TA-Lib是一个Python库,封装了用C语言实现的金融交易技术分析的诸多常用指标。为了方便用户在DolphinDB中计算这些技术指标,我们使用DolphinDB脚本实现了TA-Lib中包含的指标函数,并封装在DolphinDB ta module (ta.dos)中。 使用ta模块需要DolphinDB Database Server 1.10.3 或以上版本。
- 与TA-Lib中所有函数名大写以及所有参数名小写的规范不同,ta模块中,函数名及参数名均采用驼峰式命名法。
例如,TA-Lib中DEMA函数的语法为DEMA(close, timeperiod=30)
。在ta模块中相应的函数为dema(close, timePeriod)
use ta
close = 7.2 6.97 7.08 6.74 6.49 5.9 6.26 5.9 5.35 5.63
x = wma(close, 5);
close = 7.2 6.97 7.08 6.74 6.49 5.9 6.26 5.9 5.35 5.63 3.81 3.935 4.04 3.74 3.7 3.33 3.64 3.31 2.69 2.72
date = (2020.03.02 + 0..4 join 7..11).take(20)
symbol = take(`F,10) join take(`GPRO,10)
t = table(symbol, date, close)
update t set wma = wma(close, 5) context by symbol
close = 7.2 6.97 7.08 6.74 6.49 5.9 6.26 5.9 5.35 5.63
low, mid, high = bBands(close, 5, 2, 2, 2);
close = 7.2 6.97 7.08 6.74 6.49 5.9 6.26 5.9 5.35 5.63 3.81 3.935 4.04 3.74 3.7 3.33 3.64 3.31 2.69 2.72
date = (2020.03.02 + 0..4 join 7..11).take(20)
symbol = take(`F,10) join take(`GPRO,10)
t = table(symbol, date, close)
select *, bBands(close, 5, 2, 2, 2) as `high`mid`low from t context by symbol
symbol date close high mid low
------ ---------- ----- -------- -------- --------
F 2020.03.02 7.2
F 2020.03.03 6.97
F 2020.03.04 7.08
F 2020.03.05 6.74
F 2020.03.06 6.49 7.292691 6.786 6.279309
F 2020.03.09 5.9 7.294248 6.454 5.613752
F 2020.03.10 6.26 7.134406 6.328667 5.522927
F 2020.03.11 5.9 6.789441 6.130667 5.471892
F 2020.03.12 5.35 6.601667 5.828 5.054333
F 2020.03.13 5.63 6.319728 5.711333 5.102939
GPRO 2020.03.02 3.81
GPRO 2020.03.03 3.935
GPRO 2020.03.04 4.04
GPRO 2020.03.05 3.74
GPRO 2020.03.06 3.7 4.069365 3.817333 3.565302
GPRO 2020.03.09 3.33 4.133371 3.645667 3.157962
GPRO 2020.03.10 3.64 4.062941 3.609333 3.155726
GPRO 2020.03.11 3.31 3.854172 3.482667 3.111162
GPRO 2020.03.12 2.69 3.915172 3.198 2.480828
GPRO 2020.03.13 2.72 3.738386 2.993333 2.24828
use ta
close = 7.2 6.97 7.08 6.74 6.49 5.9 6.26 5.9 5.35 5.63
close = take(close, 1000000)
timer x = wma(close, 5);
close = np.array([7.2,6.97,7.08,6.74,6.49,5.9,6.26,5.9,5.35,5.63,5.01,5.01,4.5,4.47,4.33])
close = np.tile(close,100000)
import time
start_time = time.time()
x = talib.WMA(close, 5)
print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))
函数耗时为11毫秒,为DolphinDB ta module中wma
close = rand(1.0, n)
date = take(2017.01.01 + 1..1000, n)
symbol = take(1..1000, n).sort!()
t = table(symbol, date, close)
timer update t set wma = wma(close, 5) context by symbol;
close = np.random.uniform(size=1000000)
symbol = np.sort(np.tile(np.arange(1,1001),1000))
date = np.tile(pd.date_range('2017-01-02', '2019-09-28'),1000)
df = pd.DataFrame(data={'symbol': symbol, 'date': date, 'close': close})
