or function declarations. It has a boolean argument.

If specified with a false value, it means the user specifically requested no tail recursion, so none is done.

If specified with a true value, or if no argument is specified, then tail recursive optimization will be attempted subject to the following conditions:

  • It is an error if the method is a ghost method and tail recursion was explicitly requested.
  • Only direct recursion is supported, not mutually recursive methods.
  • If {:tailrecursion true} was specified but the code does not allow it, an error message is given.

If you have a stack overflow, it might be that you have a function on which automatic attempts of tail recursion failed, but for which efficient iteration can be implemented by hand. To do this, use a function by method and define the loop in the method yourself, proving that it implements the function.

Using a function by method to implement recursion can be tricky. It usually helps to look at the result of the function on two to three iterations, without simplification, and see what should be the first computation. For example, consider the following tail-recursion implementation:

datatype Result<V,E> = Success(value: V) | Failure(error: E)

function f(x: int): Result<int, string>

//  {:tailrecursion true}  Not possible here
function MakeTailRec(
  obj: seq<int>
): Result<seq<int>, string>
  if |obj| == 0 then Success([])
    var tail := MakeTailRec(obj[1..]);
    var r := f(obj[0]);
    if r.Failure? then
    else if tail.Failure? then
      Success([r.value] + tail.value)
} by method {
  var i: nat := |obj|;
  var tail := Success([]); // Base case
  while i != 0
    decreases i
    invariant tail == MakeTailRec(obj[i..])
    i := i - 1;
    var r := f(obj[i]);
    if r.Failure? {
      tail := Failure(r.error);
    } else if tail.Success? {
      tail := Success([r.value] + tail.value);
    } else {
  return tail;

The rule of thumb to unroll a recursive call into a sequential one is to look at how the result would be computed if the operations were not simplified. For example, unrolling the function on [1, 2, 3] yields the result Success([f(1).value] + ([f(2).value] + ([f(3).value] + []))). If you had to compute this expression manually, you'd start with ([f(3).value] + []), then add [f(2).value] to the left, then [f(1).value]. This is why the method loop iterates with the objects from the end, and why the intermediate invariants are all about proving tail == MakeTailRec(obj[i..]), which makes verification succeed easily because we replicate exactly the behavior of MakeTailRec. If we were not interested in the first error but the last one, a possible optimization would be, on the first error, to finish iterate with a ghost loop that is not executed.

Note that the function definition can be changed by computing the tail closer to where it's used or switching the order of computing r and tail, but the by method body can stay the same.

11.2.17. {:test} {#sec-test-attribute}

This attribute indicates the target function or method is meant to be executed at runtime in order to test that the program is working as intended.

There are two different ways to dynamically test functionality in a test:

  1. A test can optionally return a single value to indicate success or failure. If it does, this must be a failure-compatible type just as the update-with-failure statement requires. That is, the returned type must define a IsFailure() function method. If IsFailure() evaluates to true on the return value, the test will be marked a failure, and this return value used as the failure message.
  2. Code in the control flow of the test can use expect statements to dynamically test if a boolean expression is true, and cause the test to halt if not (but not the overall testing process). The optional second argument to a failed expect statement will be used as the test failure message.

Note that the expect keyword can also be used to form "assign or halt" statements such as var x :- expect CalculateX();, which is a convenient way to invoke a method that may produce a failure within a test without having to return a value from the test.

There are also two different approaches to executing all tests in a program:

  1. By default, the compiler will mark each compiled method as necessary so that a designated target language testing framework will discover and run it. This is currently only implemented for C#, using the xUnit [Fact] annotation.
  2. If dafny test is used, Dafny will instead produce a main method that invokes each test and prints the results. This runner is currently very basic, but avoids introducing any additional target language dependencies in the compiled code.

A method marked {:test} may not have any input arguments. If there is an output value that does not have a failure-compatible type, that value is ignored. A method that does have input arguments can be wrapped in a test harness that supplies input arguments but has no inputs of its own and that checks any output values, perhaps with expect statements. The test harness is then the method marked with {:test}.

11.2.18. {:timeLimit N} {#sec-time-limit}

Set the time limit for verifying a given function or method.

11.2.19. {:timeLimitMultiplier X}

This attribute may be placed on a method or function declaration and has an integer argument. If {:timeLimitMultiplier X} was specified a {:timeLimit Y} attribute is passed on to Boogie where Y is X times either the default verification time limit for a function or method, or times the value specified by the Boogie -timeLimit command-line option.

11.2.20. {:transparent} {#sec-transparent}

By default, the body of a function is transparent to its users. This can be overridden using the --default-function-opacity command line flag. If default function opacity is set to opaque or autoRevealDependencies, then this attribute can be used on functions to make them always non-opaque.

