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Xajax perfect setup

World Wide Web Server edited this page Jul 4, 2012 · 13 revisions

How to install Xajax on codeigniter in 9 steps.

After trying to install Xajax newest version in CI and found a view articles here and on other website that described the process and I did find it a little confusing, so I decide to document my step and tried it a few times before posting here. Also note that this is a combination of explanations that I found here and on other websites

So this is what I did:

Installing xajax on codeigniter

1.Download the latest version on Xajax from

2.After unzipping the downloaded folder, move all files and sub folders from xajax_core/ to /application/libraries

3.Rename the file to xajax.php to look more like a codeigniter file

4.Create the folder init under /application/ folder and place a newly created that you should call: init_ajax.php ########################################## #example of init_ajax file #<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

#if ( ! class_exists('xajax')) #{



#$obj =& get_instance(); #$obj->xajax = new xajax(); #$obj->ci_is_loaded[] = 'xajax';

#?> ########################################

5.Copy the folder xajax_js/ and all its containt to the main root folder of your web application, example httpdocs/ and do not change the folder name.

6.OPTIONAL - If you are using MOD_REWRITE which was my case, add the xajax_js in your .htaccess rule to look something like this: ############################################## #RewriteEngine on #RewriteBase / #RewriteCond $1 !^(index.php|img|css|public|tmp|download|javascript|rte|document|xajax_js|robots.txt) #RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /index.php/$1 [L] #############################################

7.If you need to test it, create a controller testxajax and write this codes inside ###################################################### <?php Class Testxajax Extends Controller {

function Testxajax()

function test_function($number)
          $objResponse = new xajaxResponse();
      $objResponse->Assign("SomeElementId","innerHTML", "Xajax is working. Lets add: ".($number+3));
              return $objResponse;
function index()
    $template['xajax_js'] = $this->xajax->getJavascript(base_url());

    $template['content'] = '<div id="SomeElementId"></div>&lt;input type="button" value="test" onclick="xajax_test_function(2);"&gt;';

    $this->load->view('template/index', $template);


} ?>

8.Then create a index file in the view folder and place this inside, in my case I place it under teh template folder in my view folder. ###########################################################



  &lt;title&gt;Xajax 0.5 test&lt;/title&gt;






  1. And you are done you should be able to view a working example of xajax.

NOTE the other folders under the zip folder that you downloaded from the xajax website are optional. if you do decide to use them copy and place them under you root folder and do not forget to add them in you .htaccess rule if you use mod_rewrite

If anyone has a better method please update this posting, try to keep in simple so replication under different environments can be done without a lot of hassle.

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