From 0cbdb089fdbc1d21a167882aabfb871c4b481e9d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Bence A. Toth" <>
Date: Thu, 20 Aug 2020 23:26:41 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Importing library from npm package
.../src/components/app/app.jsx | 2 +-
.../src/components/app/triangleMosaic.js | 688 ------------------
2 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 689 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 triangle-mosaic-demo/src/components/app/triangleMosaic.js
diff --git a/triangle-mosaic-demo/src/components/app/app.jsx b/triangle-mosaic-demo/src/components/app/app.jsx
index 142d2cd..0f2b0eb 100644
--- a/triangle-mosaic-demo/src/components/app/app.jsx
+++ b/triangle-mosaic-demo/src/components/app/app.jsx
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import React, {useEffect, useReducer, useRef, useState} from 'react'
+import TriangleMosaic from 'triangle-mosaic'
import Coloring from '../coloring/coloring'
import ColoringPresets from '../coloringPresets/coloringPresets'
@@ -7,7 +8,6 @@ import Variance from '../variance/variance'
import {useDebounce} from './app.hooks'
import {initialState, reducer} from './app.state'
import {downloadSvg, getConfigFromState} from './app.utility'
-import TriangleMosaic from './triangleMosaic'
import './app.css'
diff --git a/triangle-mosaic-demo/src/components/app/triangleMosaic.js b/triangle-mosaic-demo/src/components/app/triangleMosaic.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 113abfc..0000000
--- a/triangle-mosaic-demo/src/components/app/triangleMosaic.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,688 +0,0 @@
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Render
-const renderSvg = ({
- width,
- height,
- children
-} = {}) => `
-const renderTriangle = ({
- edges,
- color
-}) => `
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Utility
-const movePoint = ({
- x,
- y,
- direction,
- distance,
-}) => ({
- x: x + (distance * Math.cos(direction)),
- y: y + (distance * Math.sin(direction)),
-const getDistance = (
- {x: x1, y: y1},
- {x: x2, y: y2}
-) => (
- Math.sqrt(
- ((x2 - x1) ** 2) +
- ((y2 - y1) ** 2)
- )
-const hexToRgb = hex => {
- const result = /^#?([\da-f]{2})([\da-f]{2})([\da-f]{2})$/i.exec(hex)
- return result ? {
- r: parseInt(result[1], 16),
- g: parseInt(result[2], 16),
- b: parseInt(result[3], 16)
- } : null
-const getRgbaColor = ({r, g, b, a}) => (
- (a === 1)
- ? `rgb(${r}, ${g}, ${b})`
- : `rgba(${r}, ${g}, ${b}, ${a})`
-const add = (a, b) => a + b
-const getAverage = (...numbers) => (
- numbers.reduce(add) / numbers.length
-const getTriangleCenter = (
- [
- {x: x1, y: y1},
- {x: x2, y: y2},
- {x: x3, y: y3}
- ]
-) => ({
- x: getAverage(x1, x2, x3),
- y: getAverage(y1, y2, y3)
-const modulo = (x, n) => (x % n + n) % n;
-const rotate = ({min, value, max}) => (
- min + (modulo(value - min, max - min))
-const clamp = ({min, value, max}) => (
- Math.max(min, Math.min(max, value))
-const getPerpendicularPoint = ({
- start: s,
- end: e,
- external: t
-}) => {
- const a = t.x - s.x
- const b = t.y - s.y
- const c = e.x - s.x
- const d = e.y - s.y
- const dot = (a * c) + (b * d)
- const lengthSquared = (c ** 2) + (d ** 2)
- const projectionLength = (
- (lengthSquared !== 0)
- ? (dot / lengthSquared)
- : -1
- )
- return {
- x: s.x + (projectionLength * c),
- y: s.y + (projectionLength * d)
- }
-const getRatio = (start, end, target) => (
- (target - start) / (end - start)
-const hueToRgb = (p, q, t) => {
- if (t < 0) {
- t += 1
- }
- if (t > 1) {
- t -= 1
- }
- if (t < 1/6) {
- return p + (q - p) * 6 * t
- }
- if (t < 1/2) {
- return q
- }
- if (t < 2/3) {
- return p + (q - p) * (2/3 - t) * 6
- }
- return p
-const hslaToRgba = ({h, s, l, a}) => {
- let r, g, b
- if (s === 0) {
- r = g = b = l
- }
- else {
