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1807 lines (1506 loc) · 76.6 KB

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1807 lines (1506 loc) · 76.6 KB

GLPI changes

The present file will list all changes made to the project; according to the Keep a Changelog project.

[11.0.0] unreleased


  • Business Rules for Changes
  • Business Rules for Problems
  • Configurable toast notification location
  • Link ITIL Object and Unlink ITIL Object massive actions for Tickets, Changes, and Problems.
  • Group approval requests (any user from group can approve).
  • Satisfaction surveys for Changes
  • New right for assigning service levels to ITIL Objects (UPDATE right also still allows this).
  • New right for impersonation of users with less rights (Config UPDATE right also still allows this globally).
  • Marketplace availability configuration.
  • Toast popup message location configuration.
  • Datacenter room grid size configuration (per room).
  • Approval reminder automatic action.
  • Reservation massive actions.
  • alias and code fields for Locations.
  • Profile cloning.
  • Associated elements for recurring ITIL Objects.
  • Processes and Environment Variable tabs for automatically inventoried assets.
  • Log viewer for logs in files/_log directory.
  • Custom palette/theme support (uses files/_themes directory by default).
  • Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) support via Time-based One-time Password (TOTP).
  • Deny login authorization rule action to deny login for a user, but not prevent the import/existence of the user in GLPI.
  • Directly capture screenshots or screen recordings from the "Add a document" form in tickets.
  • With a clean install, dashboards now show fake/placeholder data by default with a message indicating you are viewing demonstration data and a button to disable it.
  • Assets that can be assigned to users/groups have new "View assigned" and "Update assigned" rights which give read/update access to users and groups assigned to the asset.
  • ODS and XLS export of search results.
  • Support for the well-known `change-password" URI which can be used by some password managers to automatically (or assist with) changing a user's password.
  • CLI commands for creating local GLPI users, enabling/disabling/deleting users, resetting local GLPI user passwords and granting profile assignments.


  • ITIL Objects can now be linked to any other ITIL Objects similar to the previous Ticket/Ticket links.
  • Logs are now shown using the Search Engine
  • The approval option previously named Group is now called Group user(s) to better reflect that it shows a list of users from a specific group rather than allow sending an approval for a group.
  • The ticket business rule action Ticket category from code was renamed to ITIL category from code.
  • The ticket business rule criteria Code representing the ticket category was renamed to Code representing the ITIL category.
  • The ticket business rule criteria Ticket location was renamed to Location.
  • ITIL Templates can now restrict available statuses.
  • Improved offline mode for marketplace.
  • Lines can be assigned directly to assets without needing a SIM card.
  • Planning event occurances can be detached from a series.
  • Locations are now displayed in Datacenter breadcrumbs.
  • Marketplace CLI download command now supports downloading specific versions of plugins.
  • Browse tab of Knowledgebase now uses the Search Engine.
  • Satisfaction surveys can now be configured with a custom maximum score, default score, and if a comment is required.
  • LDAP TLS version can now be specified.
  • Kanabn view state can be reset from the Kanban if the user has the right to modify the view.
  • Personal reminders in central view now include only non-public reminders created by the user.
  • Public reminders in central view now include public reminders regardless of who created them.
  • Project description field is now a rich text field.
  • Entity, profile, debug mode flag, and language are restored after ending impersonation.
  • Volumes now show Used percentage instead of Free percentage.
  • Budget "Main" tab now shows negative values for "Total remaining in the budget" in parentheses instead of with a negative sign to align with typical accounting practices.
  • Followups and Tasks no longer visible without the "See public" or "See private" rights even if the user has permission to be assigned the parent ITIL Object.
  • Followups, Tasks and Solutions now check the canView() method of the parent ITIL Object rather than just the "See my/See author" right of the parent item. This means they now take into account "See all", "See group", etc. rights for the global permission check. Permission checks at the item-level have not been changed.
  • External Links Link or filename and File content fields now use Twig templates instead of a custom tag syntax.
  • Itemtypes associated with External links are now in the main form rather than a separate tab.
  • The Computer_Item class has been replaced by the \Glpi\Asset\Asset_PeripheralAsset class.
  • List of network ports in a VLAN form now shows the NetworkPort link in a breadcrumb manner (MyServer > eth0 where MyServer is a link to the computer and eth0 is a link to the port).
  • Running front/cron.php or bin/console will attempt to check and block execution if running as root.
  • Testing LDAP replicates now shows results as toast notifications rather than inside the replicate tab after a page reload.
  • The debug tab that was present, for some items, when the debug mode was active, no longer exists. The corresponding features have been either moved, either removed.
  • Group and Group in charge fields for assets may now contain multiple groups.
  • "If software are no longer used" transfer option is now taken into account rather than always preserving.
  • Notifications can now specify exclusions for recipients.


  • Survey URL tags TICKETCATEGORY_ID and TICKETCATEGORY_NAME are deprecated and replaced by ITILCATEGORY_ID and ITILCATEGORY_NAME respectively.
  • Search::joinDropdownTranslations()


  • Link tickets massive action for Tickets (Use Link ITIL Object instead).
  • Link to a problem massive action for Tickets (Use Link ITIL Object instead).
  • Manage tab for Knowledgebase (Unpublished is now a toggle in the browse tab).
  • The database "master" property in the status checker (/status.php and glpi:system:status), replaced by "main".
  • The database "slaves" property in the status checker (/status.php and glpi:system:status), replaced by "replicas".
  • API URL is no longer customizable within GLPI. Use alias/rewrite rules in your web server configuration instead if needed.
  • status.php and bin/console system:status no longer supports plain-text output.
  • Glpi\System\Status\StatusChecker::getServiceStatus() as_array parameter.
  • Sylk export of search results.
  • full_width_adapt_column option for fields macros has been removed.

API changes


  • phpCAS library is now bundled in GLPI, to prevent version compatibility issues.
  • Glpi\DBAL\QueryFunction class with multiple static methods for building SQL query function strings in an abstract way.
  • fetchSessionMessages() global JS function to display new session messages as toast notifications without requiring a page reload.
  • is_exclusion column added to glpi_notificationtargets table.