11.2.21. {:verify false} {#sec-verify}

Skip verification of a function or a method altogether, not even trying to verify the well-formedness of postconditions and preconditions. We discourage using this attribute and prefer {:axiom}, which performs these minimal checks while not checking that the body satisfies the postconditions.

If you simply want to temporarily disable all verification except on a single function or method, use the {:only} attribute on that function or method.

11.2.22. {:vcs_max_cost N} {#sec-vcs_max_cost}

Per-method version of the command-line option /vcsMaxCost.

The assertion batch of a method will not be split unless the cost of an assertion batch exceeds this number, defaults to 2000.0. In keep-going mode, only applies to the first round. If {:isolate_assertions} is set, then this parameter is useless.

11.2.23. {:vcs_max_keep_going_splits N} {#sec-vcs_max_keep_going_splits}

Per-method version of the command-line option /vcsMaxKeepGoingSplits. If set to more than 1, activates the keep going mode where, after the first round of splitting, assertion batches that timed out are split into N assertion batches and retried until we succeed proving them, or there is only one single assertion that it timeouts (in which case an error is reported for that assertion). Defaults to 1. If {:isolate_assertions} is set, then this parameter is useless.

11.2.24. {:vcs_max_splits N} {#sec-vcs_max_splits}

Per-method version of the command-line option /vcsMaxSplits. Maximal number of assertion batches generated for this method. In keep-going mode, only applies to the first round. Defaults to 1. If {:isolate_assertions} is set, then this parameter is useless.

11.2.25. {:isolate_assertions} {#sec-isolate_assertions}

Per-method version of the command-line option /vcsSplitOnEveryAssert

In the first and only verification round, this option will split the original assertion batch into one assertion batch per assertion. This is mostly helpful for debugging which assertion is taking the most time to prove, e.g. to profile them.

11.2.26. {:synthesize} {#sec-synthesize-attr}

The {:synthesize} attribute must be used on methods that have no body and return one or more fresh objects. During compilation, the postconditions associated with such a method are translated to a series of API calls to the target languages's mocking framework. The object returned, therefore, behaves exactly as the postconditions specify. If there is a possibility that this behavior violates the specifications on the object's instance methods or hardcodes the values of its fields, the compiler will throw an error but the compilation will go through. Currently, this compilation pass is only supported in C# and requires adding the latest version of the Moq library to the .csproj file before generating the binary.

Not all Dafny postconditions can be successfully compiled - below is the grammar for postconditions that are supported (S is the start symbol, EXPR stands for an arbitrary Dafny expression, and ID stands for variable/method/type identifiers):

S         = FORALL
          | EQUALS
          | S && S
EQUALS    = ID.ID (ARGLIST) == EXPR // stubs a function call
          | ID.ID           == EXPR // stubs field access
          | EQUALS && EQUALS
ARGLIST   = ID   // this can be one of the bound variables
          | EXPR // this expr may not reference any of the bound variables
          | ARGLIST, ARGLIST

11.2.27. {:options OPT0, OPT1, ... } {#sec-attr-options}

This attribute applies only to modules. It configures Dafny as if OPT0, OPT1, … had been passed on the command line. Outside of the module, options revert to their previous values.

Only a small subset of Dafny's command line options is supported. Use the /attrHelp flag to see which ones.

11.3. Attributes on reads and modifies clauses

11.3.1. {:assume_concurrent}

This attribute is used to allow non-empty reads or modifies clauses on methods with the {:concurrent} attribute, which would otherwise reject them.

In some cases it is possible to know that Dafny code that reads or writes shared mutable state is in fact safe to use in a concurrent setting, especially when that state is exclusively ghost. Since the semantics of {:concurrent} aren't directly expressible in Dafny syntax, it isn't possible to express this assumption with an assume {:axiom} ... statement.

See also the {:concurrent} attribute.

11.4. Attributes on assertions, preconditions and postconditions {#sec-verification-attributes-on-assertions}

11.4.1. {:only} {#sec-only}

assert {:only} X; temporarily transforms all other non-{:only} assertions in the surrounding declaration into assumptions.

method Test() {
  assert true;                  // Unchecked
  assert {:only} true by {      // Checked
    assert true;                // Checked
  assert true;                  // Unchecked
  assert {:only "after"} true;  // Checked
  assert true;                  // Checked
  assert {:only "before"} true; // Checked
  assert true;                  // Unchecked

{:only} can help focusing on a particular proof or a particular branch, as it transforms not only other explicit assertions, but also other implicit assertions, and call requirements, into assumptions. Since it's meant to be a temporary construct, it always emits a warning. It also has two variants assert {:only "before"} and assert {:only "after"}. Here is precisely how Dafny determines what to verify or not. Each {:only} annotation defines a "verification interval" which is visual:

  • assert {:only} X [by {...} | ;] sets a verification interval that starts at the keyword assert and ends either at the end of the proof } or the semicolon ;, depending on which variant of assert is being used.
  • assert {:only} ... inside another verification interval removes that verification interval and sets a new one.
  • assert {:only "before"} ... inside another verification interval finishes that verification interval earlier at the end of this assertion. Outside a verification interval, it sets a verification interval from the beginning of the declaration to the end of this assertion, but only if there were no other verification intervals before.
  • assert {:only "after"} ... inside another verification interval moves the start of that verification interval to the start of this new assert. Outside a verification interval, it sets a verification interval from the beginning of this assert to the end of the declaration.