import time
start_time = time.time()
df["wma"] = df.groupby("symbol").apply(lambda df: talib.WMA(df.close, 5)).to_numpy()
print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))
ta模块中的所有函数与TA-Lib一样,都是向量函数:输入为向量,输出的结果也是等长的向量。TA-Lib底层是用C语言实现的,效率非常高。ta模块虽然是用DolphinDB的脚本语言实现,但充分的利用了内置的向量化函数和高阶函数, 避免了循环,极为高效。已经实现的57个函数中,28个函数比TA-Lib运行的更快,最快的函数是TA-Lib性能的3倍左右;29个函数比TA-LIB慢,最慢的性能不低于TA-Lib的1/3。
//use ta in dolphindb
close = [99.9, NULL, 84.69, 31.38, 60.9, 83.3, 97.26, 98.67]
ta::var(close, 5, 1)
//use talib in python
close = np.array([99.9, np.nan, 84.69, 31.38, 60.9, 83.3, 97.26, 98.67])
talib.VAR(close, 5, 1)
array([nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan])
技术分析的很多指标计算会用到迭代,即当前的指标值取决于前一个指标值和当前输入: r[n] = coeff * r[n-1] + input[n]。对于这一类型的计算,DolphinDB引入了函数iterate
def ema(close, timePeriod) {
1 n = close.size()
2 b = ifirstNot(close)
3 start = b + timePeriod
4 if(b < 0 || start > n) return array(DOUBLE, n, n, NULL)
5 init = close.subarray(:start).avg()
6 coeff = 1 - 2.0/(timePeriod+1)
7 ret = iterate(init, coeff, close.subarray(start:)*(1 - coeff))
8 return array(DOUBLE, start - 1, n, NULL).append!(init).append!(ret)
, mavg
, msum
, mmax
, mmin
, mimax
, mimin
, mmed
, mpercentile
, mrank
, mmad
, mbeta
, mcorr
, mcovar
, mstd
def var(close, timePeriod, nddev){
1 n = close.size()
2 b = close.ifirstNot()
3 if(b < 0 || b + timePeriod > n) return array(DOUBLE, n, n, NULL)
4 mobs = mcount(close, timePeriod)
5 return (mvar(close, timePeriod) * (mobs - 1) \ mobs).fill!(timePeriod - 1 + 0:b, NULL)
下面我们给出一个更为复杂的例子,linearreg_slope指标的实现。linearreg_slope实际上是计算close相对于序列 0 .. (timePeriod - 1)的beta。这个指标看起来无法实现向量化,必须取出每个窗口的数据,循环进行beta计算。但事实上,这个例子中的自变量比较特殊,是一个固定的等差序列,计算后一个窗口的beta时,可以通过增量计算来优化。由于beta(A,B) = (sumAB - sumA*sumB/obs)/varB, varB和sumB是固定的,滑动窗口时,我们只需要优化sumAB和sumA的计算。通过公式化简,sumAB在两个窗口之间的变化可以通过向量化实现,具体参考代码第10行。代码第12行计算第一个窗口的sumAB。代码第13行中的sumABDelta.cumsum()向量化计算所有窗口的sumAB值。
def linearreg_slope(close, timePeriod){
1 n = close.size()
2 b = close.ifirstNot()
3 start = b + timePeriod
4 if(b < 0 || start > n) return array(DOUBLE, n, n, NULL)
5 x = 0 .. (timePeriod - 1)
6 sumB = sum(x).double()
7 varB = sum2(x) - sumB*sumB/timePeriod
8 obs = mcount(close, timePeriod)
9 msumA = msum(close, timePeriod)
10 sumABDelta = (timePeriod - 1) * close + close.move(timePeriod) - msumA.prev()
11 sumABDelta[timePeriod - 1 + 0:b] = NULL
12 sumABDelta[start - 1] = wsum(close.subarray(b:start), x)
13 return (sumABDelta.cumsum() - msumA * sumB/obs)/varB
close = rand(1.0, 1000000)
timer(100) close[10:]
Time elapsed: 62 ms
当我们往一个向量末尾追加数据时,如果容量不够,那么需要分配一个更大的内存空间,并把将旧的数据复制到新的内存空间,最后释放旧的内存空间。当向量比较大的时候,这个操作可能会比较耗时。如果明确知道一个向量最后的长度,那么事先指定这个长度为向量的容量可以避免向量扩容的发生。DolphinDB的内置函数array(dataType, [initialSize], [capacity], [defaultValue])可以在创建时指定capacity。譬如ema函数的第8行,先创建一个容量为n的向量,然后append计算结果。
函数 | 语法 | 解释 |
bBands | bBands(close, timePeriod, nbDevUp, nbDevDn, maType) | Bollinger Bands |
dema | dema(close, timePeriod) | Double Exponential Moving Average |
ema | ema(close, timePeriod) | Exponential Moving Average |
kama | kama(close, timePeriod) | Kaufman Adaptive Moving Average |
ma | ma(close, timePeriod, maType) | Moving average |
mama | mama(close, fastLimit, slowLimit) | MESA Adaptive Moving Average |
mavp | mavp(inReal, periods, minPeriod, maxPeriod, maType) | Moving average with variable period |
midPoint | midPoint(close, timePeriod) | MidPoint over period |
midPrice | midPrice(low, high, timePeriod) | Midpoint Price over period |
sma | sma(close, timePeriod) | Simple Moving Average |
t3 | t3(close, timePeriod, vfactor) | Triple Exponential Moving Average (T3) |
tema | tema(close, timePeriod) | Triple Exponential Moving Average |
trima | trima(close, timePeriod) | Triangular Moving Average |
wma | wma(close, timePeriod) | Weighted Moving Average |
函数 | 语法 | 解释 |
adx | adx(high, low, close, timePeriod) | Average Directional Movement Index |
adxr | adxr(high, low, close, timePeriod) | Average Directional Movement Index Rating |
apo | apo(close,fastPeriod,slowPeriod,maType) | Absolute Price Oscillator |
aroon | aroon(high,low,timePeriod) | Aroon |
aroonOsc | aroonOsc(high, low, timePeriod) | Aroon Oscillator |
bop | bop(open, high, low, close) | Balance Of Power |
cci | cci(high, low, close, timePeriod) | Commodity Channel Index |
cmo | cmo(close, timePeriod) | Chande Momentum Oscillator |
dx | dx(high, low, close, timePeriod) | Directional Movement Index |
macd | macd(close, fastPeriod, slowPeriod, signalPeriod) | Moving Average Convergence/Divergence |
macdExt | macdExt(close, fastPeriod, fastMaType, slowPeriod, slowMaType, signalPeriod, signalMaType) | MACD with controllable MA type |
macdFix | macdFix(close, signalPeriod) | Moving Average Convergence/Divergence Fix 12/26 |
mfi | mfi(high, low, close, volume, timePeriod) | Money Flow Index |
minus_di | minus_di(high, low, close, timePeriod) | Minus Directional Indicator |
minus_dm | minus_dm(high, low, timePeriod) | Minus Directional Movement |
mom | mom(close, timePeriod) | Momentum |
plus_di | plus_di(high, low, close, timePeriod) | Plus Directional Indicator |
plus_dm | plus_dm(high, low, timePeriod) | Plus Directional Movement |
ppo | ppo(close, fastPeriod, slowPeriod, maType) | Percentage Price Oscillator |
roc | roc(close, timePeriod) | Rate of change : ((price/prevPrice)-1)*100 |