  • Many methods have their signature changed to specify both their return type and the types of their parameters.
  • chartist library has been replaced by echarts.
  • codemirror library has been replaced by monaco-editor.
  • htmLawed library has been replaced by symfony/html-sanitizer.
  • monolog/monolog has been upgraded to version 3.3.
  • photoswipe library has been upgraded to version 5.x.
  • phpmailer/phpmailer library has been replaced by symfony/mailer.
  • true/punycode library has been removed.
  • Symfony libraries have been upgraded to version 6.0.
  • users_id_validate field in CommonITILValidation will now have a 0 value until someone approves or refuses the validation. Approval targets (who the approval is for) is now indicated by itemtype_target and items_id_target fields.
  • Notifications are not deduplicated anymore.
  • Notifications with Approver recipient have had this recipient replaced with the new Approval target recipient to maintain previous behavior as much as possible. The previous recipient option still exists if needed. This replacement will only happen once during the upgrade.
  • GLPIMailer mailer class does not extends anymore PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer. We added a compatibility layer to handle main usages found in plugins, but we cannot ensure compatibility with all properties and methods that were inherited from PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer.
  • CommonGLPI::$othertabs static property has been made private.
  • CommonGLPI::createTabEntry() signature changed.
  • All types of rules are now sortable and ordered by ranking.
  • Plugins console commands must now use the normalized prefix plugins:XXX where XXX is the plugin key.
  • GLPI web root is now the /public directory and all web request to PHP scripts are proxified by public/index.php script.
  • Usage of DBmysql::query(), DBmysql::queryOrDie() method are prohibited to ensure that legacy unsafe DB are no more executed. Building and executing raw queries using DBmysql::request(), DBmysqlIterator::buildQuery() and DBmysqlIterator::execute() methods is also prohibited. To execute DB queries, either DBmysql::request() can be used to craft query using the GLPI query builder, either DBmysql::doQuery()/DBmysql::doQueryOrDie() can be used for safe queries to execute DB query using a self-crafted a SQL string.
  • js/fuzzysearch.js replaced with FuzzySearch/Modal Vue component.
  • Html::fuzzySearch() replaced with Html::getMenuFuzzySearchList() function.
  • NotificationEvent::raiseEvent() signature cahnged. A new $trigger parameter has been added at 4th position, and $label is now the 5th parameter.
  • NotificationEventInterface::raise() has a new $trigger parameter.
  • QueryExpression class moved to Glpi\DBAL namespace.
  • QueryParam class moved to Glpi\DBAL namespace.
  • QuerySubQuery class moved to Glpi\DBAL namespace.
  • QueryUnion class moved to Glpi\DBAL namespace.
  • PrinterLog::getMetrics() method has been made final.
  • SavedSearch::showSaveButton() replaced with pages/tools/savedsearch/save_button.html.twig template.
  • showSystemInformations method for $CFG_GLPI['systeminformations_types'] types renamed to getSystemInformation and should return an array with a label and content.
  • DisplayPreference config form POST handling moved to ajax/displaypreference.php script. The front file is for displaying the tabs only.
  • Document::send() signature changed. The $context parameter has been removed.
  • title property of Kanban items must be text only. HTML no longer supported.
  • kanban:filter JS event now includes the columns in the event data. Filtering must set the _filtered_out property of cards to hide them instead of changing the elements in the DOM.
  • CommonITILActor::getActors() signature changed. The $items_id parameter must strictly be an integer.
  • The date_mod property for historical entries returned by Log::getHistoryData is no longer formatted based on the user's preferences.
  • Rule::dropdownRulesMatch() has been made protected.
  • ITILTemplateField::showForITILTemplate() method is no longer abstract.
  • CommonITILTask::getItilObjectItemType is now static.
  • The Item_Ticket$1 tab should be used in replacement of the Ticket$1 tab to display tickets associated with an item.
  • Specifying the ranking of a rule during add/update now triggers RuleCollection::moveRule to manage the rankings of other rules to try to keep them valid and in order.
  • Lock::getLocksQueryInfosByItemType() has been made private.
  • DBmysql::request(), DBmysqlIterator::buildQuery() and DBmysqlIterator::execute() methods signatures changed.
  • Some values for the $type parameters of several Stat methods have changed to match English spelling (technicien -> technician).
  • showInstantiationForm() method for Network Port classes are now expected to output HTML for a flex form instead of a table.
  • NetworkName::showFormForNetworkPort() now outputs HTML for a flex form instead of a table.
  • NetworkPortInstantiation::showSocketField(), NetworkPortInstantiation::showMacField(), NetworkPortInstantiation::showNetworkCardField now outputs HTML for a flex form instead of a table.
  • CommonGLPI::can*() and CommonDBTM::can*() methods now have strict type hints for their parameters and return types.
  • Multiple methods in CommonDevice and sub-classes now have return types defined (classes that extends these must match the new method signatures).
  • templates/password_form.html.twig should no longer be used directly. Use templates/forgotpassword.html.twig, templates/updatepassword.html.twig or a custom template.
  • Usage of ajax/dropdownMassiveActionAddValidator.php and ajax/dropdownValidator.php now requires a validation_class parameter.
  • Usage of ajax/dropdownValidator.php with the users_id_validate parameter is no longer supported. Use items_id_target instead.
  • Glpi\Dashboard\Filters\AbstractFilter::field() method has been made protected.
  • Usage of CommonITILValidation::dropdownValidator() with the name and users_id_validate options are no longer supported. Use prefix and itemtype_target/items_id_target respectively instead.
  • The helper property of form fields will not support anymore the presence of HTML code.
  • Glpi\Application\ErrorHandler constructor visibility has been changed to private.
  • GLPI::initErrorHandler() does not return any value anymore.
  • The inc/autoload.function.php, inc/based_config.php, inc/config.php, inc/db.function.php and inc/define.php files have been removed and the inc/includes.php file has been almost emptied. The corresponding global functions, constants and variables are now loaded and initialized automatically and the corresponding GLPI boostraping logic is now executed automatically.
  • Plugin::init() and Plugin::checkStates() methods signature changed. It is not anymore possible to exclude specific plugins.
  • In a HTTP request context, $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'], $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] and $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']will no longer contain the path to the requested script, but will contain the path to thepublic/index.php` script.
  • Any class added to $CFG_GLPI['directconnect_types'] must now use the Glpi\Features\AssignableItem trait as multi-group support is required.
  • For assets, groups_id and groups_id_tech fields were changed from integers to arrays and are loaded into the fields array after getFromDB/getEmpty. If reading directly from the DB, you need to query the new linking table glpi_groups_items.
  • Group::getDataItems() signature changed. The two first parameters $types and $field were replaced by a unique boolean $tech parameter that is used to compute the $types and $field values automatically.
  • CartridgeItem::addCompatibleType() method is now static.
  • Transfer class is now final.
  • Transfer::addNotToBeTransfer() method is now private.
  • Transfer::addToAlreadyTransfer() method is now private.
  • Transfer::addToBeTransfer() method is now private.
  • Transfer::cleanSoftwareVersions() method is now private.
  • Transfer::copySingleSoftware() method is now private.
  • Transfer::copySingleVersion() method is now private.
  • Transfer::simulateTransfer() method is now private.
  • Transfer::transferAffectedLicense() method is now private.
  • Transfer::transferCertificates() method is now private.
  • Transfer::transferCompatiblePrinters() method is now private.
  • Transfer::transferContracts() method is now private.
  • Transfer::transferDevices() method is now private.
  • Transfer::transferDirectConnection() method is now private.
  • Transfer::transferDocuments() method is now private.
  • Transfer::transferDropdownLocation() method is now private.
  • Transfer::transferDropdownSocket() method is now private.
  • Transfer::transferHelpdeskAdditionalInformations() method is now private.
  • Transfer::transferHistory() method is now private.
  • Transfer::transferInfocoms() method is now private.
  • Transfer::transferItem() method is now private.
  • Transfer::transferItem_Disks() method is now private.
  • Transfer::transferItemSoftwares() method is now private.
  • Transfer::transferLinkedSuppliers() method is now private.
  • Transfer::transferNetworkLink() method is now private.
  • Transfer::transferPrinterCartridges() method is now private.
  • Transfer::transferReservations() method is now private.
  • Transfer::transferSingleSupplier() method is now private.
  • Transfer::transferSoftwareLicensesAndVersions() method is now private.
  • Transfer::transferSupplierContacts() method is now private.
  • Transfer::transferTaskCategory() method is now private.
  • Transfer::transferTickets() method is now private.
  • linkoption option has been removed from CommonDBTM::getLink().
  • comments and icon options have been removed from CommonDBTM::getName().
  • comments and icon options have been removed from CommonDBTM::getNameID().
  • The $keepDb parameter has been removed from Html::footer().
  • DBConnection::createMainConfig() signature changed. The $allow_myisam parameter has been removed.
  • DBConnection::createSlaveConnectionFile() signature changed. The $allow_myisam parameter has been removed.
  • DBmysql::$allow_myisam property has been removed.


  • Usage of the /marketplace path for plugins URLs. All plugins URLs should now start with /plugins.
  • Usage of GLPI_PLUGINS_PATH javascript variable.
  • Usage of MAIL_SMTPSSL and MAIL_SMTPTLS constants.
  • $AJAX_INCLUDE global variable usage. Use $this->setAjax() in legacy /ajax/ and /front scripts or Html::setAjax() and Session::setAjax().
  • Usage of name and users_id_validate parameter in ajax/dropdownValidator.php.
  • Usage of users_id_validate parameter in front/commonitilvalidation.form.php.
  • ajax/itemTicket.php script usage.
  • ajax/knowbase.php script usage.
  • front/ticket_ticket.form.php script usage.
  • Usage of users_id_validate input in CommonITILObject.
  • Defining "users_id_validate" field without defining "itemtype_target"/"items_id_target" in "CommonITILValidation".
  • Usage of name and users_id_validate options in CommonITILValidation::dropdownValidator().
  • Usage of get_plugin_web_dir Twig function.
  • Usage of verbatim_value Twig filter.
  • js/Forms/FaIconSelector.js and therefore window.GLPI.Forms.FaIconSelector has been deprecated and replaced by js/modules/Form/WebIconSelector.js
  • linkuser_types, linkgroup_types, linkuser_tech_types, linkgroup_tech_types configuration entries have been merged in a unique assignable_types configuration entry.
  • Usage of the front/dropdown.common.php and the dropdown.common.form.php files. There is now a generic controller that will serve the search and form pages of any Dropdown class.
  • Usage of the $link parameter in formatUserName() and DbUtils::formatUserName(). Use formatUserLink() or DbUtils::formatUserLink() instead.
  • Usage of the $link parameter in getUserName() and DbUtils::getUserName(). Use getUserLink(), DbUtils::getUserLink(), or User::getInfoCard() instead.
  • Auth::getErr()
  • AuthLDAP::dropdownUserDeletedActions()
  • AuthLDAP::getOptions()
  • CommonITILObject::isValidator()
  • ComputerAntivirus has been deprecated and replaced by ItemAntivirus
  • ComputerVirtualMachine has been deprecated and replaced by ItemVirtualMachine
  • Config::validatePassword()
  • Contract::getExpiredCriteria() renamed to Contract::getNotExpiredCriteria() to match the actual behavior.
  • DBmysql::truncate()
  • DBmysql::truncateOrDie()
  • Document::getImage()
  • Glpi\Application\View\Extension\DataHelpersExtension::getVerbatimValue()
  • Glpi\Application\View\Extension\PluginExtension::getPluginWebDir()
  • Glpi\Dashboard\Filter::getAll()
  • Glpi\Event::showList()
  • Glpi\Features\DCBreadcrumb::getDcBreadcrumb()
  • Glpi\Features\DCBreadcrumb::getDcBreadcrumbSpecificValueToDisplay()
  • Glpi\Features\DCBreadcrumb::isEnclosurePart()
  • Glpi\Features\DCBreadcrumb::isRackPart()
  • Glpi\Http\Response::sendError(). Throw a Glpi\Exception\Http\*HttpException exception instead.
  • Glpi\Toolbox\Sanitizer::dbEscape()
  • Glpi\Toolbox\Sanitizer::dbEscapeRecursive()
  • Glpi\Toolbox\Sanitizer::dbUnescape()
  • Glpi\Toolbox\Sanitizer::dbUnescapeRecursive()
  • Glpi\Toolbox\Sanitizer::decodeHtmlSpecialChars()
  • Glpi\Toolbox\Sanitizer::decodeHtmlSpecialCharsRecursive()
  • Glpi\Toolbox\Sanitizer::encodeHtmlSpecialChars()
  • Glpi\Toolbox\Sanitizer::encodeHtmlSpecialCharsRecursive()
  • Glpi\Toolbox\Sanitizer::getVerbatimValue()
  • Glpi\Toolbox\Sanitizer::isDbEscaped()
  • Glpi\Toolbox\Sanitizer::isHtmlEncoded()
  • Glpi\Toolbox\Sanitizer::isNsClassOrCallableIdentifier()
  • Glpi\Toolbox\Sanitizer::sanitize()
  • Glpi\Toolbox\Sanitizer::unsanitize()
  • Html::ajaxFooter()
  • Html::cleanInputText()
  • Html::cleanPostForTextArea()
  • Html::createProgressBar()
  • Html::displayErrorAndDie(). Throw a Glpi\Exception\Http\BadRequestHttpException exception instead.
  • Html::displayNotFoundError(). Throw a Glpi\Exception\Http\NotFoundHttpException exception instead.
  • Html::displayRightError(). Throw a Glpi\Exception\Http\AccessDeniedHttpException exception instead.
  • Html::entities_deep()
  • Html::entity_decode_deep()
  • HookManager::enableCSRF()
  • ITILFollowup::ADDMYTICKET constant. Use ITILFollowup::ADDMY.
  • ITILFollowup::ADDGROUPTICKET constant. Use ITILFollowup::ADD_AS_GROUP.
  • ITILFollowup::ADDALLTICKET constant. Use ITILFollowup::ADDALLITEM.
  • Knowbase::getTreeCategoryList()
  • Knowbase::showBrowseView()
  • Knowbase::showManageView()
  • KnowbaseItem::showManageForm()
  • Migration::updateRight(). Use Migration::replaceRight() instead.
  • Pdu_Plug has been deprecated and replaced by Item_Plug
  • Plugin::getWebDir()
  • Search::getOptions() no longer returns a reference
  • Ticket link_to_problem massive action is deprecated. Use CommonITILObject_CommonITILObject add massive action instead.
  • Ticket_Ticket add massive action is deprecated. Use CommonITILObject_CommonITILObject add massive action instead.
  • Ticket_Ticket::getLinkedTicketsTo()
  • Timer class
  • Toolbox::addslashes_deep()
  • Toolbox::seems_utf8()
  • Toolbox::stripslashes_deep()