- const q = (l < 0.5) ? (l * (1 + s)) : (l + s - (l * s))
- const p = (2 * l) - q
- r = hueToRgb(p, q, h + 1/3)
- g = hueToRgb(p, q, h)
- b = hueToRgb(p, q, h - 1/3)
- }
- return {
- r: r * 255,
- g: g * 255,
- b: b * 255,
- a
- }
-const rgbToHsl = ({r, g, b}) => {
- r /= 255
- g /= 255
- b /= 255
- const max = Math.max(r, g, b)
- const min = Math.min(r, g, b)
- let h, s, l = (max + min) / 2
- if (max === min) {
- h = s = 0
- }
- else {
- const d = max - min
- s = (l > 0.5) ? (d / (2 - max - min)) : (d / (max + min))
- switch (max) {
- case r:
- h = ((g - b) / d) + ((g < b) ? 6 : 0)
- break
- case g:
- h = ((b - r) / d) + 2
- break
- case b:
- h = ((r - g) / d) + 4
- break
- }
- h /= 6
- }
- return {h, s, l}
-const adjustColor = ({color, adjustments}) => {
- const {h, s, l} = rgbToHsl(color)
- const adjustedHslaColor = {
- h: rotate({
- min: 0,
- max: 1,
- value: h + (adjustments.hue * 0.15)
- }),
- s: clamp({
- min: 0,
- max: 1,
- value: s * (adjustments.saturation + 1)
- }),
- l: clamp({
- min: 0,
- max: 1,
- value: l * (adjustments.lightness + 1)
- }),
- a: clamp({
- min: 0,
- max: 1,
- value: 1 - adjustments.alpha
- })
- }
- return hslaToRgba(adjustedHslaColor)
-const getTriangleColorForGradient = ({coloring, center}) => {
- const {start, end, stops, mode} = coloring
- let ratio
- if (mode === 'linearGradient') {
- const perpendicularPoint = getPerpendicularPoint({
- start,
- end,
- external: center
- })
- ratio = (
- (start.x !== end.x)
- ? getRatio(start.x, end.x, perpendicularPoint.x)
- : getRatio(start.y, end.y, perpendicularPoint.y)
- ) || 0
- }
- if (mode === 'radialGradient') {
- const gradientLength = getDistance(start, end)
- const triangleDistance = getDistance(start, center)
- ratio = (triangleDistance / gradientLength) || 0
- }
- const exactMatch = stops.find(([location]) => ratio === location)
- if (ratio < 0) {
- // Went negative overboard
- return hexToRgb(stops[0][1])
- }
- if (ratio > 1) {
- // Went positive overboard
- return hexToRgb(stops[stops.length - 1][1])
- }
- if (exactMatch) {
- // Hit a stop exactly
- return hexToRgb(exactMatch[1])
- }
- // Somewhere between two stops
- const nextStopIndex = stops.findIndex(([location]) => location > ratio)
- const previousStop = stops[nextStopIndex - 1]
- const nextStop = stops[nextStopIndex]
- const endRatio = getRatio(previousStop[0], nextStop[0], ratio)
- const endColor = hexToRgb(nextStop[1])
- const startRatio = 1 - endRatio
- const startColor = hexToRgb(previousStop[1])
- return {
- r: (startRatio * startColor.r) + (endRatio * endColor.r),
- g: (startRatio * startColor.g) + (endRatio * endColor.g),
- b: (startRatio * startColor.b) + (endRatio * endColor.b)
- }
-const getTriangleColorForSpots = ({coloring, center}) => {
- const {spots, spotIntensity} = coloring
- const getWeight = spot => (
- 1 / (getDistance(spot, center) ** (1 / (spot.intensity || spotIntensity || 0.5)))
- )
- const fullWeight = (
- spots
- .map(getWeight)
- .reduce(add, 0)
- )
- return (
- spots
- .map(spot => ({
- // Get color components of the spot
- color: hexToRgb(spot.color),
- // Calculate how much this spot contributes to the color
- factor: getWeight(spot) / fullWeight
- }))
- .map(({
- color: {r, g, b},
- factor
- }) => ({
- // Calculate the color this spot contributes to the mix with
- r: r * factor,
- g: g * factor,
- b: b * factor
- }))
- .reduce((accumulator, currentValue) => ({
- // Add color values of all spots (by color component)
- r: accumulator.r + currentValue.r,
- g: accumulator.g + currentValue.g,
- b: accumulator.b + currentValue.b
- }), {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0})
- )
-const getTriangleColor = ({
- triangle,
- colorFuzz,
- colorDeviation,
- coloring
-}) => {
- let color = {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0}
- if (coloring.mode === 'single') {
- color = hexToRgb(coloring.color)
- }
- const center = getTriangleCenter(triangle)
- if (['linearGradient', 'radialGradient'].includes(coloring.mode)) {
- color = getTriangleColorForGradient({coloring, center})
- }
- if (coloring.mode === 'spots') {
- color = getTriangleColorForSpots({coloring, center})
- }
- const adjustedColor = adjustColor({
- color,
- adjustments: {
- hue: colorDeviation.hue * colorFuzz.hue,
- saturation: colorDeviation.saturation * colorFuzz.saturation,
- lightness: colorDeviation.lightness * colorFuzz.lightness,
- alpha: colorDeviation.alpha * colorFuzz.alpha
- }
- })
- return adjustedColor
-const getMaxVentureDistance = ({
- width,
- height,
- xResolution,
- yResolution
-}) => {
- const horizontalDistance = height / yResolution
- const verticalDistance = width / xResolution
- const smallerDistance = Math.min(horizontalDistance, verticalDistance)
- const maxVentureDistance = smallerDistance / 2
- return maxVentureDistance
-const getRandomTriangleColorDeviation = () => ({
- hue: (Math.random() * 2) - 1,
- saturation: (Math.random() * 2) - 1,
- lightness: (Math.random() * 2) - 1,
- alpha: Math.random()
-const getRandomGridPointOptions = () => ({
- direction: Math.random() * Math.PI * 2,
- factor: Math.random(),
- diagonal: Math.round(Math.random()),
- topTriangleColorDeviation: getRandomTriangleColorDeviation(),
- bottomTriangleColorDeviation: getRandomTriangleColorDeviation()
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Engine
-const getGrid = ({
- xResolution,
- yResolution
-}) => {
- const numberOfRows = yResolution + 1
- const numberOfColumns = xResolution + 1
- const gridPoints = []
- for (let rowCounter = 0; rowCounter < numberOfRows; ++rowCounter) {
- const gridPointsInRow = []
- for (let columnCounter = 0; columnCounter < numberOfColumns; ++columnCounter) {
- gridPointsInRow.push({
- x: columnCounter,
- y: rowCounter,
- ...getRandomGridPointOptions()
- })
- }
- gridPoints.push(gridPointsInRow)
- }
- return gridPoints
-const getTriangles = ({
- grid,
- shapeFuzz,
- colorFuzz,
- coloring,
- diagonals,
- width,
- height
-}) => {
- const numberOfRows = grid.length
- const numberOfColumns = grid[0].length
- const verticalDistance = height / (numberOfRows - 1)
- const horizontalDistance = width / (numberOfColumns - 1)
- const triangles = []
- // We'll take 4 grid points in one go to form 2 triangles
- for (let rowCounter = 0; rowCounter < numberOfRows - 1; ++rowCounter) {
- for (let columnCounter = 0; columnCounter < numberOfColumns - 1; ++columnCounter) {
- const isFirstRow = (rowCounter === 0)
- const isFirstColumn = (columnCounter === 0)
- const isLastRow = (rowCounter === numberOfRows - 2)
- const isLastColumn = (columnCounter === numberOfColumns - 2)
- const isPointStatic = pointPosition => {
- if (pointPosition === 0) {
- return isFirstRow || isFirstColumn
- }
- if (pointPosition === 1) {
- return isFirstRow || isLastColumn
- }
- if (pointPosition === 2) {
- return isFirstColumn || isLastRow
- }
- if (pointPosition === 3) {
- return isLastRow || isLastColumn
- }
- }
- const points = [
- //
- // 0----1 0----1
- // | / | or | \ |
- // | / | | \ |
- // 2----3 2----3
- //
- grid[rowCounter][columnCounter],
- grid[rowCounter][columnCounter + 1],
- grid[rowCounter + 1][columnCounter],
- grid[rowCounter + 1][columnCounter + 1]
- ].map((point, pointIndex) => ({
- ...point,
- x: point.x * horizontalDistance,
- y: point.y * verticalDistance,
- direction: point.direction,
- distance: (
- !isPointStatic(pointIndex)
- ? (point.factor * shapeFuzz)
- : 0
- )
- })).map(movePoint)
- const {
- topTriangleColorDeviation,
- bottomTriangleColorDeviation,
- diagonal: pointDiagonal
- } = points[0]
- const diagonal = (() => {
- if (diagonals === 'nw-se') {
- return 0
- }
- if (diagonals === 'ne-sw') {
- return 1
- }
- if (diagonals === 'alternating') {
- return (
- (
- ((rowCounter % 2) === 0) && ((columnCounter % 2) === 1)
- || ((rowCounter % 2) === 1) && ((columnCounter % 2) === 0)
- )
- ? 0
- : 1
- )
- }
- if (diagonals === 'random') {
- return pointDiagonal
- }
- return 0
- })()
- const topTriangle = {
- // Top triangle
- //
- // 0----1 0----1
- // | / or \ |
- // | / \ |
- // 2 3
- //
- edges: (
- (diagonal === 0)
- ? [points[0], points[1], points[2]]
- : [points[0], points[1], points[3]]
- ),
- color: getRgbaColor(getTriangleColor({
- triangle: (
- (diagonal === 0)
- ? [points[0], points[1], points[2]]
- : [points[0], points[1], points[3]]
- ),
- coloring,
- colorFuzz,
- colorDeviation: topTriangleColorDeviation
- }))
- }
- const bottomTriangle = {
- // Bottom triangle
- //
- // 1 0
- // / | or | \
- // / | | \
- // 2----3 2----3
- //
- edges: (
- (diagonal === 0)
- ? [points[1], points[3], points[2]]
- : [points[0], points[3], points[2]]
- ),
- color: getRgbaColor(getTriangleColor({
- triangle: (
- (diagonal === 0)
- ? [points[1], points[3], points[2]]
- : [points[0], points[3], points[2]]
- ),
- coloring,
- colorFuzz,
- colorDeviation: bottomTriangleColorDeviation
- }))
- }
- triangles.push(topTriangle, bottomTriangle)
- }
- }
- return triangles
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// State and API
-class TriangleMosaic {
- constructor({
- width = 1280,
- height = 720,
- xResolution = 16,
- yResolution = 9,
- shapeFuzz = 0.65,
- colorFuzz = {
- hue: 0.1,
- saturation: 0.1,
- lightness: 0.1,
- alpha: 0
- },
- diagonals = 'ne-sw',
- coloring = {
- mode: 'spots',
- spots: [
- {
- x: 0,
- y: 0,
- color: '#ffc107'
- },
- {
- x: 1280,
- y: 0,
- color: '#f44336'
- },
- {
- x: 640,
- y: 720,
- color: '#2196f3'
- }
- ]
- }
- } = {}) {
- this.height = height
- this.width = width
- this.xResolution = xResolution
- this.yResolution = yResolution
- this.shapeFuzz = shapeFuzz
- this.colorFuzz = colorFuzz
- this.diagonals = diagonals
- this.coloring = coloring
- this.grid = getGrid({
- width,
- height,
- xResolution,
- yResolution
- })
- }
- render() {
- const maxVentureDistance = getMaxVentureDistance({
- width: this.width,
- height: this.height,
- xResolution: this.xResolution,
- yResolution: this.yResolution
- })
- const triangles = getTriangles({
- grid: this.grid,
- shapeFuzz: this.shapeFuzz * maxVentureDistance,
- colorFuzz: this.colorFuzz,
- diagonals: this.diagonals,
- coloring: this.coloring,
- width: this.width,
- height: this.height
- })
- return renderSvg({
- width: this.width,
- height: this.height,
- children:'')
- })
- }
- rehydrate({
- shapeFuzz,
- colorFuzz,
- coloring,
- width,
- height,
- diagonals,
- xResolution,
- yResolution,
- } = {}) {
- if (shapeFuzz !== undefined) {
- this.shapeFuzz = shapeFuzz
- }
- if (colorFuzz && (colorFuzz.hue !== undefined)) {
- this.colorFuzz.hue = colorFuzz.hue
- }
- if (colorFuzz && (colorFuzz.saturation !== undefined)) {
- this.colorFuzz.saturation = colorFuzz.saturation
- }
- if (colorFuzz && (colorFuzz.lightness !== undefined)) {
- this.colorFuzz.lightness = colorFuzz.lightness
- }
- if (colorFuzz && (colorFuzz.alpha !== undefined)) {
- this.colorFuzz.alpha = colorFuzz.alpha
- }
- if (coloring !== undefined) {
- this.coloring = coloring
- }
- if (width !== undefined) {
- this.width = width
- }
- if (height !== undefined) {
- this.height = height
- }
- if (diagonals !== undefined) {
- this.diagonals = diagonals
- }
- if (xResolution !== undefined) {
- this.xResolution = xResolution
- }
- if (yResolution !== undefined) {
- this.yResolution = yResolution
- }
- if (xResolution !== undefined || yResolution !== undefined) {
- this.grid = getGrid({
- width: this.width,
- height: this.height,
- xResolution: this.xResolution,
- yResolution: this.yResolution
- })
- }
- return this.render()
- }
-export default TriangleMosaic