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Bergerhealer Cloud Enhancements (Cloud 1.8.4)

This repository hosts some improvements to the cloud command framework. These changes are critical to make integrating cloud in other projects a success.

To use this version of cloud, use the following repository:

    <id>MG-Dev Jenkins CI Maven Repository</id>

And the following group id: For example:



This fork adds the following features/fixes

Simple coordinator fix

Fixes exceptions not caught or handled when using the simple coordinator.

InitializationMethod annotation

Makes it easier to register parsers / suggestion providers through annotations. The annotation parser and/or the command manager can be passed to the method.

private void init(AnnotationParser<CommandSender> parser, CommandManager<CommandSender> manager) {
    // Do your things here

Prepend and append command handlers

Makes it possible to run code before and/or after a command is executed. Useful in combination with command builder modifiers to, for example, check for permissions before executing a command.

cloud command framework

license build central

Cloud is a general-purpose Java command dispatcher & framework. It allows programmers to define command chains that are then parsed and invoked from user-supplied string inputs, to execute pre-defined actions.

Cloud commands consist out of deterministic chains of strongly typed arguments. When you define a command, you know exactly what type of data you're going to be working with, and you know that there will be no ambiguity at runtime. Cloud promotes writing reusable code, making it very easy to define new commands.

Cloud allows for commands to be defined using builder patterns, like this:

        manager.commandBuilder("command", Description.of("Test cloud command using a builder"), "alias")
                .handler(context -> {
                    String input = context.get("input");
                    int number = context.get("number");
                            "I am %d%% hyped for %s!",

or using annotated methods, like this:

@CommandDescription("Test cloud command using @CommandMethod")
@CommandMethod("command|alias <input> <number>")
private void yourCommand(
        CommandSender sender,
        @Argument("input") String input,
        @Argument("number") @Range(min = "1", max = "100") int number
) {
            "I am %d%% hyped for %s!",

depending on your preference.

Cloud is built to be very customisable, in order to fit your needs. You can inject handlers and processors along the entire command chain. If the pre-existing command parsers aren't enough for your needs, you're easily able to create your own parsers. If you use the annotation parsing system, you can also define your own annotations and register them to further customise the behaviour of the library.

Cloud by default ships with implementations and mappings for the most common Minecraft server platforms, JDA and javacord for Discord bots and PircBotX for IRC. The core module allows you to use Cloud anywhere, simply by implementing the CommandManager for the platform of your choice.

The code is based on a (W.I.P) paper that can be found here.


  • sender: someone who is able to produce input
  • argument: an argument is something that can be parsed from a string
  • required argument: a required argument is an argument that must be provided by the sender
  • optional argument: an optional argument is an argument that can be omitted (may have a default value)
  • static argument: a string literal
  • command: a command is a chain of arguments and a handler that acts on the parsed arguments
  • command tree: structure that contains all commands and is used to parse input into arguments


  • cloud-core: Core module containing most of the cloud API, and shared implementations
  • cloud-annotations: Annotation parsing code that allows you to use annotated methods rather than builders - Now also includes several compile-time annotation processors
  • cloud-services: Services for cloud
  • cloud-kotlin/cloud-kotlin-extensions: Kotlin extensions for cloud
  • cloud-kotlin/cloud-kotlin-coroutines: Coroutine support for cloud
  • cloud-kotlin/cloud-kotlin-coroutines-annotations: Coroutine support for cloud-annotations
  • cloud-minecraft/cloud-brigadier: Brigadier mappings for cloud
  • cloud-minecraft/cloud-bukkit: Bukkit 1.8.8+ implementation of cloud
  • cloud-minecraft/cloud-paper: Module that extends cloud-bukkit to add special support for Paper 1.8.8+
  • cloud-minecraft/cloud-bungee: BungeeCord 1.8.8+ implementation of Cloud
  • cloud-minecraft/cloud-velocity: Velocity v1.1.0 implementation of cloud
  • cloud-minecraft/cloud-cloudburst: Cloudburst v1.0.0+ implementation of cloud
  • cloud-minecraft/cloud-fabric: Fabric implementation of Cloud
  • cloud-minecraft/cloud-minecraft-extras: Opinionated Extra Features for cloud-minecraft
  • cloud-discord/cloud-jda: JDA v4.2.0_209+ implementation of cloud
  • cloud-discord/cloud-javacord: Javacord v3.1.1+ implementation of cloud
  • cloud-irc/cloud-pircbotx: PircBotX 2.0+ implementation of cloud


develop & build

To clone the repository, use git clone

To then build it, use ./gradlew clean build. If you want to build the examples as well, use ./gradlew clean build -Pcompile-examples.


To use cloud you will first need to add it as a dependency to your project.

Release builds of Cloud are available through the Maven central repository. Snapshot builds of Cloud are available through the Sonatype OSS Snapshot repository.


~    Optional: Allows you to use annotated methods
~    to declare commands 
<!-- For snapshot builds -->

If you are shading in cloud, it is highly recommended that you relocate all of our classes to prevent issues with conflicting dependencies:

                  <shadedPattern></shadedPattern> <!-- Replace this -->
                  <shadedPattern>YOUR.PACKAGE.HERE.shaded.typetoken</shadedPattern> <!-- Replace this -->


repositories {
    maven("") // For snapshot builds
dependencies {
    implementation("cloud.commandframework", "cloud-PLATFORM", "1.8.4")

To shade and relocate cloud use Gradle Shadow.

Replace PLATFORM with your platform of choice. We currently support: bukkit, paper, bungee and velocityfor minecraft and jda and javacord for discord. All modules use the same versions. More information about the Minecraft specific modules can be found here.

attributions, links & acknowledgements

This library is licensed under the MIT license, and the code copyright belongs to Alexander Söderberg. The implementation is based on a paper written by the copyright holder, and this paper exists under the CC Attribution 4 license.

The Cloud icon was created by Thanga Vignesh P on Iconscout and Digital rights were purchased under a premium plan.

projects using cloud

Here are some projects that are using cloud: