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Daniel Kraus edited this page May 1, 2019 · 21 revisions

PDF Zoom Wizard Wiki

Getting Started

Make sure you have Java (version 8) installed on your computer. Afterwards, download the Wizard (pdfzoomwizard-${VERSION}.jar) and launch the JAR file by simply double-clicking on it. That's it!

If you are having any trouble, feel free to open an issue.


PDF Zoom Wizard GUI


In "Single file" mode, only the bookmarks of a single file are going to be modified, whereas "Multiple files" mode expects a directory. Here, all bookmarks of all PDF files within this directory (enclosing subdirectories included) will be modified.


The file/directory that will be modified.

Filename infix

If the "Copy" check box is selected, PDF files won't be overwritten but copied. In this case, you have to supply an "infix" that is placed between the filename ("prefix") and its type ("suffix"). Suppose you have a PDF file my-document.pdf and choose "-modified" as the infix, then the filename will be my-document-modified.pdf after the bookmarks have been modified.

Zoom level

The zoom level that will be applied to each bookmark. The PDF Zoom Wizard currently supports:

  • "Fit page"
  • "Actual size"
  • "Fit width"
  • "Fit visible"
  • "Inherit zoom"


Displays general information and basic warning/error messages. For a more detailed report, go to ${HOME}/.pdfzoomwizard/log.txt. Suppose your username is "alice", then this path would be:

  • Linux: /home/alice/.pdfzoomwizard/log.txt
  • Mac: /Users/alice/.pdfzoomwizard/log.txt
  • Windows: C:\Users\alice\.pdfzoomwizard\log.txt


OpenJDK and OpenJFX

The Wizard uses JavaFX. In case your system runs with OpenJDK, you might consider having a look at this Stack Overflow question.

Java 9 or higher

The Wizard is currently limited to Java 8, which is why you may get an error like this if you try to launch it with Java 9 or higher:

Error: Could not find or load main class com.github.beatngu13.pdfzoomwizard.Launcher
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javafx/application/Application

Therefore, please use Oracle's Java 8 for now.

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