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World Wide Web Server edited this page Jul 4, 2012 · 41 revisions


The following explains how to incorporate FCKeditor using Code Igniter's 1.4x Libraries.

Place your FCKeditor files in your CI base directory (in this example I've put the files under a folder called plugins).

Copy FCKeditor's PHP connector class (/FCKeditor/fckeditor.php) to your application's libraries folder (/system/application/libraries), edit 'fckeditor.php' and add the following line to the top:

[code] if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed'); [/code]

Now create an initialization file that corresponds to your FCKeditor PHP connector class. In your 'application/init' folder create a file called 'init_fckeditor.php' and add the following code:

[code] <?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

if ( ! class_exists('FCKeditor')) { require_once(APPPATH.'libraries/fckeditor'.EXT); }

$obj =& get_instance(); $obj->fckeditor = new FCKeditor('FCKEDITOR1'); $obj->ci_is_loaded[] = 'fckeditor'; ?> [/code]

The FCKeditor connector class should now be available in CI. Now simply load the library from your controller using:

[code] $this->load->library('fckeditor'); [/code]

And in your view file load the FCKeditor using the following:

[code] $this->fckeditor->BasePath = base_url() . '/plugins/fckeditor/'; $this->fckeditor->Value = 'This is some sample text. You are using FCKeditor.' ; $this->fckeditor->Create() ; [/code]

That's it! Hope this helps.

-Ralph Iron Eye/The Seventh Letter

[h3]Update for CI 1.5[/h3]

Since CI 1.5 works a bit different with libraries this is how you would do it in CI 1.5

  1. change the class and constructor to "Fckeditor" so the beginning of the code looks like this

[code] if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

class Fckeditor { var $InstanceName ; var $BasePath ; var $Width ; var $Height ; var $ToolbarSet ; var $Value ; var $Config ;

// PHP 5 Constructor (by Marcus Bointon <[email protected]>)
function __construct( $instanceName )
    $this->InstanceName    = $instanceName ;
    $this->BasePath        = '/fckeditor/' ;
    $this->Width        = '100%' ;
    $this->Height        = '200' ;
    $this->ToolbarSet    = 'Default' ;
    $this->Value        = '' ;
    $this->Config        = array() ;


  1. Change the filename from fckeditor.php to Fckeditor.php

  2. Put this into your controller [code]$this->load->library('fckeditor','FCKEDITOR1');[/code]

  3. Put this code inside a form element in your view [code] <?php $this->fckeditor->BasePath = 'system/plugins/FCKeditor/'; $this->fckeditor->ToolbarSet = 'Default'; echo $this->fckeditor->Create() ; ?> [/code]

This is BaseBath that worked for my setup. You can choose a "Basic" or "Default" for different toolbars. You can edit the apperance and many other things in fckconfig.js

  1. This is how you can retreive the POST var after submitting

[code] $wysiwyg= $this->input->post('FCKEDITOR1'); [/code]

Update by Jens Wolters

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