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Language Parser Helper

World Wide Web Server edited this page Jul 4, 2012 · 9 revisions

Category:Helper::Community | Category:Helper::Language

This helper class will allow language variables to be parsed in views thus removing the need to type $this->lang->line('variable').

[code]<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed'); /**

  • Language Parser Helper Class

  • Adapted from the CodeIgniter Parser Class

  • @copyright Copyright (c) 2006, EllisLab, Inc.

  • @license

  • Allows the use of languages in parsed templates ie:

  • {welcome} is replaced with the result of $this->lang->line("welcome")

  • Place this file in application/helpers as language_helper.php

  • and load as needed.

  • Usage:

  • echo language::parse($view, $data, $language_files, $language);

  • Version 0.5 (c) Wiredesignz 2008-04-08 **/ class Language { function parse($view, $data = array(), $lang_files = array(), $lang = 'english') { $this->load->language($lang_files, $lang);

     //build the view normally
     if ($template = $this->load->view($view, $data, TRUE))
         //parse the language variables
         while(preg_match('/\{(\w*)\}/siU', $template, $match)) 
             //if no translation is found use the variable as a literal
             if (($line = $this->lang->line("$match[1]")) === FALSE) $line = $match[1];
             $template = str_replace($match[0], $line, $template);
         return $template;

    } } ?>[/code]

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