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4. Modules (grammar) {#sec-modules}


module N  { }
import A
export A reveals f

Structuring a program by breaking it into parts is an important part of creating large programs. In Dafny, this is accomplished via modules. Modules provide a way to group together related types, classes, methods, functions, and other modules, as well as to control the scope of declarations. Modules may import each other for code reuse, and it is possible to abstract over modules to separate an implementation from an interface.

Module declarations are of three types:

  • a module definition
  • a module import
  • a module export definition

Module definitions and imports each declare a submodule of its enclosing module, which may be the implicit, undeclared, top-level module.

4.1. Declaring New Modules (grammar) {#sec-module-definition}


module P { const i: int }
abstract module A.Q { method m() {} }
module M { module N { } }

A module definition

  • has an optional modifier (only abstract is allowed)
  • followed by the keyword "module"
  • followed by a name (a sequence of dot-separated identifiers)
  • followed by a body enclosed in curly braces

A module body consists of any declarations that are allowed at the top level: classes, datatypes, types, methods, functions, etc.

module Mod {
  class C {
    var f: int
    method m()
  datatype Option = A(int) | B(int)
  type T
  method m()
  function f(): int

You can also put a module inside another, in a nested fashion:

module Mod {
  module Helpers {
    class C {
      method doIt()
      var f: int

Then you can refer to the members of the Helpers module within the Mod module by prefixing them with "Helpers.". For example:

module Mod {
  module Helpers {
    class C {
      constructor () { f := 0; }
      method doIt()
      var f: int
  method m() {
    var x := new Helpers.C();
    x.f := 4;

Methods and functions defined at the module level are available like classes, with just the module name prefixing them. They are also available in the methods and functions of the classes in the same module.

module Mod {
  module Helpers {
    function addOne(n: nat): nat {
      n + 1
  method m() {
    var x := 5;
    x := Helpers.addOne(x); // x is now 6

Note that everything declared at the top-level (in all the files constituting the program) is implicitly part of a single implicit unnamed global module.

4.2. Declaring nested modules standalone

As described in the previous section, module declarations can be nested. It is also permitted to declare a nested module outside of its "containing" module. So instead of

module A {
  module B {

one can write

module A {
module A.B {

The second module is completely separate; for example, it can be in a different file. This feature provides flexibility in writing and maintenance; for example, it can reduce the size of module A by extracting module A.B into a separate body of text.

However, it can also lead to confusion, and program authors need to take care. It may not be apparent to a reader of module A that module A.B exists; the existence of A.B might cause names to be resolved differently and the semantics of the program might be (silently) different if A.B is present or absent.

4.3. Importing Modules (grammar) {#sec-importing-modules}


import A
import opened B
import A = B
import A : B
import A.B
import A`E
import X = A.B`{E,F}

Sometimes you want to refer to things from an existing module, such as a library. In this case, you can import one module into another. This is done via the import keyword, which has two forms with different meanings. The simplest form is the concrete import, which has the form import A = B. This declaration creates a reference to the module B (which must already exist), and binds it to the new local name A. This form can also be used to create a reference to a nested module, as in import A = B.C. The other form, using a :, is described in Section 4.6.

As modules in the same scope must have different names, this ability to bind a module to a new name allows disambiguating separately developed external modules that have the same name. Note that the new name is only bound in the scope containing the import declaration; it does not create a global alias. For example, if Helpers was defined outside of Mod, then we could import it:

module Helpers {
  function addOne(n: nat): nat {
    n + 1
module Mod {
  import A = Helpers
  method m() {
    assert A.addOne(5) == 6;

Note that inside m(), we have to use A instead of Helpers, as we bound it to a different name. The name Helpers is not available inside m() (or anywhere else inside Mod), as only names that have been bound inside Mod are available. In order to use the members from another module, that other module either has to be declared there with module or imported with import. (As described below, the resolution of the ModuleQualifiedName that follows the = in the import statement or the refines in a module declaration uses slightly different rules.)