The start of an asserted expression is used to determines if it's inside a verification interval or not. For example, in assert B ==> (assert {:only "after"} true; C), C is actually the start of the asserted expression, so it is verified because it's after assert {:only "after"} true.

As soon as a declaration contains one assert {:only}, none of the postconditions are verified; you'd need to make them explicit with assertions if you wanted to verify them at the same time.

You can also isolate the verification of a single member using a similar {:only} attribute.

11.4.2. {:focus} {#sec-focus}

assert {:focus} X; splits verification into two assertion batches. The first batch considers all assertions that are not on the block containing the assert {:focus} X; The second batch considers all assertions that are on the block containing the assert {:focus} X; and those that will always follow afterwards. Hence, it might also occasionally double-report errors. If you truly want a split on the batches, prefer {:split_here}.

Here are two examples illustrating how {:focus} works, where -- in the comments stands for Assumption:

method doFocus1(x: bool) returns (y: int) {
  y := 1;                     // Batch 1    Batch 2
  assert y == 1;              // Assertion  --
  if x {
    if false {
      assert y >= 0;          // --         Assertion
      assert {:focus} y <= 2; // --         Assertion
      y := 2;
      assert y == 2;          // --         Assertion
  } else {
    assert y == 1;            // Assertion  --
  assert y == 1;              // Assertion  Assertion
  if !x {
    assert y >= 1;            // Assertion  Assertion
  } else {
    assert y <= 1;            // Assertion  Assertion

And another one where the focused block is guarded with a while, resulting in remaining assertions not being part of the first assertion batch:

method doFocus2(x: bool) returns (y: int) {
  y := 1;                     // Batch 1    Batch 2
  assert y == 1;              // Assertion  --
  if x {
    while false {
      assert y >= 0;          // --         Assertion
      assert {:focus} y <= 2; // --         Assertion
      y := 2;
      assert y == 2;          // --         Assertion
  } else {
    assert y == 1;            // Assertion  --
  assert y == 1;              // Assertion  --
  if !x {
    assert y >= 1;            // Assertion  --
  } else {
    assert y <= 1;            // Assertion  --

11.4.3. {:split_here} {#sec-split_here}

assert {:split_here} X; splits verification into two assertion batches. It verifies the code leading to this point (excluded) in a first assertion batch, and the code leading from this point (included) to the next {:split_here} or until the end in a second assertion batch. It might help with timeouts.

Here is one example, where -- in the comments stands for Assumption:

method doSplitHere(x: bool) returns (y: int) {
  y := 1;                      // Batch 1    Batch 2     Batch 3
  assert y >= 0;               // Assertion  --          --
  if x {
    assert y <= 1;             // Assertion  --          --
    assert {:split_here} true; // --         Assertion   --
    assert y <= 2;             // --         Assertion   --
    assert {:split_here} true; // --         --          Assertion
    if x {
      assert y == 1;           // --         --          Assertion
    } else {
      assert y >= 1;           // --         --          Assertion
  } else {
    assert y <= 3;             // Assertion  --          --
  assert y >= -1;              // Assertion  --          --

11.4.4. {:subsumption n}

Overrides the /subsumption command-line setting for this assertion. {:subsumption 0} checks an assertion but does not assume it after proving it. You can achieve the same effect using labelled assertions.

11.4.5. {:error "errorMessage", "successMessage"} {#sec-error-attribute}

Provides a custom error message in case the assertion fails. As a hint, messages indicating what the user needs to do to fix the error are usually better than messages that indicate the error only. For example:

method Process(instances: int, price: int)
  requires {:error "There should be an even number of instances", "The number of instances is always even"} instances % 2 == 0
  requires {:error "Could not prove that the price is positive", "The price is always positive"} price >= 0
method Test()
  if * {
    Process(1, 0); // Error: There should be an even number of instances
  if * {
    Process(2, -1); // Error: Could not prove that the price is positive
  if * {
    Process(2, 5); // Success: The number of instances is always even
                   // Success: The price is always positive

The success message is optional but is recommended if errorMessage is set.