  • GLPI_DEMO_MODE constant.
  • $CFG_GLPI_PLUGINS global variable.
  • $DBCONNECTION_REQUIRED and $USEDBREPLICATE global variables. Use DBConnection::getReadConnection() to get the most apporpriate connection for read only operations.
  • $dont_check_maintenance_mode and $skip_db_check global variables.
  • $GLPI global variable.
  • $LANG global variable.
  • $PLUGINS_EXCLUDED and $PLUGINS_INCLUDED global variables.
  • $SECURITY_STRATEGY global variable.
  • Usage of $CFG_GLPI['itemdevices'] and $CFG_GLPI['item_device_types'] configuration entries. Use Item_Devices::getDeviceTypes() to get the Item_Devices concrete class list.
  • Usage of csrf_compliant plugins hook.
  • Usage of migratetypes plugin hooks.
  • Usage of planning_scheduler_key plugins hook.
  • Logging within the mail-debug.log log file.
  • X-GLPI-Sanitized-Content REST API header support.
  • Handling of encoded/escaped value in autoName().
  • closeDBConnections
  • regenerateTreeCompleteName()
  • Cartridge::getNotificationParameters()
  • CartridgeItem::showDebug()
  • Certificate::showDebug()
  • Change::showDebug()
  • Change_Item::showForChange()
  • CommonDBTM::$deduplicate_queued_notifications property.
  • CommonDBTM::getCacheKeyForFriendlyName()
  • CommonDBTM::getSNMPCredential()
  • CommonDBTM::showDebugInfo()
  • CommonDevice::title()
  • CommonDropdown::$first_level_menu, CommonDropdown::$second_level_menu and CommonDropdown::$third_level_menu properties.
  • CommonDropdown::displayHeader()
  • CommonGLPI::$type property.
  • CommonGLPI::getAvailableDisplayOptions()
  • CommonGLPI::getDisplayOptions()
  • CommonGLPI::getDisplayOptionsLink()
  • CommonGLPI::updateDisplayOptions()
  • CommonGLPI::showDislayOptions()
  • CommonITILActor::showUserNotificationForm()
  • CommonITILActor::showSupplierNotificationForm()
  • CommonITILObject::getAssignName()
  • CommonITILValidation::alreadyExists()
  • CommonITILValidation::getTicketStatusNumber()
  • CommonTreeDropdown::sanitizeSeparatorInCompletename()
  • CommonTreeDropdown::unsanitizeSeparatorInCompletename()
  • Computer_Item::countForAll()
  • Computer_Item::disconnectForItem()
  • Computer_Item::dropdownAllConnect()
  • Computer_Item::showForComputer()
  • Computer_Item::showForItem()
  • ComputerAntivirus::showForComputer()
  • ComputerVirtualMachine::showForComputer()
  • Config::getCurrentDBVersion()
  • Config::showDebug()
  • Consumable::showAddForm()
  • Consumable::showForConsumableItem()
  • ConsumableItem::showDebug()
  • Contract::commonListHeader()
  • Contract::getContractRenewalIDByName()
  • Contract::showDebug()
  • Contract::showShort()
  • DbUtils::closeDBConnections()
  • DbUtils::regenerateTreeCompleteName()
  • Document::uploadDocument()
  • Document::showUploadedFilesDropdown()
  • Document_Item::showSimpleAddForItem()
  • DropdownTranslation::canBeTranslated(). Translations are now always active.
  • DropdownTranslation::isDropdownTranslationActive(). Translations are now always active.
  • Entity::getDefaultContractValues()
  • Entity::title()
  • FieldUnicity::showDebug()
  • GLPI::getErrorHandler()
  • GLPI::getLogLevel()
  • Glpi\Api\API::showDebug()
  • Glpi\Api\API::returnSanitizedContent()
  • Glpi\Dashboard\Filter::dates()
  • Glpi\Dashboard\Filter::dates_mod()
  • Glpi\Dashboard\Filter::itilcategory()
  • Glpi\Dashboard\Filter::requesttype()
  • Glpi\Dashboard\Filter::location()
  • Glpi\Dashboard\Filter::manufacturer()
  • Glpi\Dashboard\Filter::group_tech()
  • Glpi\Dashboard\Filter::user_tech()
  • Glpi\Dashboard\Filter::state()
  • Glpi\Dashboard\Filter::tickettype()
  • Glpi\Dashboard\Filter::displayList()
  • Glpi\Dashboard\Filter::field()
  • Glpi\Dashboard\Widget::getCssGradientPalette()
  • Glpi\Inventory\Conf::importFile()
  • Glpi\Socket::executeAddMulti()
  • Glpi\Socket::showNetworkPortForm()
  • Glpi\System\Requirement\DataDirectoriesProtectedPath class.
  • Glpi\System\Requirement\ProtectedWebAccess class.
  • Glpi\System\Requirement\MysqliMysqlnd class.
  • Glpi\System\Requirement\SafeDocumentRoot class.
  • Glpi\System\Status\StatusChecker::getFullStatus()
  • Group::title()
  • Html::autocompletionTextField()
  • Html::clean()
  • Html::closeArrowMassives()
  • Html::displayAccessDeniedPage()
  • Html::displayAjaxMessageAfterRedirect(). The JS function is already provided by js/misc.js.
  • Html::displayItemNotFoundPage()
  • Html::jsConfirmCallback()
  • Html::jsHide()
  • Html::jsShow()
  • Html::openArrowMassives()
  • Html::showTimeField()
  • Impact::buildNetwork()
  • Infocom::showDebug()
  • IPNetwork::recreateTree()
  • IPNetwork::title()
  • Item_Problem::showForProblem()
  • Item_Ticket::showForTicket()
  • KnowbaseItem::addToFaq()
  • KnowbaseItem::addVisibilityJoins()
  • KnowbaseItem::addVisibilityRestrict()
  • KnowbaseItem::showBrowseForm()
  • KnowbaseItem_Comment::displayComments()
  • KnowbaseItem_KnowbaseItemCategory::displayTabContentForItem()
  • KnowbaseItem_KnowbaseItemCategory::getTabNameForItem()
  • KnowbaseItem_KnowbaseItemCategory::showForItem()
  • KnowbaseItemTranslation::canBeTranslated(). Translations are now always active.
  • KnowbaseItemTranslation::isKbTranslationActive(). Translations are now always active.
  • Link::showForItem()
  • Link_Itemtype::showForLink()
  • MailCollector::listEncodings()
  • MailCollector::title()
  • ManualLink::showForItem()
  • MigrationCleaner class
  • Netpoint class
  • NetworkAlias::getInternetNameFromID()
  • NetworkName::getInternetNameFromID()
  • NetworkPort::getAvailableDisplayOptions()
  • NetworkPort::getNetworkPortInstantiationsWithNames()
  • NetworkPort::resetConnections()
  • NetworkPortInstantiation::getGlobalInstantiationNetworkPortDisplayOptions()
  • NetworkPortInstantiation::getInstantiationHTMLTable() and all sub classes overrides.
  • NetworkPortInstantiation::getInstantiationHTMLTableHeaders() and all sub classes overrides.
  • NetworkPortInstantiation::getInstantiationHTMLTableWithPeer()
  • NetworkPortInstantiation::getInstantiationNetworkPortDisplayOptions()
  • NetworkPortInstantiation::getInstantiationNetworkPortHTMLTable()
  • NetworkPortInstantiation::getPeerInstantiationHTMLTable() and all sub classes overrides.
  • NetworkPortMigration class
  • NotificationEvent::debugEvent()
  • NotificationTemplateTranslation::showDebug()
  • OlaLevel::showForSLA(). Replaced by LevelAgreementLevel::showForLA().
  • PlanningExternalEvent::addVisibilityRestrict()
  • PlanningRecall::specificForm()
  • Plugin::migrateItemType()
  • ProfileRight::updateProfileRightAsOtherRight()
  • ProfileRight::updateProfileRightsAsOtherRights()
  • Project::showDebug()
  • ProjectTask::showDebug()
  • QuerySubQuery class. Replaced by Glpi\DBAL\QuerySubQuery.
  • QueryUnion class. Replaced by Glpi\DBAL\QueryUnion.
  • Reminder::addVisibilityJoins()
  • ReminderTranslation::canBeTranslated(). Translations are now always active.
  • ReminderTranslation::isReminderTranslationActive(). Translations are now always active.
  • Reservation::displayError()
  • ReservationItem::showDebugResa()
  • RSSFeed::addVisibilityJoins()
  • RSSFeed::addVisibilityRestrict()
  • RSSFeed::showDiscoveredFeeds()
  • Rule::$can_sort property.
  • Rule::$orderby property.
  • Rule::showDebug()
  • Rule::showMinimalActionForm()
  • Rule::showMinimalCriteriaForm()
  • Rule::showMinimalForm()
  • Rule::showNewRuleForm()
  • RuleCollection::showTestResults()
  • RuleRight::showNewRuleForm()
  • RuleRightCollection::displayActionByName()
  • RuleRightCollection::showTestResults()
  • RuleImportComputer class.
  • RuleImportComputerCollection class.
  • RuleMatchedLog::showFormAgent().
  • RuleMatchedLog::showItemForm().
  • Search::SYLK_OUTPUT constant.
  • Search::computeTitle()
  • Search::csv_clean()
  • Search::findCriteriaInSession()
  • Search::getDefaultCriteria()
  • Search::getLogicalOperators()
  • Search::getMetaReferenceItemtype()
  • Search::outputData()
  • Search::sylk_clean()
  • SlaLevel::showForSLA(). Replaced by LevelAgreementLevel::showForLA().
  • SLM::setTicketCalendar()
  • SoftwareLicense::getSonsOf()
  • SoftwareLicense::showDebug()
  • Transfer::$inittype property.
  • Ticket::showDebug()
  • Ticket_Ticket::checkParentSon()
  • Ticket_Ticket::countOpenChildren()
  • Ticket_Ticket::manageLinkedTicketsOnSolved(). Replaced by CommonITILObject_CommonITILObject::manageLinksOnChange().
  • Toolbox::canUseCas()
  • Toolbox::checkValidReferer()
  • Toolbox::clean_cross_side_scripting_deep()
  • Toolbox::endsWith()
  • Toolbox::filesizeDirectory()
  • Toolbox::getHtmLawedSafeConfig()
  • Toolbox::getHtmlToDisplay()
  • Toolbox::handleProfileChangeRedirect()
  • Toolbox::logError()
  • Toolbox::logNotice()
  • Toolbox::logWarning()
  • Toolbox::sodiumDecrypt()
  • Toolbox::sodiumEncrypt()
  • Toolbox::unclean_cross_side_scripting_deep()
  • Transfer::manageConnectionComputer()
  • User::showDebug()
  • User::title()
  • XML class.
  • Usage of Search::addOrderBy signature with ($itemtype, $ID, $order) parameters
  • Javascript file upload functions dataURItoBlob, extractSrcFromImgTag, insertImgFromFile(), insertImageInTinyMCE, isImageBlobFromPaste, isImageFromPaste.
  • CommonDBTM::$fkfield property.
  • getHTML action for ajax/fuzzysearch.php endpoint.
  • Config::showLibrariesInformation()
  • DisplayPreference::showFormGlobal target parameter.
  • DisplayPreference::showFormPerso target_id parameter.
  • $DEBUG_SQL, $SQL_TOTAL_REQUEST, $TIMER_DEBUGand$TIMER` global variables.
  • $CFG_GLPI['debug_sql'] and $CFG_GLPI['debug_vars'] configuration options.
  • DropdownTranslation::getTranslationByName()
  • addgroup and deletegroup actions in front/user.form.php.
  • ajax/ticketassigninformation.php script. Use ajax/actorinformation.php instead.
  • ajax/planningcheck.php script. Use Planning::showPlanningCheck() instead.
  • test_ldap and test_ldap_replicate actions in front/authldap.form.php. Use ajax/ldap.php instead.
  • ajax/ticketsatisfaction.php and ajax/changesatisfaction.php scripts. Access ajax/commonitilsatisfaction.php directly instead.
  • Usage of the $cut parameter in formatUserName() and DbUtils::formatUserName().

[10.0.17] unreleased



  • Searching IDs in dropdowns now matches the beginning of the ID instead of anywhere in the ID.



API changes





[10.0.16] 2024-07-03





API changes





[10.0.15] 2024-04-24





API changes





[10.0.14] 2024-03-14





API changes





[10.0.13] 2024-03-13





API changes



  • condition and displaywith parameters must now be added in IDOR token creation data when they are not empty.



[10.0.12] 2024-02-01



  • Permissions for historical data and system logs (Administration > Logs) are now managed by "Historical (READ)" and "System Logs (READ)" respectively.



API changes




  • Entity::cleanEntitySelectorCache() no longer has any effect as the entity selector is no longer cached as a unique entry


[10.0.11] 2023-12-13





API changes




  • Usage of the DBmysql::query() method is deprecated, for security reasons, as it is most of the time used in an insecure way. To execute DB queries, either DBmysql::request() can be used to craft query using the GLPI query builder, either DBmysql::doQuery() can be used for safe queries to execute DB query using a self-crafted SQL string. This deprecation will not trigger any error, unless the GLPI_STRICT_DEPRECATED constant is set to true, to avoid cluttering error logs.


[10.0.10] 2023-09-25





API changes





[10.0.9] 2023-07-11





API changes





[10.0.8] 2023-07-05


  • Unified Debug bar feature has been added to display debug information in the browser as a replacement and expansion on the previous, individual debug panels.




  • Debug panels and the toggle button to show/hide the primary debug panel that was next to the current user's name in the top right corner of the screen have been removed.
  • debug_tabs plugin hook

API changes


  • CommonDBTM::getMessageReferenceEvent() method that can be overridden to tweak notifications grouping in mail clients.



  • Html::displayDebugInfo() method no longer has any effect. The functionality was replaced by the new Debug Bar feature.

  • Hooks::DEBUG_TABS

  • $TIMER_DEBUG global variable.

  • $DEBUG_SQL global variable.

  • $SQL_TOTAL_REQUEST global variable.

  • $CFG_GLPI['debug_sql'] configuration option.

  • $CFG_GLPI['debug_vars'] configuration option.

  • Usage of parameter $clean in AuthLDAP::getObjectByDn() and AuthLDAP::getUserByDn().


[10.0.7] 2023-04-05





API changes



  • Itemtype that can be linked to a disk are now declared in $CFG_GLPI['disk_types'].


  • Glpi\Inventory\Conf::importFile()
  • RSSFeed::showDiscoveredFeeds()
  • Toolbox::checkValidReferer()


[10.0.6] 2023-01-24



  • glpi: command prefix has been removed from console commands canonical name.



API changes





[10.0.5] 2022-11-04

[10.0.4] 2022-11-03

[10.0.3] 2022-09-14

API changes


  • CommonDBTM::pre_addToDB() added.


[10.0.2] 2022-06-28

[10.0.1] 2022-06-02


  • PDF export library has been changed back from mPDF to TCPDF.


  • Gantt feature has been moved into the gantt plugin.

API changes


  • plugin_xxx_activate() and plugin_xxx_deactivate hooks support.


  • Glpi\Api\Api::initEndpoint() visibility changed to protected.


  • GlpiGantt javascript helper and dhtmlx-gantt library.
  • Glpi\Gantt namespace and all corresponding classes.
  • Project::getDataToDisplayOnGantt()
  • Project::showGantt()
  • ProjectTask::getDataToDisplayOnGantt()
  • ProjectTask::getDataToDisplayOnGanttForProject()

[10.0.0] 2022-04-20


  • Added UUID to all other itemtypes that are related to Operating Systems (Phones, Printers, etc)
  • Added a button to the General > System configuration tab to copy the system information


  • APCu and WinCache are not anymore use by GLPI, use php bin/console cache:configure command to configure cache system.
  • PDF export library has been changed from TCPDF to mPDF.
  • The search engine and search results page now support sorting by multiple fields.
  • The search result lists now refresh/update without triggering a full page reload.
  • Replaced user-facing cases of master/slave usage replaced with main/replica.


  • Usage of XML-RPC API is deprecated.
  • The database "slaves" property in the status checker (/status.php and glpi:system:status) is deprecated. Use "replicas" instead,
  • The database "master" property in the status checker (/status.php and glpi:system:status) is deprecated. Use "main" instead,


  • Autocomplete feature on text fields.
  • Usage of alternative DB connection encoding (DB::$dbenc property).
  • Deprecated scripts/ldap_mass_sync.php has been removed in favor of glpi:ldap:synchronize_users command available using bin/console
  • Deprecated scripts/compute_dictionary.php has been removed in favor of glpi:rules:replay_dictionnary_rules command available using bin/console
  • Deprecated scripts/softcat_mass_compute.php has been removed in favor of glpi:rules:process_software_category_rules command available using bin/console

API changes


  • Added DBMysql::setSavepoint() to create savepoints within a transaction.
  • Added CommonDBTM::showForm() to have a generic showForm for asset (based on a twig template).


  • MySQL warnings are now logged in SQL errors log.
  • Guzzle library has been upgraded to version 7.4.
  • Symfony\Console library has been upgraded to version 5.4.
  • CommonGLPI constructor signature has been declared in an interface (CommonGLPIInterface).
  • DBmysqlIterator class compliancy with Iterator has been fixed (i.e. DBmysqlIterator::next() does not return current row anymore).
  • Domain class inheritance changed from CommonDropdown to CommonDBTM.
  • showForm() method of all classes inheriting CommonDBTM have been changed to match CommonDBTM::showForm() signature.
  • Format of Message-Id header sent in Tickets notifications changed to match format used by other items.
  • Added DB::truncate() to replace raw SQL queries
  • Impact context positions field type changed from TEXT to MEDIUMTEXT
  • Field date of KnowbaseItem has been renamed to date_creation.
  • Field date_creation of KnowbaseItem_Revision has been renamed to date.
  • Field date_creation of NetworkPortConnectionLog has been renamed to date.
  • Field date of Notepad has been renamed to date_creation.
  • Field date_mod of ObjectLock has been renamed to date.
  • Field date of ProjectTask has been renamed to date_creation.
  • Table glpi_netpoints has been renamed to glpi_sockets.
  • GLPI_FORCE_EMPTY_SQL_MODE constant has been removed in favor of GLPI_DISABLE_ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY_SQL_MODE usage.
  • CommonDBTM::clone(), CommonDBTM::prepareInputForClone() and CommonDBTM::post_clone() has been removed. Clonable objects must now use Glpi\Features\Clonable trait.
  • CommonDBTM::notificationqueueonaction property has been removed in favor of CommonDBTM::deduplicate_queued_notifications property.
  • CommonDropdown::displaySpecificTypeField() has a new $options parameter.
  • DBMysql::rollBack supports a name parameter for rolling back to a savepoint.
  • Knowbase::getJstreeCategoryList() as been replaced by Knowbase::getTreeCategoryList().
  • NetworkPortInstantiation::showNetpointField() has been renamed to NetworkPortInstantiation::showSocketField().
  • NotificationSettingConfig::showForm() renamed to NotificationSettingConfig::showConfigForm().
  • RuleMatchedLog::showForm() renamed to RuleMatchedLog::showItemForm().
  • Search::addOrderBy() signature changed.
  • TicketSatisfaction::showForm() renamed to TicketSatisfaction::showSatisfactionForm().
  • Transfer::transferDropdownNetpoint() has been renamed to Transfer::transferDropdownSocket().
  • Dashboard global javascript object has been moved to GLPI.Dashboard.


  • Usage of MyISAM engine in database, in favor of InnoDB engine.
  • Usage of utf8mb3 charset/collation in database in favor of utf8mb4 charset/collation.
  • Usage of datetime field type in database, in favor of timestamp field type.
  • Handling of encoded/escaped value in autoName()
  • Netpoint has been deprecated and replaced by Socket
  • CommonDropdown::displayHeader(), use CommonDropdown::displayCentralHeader() instead and make sure to override properly first_level_menu, second_level_menu and third_level_menu.
  • GLPI::getLogLevel()
  • Glpi\System\Status\StatusChecker::getFullStatus()
  • Html::clean()
  • MailCollector::listEncodings()
  • RuleImportComputer class
  • RuleImportComputerCollection class
  • SLM::setTicketCalendar()
  • Toolbox::clean_cross_side_scripting_deep()
  • Toolbox::endsWith()
  • Toolbox::filesizeDirectory()
  • Toolbox::getHtmlToDisplay()
  • Toolbox::logError()
  • Toolbox::logNotice()
  • Toolbox::logWarning()
  • Toolbox::sodiumDecrypt()
  • Toolbox::sodiumEncrypt()
  • Toolbox::startsWith()
  • Toolbox::unclean_cross_side_scripting_deep()


  • jQueryUI has been removed in favor of twbs/bootstrap. This implies removal of following widgets: $.accordion, $.autocomplete, $.button, $.dialog, $.draggable, $.droppable, $.progressbar, $.resizable, $.selectable, $.sortable, $.tabs, $.tooltip.
  • Usage of $order parameter in getAllDataFromTable() (DbUtils::getAllDataFromTable())
  • Usage of table parameter in requests made to ajax/comments.php
  • Usage of GLPI_FORCE_EMPTY_SQL_MODE constant
  • Usage of GLPI_PREVER constant
  • Support of doc_types, helpdesk_types and netport_types keys in Plugin::registerClass()
  • $CFG_GLPI['layout_excluded_pages'] entry
  • $CFG_GLPI['transfers_id_auto'] entry
  • $CFG_GLPI['use_ajax_autocompletion'] entry
  • $DEBUG_AUTOLOAD global variable
  • $LOADED_PLUGINS global variable
  • $PHP_LOG_HANDLER global variable
  • $SQL_LOG_HANDLER global variable
  • CommonDBTM::notificationqueueonaction property
  • NotificationTarget::html_tags property
  • getAllDatasFromTable()
  • getRealQueryForTreeItem()
  • Ajax::createFixedModalWindow()
  • Ajax::createSlidePanel()
  • Calendar_Holiday::cloneCalendar()
  • Calendar::duplicate()
  • CalendarSegment::cloneCalendar()
  • Change::getCommonLeftJoin()
  • Change::getCommonSelect()
  • Change::showAnalysisForm()
  • Change::showPlanForm()
  • CommonDBTM::clone()
  • CommonDBTM::getRawName()
  • CommonDBTM::prepareInputForClone()
  • CommonDBTM::post_clone()
  • CommonDBTM::showDates()
  • CommonGLPI::isLayoutExcludedPage()
  • CommonGLPI::isLayoutWithMain()
  • CommonGLPI::showPrimaryForm()
  • CommonITILObject::displayHiddenItemsIdInput()
  • CommonITILObject::filterTimeline()
  • CommonITILObject::getActorIcon()
  • CommonITILObject::getSplittedSubmitButtonHtml()
  • CommonITILObject::showActorsPartForm()
  • CommonITILObject::showFormHeader()
  • CommonITILObject::showGroupsAssociated()
  • CommonITILObject::showSupplierAddFormOnCreate()
  • CommonITILObject::showSuppliersAssociated()
  • CommonITILObject::showTimeline()
  • CommonITILObject::showTimelineForm()
  • CommonITILObject::showTimelineHeader()
  • CommonITILObject::showUsersAssociated()
  • Computer_Item::cloneComputer()
  • Computer_Item::cloneItem()
  • Computer_SoftwareLicense class
  • Computer_SoftwareVersion class
  • ComputerAntivirus::cloneComputer()
  • Contract::cloneItem()
  • Contract_Item::cloneItem()
  • ContractCost::cloneContract()
  • Config::agreeDevMessage()
  • Config::checkWriteAccessToDirs()
  • Config::displayCheckExtensions()
  • Config::getCache()
  • DBMysql::affected_rows()
  • DBMysql::areTimezonesAvailable()
  • DBMysql::data_seek()
  • DBMysql::fetch_array()
  • DBMysql::fetch_assoc()
  • DBMysql::fetch_object()
  • DBMysql::fetch_row()
  • DBMysql::field_name()
  • DBMysql::free_result()
  • DBmysql::getTableSchema()
  • DBMysql::insert_id()
  • DBMysql::isMySQLStrictMode()
  • DBMysql::list_fields()
  • DBMysql::notTzMigrated()
  • DBMysql::num_fields()
  • DbUtils::getRealQueryForTreeItem()
  • Dropdown::getDropdownNetpoint()
  • DCBreadcrumb::showDcBreadcrumb()
  • Document_Item::cloneItem()
  • Entity::showSelector()
  • Glpi\Marketplace\Api\Plugins::getNewPlugins()
  • Glpi\Marketplace\Api\Plugins::getPopularPlugins()
  • Glpi\Marketplace\Api\Plugins::getTopPlugins()
  • Glpi\Marketplace\Api\Plugins::getTrendingPlugins()
  • Glpi\Marketplace\Api\Plugins::getUpdatedPlugins()
  • Html::autocompletionTextField()
  • Html::displayImpersonateBanner()
  • Html::displayMainMenu()
  • Html::displayMenuAll()
  • Html::displayTopMenu()
  • Html::fileForRichText()
  • Html::generateImageName()
  • Html::imageGallery()
  • Html::jsDisable()
  • Html::jsEnable()
  • Html::nl2br_deep()
  • Html::replaceImagesByGallery()
  • Html::resume_name()
  • Html::setSimpleTextContent()
  • Html::setRichTextContent()
  • Html::showProfileSelecter()
  • Html::weblink_extract()
  • Infocom::cloneItem()
  • Itil_Project::cloneItilProject()
  • ITILFollowup::showApprobationForm()
  • ITILTemplate::getBeginHiddenFieldText()
  • ITILTemplate::getBeginHiddenFieldValue()
  • ITILTemplate::getEndHiddenFieldText()
  • ITILTemplate::getEndHiddenFieldValue()
  • Item_Devices::cloneItem()
  • Item_Disk::cloneItem()
  • Item_OperatingSystem::cloneItem()
  • Item_SoftwareLicense::cloneComputer()
  • Item_SoftwareLicense::cloneItem()
  • Item_SoftwareVersion::cloneComputer()
  • Item_SoftwareVersion::cloneItem()
  • Item_SoftwareVersion::showForComputer()
  • Item_SoftwareVersion::updateDatasForComputer()
  • KnowbaseItem_Item::cloneItem()
  • LevelAgreement::showForTicket()
  • NetworkPort::cloneItem()
  • Notepad::cloneItem()
  • NotificationTargetTicket::isAuthorMailingActivatedForHelpdesk()
  • Plugin::getGlpiPrever()
  • Plugin::isGlpiPrever()
  • Plugin::setLoaded()
  • Plugin::setUnloaded()
  • Plugin::setUnloadedByName()
  • Problem::getCommonLeftJoin()
  • Problem::getCommonSelect()
  • Problem::showAnalysisForm()
  • ProjectCost::cloneProject()
  • ProjectTeam::cloneProjectTask()
  • ProjectTask::cloneProjectTeam()
  • Reservation::displayReservationDay()
  • Reservation::displayReservationsForAnItem()
  • Search::isDeletedSwitch()
  • Ticket::getCommonLeftJoin()
  • Ticket::getCommonSelect()
  • Ticket::getTicketTemplateToUse()
  • Ticket::showDocumentAddButton()
  • Ticket_Ticket::displayLinkedTicketsTo()
  • TicketTemplate::getFromDBWithDatas()
  • Toolbox::canUseImapPop()
  • Toolbox::checkSELinux()
  • Toolbox::commonCheckForUseGLPI()
  • Toolbox::convertImageToTag()
  • Toolbox::decrypt()
  • Toolbox::doubleEncodeEmails()
  • Toolbox::encrypt()
  • Toolbox::getGlpiSecKey()
  • Toolbox::removeHtmlSpecialChars()
  • Toolbox::sanitize()
  • Toolbox::throwError()
  • Toolbox::unclean_html_cross_side_scripting_deep()
  • Toolbox::useCache()
  • Toolbox::userErrorHandlerDebug()
  • Toolbox::userErrorHandlerNormal()
  • Transfer::transferComputerSoftwares()
  • Update::declareOldItems()
  • User::showPersonalInformation()

[9.5.7] 2022-01-27

[9.5.6] 2021-09-15


  • X-Forwarded-For header value is no longer used during API access controls, API requests passing through proxies may be refused for security reasons.

API changes


  • All POST request made to /ajax/ scripts are now requiring a valid CSRF token in their X-Glpi-Csrf-Token header. Requests done using jQuery are automatically including this header, from the moment that the page header is built using Html::includeHeader() method and the js/common.js script is loaded.


  • Usage of "followups" option in CommonITILObject::showShort()
  • CommonITILTask::showInObjectSumnary()
  • ITILFollowup::showShortForITILObject()

[9.5.5] 2021-04-13

API changes


  • Remove deprecation of Search::getMetaReferenceItemtype()

[9.5.4] 2021-03-02


  • iframe elements are not anymore allowed in rich text unless GLPI_ALLOW_IFRAME_IN_RICH_TEXT constant is defined to true

API changes


  • Search::getMetaReferenceItemtype()

[9.5.3] 2020-11-25


  • Usage of alternative DB connection encoding (DB::$dbenc property).

[9.5.2] 2020-10-07

API changes


  • Ability to use SQL expressions as string in criterion values in SQL iterator (replaced by usage of QueryExpression).
  • Ability to delete a plugin image using /front/pluginimage.send.php script.

[9.5.1] 2020-07-16

[9.5.0] 2020-07-07


  • Encrypted file systems support.
  • Mails collected from suppliers can be marked as private on an entity basis.
  • Ability to add custom CSS in entity configuration.
  • CLI commands to enable and disable maintenance mode.
  • Operating system links on Monitors, Peripherals, Phones and Printers.
  • Add datacenter items to global search
  • Project task search options for Projects
  • Automatic action to purge closed tickets
  • Ability to automatically calculate project's percent done
  • Software link on Phones.
  • Add and answer approvals from timeline
  • Add lightbox with PhotoSwipe to timeline images
  • Ability to copy tasks while merging tickets
  • the API gives the ID of the user who logs in with initSession
  • Kanban view for projects
  • Network ports on Monitors
  • Add warning when there are unsaved changes in forms
  • Add ability to get information from the status endpoint in JSON format using Accept header
  • Add glpi:system:status CLI command for getting the GLPI status


  • PHP error_reporting and display_errors configuration directives are no longer overrided by GLPI, unless in debug mode (which forces reporting and display of all errors).
  • scripts/migrations/racks_plugin.php has been replaced by glpi:migration:racks_plugin_to_core command available using bin/console
  • Encryption alogithm improved using libsodium

API changes


  • Add translation functions __(), _n(), _x() and _nx() in javascript in browser context.
  • Migration::renameItemtype() method to update of database schema/values when an itemtype class is renamed
  • Menu returned by CommonGLPI::getMenuContent() method override may now define an icon for each menu entry.
  • CommonDBConnexity::getItemsAssociatedTo() method to get the items associated to the given one
  • CommonDBConnexity::getItemsAssociationRequest() method to get the DB request to use to get the items associated to the given one
  • CommonDBTM::clone() method to clone the current item
  • CommonDBTM::prepareInputForClone() method to modify the input data that will be used for the cloning
  • CommonDBTM::post_clone() method to perform other steps after an item has been cloned (like clone the elements it is associated to)


  • jQuery library has been upgraded from 2.2.x to 3.4.x. jQuery Migrate is used to ensure backward compatibility in most cases.
  • DBmysqlIterator::handleOrderClause() supports QueryExpressions
  • Use Laminas instead of deprecated ZendFramework
  • Database datetime fields have been replaced by timestamp fields to handle timezones support.
  • Database integer/float fields values are now returned as number instead of strings from DB read operations.
  • Field domains_id of Computer, NetworkEquipment and Printer has been dropped and data has been transfered into glpi_domains_items table.
  • Plugin status hook can now be used to provide an array with more information about the plugin's status the status of any child services.
    • Returned array should contain a 'status' value at least (See status values in Glpi\System\Status\StatusChecker)
    • Old style returns are still supported


  • DBMysql::fetch_array()
  • DBMysql::fetch_row()
  • DBMysql::fetch_assoc()
  • DBMysql::fetch_object()
  • DBMysql::data_seek()
  • DBMysql::insert_id()
  • DBMysql::num_fields()
  • DBMysql::field_name()
  • DBMysql::list_fields()
  • DBMysql::affected_rows()
  • DBMysql::free_result()
  • DBMysql::isMySQLStrictMode()
  • getAllDatasFromTable renamed to getAllDataFromTable()
  • Usage of $order parameter in getAllDataFromTable() (DbUtils::getAllDataFromTable())
  • Ticket::getTicketTemplateToUse() renamed to Ticket::getITILTemplateToUse()
  • TicketTemplate::getFromDBWithDatas() renamed to TicketTemplate::getFromDBWithData() (inherited from ITILTemplate)
  • Computer_SoftwareLicense replaced by Item_SoftwareLicense and table glpi_computers_softwarelicenses renamed to glpi_items_softwarelicenses
  • Computer_SoftwareVersion replaced by Item_SoftwareVersion and table glpi_computers_softwareversions renamed to glpi_items_softwareversions
  • Item_SoftwareVersion::updateDatasForComputer renamed to Item_SoftwareVersion::updateDatasForItem
  • Item_SoftwareVersion::showForComputer renamed to Item_SoftwareVersion::showForItem
  • Item_SoftwareVersion::softsByCategory renamed to Item_SoftwareVersion::softwareByCategory
  • Item_SoftwareVersion::displaySoftsByLicense renamed to Item_SoftwareVersion::displaySoftwareByLicense
  • Item_SoftwareVersion::cloneComputer renamed to Item_SoftwareVersion::cloneItem
  • Transfer::transferComputerSoftwares renamed to Transfer::transferItemSoftwares
  • 'getRealQueryForTreeItem()'
  • getCommonSelect and getCommonLeftJoin() from Ticket, Change and Problem are replaced with getCommonCriteria() compliant with db iterator
  • Config::checkWriteAccessToDirs()
  • Config::displayCheckExtensions()
  • Toolbox::checkSELinux()
  • Toolbox::userErrorHandlerDebug()
  • Toolbox::userErrorHandlerNormal()
  • Html::jsDisable()
  • Html::jsEnable()
  • Plugin::setLoaded()
  • Plugin::setUnloaded()
  • Plugin::setUnloadedByName()
  • Usage of $LOADED_PLUGINS global variable
  • CommonDBTM::getRawName() replaced by CommonDBTM::getFriendlyName()
  • Calendar_Holiday::cloneCalendar()
  • CalendarSegment::cloneCalendar()
  • Computer_Item::cloneComputer()
  • Computer_Item::cloneItem()
  • ComputerAntivirus::cloneComputer()
  • Contract::cloneItem()
  • Contract_Item::cloneItem()
  • ContractCost::cloneContract()
  • Document_Item::cloneItem()
  • Infocom::cloneItem()
  • Item_Devices::cloneItem()
  • Item_Disk::cloneItem()
  • Item_OperatingSystem::cloneItem()
  • Item_SoftwareLicense::cloneComputer()
  • Item_SoftwareLicense::cloneItem()
  • Item_SoftwareVersion::cloneComputer()
  • Item_SoftwareVersion::cloneItem()
  • Itil_Project::cloneItilProject()
  • KnowbaseItem_Item::cloneItem()
  • NetworkPort::cloneItem()
  • Notepad::cloneItem()
  • ProjectCost::cloneProject()
  • ProjectTeam::cloneProjectTask()
  • ProjectTask::cloneProjectTeam()
  • Usage of GLPIKEY constant
  • Toolbox::encrypt() and Toolbox::decrypt() because they use the old encryption algorithm


  • Usage of string $condition parameter in CommonDBTM::find()
  • Usage of string $condition parameter in Dropdown::addNewCondition()
  • Usage of string in $option['condition'] parameter in Dropdown::show()
  • KnowbaseItemCategory::showFirstLevel()
  • Ticket::getTicketActors()
  • NotificationTarget::getProfileJoinSql()
  • NotificationTarget::getDistinctUserSql()
  • NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getProfileJoinSql()
  • RuleCollection::getRuleListQuery()
  • getNextItem()
  • getPreviousItem()
  • CommonDBChild::getSQLRequestToSearchForItem()
  • CommonDBConnexity::getSQLRequestToSearchForItem()
  • CommonDBRelation::getSQLRequestToSearchForItem()
  • Project::addVisibility()
  • Project::addVisibilityJoins()
  • Plugin::hasBeenInit()
  • 'SELECT DISTINCT' and 'DISTINCT FIELDS' criteria in DBmysqlIterator::buildQuery()
  • CommonDBTM::getTablesOf()
  • CommonDBTM::getForeignKeyFieldsOf()
  • TicketFollowup
  • getDateRequest and DbUtils::getDateRequest()
  • Html::convertTagFromRichTextToImageTag()
  • Transfer::createSearchConditionUsingArray()

[9.4.6] 2020-05-05

[9.4.5] 2019-12-18

[9.4.4] 2019-09-24

API changes


  • For security reasons, autocompletion feature requires now to be authorized by a 'autocomplete' => true flag in corresponding field search option.

[9.4.3] 2019-06-20

API changes


The following methods have been deprecated:

  • Html::convertTagFromRichTextToImageTag()

[9.4.2] 2019-04-11

API changes


The following methods have been deprecated:

  • CommonDBTM::getTablesOf()
  • CommonDBTM::getForeignKeyFieldsOf()

[9.4.1] 2019-03-15

API changes


  • new display hook timeline_actions to add new buttons to timeline forms
  • Ability to copy document links while merging tickets


The following methods have been deprecated:

  • Plugin::hasBeenInit()
  • Deprecate 'SELECT DISTINCT' and 'DISTINCT FIELDS' criteria in DBmysqlIterator::buildQuery()


  • Drop CommonITILObject::showSolutions().

[9.4.0] 2019-02-11


  • Ability to link project with problems and tickets.
  • Ability to specify creation and modification dates during CommonDBTM object add method
  • Add followups to Changes and Problems.
  • Add timeline to Changes and Problems.
  • CLI console to centralize CLI commands.
  • Search on devices from Printers and Network equipments.
  • Ability to merge and split tickets.
  • Search on devices from Printers and Network equipments.
  • Ability to specify creation and modification dates during CommonDBTM object add method.


  • license_id field in glpi_items_operatingsystems table has been renamed to licenseid
  • olas_tto_id field in glpi_tickets table has been renamed to olas_id_tto
  • olas_ttr_id field in glpi_tickets table has been renamed to olas_id_ttr
  • ttr_olalevels_id field in glpi_tickets table has been renamed to olalevels_id_ttr
  • slas_tto_id field in glpi_tickets table has been renamed to slas_id_tto
  • slas_ttr_id field in glpi_tickets table has been renamed to slas_id_ttr
  • ttr_slalevels_id field in glpi_tickets table has been renamed to slalevels_id_ttr
  • scripts/add_creation_date.php has been replaced by glpi:migration:build_missing_timestamps command available using bin/console
  • scripts/checkdb.php has been replaced by glpi:database:check command available using bin/console
  • scripts/cliinstall.php has been replaced by glpi:database:install command available using bin/console
  • scripts/cliupdate.php has been replaced by glpi:database:update command available using bin/console
  • scripts/ldap_mass_sync.php has been replaced by glpi:ldap:synchronize_users command available using bin/console
  • scripts/innodb_migration.php has been replaced by glpi:migration:myisam_to_innodb command available using bin/console
  • scripts/unlock_tasks.php has been replaced by glpi:task:unlock command available using bin/console

API changes


  • Plugins are now loaded in ajax files.
  • TicketFollowup has been replaced by ITILFollowup
  • $num parameter has been removed from several Search class methods:
    • addSelect(),
    • addOrderBy(),
    • addHaving(),
    • giveItem()
  • NotificationTarget::getMode() visibility is now public.
  • Added add_recipient_to_target hook, triggered when a recipient is added to a notification.


  • Remove $CFG_GLPI['use_rich_text'] parameter. Will now be true per default.
  • Remove $CFG_GLPI['ticket_timeline'] parameter. Will now be true per default.
  • Remove $CFG_GLPI['ticket_timeline_keep_replaced_tabs'] parameter. Will now be false per default.
  • Usage of TicketFollowup class has been deprecated.
  • Usage of string $condition parameter in CommonDBTM::find() has been deprecated.
  • Usage of string $condition parameter in Dropdown::addNewCondition() has been deprecated.
  • Usage of string in $option['condition'] parameter in Dropdown::show() has been deprecated.

The following methods have been deprecated:

  • KnowbaseItemCategory::showFirstLevel()
  • Ticket::getTicketActors()
  • Ticket::processMassiveActionsForOneItemtype()
  • Ticket::showFormMassiveAction()
  • Ticket::showMassiveActionsSubForm()
  • NotificationTarget::getProfileJoinSql()
  • NotificationTarget::getDistinctUserSql()
  • NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getProfileJoinSql()
  • RuleCollection::getRuleListQuery()
  • getNextItem()
  • getPreviousItem()
  • CommonDBChild::getSQLRequestToSearchForItem()
  • CommonDBConnexity::getSQLRequestToSearchForItem()
  • CommonDBRelation::getSQLRequestToSearchForItem()
  • Project::addVisibility()
  • Project::addVisibilityJoins()


  • Drop ability to use JOIN in DBmysqlIterator::buildQuery()

  • Drop NotificationTarget::datas property

  • Drop support of string $filter parameter in Profileuser::getUserProfiles()

  • Drop support of string $condition parameter in User::getFromDBbyEmail()

  • Drop support of string $condition parameter in Group_User::getUserGroups()

  • Drop support of string $condition parameter in Group_User::getGroupUsers()

  • Drop support of string $condition parameter in countElementsInTable (DbUtils::countElementsInTable())

  • Drop support of string $condition parameter in countDistinctElementsInTable (DbUtils::countDistinctElementsInTable())

  • Drop support of string $condition parameter in countElementsInTableForMyEntities (DbUtils::countElementsInTableForMyEntities())

  • Drop support of string $condition parameter in countElementsInTableForEntity (DbUtils::countElementsInTableForEntity())

  • Drop support of string $condition parameter in getAllDatasFromTable (DbUtils::getAllDataFromTable())

  • Drop ITIL Tasks, Followups and Solutions showSummary() and massive actions related methods that are replaced with timeline

  • Drop class alias Event for Glpi\Event

  • Drop Zend\Loader\SplAutoloader interface

  • Drop all methods that have been deprecated in GLPI 9.2

    • _e()
    • _ex()
    • FieldExists()
    • formatOutputWebLink()
    • TableExists()
    • CommonTreeDropodwn::recursiveCleanSonsAboveID()
    • DBMysql::optimize_tables()
    • NotificationTarget::addToAddressesList()
    • NotificationTarget::getAdditionalTargets()
    • NotificationTarget::getAddressesByGroup()
    • NotificationTarget::getAddressesByTarget()
    • NotificationTarget::getAdminAddress()
    • NotificationTarget::getEntityAdminAddress()
    • NotificationTarget::getItemAuthorAddress()
    • NotificationTarget::getItemGroupAddress()
    • NotificationTarget::getItemGroupSupervisorAddress()
    • NotificationTarget::getItemGroupTechInChargeAddress()
    • NotificationTarget::getItemGroupWithoutSupervisorAddress()
    • NotificationTarget::getItemOwnerAddress()
    • NotificationTarget::getItemTechnicianInChargeAddress()
    • NotificationTarget::getNotificationTargets()
    • NotificationTarget::getSpecificTargets()
    • NotificationTarget::getUserByField()
    • NotificationTarget::getUsersAddressesByProfile()
    • NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getDatasForObject()
    • NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getFollowupAuthor()
    • NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getLinkedGroupByType()
    • NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getLinkedGroupSupervisorByType()
    • NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getLinkedGroupWithoutSupervisorByType()
    • NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getLinkedUserByType()
    • NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getOldAssignTechnicianAddress()
    • NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getRecipientAddress()
    • NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getSupplierAddress()
    • NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getTaskAssignGroup()
    • NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getTaskAssignUser()
    • NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getTaskAuthor()
    • NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getValidationApproverAddress()
    • NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getValidationRequesterAddress()
    • NotificationTargetProjectTask::getTeamContacts()
    • NotificationTargetProjectTask::getTeamGroups()
    • NotificationTargetProjectTask::getTeamSuppliers()
    • NotificationTargetProjectTask::getTeamUsers()
    • QueuedNotification::sendMailById()
    • Ticket::convertContentForNotification()
    • User::getPersonalToken()
    • User::getUniquePersonalToken()
  • Drop all methods that have been deprecated in GLPI 9.3.0

    • CommonDBTM::getFromDBByQuery()
    • CommonDBTM::getSearchOptions()
    • CommonDBTM::getSearchOptionsNew()
    • CommonDBTM::getSearchOptionsToAddNew()
    • CommonITILObject::getStatusIconURL()
    • DBMysql::list_tables()
    • Dropdown::showPrivatePublicSwitch()
    • NotificationTargetProjectTask::getTeamContacts()
    • NotificationTargetProjectTask::getTeamGroups()
    • NotificationTargetProjectTask::getTeamSuppliers()
    • NotificationTargetProjectTask::getTeamUsers()
    • Search::constructDatas()
    • Search::displayDatas()
    • Transfer::transferComputerDisks()
  • Drop all methods that have been deprecated in GLPI 9.3.1

    • ComputerVirtualMachine::getUUIDRestrictRequest()
    • Config::getSQLMode()
    • DBMysql::checkForCrashedTables()
    • Html::checkAllAsCheckbox()
    • Html::scriptEnd()
    • Html::scriptStart()
    • Plugin::isAllPluginsCSRFCompliant()
    • Profile::getUnderActiveProfileRestrictRequest()
    • Toolbox::is_a()
  • Drop all constants that have been deprecated in GLPI 9.3.1

    • CommonDBTM::SUCCESS
  • Drop all methods that have been deprecated in GLPI 9.3.2

  • ITILSolution::removeForItem()

  • Session::isViewAllEntities()

[9.3.3] 2018-11-27


  • Fix some cache issues
  • Fix reservation tab of an item
  • Fix actors notifications massive action
  • Improve racks plugins migration script

API changes

No API changes.

[9.3.2] 2018-10-26

API changes


  • Rule::executePluginsActions() signature has changed
  • Javascript function formatResult() has been renamed to templateResult()


The following methods have been deprecated:

  • CommonITILTask::displayTabContentForItem()
  • CommonITILTask::showFormMassiveAction()
  • CommonITILTask::showSummary()
  • ITILSolution::displayTabContentForItem()
  • ITILSolution::removeForItem()
  • ITILSolution::showSummary()
  • Session::isViewAllEntities()
  • TicketFollowup::processMassiveActionsForOneItemtype()
  • TicketFollowup::showFormMassiveAction()
  • TicketFollowup::showMassiveActionsSubForm()
  • TicketFollowup::showSummary()
  • Plugin::removeFromSession()

[9.3.1] 2018-09-12


  • List receivers folders to choose imported/refused folders

API changes


  • Usage of string $condition parameter in Group_User::getUserGroups() has been deprecated
  • Usage of string $condition parameter in Group_User::getGroupUsers() has been deprecated
  • Usage of string $condition parameter in countElementsInTable (DbUtils::countElementsInTable()) has been deprecated
  • Usage of string $condition parameter in countDistinctElementsInTable (DbUtils::countDistinctElementsInTable()) has been deprecated
  • Usage of string $condition parameter in countElementsInTableForMyEntities (DbUtils::countElementsInTableForMyEntities()) has been deprecated
  • Usage of string $condition parameter in countElementsInTableForEntity (DbUtils::countElementsInTableForEntity()) has been deprecated
  • Usage of string $condition parameter in getAllDatasFromTable (DbUtils::getAllDataFromTable()) has been deprecated

The following methods have been deprecated:

  • Config::getSQLMode()
  • DBMysql::checkForCrashedTables()
  • Html::checkAllAsCheckbox()
  • Html::scriptEnd()
  • Html::scriptStart()
  • Toolbox::is_a()
  • ComputerVirtualMachine::getUUIDRestrictRequest()
  • Plugin::isAllPluginsCSRFCompliant()
  • Profile::getUnderActiveProfileRestrictRequest()

The following constants have been deprecated:


[9.3.0] 2018-06-28


  • Add DCIM management
  • Add OSM view to set locations and on Search
  • Add login source selection
  • Add logs purge
  • Filter in items logs


  • Switch MySQL engine from MyIsam to Innodb
  • Rework solutions for Tickets, Problems and Changes to support history
  • Disks can be attached to network equipments and printers

API changes


  • Added DB::insert(), DB::update() and DB::delete() to replace raw SQL queries
  • CommonITILObject::showMassiveSolutionForm() now takes a CommonITILObject as argument
  • Profileuser::getUserProfiles() $filter parameter is now an array
  • User::getFromDBbyEmail() $condition parameter is now an array
  • Select2 javascript component has been upgraded to 4.0 version, see Migrating from Select2 3.5
  • CommonDevice::getItem_DeviceType() has a new optional $devicetype parameter


  • Usage of string $filter parameter in Profileuser::getUserProfiles() has been deprecated
  • Usage of string $condition parameter in User::getFromDBbyEmail() has been deprecated

The following methods have been deprecated:

  • CommonDBTM::getFromDBByQuery()
  • CommonDBTM::getSearchOptions()
  • CommonDBTM::getSearchOptionsNew()
  • CommonDBTM::getSearchOptionsToAddNew()
  • CommonITILObject::getStatusIconURL()
  • DBMysql::list_tables()
  • Dropdown::showPrivatePublicSwitch()
  • NotificationTargetProject::getTeamContacts()
  • NotificationTargetProject::getTeamGroups()
  • NotificationTargetProject::getTeamSuppliers()
  • NotificationTargetProject::getTeamUsers()
  • Search::constructDatas()
  • Search::displayDatas()
  • Transfer::transferComputerDisks()


  • CommonITILValidation::isAllValidationsHaveSameStatusForTicket
  • CommonITILValidation::getNumberValidationForTicket
  • PHPCas library is no longer provided (for licensing issues)

[9.2.4] 2018-06-21

[9.2.3] 2018-04-27

[9.2.2] 2018-03-01


  • CommonITILValidation::isAllValidationsHaveSameStatusForTicket
  • CommonITILValidation::getNumberValidationForTicket
  • DBMysql::optimize_tables()

[9.2.1] 2017-11-16


  • Search engine, added itemtype_item_revert jointype


  • Ticket::convertContentForNotification()

[9.2] 2017-09-25


  • Link knowledge base entries with assets or tickets
  • Revisions on knowledge base entries and their translations, with diff view
  • Add recursive comments on knowledge base entries
  • Direct links to KB article's title for a direct access
  • Load minified CSS and JS files (core and plugins) that are generated on release
  • Link beetween software licenses
  • Alerts on saved searches
  • Add ajax browsers notifications in addition to emails
  • Plugins can now add new notifications types (xmpp, sms, telegram, ...) to be used along with standard notifications
  • Simcard component
  • Synchronization field for LDAP
  • Improved performances on large entities databases
  • Remember me on login
  • Fuzzy search
  • Paste images in rich text editor
  • Add tasks in tickets templates
  • Composite tickets (link on sons/parents)
  • Telemetry
  • Certificates component
  • Firmwares components (BIOSes, firwmwares, ...)
  • Add OLA management


  • Many bugs have been fixed
  • Display knowledge base category items in tickets using a popup instead of a new whole window
  • Reviewed all richtext editor (tinymce) and their upload parts, now more simpler and intuitive
  • Don't ask user to select a template if there is no configured template
  • personal_token is not used anymore for api authentication, a new api_token field has been added (empty by default, you should regenerate it)
  • Operating systems management has been improved
  • Direct language change from any page
  • Better icons harmonization

API changes


  • CommonDBTM::getTable() signature has changed
  • User::getFromDBbyToken() signature has changed
  • Bookmark has been renamed to SavedSearch
  • Update to latest jsTree plugin
  • RuleDictionnarySoftwareCollection::versionExists() signature has changed
  • NotificationTemplate::getDataToSend() signature has changed
  • QueuedMail has been renamed to QueuedNotification
  • CommonDBTM::mailqueueonaction has been renamed to CommonDBTM::notificationqueueonaction
  • NotificationTarget::getSender() no longer takes any parameters (was not used)
  • TableExists() has been moved to DBMysql::tableExists()
  • FieldExists() has been moved to DBMysql::fieldExists()
  • Profile_User::getUserEntitiesForRight() signature has changed
  • NotificationTarget property datas has been renamed to data


  • Ability to use JOIN in DBmysqlIterator::buildQuery() has been deprecated
  • Usage of NotificationTarget::datas property has been deprecated
  • Usage of Zend\Loader\SplAutoloader interface has been deprecated

The following methods have been deprecated:

  • _e()
  • _ex()
  • Bookmark::mark_default()
  • Bookmark::unmark_default()
  • CommonTreeDropodwn::recursiveCleanSonsAboveID()
  • NotificationTarget::addToAddressesList()
  • NotificationTarget::getAdditionalTargets()
  • NotificationTarget::getAddressesByGroup()
  • NotificationTarget::getAddressesByTarget()
  • NotificationTarget::getAdminAddress()
  • NotificationTarget::getEntityAdminAddress()
  • NotificationTarget::getItemAuthorAddress()
  • NotificationTarget::getItemGroupAddress()
  • NotificationTarget::getItemGroupSupervisorAddress()
  • NotificationTarget::getItemGroupTechInChargeAddress()
  • NotificationTarget::getItemGroupWithoutSupervisorAddress()
  • NotificationTarget::getItemOwnerAddress()
  • NotificationTarget::getItemTechnicianInChargeAddress()
  • NotificationTarget::getNotificationTargets()
  • NotificationTarget::getSpecificTargets()
  • NotificationTarget::getUserByField()
  • NotificationTarget::getUsersAddressesByProfile()
  • NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getDatasForObject()
  • NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getFollowupAuthor()
  • NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getLinkedGroupByType()
  • NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getLinkedGroupSupervisorByType()
  • NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getLinkedGroupWithoutSupervisorByType()
  • NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getLinkedUserByType()
  • NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getOldAssignTechnicianAddress()
  • NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getRecipientAddress()
  • NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getSupplierAddress()
  • NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getTaskAssignGroup()
  • NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getTaskAssignUser()
  • NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getTaskAuthor()
  • NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getValidationApproverAddress()
  • NotificationTargetCommonITILObject::getValidationRequesterAddress()
  • NotificationTargetProjectTask::getTeamContacts()
  • NotificationTargetProjectTask::getTeamGroups()
  • NotificationTargetProjectTask::getTeamSuppliers()
  • NotificationTargetProjectTask::getTeamUsers()
  • QueuedNotification::sendMailById()
  • User::getPersonalToken()
  • User::getUniquePersonalToken()
  • formatOutputWebLink()


The following methods have been dropped:

  • Ajax::displaySearchTextForDropdown()
  • Ajax::getSearchTextForDropdown()
  • Bookmark::changeBookmarkOrder()
  • Bookmark::moveBookmark()
  • CommonGLPI::addDivForTabs()
  • CommonGLPI::showTabs()
  • CommonGLPI::showNavigationHeaderOld()
  • CommonGLPI::show()
  • Dropdown::showInteger()
  • DBMysql::field_flags()
  • Html::showDateFormItem()
  • Html::showDateTimeFormItem()
  • Profile::dropdownNoneReadWrite()
  • Toolbox::get_magic_quotes_runtime()
  • Toolbox::get_magic_quotes_gpc()
  • Dropdown::showAllItems()

For older entries, please check GLPI website.