We don't have to give Helpers a new name, though, if we don't want to. We can write import Helpers = Helpers to import the module under its own name; Dafny even provides the shorthand import Helpers for this behavior. You can't bind two modules with the same name at the same time, so sometimes you have to use the = version to ensure the names do not clash. When importing nested modules, import B.C means import C = B.C; the implicit name is always the last name segment of the module designation.

The first identifier in the dot-separated sequence of identifers that constitute the qualified name of the module being imported is resolved as (in order)

  • a submodule of the importing module,
  • or a sibling module of the importing module,
  • or a sibling module of some containing module, traversing outward. There is no way to refer to a containing module, only sibling modules (and their submodules).

Import statements may occur at the top-level of a program (that is, in the implicit top-level module of the program) as well. There they serve as a way to give a new name, perhaps a shorthand name, to a module. For example,

module MyModule { } // declare MyModule
import MyModule  // error: cannot add a module named MyModule
                 // because there already is one
import M = MyModule // OK. M and MyModule are equivalent

4.4. Opening Modules {#sec-opening-modules}

Sometimes, prefixing the members of the module you imported with its name is tedious and ugly, even if you select a short name when importing it. In this case, you can import the module as opened, which causes all of its members to be available without adding the module name. The opened keyword, if present, must immediately follow import. For example, we could write the previous example as:

module Helpers {
  function addOne(n: nat): nat {
    n + 1
module Mod {
  import opened Helpers
  method m() {
    assert addOne(5) == 6;

When opening modules, the newly bound members have lower priority than local definitions. This means if you define a local function called addOne, the function from Helpers will no longer be available under that name. When modules are opened, the original name binding is still present however, so you can always use the name that was bound to get to anything that is hidden.

module Helpers {
  function addOne(n: nat): nat {
    n + 1
module Mod {
  import opened H = Helpers
  function addOne(n: nat): nat {
    n - 1
  method m() {
    assert addOne(5) == 6; // this is now false,
                           // as this is the function just defined
    assert H.addOne(5) == 6; // this is still true

If you open two modules that both declare members with the same name, then neither member can be referred to without a module prefix, as it would be ambiguous which one was meant. Just opening the two modules is not an error, however, as long as you don't attempt to use members with common names. However, if the ambiguous references actually refer to the same declaration, then they are permitted. The opened keyword may be used with any kind of import declaration, including the module abstraction form.

An import opened may occur at the top-level as well. For example,

module MyModule {  } // declares MyModule
import opened MyModule // does not declare a new module, but does
                       // make all names in MyModule available in
                       // the current scope, without needing
                       // qualification
import opened M = MyModule // names in MyModule are available in
                       // the current scope without qualification
                       // or qualified with either M (because of this
                       // import) or MyModule (because of the original
                       // module definition)

The Dafny style guidelines suggest using opened imports sparingly. They are best used when the names being imported have obvious and unambiguous meanings and when using qualified names would be verbose enough to impede understanding.

There is a special case in which the behavior described above is altered. If a module M declares a type M and M is import opened without renaming inside another module X, then the rules above would have, within X, M mean the module and M.M mean the type. This is verbose. So in this somewhat common case, the type M is effectively made a local declaration within X so that it has precedence over the module name. Now M refers to the type. If one needs to refer to the module, it will have to be renamed as part of the import opened statement.

This special-case behavior does give rise to a source of ambiguity. Consider the example

module Option {
  const a := 1
  datatype Option = A|B { static const a := 2 }

module X {
  import opened Option
  method M() { print Option.a; }

Option.a now means the a in the datatype instead of the a in the module. To avoid confusion in such cases, it is an ambiguity error if a name that is declared in both the datatype and the module is used when there is an import open of the module (without renaming).

4.5. Export Sets and Access Control (grammar) {#sec-export-sets}


export E extends F reveals f,g provides g,h
export E reveals *
export reveals f
export E
export E ... reveals f

In some programming languages, keywords such as public, private, and protected are used to control access to (that is, visibility of) declared program entities. In Dafny, modules and export sets provide that capability. Modules combine declarations into logically related groups. Export sets then permit selectively exposing subsets of a module's declarations; another module can import the export set appropriate to its needs. A user can define as many export sets as are needed to provide different kinds of access to the module's declarations. Each export set designates a list of names, which must be names that are declared in the module (or in a refinement parent).

By default (in the absence of any export set declarations) all the names declared in a module are available outside the module using the import mechanism. An export set enables a module to disallow the use of some declarations outside the module.

Export sets have names; those names are used in import statements to designate which export set of a module is being imported. If a module M has export sets E1 and E2, we can write import A = M`E1 to create a module alias A that contains only the names in E1. Or we can write import A = M`{E1,E2} to import the union of names in E1 and E2 as module alias A. As before, import M`E1 is an abbreviation of import M = M`E1.

If no export set is given in an import statement, the default export set of the module is used.

There are various defaults that apply differently in different cases. The following description is with respect to an example module M:

M has no export sets declared. Then another module may simply import Z = M to obtain access to all of M's declarations.

M has one or more named export sets (e.g., E, F). Then another module can write import Z = M`E or import Z = M`{E,F} to obtain access to the names that are listed in export set E or to the union of those in export sets E and F, respectively. If no export set has the same name as the module, then an export set designator must be used: in that case you cannot write simply import Z = M.

M has an unnamed export set, along with other export sets (e.g., named E). The unnamed export set is the default export set and implicitly has the same name as the module. Because there is a default export set, another module may write either import Z = M or import Z = M`M to import the names in that default export set. You can also still use the other export sets with the explicit designator: import Z = M`E

M declares an export set with the same name as the module. This is equivalent to declaring an export set without a name. import M and import M`M perform the same function in either case; the export set with or without the name of the module is the default export set for the module.

Note that names of module aliases (declared by import statements) are just like other names in a module; they can be included or omitted from export sets. Names brought into a module by refinement are treated the same as locally declared names and can be listed in export set declarations. However, names brought into a module by import opened (either into a module or a refinement parent of a module) may not be further exported. For example,

module A {
  const a := 10
  const z := 10
module B {
  import opened Z = A // includes a, declares Z
  const b := Z.a // OK
module C {
  import opened B // includes b, Z, but not a
  method m() {
    //assert b == a; // error: a is not known
    //assert b == B.a; // error: B.a is not valid
    //assert b == A.a; // error: A is not known
    assert b == Z.a; // OK: module Z is known and includes a

However, in the above example,

  • if A has one export set export Y reveals a then the import in module B is invalid because A has no default export set;
  • if A has one export set export Y reveals a and B has import Z = A`Y then B's import is OK. So is the use of Z.a in the assert because B declares Z and C brings in Z through the import opened and Z contains a by virtue of its declaration. (The alias Z is not able to have export sets; all of its names are visible.)
  • if A has one export set export provides z then A does have a default export set, so the import in B is OK, but neither the use of a in B nor as Z.a in C would be valid, because a is not in Z.

The default export set is important in the resolution of qualified names, as described in Section 4.8.

There are a few unusual cases to be noted:

  • an export set can be completely empty, as in export Nothing
  • an eponymous export set can be completely empty, as in export, which by default has the same name as the enclosing module; this is a way to make the module completely private
  • an export set declaration followed by an extreme predicate declaration looks like this: export least predicate P() { true } In this case, the least (or greatest) is the identifier naming the export set. Consequently, export least predicate P[nat]() { true } is illegal because [nat] cannot be part of a non-extreme predicate. So, it is not possible to declare an eponymous, empty export set by omitting the export id immediately prior to a declaration of an extreme predicate, because the least or greatest token is parsed as the export set identifier. The workaround for this situation is to either put the name of the module in explicitly as the export ID (not leaving it to the default) or reorder the declarations.
  • To avoid confusion, the code
module M {
  least predicate P() { true }

provokes a warning telling the user that the least goes with the export.

4.5.1. Provided and revealed names {#sec-provided-and-revealed-names}

Names can be exported from modules in two ways, designated by provides and reveals in the export set declaration.

When a name is exported as provided, then inside a module that has imported the name only the name is known, not the details of the name's declaration.

For example, in the following code the constant a is exported as provided.

module A {
  export provides a
  const a := 10
  const b := 20

module B {
  import A
  method m() {
    assert A.a == 10; // a is known, but not its value
    // assert A.b == 20; // b is not known through A`A

Since a is imported into module B through the default export set A`A, it can be referenced in the assert statement. The constant b is not exported, so it is not available. But the assert about a is not provable because the value of a is not known in module B.

In contrast, if a is exported as revealed, as shown in the next example, its value is known and the assertion can be proved.

module A {
  export reveals a
  const a := 10
  const b := 20

module B {
  import A
  method m() {
    assert A.a == 10; // a and its value are known
    // assert A.b == 20; // b is not known through A`A

The following table shows which parts of a declaration are exported by an export set that provides or reveals the declaration.

 declaration         | what is exported    | what is exported
                     | with provides       | with reveals
 const x: X := E     | const x: X          | const x: X := E
 var x: X            | var x: X            | not allowed
 function F(x: X): Y | function F(x: X): Y | function F(x: X): Y
   specification...  |   specification...  |   specification...
 {                   |                     | {
   Body              |                     |   Body
 }                   |                     | }
 method M(x: X)      | method M(x: X)      | not allowed
   returns (y: Y)    |   returns (y: Y)    |
   specification...  |   specification...  |
 {                   |                     |
   Body;             |                     |
 }                   |                     |
 type Opaque         | type Opaque         | type Opaque
 {                   |                     |
   // members...     |                     |
 }                   |                     |
 type Synonym = T    | type Synonym        | type Synonym = T
 type S = x: X       | type S              | type S = x: X
   | P witness E     |                     |   | P witness E
 newtype N = x: X    | type N              | newtype N = x: X
   | P witness E     |                     |   | P witness E
 {                   |                     |
   // members...     |                     |
 }                   |                     |
 datatype D =        | type D              | datatype D =
     Ctor0(x0: X0)   |                     |    Ctor0(x0: X0)
   | Ctor1(x1: X1)   |                     |  | Ctor1(x1: X1)
   | ...             |                     |  | ...
 {                   |                     |
   // members...     |                     |
 }                   |                     |
 class Cl            | type Cl             | class Cl
   extends T0, ...   |                     |   extends T0, ...
 {                   |                     | {
   constructor ()    |                     |   constructor ()
     spec...         |                     |     spec...
   {                 |                     |
     Body;           |                     |
   }                 |                     |
   // members...     |                     |
 }                   |                     | }
 trait Tr            | type Tr             | trait Tr
   extends T0, ...   |                     |   extends T0, ...
 {                   |                     |
   // members...     |                     |
 }                   |                     |
 iterator Iter(x: X) | type Iter           | iterator Iter(x: X)
   yields (y: Y)     |                     |   yields (y: Y)
   specification...  |                     |   specification...
 {                   |                     |
   Body;             |                     |
 }                   |                     |
 module SubModule    | module SubModule    | not allowed
   ...               |   ...               |
 {                   | {                   |
   export SubModule  |   export SubModule  |
     ...             |     ...             |
   export A ...      |                     |
   // decls...       |   // decls...       |
 }                   | }                   |
 import L = MS       | import L = MS       | not allowed

Variations of functions (e.g., predicate, twostate function) are handled like function above, and variations of methods (e.g., lemma and twostate lemma) are treated like method above. Since the whole signature is exported, a function or method is exported to be of the same kind, even through provides. For example, an exported twostate lemma is exported as a twostate lemma (and thus is known by importers to have two implicit heap parameters), and an exported least predicate P is exported as a least predicate P (and thus importers can use both P and its prefix predicate P#).

If C is a class, trait, or iterator, then provides C exports the non-null reference type C as an abstract type. This does not reveal that C is a reference type, nor does it export the nullable type C?.

In most cases, exporting a class, trait, datatype, codatatype, or abstract type does not automatically export its members. Instead, any member to be exported must be listed explicitly. For example, consider the type declaration

trait Tr {
  function F(x: int): int { 10 }
  function G(x: int): int { 12 }
  function H(x: int): int { 14 }

An export set that contains only reveals Tr has the effect of exporting

trait Tr {

and an export set that contains only provides Tr, Tr.F reveals Tr.H has the effect of exporting

type Tr {
  function F(x: int): int
  function H(x: int): int { 14 }

There is no syntax (for example, Tr.*) to export all members of a type.

Some members are exported automatically when the type is revealed. Specifically:

  • Revealing a datatype or codatatype automatically exports the type's discriminators and destructors.
  • Revealing an iterator automatically exports the iterator's members.
  • Revealing a class automatically exports the class's anonymous constructor, if any.

For a class, a constructor member can be exported only if the class is revealed. For a class or trait, a var member can be exported only if the class or trait is revealed (but a const member can be exported even if the enclosing class or trait is only provided).

When exporting a sub-module, only the sub-module's eponymous export set is exported. There is no way for a parent module to export any other export set of a sub-module, unless it is done via an import declaration of the parent module.

The effect of declaring an import as opened is confined to the importing module. That is, the ability of use such imported names as unqualified is not passed on to further imports, as the following example illustrates:

module Library {
  const xyz := 16

module M {
    provides Lib
    provides xyz // error: 'xyz' is not declared locally

  import opened Lib = Library

  const k0 :=
  const k1 := xyz

module Client {
  import opened M

  const a0 :=
  const a1 :=
  const a2 := // error: M does not have a declaration 'xyz'
  const a3 := xyz // error: unresolved identifier 'xyz'

As highlighted in this example, module M can use xyz as if it were a local name (see declaration k1), but the unqualified name xyz is not made available to importers of M (see declarations a2 and a3), nor is it possible for M to export the name xyz.

A few other notes:

  • A provides list can mention *, which means that all local names (except export set names) in the module are exported as provides.
  • A reveals list can mention *, which means that all local names (except export set names) in the module are exported as reveals, if the declaration is allowed to appear in a reveals clause, or as provides, if the declaration is not allowed to appear in a reveals clause.
  • If no export sets are declared, then the implicit export set is export reveals *.
  • A refinement module acquires all the export sets from its refinement parent.
  • Names acquired by a module from its refinement parent are also subject to export lists. (These are local names just like those declared directly.)

4.5.2. Extends list {#sec-extends-list}

An export set declaration may include an extends list, which is a list of one or more export set names from the same module containing the declaration (including export set names obtained from a refinement parent). The effect is to include in the declaration the union of all the names in the export sets in the extends list, along with any other names explicitly included in the declaration. So for example in

module M {
  const a := 10
  const b := 10
  const c := 10
  export A reveals a
  export B reveals b
  export C extends A, B
    reveals c

export set C will contain the names a, b, and c.

4.6. Module Abstraction {#sec-module-abstraction}

Sometimes, using a specific implementation is unnecessary; instead, all that is needed is a module that implements some interface. In that case, you can use an abstract module import. In Dafny, this is written import A : B. This means bind the name A as before, but instead of getting the exact module B, you get any module which adheres to B. Typically, the module B may have abstract type definitions, classes with bodiless methods, or otherwise be unsuitable to use directly. Because of the way refinement is defined, any refinement of B can be used safely. For example, suppose we start with these declarations:

abstract module Interface {
  function addSome(n: nat): nat
    ensures addSome(n) > n
abstract module Mod {
  import A : Interface
  method m() {
    assert 6 <= A.addSome(5);

We can be more precise if we know that addSome actually adds exactly one. The following module has this behavior. Further, the postcondition is stronger, so this is actually a refinement of the Interface module.

module Implementation {
  function addSome(n: nat): nat
    ensures addSome(n) == n + 1
    n + 1

We can then substitute Implementation for A in a new module, by declaring a refinement of Mod which defines A to be Implementation.

abstract module Interface {
  function addSome(n: nat): nat
    ensures addSome(n) > n
abstract module Mod {
  import A : Interface
  method m() {
    assert 6 <= A.addSome(5);
module Implementation {
  function addSome(n: nat): nat
    ensures addSome(n) == n + 1
    n + 1
module Mod2 refines Mod {
  import A = Implementation

When you refine an abstract import into a concrete one Dafny checks that the concrete module is a refinement of the abstract one. This means that the methods must have compatible signatures, all the classes and datatypes with their constructors and fields in the abstract one must be present in the concrete one, the specifications must be compatible, etc.

A module that includes an abstract import must be declared abstract.

4.7. Module Ordering and Dependencies {#sec-module-ordering}

Dafny isn't particular about the textual order in which modules are declared, but they must follow some rules to be well formed. In particular, there must be a way to order the modules in a program such that each only refers to things defined before it in the ordering. That doesn't mean the modules have to be given textually in that order in the source text. Dafny will figure out that order for you, assuming you haven't made any circular references. For example, this is pretty clearly meaningless:

import A = B
import B = A // error: circular

You can have import statements at the toplevel and you can import modules defined at the same level:

import A = B
method m() {
module B { method whatever() {} }

In this case, everything is well defined because we can put B first, followed by the A import, and then finally m(). If there is no permitted ordering, then Dafny will give an error, complaining about a cyclic dependency.

Note that when rearranging modules and imports, they have to be kept in the same containing module, which disallows some pathological module structures. Also, the imports and submodules are always considered to be before their containing module, even at the toplevel. This means that the following is not well formed:

method doIt() { }
module M {
  method m() {
    doIt(); // error: M precedes doIt

because the module M must come before any other kind of members, such as methods. To define global functions like this, you can put them in a module (called Globals, say) and open it into any module that needs its functionality. Finally, if you import via a path, such as import A = B.C, then this creates a dependency of A on B, and B itself depends on its own nested module B.C.

4.8. Name Resolution {#sec-name-resolution}

When Dafny sees something like A<T>.B<U>.C<V>, how does it know what each part refers to? The process Dafny uses to determine what identifier sequences like this refer to is name resolution. Though the rules may seem complex, usually they do what you would expect. Dafny first looks up the initial identifier. Depending on what the first identifier refers to, the rest of the identifier is looked up in the appropriate context.

In terms of the grammar, sequences like the above are represented as a NameSegment followed by 0 or more Suffixes. The form shown above contains three instances of AugmentedDotSuffix_.

The resolution is different depending on whether it is in a module context, an expression context or a type context.

4.8.1. Modules and name spaces

A module is a collection of declarations, each of which has a name. These names are held in two namespaces.

  • The names of export sets
  • The names of all other declarations, including submodules and aliased modules

In addition names can be classified as local or imported.

  • Local declarations of a module are the declarations that are explicit in the module and the local declarations of the refinement parent. This includes, for example, the N of import N = in the refinement parent, recursively.
  • Imported names of a module are those brought in by import opened plus the imported names in the refinement parent.

Within each namespace, the local names are unique. Thus a module may not reuse a name that a refinement parent has declared (unless it is a refining declaration, which replaces both declarations, as described in Section 10).

Local names take precedence over imported names. If a name is used more than once among imported names (coming from different imports), then it is ambiguous to use the name without qualification.

4.8.2. Module Id Context Name Resolution

A qualified name may be used to refer to a module in an import statement or a refines clause of a module declaration. Such a qualified name is resolved as follows, with respect to its syntactic location within a module Z:

  1. The leading identifier of the qualified name is resolved as a local or imported module name of Z, if there is one with a matching name. The target of a refines clause does not consider local names, that is, in module Z refines A.B.C, any contents of Z are not considered in finding A.