11.4.6. {:contradiction}

Silences warnings about this assertion being involved in a proof using contradictory assumptions when --warn-contradictory-assumptions is enabled. This allows clear identification of intentional proofs by contradiction.

11.5. Attributes on variable declarations

11.5.1. {:assumption} {#sec-assumption}

This attribute can only be placed on a local ghost bool variable of a method. Its declaration cannot have a rhs, but it is allowed to participate as the lhs of exactly one assignment of the form: b := b && expr;. Such a variable declaration translates in the Boogie output to a declaration followed by an assume b command. See [@LeinoWuestholz2015], Section 3, for example uses of the {:assumption} attribute in Boogie.

11.6. Attributes on quantifier expressions (forall, exists)

11.6.1. {:heapQuantifier}

This attribute has been removed.

11.6.2. {:induction} {#sec-induction-quantifier}

See {:induction} for functions and methods.

11.6.3. {:trigger} {#sec-trigger}

Trigger attributes are used on quantifiers and comprehensions.

The verifier instantiates the body of a quantified expression only when it can find an expression that matches the provided trigger.

Here is an example:

predicate P(i: int)
predicate Q(i: int)

lemma {:axiom} PHoldEvenly()
  ensures  forall i {:trigger Q(i)} :: P(i) ==> P(i + 2) && Q(i)

lemma PHoldsForTwo()
  ensures forall i :: P(i) ==> P(i + 4)
  forall j: int
    ensures P(j) ==> P(j + 4)
    if P(j) {
      assert P(j); // Trivial assertion
      // Invoking the lemma assumes `forall i :: P(i) ==> P(i + 4)`,
      // but it's not instantiated yet
      // The verifier sees `Q(j)`, so it instantiates
      // `forall i :: P(i) ==> P(i + 4)` with `j`
      // and we get the axiom `P(j) ==> P(j + 2) && Q(j)`
      assert Q(j);     // hence it can prove `Q(j)`
      assert P(j + 2); //   and it can prove `P(j + 2)`
      assert P(j + 4); // But it cannot prove this
      // because it did not instantiate `forall i :: P(i) ==> P(i + 4)` with `j+2`

Here are ways one can prove assert P(j + 4);:

  • Add assert Q(j + 2); just before assert P(j + 4);, so that the verifier sees the trigger.
  • Change the trigger {:trigger Q(i)} to {:trigger P(i)} (replace the trigger)
  • Change the trigger {:trigger Q(i)} to {:trigger Q(i)} {:trigger P(i)} (add a trigger)
  • Remove {:trigger Q(i)} so that it will automatically determine all possible triggers thanks to the option /autoTriggers:1 which is the default.

11.7. Deprecated attributes

These attributes have been deprecated or removed. They are no longer useful (or perhaps never were) or were experimental. They will likely be removed entirely sometime soon after the release of Dafny 4.


  • :heapQuantifier
  • :dllimport
  • :handle


  • :opaque : This attribute has been promoted to a first-class modifier for functions. Find more information here.

11.8. Other undocumented verification attributes

A scan of Dafny's sources shows it checks for the following attributes.

  • {:$}
  • {:$renamed$}
  • {:InlineAssume}
  • {:PossiblyUnreachable}
  • {:__dominator_enabled}
  • {:__enabled}
  • {:a##post##}
  • {:absdomain}
  • {:ah}
  • {:assumption}
  • {:assumption_variable_initialization}
  • {:atomic}
  • {:aux}
  • {:both}
  • {:bvbuiltin}
  • {:candidate}
  • {:captureState}
  • {:checksum}
  • {:constructor}
  • {:datatype}
  • {:do_not_predicate}
  • {:entrypoint}
  • {:existential}
  • {:exitAssert}
  • {:expand}
  • {:extern}
  • {:focus}
  • {:hidden}
  • {:ignore}
  • {:inline}
  • {:left}
  • {:linear}
  • {:linear_in}
  • {:linear_out}
  • {:msg}
  • {:name}
  • {:originated_from_invariant}
  • {:partition}
  • {:positive}
  • {:post}
  • {:pre}
  • {:precondition_previous_snapshot}
  • {:qid}
  • {:right}
  • {:selective_checking}
  • {:si_fcall}
  • {:si_unique_call}
  • {:sourcefile}
  • {:sourceline}
  • {:split_here}
  • {:stage_active}
  • {:stage_complete}
  • {:staged_houdini_tag}
  • {:start_checking_here}
  • {:subsumption}
  • {:template}
  • {:terminates}
  • {:upper}
  • {:verified_under}
  • {:weight}
  • {:yields}


  1. All entities that Dafny translates to Boogie have their attributes passed on to Boogie except for the {:axiom} attribute (which conflicts with Boogie usage) and the {:trigger} attribute which is instead converted into a Boogie quantifier trigger. See Section 11 of [@Leino:Boogie2-RefMan].