rocp | rocp(close, timePeriod) | Rate of change Percentage: (price-prevPrice)/prevPrice |
rocr | rocr(close, timePeriod) | Rate of change ratio: (price/prevPrice) |
rocr100 | rocr100(close, timeperiod) | Rate of change ratio 100 scale: (price/prevPrice)*100 |
rsi | rsi(close, timePeriod) | Relative Strength Index |
stoch | stoch(high, low, close, fastkPeriod, slowkPeriod, slowkMatype, slowdPeriod, slowdMatype) | Stochastic |
stochf | stochf(high, low, close, fastkPeriod, fastdPeriod, fastdMatype) | Stochastic Fast |
stochRsi | stochRsi(real, timePeriod, fastkPeriod, fastdPeriod, fastdMatype) | Stochastic Relative Strength Index |
trix | trix(close, timePeriod) | 1-day Rate-Of-Change (ROC) of a Triple Smooth EMA |
ultOsc | ultOsc(high, low, close, timePeriod1, timePeriod2, timePeriod3) | Ultimate Oscillator |
willr | willr(high, low, close, timePeriod) | Williams' %R |
函数 | 语法 | 解释 |
ad | ad(high, low, close, volume) | Chaikin A/D Line |
obv | obv(close, volume) | On Balance Volume |
函数 | 语法 | 解释 |
atr | atr(high, low, close, timePeriod) | Average True Range |
natr | natr(high, low, close, timePeriod) | Normalized Average True Range |
trange | trange(high, low, close) | True Range |
函数 | 语法 | 解释 |
avgPrice | avgPrice(open, high, low, close) | Average Price |
medPrice | medPrice(high, low) | Median Price |
typPrice | typPrice(high, low, close) | Typical Price |
wclPrice | wclPrice(high, low, close) | Weighted Close Price |
函数 | 语法 | 解释 |
beta | beta(high, low, timePeriod) | Beta |
correl | correl(high, low, timePeriod) | Pearson's Correlation Coefficient (r) |
linearreg | linearreg(close, timePeriod) | Linear Regression |
linearreg_angle | linearreg_angle(close, timePeriod) | Linear Regression Angle |
linearreg_intercept | linearreg_intercept(close, timePeriod) | Linear Regression Intercept |
linearreg_slope | linearreg_slope(close, timePeriod) | Linear Regression Slope |
stdDev | stdDev(close, timePeriod, nbdev) | Standard Deviation |
tsf | tsf(close, timePeriod) | Time Series Forecast |
var | var(close, timePeriod, nbdev) | Variance |
- 对Ta-Lib中的 Math Transform 与 Math Operators 类函数,可使用相应的DolphinDB内置函数代替。例如,Ta-Lib中的 SQRT, LN, SUM 函数,可分别使用DolphinDB中的
函数代替。 - 下列 Ta-Lib 函数尚未在ta模块中实现:所有 Pattern Recognition 与 Cycle Indicators 类函数,以及HT_TRENDLINE(Hilbert Transform - Instantaneous Trendline), ADOSC(Chaikin A/D Oscillator), MAMA(MESA Adaptive Moving Average), SAR(Parabolic SAR), SAREXT(Parabolic SAR - Extended)函数。
- 尚未实现的指标函数,将在下一个版本中实现,预计在2020年4月完成。
- 目前DolphinDB的自定义函数不支持默认参数,也不支持函数调用时基于键值来输入参数。这两点将在DolphinDB Server 1.20.0中实现,届时ta模块将实现跟TA-Lib一致的默认参数。
- 使用ta模块前必须使用 use ta 以加载,这在交互式查询中不尽方便。DolphinDB Server将在1.20版本中允许在系统初始化时预加载模块,ta模块函数与DolphinDB内置函数将拥有同等地位,以省去加载模块这个步骤。