  2. Otherwise, it is resolved as a local or imported module name of the most enclosing module of Z, iterating outward to each successive enclosing module until a match is found or the default toplevel module is reached without a match. No consideration of export sets, default or otherwise, is used in this step. However, if at any stage a matching name is found that is not a module declaration, the resolution fails. See the examples below.

3a. Once the leading identifier is resolved as say module M, the next identifier in the quallified name is resolved as a local or imported module name within M. The resolution is restricted to the default export set of M.

3b. If the resolved module name is a module alias (from an import statement) then the target of the alias is resolved as a new qualified name with respect to its syntactic context (independent of any resolutions or modules so far). Since Z depends on M, any such alias target will already have been resolved, because modules are resolved in order of dependency.

  1. Step 3 is iterated for each identifier in the qualified module id, resulting in a module that is the final resolution of the complete qualified id.

Ordinarily a module must be imported in order for its constituent declarations to be visible inside a given module M. However, for the resolution of qualified names this is not the case.

This example shows that the resolution of the refinement parent does not use any local names:

module A {
  const a := 10

module B refines A { // the top-level A, not the submodule A
  module A { const a := 30 }
  method m() { assert a == 10; } // true

In the example, the A in refines A refers to the global A, not the submodule A.

4.8.3. Expression Context Name Resolution

The leading identifier is resolved using the first following rule that succeeds.

  1. Local variables, parameters and bound variables. These are things like x, y, and i in var x;, ... returns (y: int), and forall i :: .... The declaration chosen is the match from the innermost matching scope.

  2. If in a class, try to match a member of the class. If the member that is found is not static an implicit this is inserted. This works for fields, functions, and methods of the current class (if in a static context, then only static methods and functions are allowed). You can refer to fields of the current class either as this.f or f, assuming of course that f is not hidden by one of the above. You can always prefix this if needed, which cannot be hidden. (Note that a field whose name is a string of digits must always have some prefix.)

  3. If there is no Suffix, then look for a datatype constructor, if unambiguous. Any datatypes that don't need qualification (so the datatype name itself doesn't need a prefix) and also have a uniquely named constructor can be referred to just by name. So if datatype List = Cons(List) | Nil is the only datatype that declares Cons and Nil constructors, then you can write Cons(Cons(Nil)). If the constructor name is not unique, then you need to prefix it with the name of the datatype (for example List.Cons(List.Nil))). This is done per constructor, not per datatype.

  4. Look for a member of the enclosing module.

  5. Module-level (static) functions and methods

In each module, names from opened modules are also potential matches, but only after names declared in the module. If an ambiguous name is found or a name of the wrong kind (e.g. a module instead of an expression identifier), an error is generated, rather than continuing down the list.

After the first identifier, the rules are basically the same, except in the new context. For example, if the first identifier is a module, then the next identifier looks into that module. Opened modules only apply within the module it is opened into. When looking up into another module, only things explicitly declared in that module are considered.

To resolve expression

First resolve expression E and any type arguments.

  • If E resolved to a module M: 0. If<T> is not followed by any further suffixes, look for unambiguous datatype constructor.
    1. Member of module M: a sub-module (including submodules of imports), class, datatype, etc.
    2. Static function or method.
  • If E denotes a type: 3. Look up id as a member of that type
  • If E denotes an expression: 4. Let T be the type of E. Look up id in T.

4.8.4. Type Context Name Resolution

In a type context the priority of identifier resolution is:

  1. Type parameters.

  2. Member of enclosing module (type name or the name of a module).

To resolve expression

  • If E resolved to a module M: 0. Member of module M: a sub-module (including submodules of imports), class, datatype, etc.
  • If E denotes a type:
    1. Then the validity and meaning of id depends on the type and must be a user-declared or pre-defined member of the type.